Monday 25 November 2019

Genosha Reborn Update

I realized it's been nearly a month since the last posting and wanted to let anyone who reads know that I have not disappeared. I have been writing but not nearly as much as before. Having said that the story is almost done. So much so that I really have no choice to finish it because to walk away now when it's only a page or two away from completion would be stupid. This is the longest story I have ever written and will finish and certainly the largest I have ever posted. There hasn't been much in the way of feedback but I hope many are just waiting for the whole to be delivered before saying anything. It is my hope that I will finish it within the next couple of days and then begin editing it which may take a few more days after that. Let me know what you think in the meantime and continue to enjoy!

Edit 11/29/2019

It is complete. The story has been finished. Just in the process of editing. There's over a hundred pages to edit so this may take a few days.