Sunday 27 September 2020

Wonder Woman and the Sultan of Sandella 2 (Incomplete)

 As promised here is the unfinished sequel to a story that I still get comments about. I always wanted to finish this but inspiration in other stories always took me away. I hope you enjoy.

Still under the influence of the Sultan after her surrender at the end of the last story, Wonder Woman has settled into her slavery. She loves her new life but when her past comes back to awaken her she is forced to deal with her choices and the history of her people. To do this she must confront the Sultan and bring him and his countries program down.

Upcoming Post - Posting Elsewhere

 I really dropped the ball on posting that unfinished story Sorry all. I have been doing some other stuff. I am happy to say I have been writing and I am hopeful something new and finished will be coming your way very soon. I'll be dropping a preview for that when I know it's close to finished. For now though the Wonder Woman story seemed to be the one everyone wanted posted and as such I will be doing so shortly.

I have also had a few people comment and message me over the past couple of months suggested I should start posting on DeviantArt and Hentai Foundry. I do have accounts there under another name but never posted mostly lurked. The more I have thought about it the more I agree so I will be making new accounts there that more resemble my writing name here. Hopefully I can attract a couple of artists to reimagine and draw out some of the scenes from my stories. I will still post the newer stuff here while waiting a week or two to post on those sites. If anyone has any suggestions on other sites or anything in particular that would be fantastic.