Saturday 11 March 2023

D.C Heroines - Orc invasion (Complete)

 The Earth has never been under such a threat. The Orcs gateway to Earth, long guarded by the Amazons has been broken through. Led by an Orc who is both warrior and mage the Amazons fell. Now they march on the rest of Earth. Can the heroes stop them?

Saturday 25 February 2023

Supergirl - Emperor Formida (Incomplete)

The world is under attack. The Wonder family has already fallen. Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Troia have been defeated and enslaved. Can Supergirl rescue them? will she want to after all her adventures?

Saturday 18 February 2023

Jaina Solo - Hulga the Hutt (Unfinished)

I have been posting incomplete stories lately. Both here and on Hentai Foundry. I decided that my original readers here on the blog should have a first look at a story I am currently writing. This is not edited or spell checked so please be patient.

Jaina Solo has seen herself in many situations. However, she had never seen herself fucked. Literally or figuratively, but she had now. An excellent fake of her is making the rounds in the realms of the holonet. When it is discovered there is a hidden message in the holo for her eyes only Jaina finds herself called out and propositioned. Hulga the Hutt is Jabba's father and he is coming to right the wrongs bestowed on Jabba.

Sunday 12 February 2023

Mary Marvel - Superheroine Consequences (End Crisis pt2) Unfinshed

This was to be the sequel to my Marvel Marvel story. I got a fair way in before I lost interest. With the new Shazam movie coming out and Marvy in her adult form actually looking good this time allowing the actress who plays teen Mary to be Marvel Marvel I am hopeful I might get inspired again.

Mary is the happy slave of Hassan. Things are brewing in the outside world though. Wonder Woman has already succumbed to the forces, will Mary be next? is Black Adam to be her savior?

Saturday 11 February 2023

Princess Leia - Jabba's Property

 Another unfinished story for you all. I had imagined this as something  a little more coerced but also with a new way of getting the submission.

The fledgling New Republic is having growing pains. A recently signed trade deal with the Hutts had provided a loophole for the recently revealed still alive Jabba the Hutt to exploit. Is the New Republic above their own laws?

Monday 6 February 2023

Jean Grey - Vogue Direction (Unfinished)

 Yet another unfinished piece from the past year or so. 

Jean Grey needs information. Only one person she knows may have it. Does she dare deal with the slaver known as Tullamore Voge?

Sunday 5 February 2023

Jaina Solo - Zygerrian Empire (Unfinished)

 Jaina Solo had never heard of teh Zygerrians. They had been a race of slavers that had been stopped and put down by the Republic forces during the Clone Wars. Now she will become intimately familiar with them as they have returned. The Zygerrians are threatening to start up the interstellar slave trade again. The Galactic Alliance cannot allow this. Jaina is dispatched to see what she could do.

This is another unfinished story I have worked on at some point in the past year.

Saturday 4 February 2023

Jaina Solo - Bounty Slave (Unfinished)

Jaina has become a target. Already famous throughout the galaxy, a recent event has brought her beauty to the attention of one of the richest and ruthless man in the galaxy. The bounty is sent across the galaxy. Enslave the jedi warrior and bring her to him. The bounty is massive, enough for any to retire on. Unaware she has just become the most sought after commodity in the galaxy. The bounty of Jaina Solo will change her life.

Friday 3 February 2023

Donna Troy - The Slave Contract (Unfinished)

This is a story with Donna Troy as the main heroine. I realized my Wonder Woman stories always tended to go towards her because she is my favourite of the Wonder heroines. So this was my first attempt at writing something just for her. It is unfinished and not edited so please be patient with it.

Donna Troy is alone in a tower full of heroes. There is an emptiness in side of her that is looking for ways to be filled. Donna finds herself online looking for excitement. Slade Wilson is the Titan's oldest and most deadly foe. He is looking to retire but he has said such things before. 


Hello all. Wanted to say that I am still here. I have been writing but I haven't finished everything. A ton of new stories started and then never finished for whatever reason. I realize I can maybe drum up some inspiration to finish some of these if people are talking about them. So I am going to start posting more of my unfinished work. Mainly some of the newer stuff, where there is a chance I will still go back to them. So please read and leave comments on the stories. Tell what you think of them and where you think I might have been going, suggestions as well might elicit some inspiration. The first one I am going to post tonight so please let me know what you all think.