Monday 23 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn Part 1

Here it is. This story unlike most has taken on a life of it's own. It's allowed me to not only write an adult story involving the X-Men but it has also allowed me to write these characters for the first time. Getting a feel for them. I hope they come off as authentic to how they have been represented in the comics.

Genosha, An island nation with a brutal history with mutants. Home of an attempted genocide against those very mutants. A cabal of new elites now in charge of the rising nation sees their future in their history with mutants. The X-Men and their women become the target of their desires. Slavery, history and family bring the X-Men together for a new adventure on Genosha. With some very special guest stars.

Saturday 21 September 2019

General Update

So I don't want you all to think I am disappearing again but I am forced into a bit of a slow down at the very least. A couple of days ago I seemed to have tweaked my back a bit and it has made sitting at the computer to type a painful exercise after a short time so I haven't been typing as much.

That leaves me still working on the story's but at a reduced rate. I have been going over the latest X-Men story and editing it over the past couple of days. With an eye to releasing it in two parts in part because of the injury but also it is a large story. Currently over 170 pages and 90,000 words. I might release the first part at the end of the weekend or beginning of next week. Is that something that would interest you all? Release it in two parts or just wait for the full story?

Monday 16 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn Casting

So I think a couple of things that drive me to mainly write for DC characters is I can visualize them better. To me Supergirl will always be Helen Slater, Laura Vandevort and now Melisa Benoist. Batgirl is Yvonne Craig. That 60's show reruns I watched as a kid started my love of super-heroines and bondage. Wonder Woman didn't need a visualization for me because she was an ideal that was pure and easy to see. That's before I learned about how she was developed and made.... it made it better I wont deny lol. Marvel on the other hand wasn't really casting characters. My first experience with Marvel was with the 90's X-MEN animated program. The Phoenix Saga sparked my love affair with the characters but even when they came to movies I just didn't buy it. Might have something to do with the costumes have never born worn correctly on film. Marvel has gotten better over the years obviously. Unfortunately for me their characters that have appeared on screen and in fantastic movies are characters I have no love for so I remained with DC for writing. I think though I am getting fed up of waiting. I wrote the Jean fic and that sparked the coming of the Genosha fic. The story is currently over 85000 words and 165 pages. It's going to be an epic because I have not quite decided on what ending I want to write. I have a couple in mind. To the thought of visualize though I have decided to take a bit of a break and I have cast my own for this fic. Click below to see who I would cast in the main parts of the fic. It's also a bit of a tease as to who to expect to see throughout the story. So far I have released previews with Kitty and Emma Frost but this well tell you who the main players are in the story. So click below and see.

Saturday 7 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn (Preview 2)

The fic is still being worked on. It's gotten longer then I would have thought but I am working at it every day. In the meantime here is another preview for it. It may give a hint as to what is transpiring but I think it's a good example of what is happening.