Thursday 27 August 2020


 Hello all. Just wanted to say I am really loving the feedback I am getting from people and the views on the stories lately. Even though they are incomplete. I wish I could say I have been writing up a storm but the truth is I've been hit with a bad back. Nothing to serious but enough that by the end of the day I don't feel like sitting in front of a computer and typing. There are stories in my mind and add ons to others so the ideas are flowing but the ability to type is just not there are the moment. So I figured I would offer another incomplete story to go up. I'll give you the choices below and please make your preference known.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Batgirl and the Bishop (Incomplete)

 Well it looks like Batgirl won. I must say I am surprised that Batgirl was chosen over the other options. Got more requests for Batgirl and I am happy to see and say as well some request for Jean Grey. Batgirl wins out this week though so here is the unfinished story

Stephanie Brown was not new to the role of being a crime fighter but she as new to the role of Batgirl. Together with the help of the ever present Oracle she was finding her way. Balancing her crime fighting duties with her personal life. The Bishop was a former henchmen turned Villain who now was making a run to turn wide areas of Gotham into his own red light district. Batgirl would not stand for this.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Upcoming Post and Update on Possible Future Stories

 Hello to all again. I hope everyone is doing well. I see that the incomplete Supergirl Red Dawn story has been read a few times and I got a couple of really nice comments from it so I want to thank you all for that. I still don't have anything that resembles finished or coming close to being finished yet so I figured I would release another incomplete story. I'll give you guys a choice again. Would you like to see a Wonder Woman story? or a Jean Grey story? or a Jaina Solo story? or a Batgirl Story? reply in the comments and let me know.

Just to make it easier and maybe this will tilt the scales a bit but here are the names of the potential stories on offer.