Wednesday 28 August 2013

Update on Current Stuff

Hi all wanted to let you all know that I haven't disappeared again. I had some problems with my main computer over the weekend so I was forced to put everything on hold while I rebuilt the damn thing. I am so stoked and happy to say that I am heading back to school for the first time in well over a decade next week. Believe it or not when I am in school I tend to be a little more on the ball then what I am at work with this kind of stuff. So hopefully some steady updates will continue.

Saturday 24 August 2013

A Taste of Wonder Woman The Sultan of Sandella 2

So here we go, this is just a taste. This is the first little bit of what I am thinking of for a sequel. I have it fleshed out in my mind but the first one was by far the most well received stories I have ever written and I am happy to write another. It has to be the popularity of Wonder Woman I guess or maybe I just got something right in the first one lol. Anyways here you go. Take a look, comment, suggest (I might use the suggestions lol) or just discuss.

Friday 23 August 2013

Still Here

Ok so I think we can all agree, don't rely on me for regular posts. I wanted to let you all know I am still around and still writing, somewhat. I have the Supergirl Red Dawn story almost done. I got inspired with that one and have been working on it. I also just wrote a couple paragraphs of something that might be the sequel to the Sultan of Sandella. If you people want I'll post that so you have an idea as to where I might be going with it. Supergirl Red Dawn will be posted hopefully by the end of the weekend.