Sunday 20 October 2019


I haven't gone into hibernation of disappeared like I have done in the past. I have been writing but the injuries have really slowed me. Progress is being made though. Ideas are still coming to me but the rate at which I can get them typed has slowed significantly. The X-Men story is almost done. I am just now writing the final parts of it. I am going to release it in two parts because right now it's at 225 pages. I haven't progressed much in editing it but I will release it in two parts. That way I can get some rest in while still updating. I want to keep the progress of updating and keeping this going and maybe try and develop a real following. I have a few people who comment and send emails and I am so glad for that. I am hungry for more so you have any ideas on how to get the word out let me know.

Friday 4 October 2019


So the injury has really slowed my pace. I am still writing but not nearly as much as I was. I will finish the X-Men story soon. Just working on it now. My original intention was to release it in two parts. the first already being out. I think now I may release a second part and then a third part that would be much shorter then the rest but it would be the conclusion. The first part was roughly the first 80 pages of the story. Currently the story is at 192. so If I were to release a second part of roughly the same size that would be up to 160 pages. The story isn't done and more then likely has at least another twenty pages to be written so that would make the final part at least 50 pages. For those who are like me where the finish can make or break a story this might actually be preferred. Or another option I could do would be to start releasing samples again but I don't think that would be good. The first part already being out, it would just seem wrong somehow. Let me know what you think.