Thursday 19 December 2019

Jaina Solo - Return of the Hutt.

In honor of the last Skywalker being released here is a Star Wars story from my archives that I never posted.

Jaina Solo is on a mission to determine what is happening to relief supplies. It is there she discovers the appearance of a Hutt long since thought dead. A Hutt with a score to settle and a plan. Can Jaina escape? does she want to?

I hope you enjoy this little surprise in honor of the movie being released. If only they had followed the Expanded universe stories and not tried to make up their own stories.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn - Part 3 The Conclusion.

Here it is. A little later then I wanted but it took some time to go over the editing, even with some help. This is my last foray into the X-Men universe for a little while at least. Mary's sequel will take up the next little while.

The X-Men are in Genosha. The Men are captured and put to work while the fates of the women are far worse. The Genosha Reborn saga ends here.

Monday 25 November 2019

Genosha Reborn Update

I realized it's been nearly a month since the last posting and wanted to let anyone who reads know that I have not disappeared. I have been writing but not nearly as much as before. Having said that the story is almost done. So much so that I really have no choice to finish it because to walk away now when it's only a page or two away from completion would be stupid. This is the longest story I have ever written and will finish and certainly the largest I have ever posted. There hasn't been much in the way of feedback but I hope many are just waiting for the whole to be delivered before saying anything. It is my hope that I will finish it within the next couple of days and then begin editing it which may take a few more days after that. Let me know what you think in the meantime and continue to enjoy!

Edit 11/29/2019

It is complete. The story has been finished. Just in the process of editing. There's over a hundred pages to edit so this may take a few days.

Sunday 20 October 2019


I haven't gone into hibernation of disappeared like I have done in the past. I have been writing but the injuries have really slowed me. Progress is being made though. Ideas are still coming to me but the rate at which I can get them typed has slowed significantly. The X-Men story is almost done. I am just now writing the final parts of it. I am going to release it in two parts because right now it's at 225 pages. I haven't progressed much in editing it but I will release it in two parts. That way I can get some rest in while still updating. I want to keep the progress of updating and keeping this going and maybe try and develop a real following. I have a few people who comment and send emails and I am so glad for that. I am hungry for more so you have any ideas on how to get the word out let me know.

Friday 4 October 2019


So the injury has really slowed my pace. I am still writing but not nearly as much as I was. I will finish the X-Men story soon. Just working on it now. My original intention was to release it in two parts. the first already being out. I think now I may release a second part and then a third part that would be much shorter then the rest but it would be the conclusion. The first part was roughly the first 80 pages of the story. Currently the story is at 192. so If I were to release a second part of roughly the same size that would be up to 160 pages. The story isn't done and more then likely has at least another twenty pages to be written so that would make the final part at least 50 pages. For those who are like me where the finish can make or break a story this might actually be preferred. Or another option I could do would be to start releasing samples again but I don't think that would be good. The first part already being out, it would just seem wrong somehow. Let me know what you think.

Monday 23 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn Part 1

Here it is. This story unlike most has taken on a life of it's own. It's allowed me to not only write an adult story involving the X-Men but it has also allowed me to write these characters for the first time. Getting a feel for them. I hope they come off as authentic to how they have been represented in the comics.

Genosha, An island nation with a brutal history with mutants. Home of an attempted genocide against those very mutants. A cabal of new elites now in charge of the rising nation sees their future in their history with mutants. The X-Men and their women become the target of their desires. Slavery, history and family bring the X-Men together for a new adventure on Genosha. With some very special guest stars.

Saturday 21 September 2019

General Update

So I don't want you all to think I am disappearing again but I am forced into a bit of a slow down at the very least. A couple of days ago I seemed to have tweaked my back a bit and it has made sitting at the computer to type a painful exercise after a short time so I haven't been typing as much.

That leaves me still working on the story's but at a reduced rate. I have been going over the latest X-Men story and editing it over the past couple of days. With an eye to releasing it in two parts in part because of the injury but also it is a large story. Currently over 170 pages and 90,000 words. I might release the first part at the end of the weekend or beginning of next week. Is that something that would interest you all? Release it in two parts or just wait for the full story?

Monday 16 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn Casting

So I think a couple of things that drive me to mainly write for DC characters is I can visualize them better. To me Supergirl will always be Helen Slater, Laura Vandevort and now Melisa Benoist. Batgirl is Yvonne Craig. That 60's show reruns I watched as a kid started my love of super-heroines and bondage. Wonder Woman didn't need a visualization for me because she was an ideal that was pure and easy to see. That's before I learned about how she was developed and made.... it made it better I wont deny lol. Marvel on the other hand wasn't really casting characters. My first experience with Marvel was with the 90's X-MEN animated program. The Phoenix Saga sparked my love affair with the characters but even when they came to movies I just didn't buy it. Might have something to do with the costumes have never born worn correctly on film. Marvel has gotten better over the years obviously. Unfortunately for me their characters that have appeared on screen and in fantastic movies are characters I have no love for so I remained with DC for writing. I think though I am getting fed up of waiting. I wrote the Jean fic and that sparked the coming of the Genosha fic. The story is currently over 85000 words and 165 pages. It's going to be an epic because I have not quite decided on what ending I want to write. I have a couple in mind. To the thought of visualize though I have decided to take a bit of a break and I have cast my own for this fic. Click below to see who I would cast in the main parts of the fic. It's also a bit of a tease as to who to expect to see throughout the story. So far I have released previews with Kitty and Emma Frost but this well tell you who the main players are in the story. So click below and see.

Saturday 7 September 2019

X-Men Genosha Reborn (Preview 2)

The fic is still being worked on. It's gotten longer then I would have thought but I am working at it every day. In the meantime here is another preview for it. It may give a hint as to what is transpiring but I think it's a good example of what is happening.

Saturday 24 August 2019

X-Men - Genosha Reborn (Preview)

That last Jean Grey fic really got my imagination going with the X-Men. For unrelated reasons too I have been going through all by back issues and reading what I have. So my mind has been flooded with X-Men and related possibilities. There's not much in the way of material with regards to Marvel characters. I think I remember hearing back when I found these type of stories elsewhere that they did not take kindly to it. I can see both why and also tell them it's also a good thing but it's not my problem. These are their characters and in my own humble opinion this is way better then anything Fox could do lol.

So my mind went to the X-Men as I was writing Mary Marvel. Strange jump but it's true. The Mary fic is still be worked on but this has sprung quite easily from my mind. It's a ways off completion yet but there's enough for a preview.

The X-Men get wind of a plot in the rapidly expanding country of Genosha. A country and history known to many in the mutant world. First shown as a paradise then revealed to be a state that enslaved mutants. Civil war and finally a safe haven for mutants before millions died by a rogue Sentinel attack. Now rebuilding, old forces and new faces seek to bring Genosha back to what they think is the roots.

Saturday 17 August 2019

Jean Grey - Desires.

Recently returned from the dead. Jean discovered the three men in her life she cared for the most are all gone. An extended family of X-Men and time with her daughter Rachel leave her feeling the need for more. Or just wanting to feel. An alien in distress catches her attention and a run in with her old friends the Crimson Pirates and their employer the big blue Tullamore Voge. The slave lord shows her that there is more to life then duty and death.

Enjoy and as always feel free to leave a comment.

Monday 12 August 2019

Jean Grey - Desires (Preview)

I have always wanted to write a fic on Jean Grey(Phoenix). Ever since I came across the character as a kid watching the old X-Men 90's cartoon. The Phoenix Saga was my introduction to the X-Men. Ever since for me it's the X-Men as the premier choice in Marvel. All other properties in the Marvel universe are nowhere near as interesting to me. I write a lot about DC's characters because I am more of a DC fan. I feel their stories are superior and have been for sometime and they have done a much better over the years making their heroines appear powerful and capable. Marvel in my eyes not so much. I like my heroines powerful before they are taken down so I go towards Wonder Woman, Supergirl and the like.

Jean is a whole other story. Powerful, intelligent sexy redhead. The costume and everything just hooked me but to me she was far too powerful. I could never think of a way to honor that power while bringing her down. It's been done in the comics many times as anyone who has read them knows. Her power comes from her mind so I thought the best way to bring her down would be through that.

Thinking about that I came across an old storyline in the comics I read. It was about the Neo, a super powered community of non mutants who of course wanted to eliminate all mutants. They were separated into clans and one of those clans was the Crimson Pirates led by a man called Tullamere Voge. They were slavers. They came across the X-Men and managed to capture a few of them. I thought how would I continue their story because they largely haven't been seen in the books since. Thankfully they provided some good images to inspire.

taken from Uncanny X-Men #385

taken from X-Men volume 1 #104

Those images are what I had going through my mind while writing this fic. Here is the preview below

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Wonder Woman - Savage Manipulations (End Crisis pt1)

As this story evolved and changed while writing it I realized it was an opportunity to do something I have never done. A continuing series that might be four or five stories but all with a definite ending.

Wonder Woman takes on the responsibility of caring for some displaced people. She finds she has to make a deal with the devil to make sure the entire world doesn't fall into chaos.

I hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Wonder Woman - Savage Manipulations (Preview)

Here is a preview of a story I am currently working on. Wonder Woman finds herself in a game of political machinations orchestrated by Vandal Savage for his own amusement.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Mary Marvel (Shazam) - Real World Problems (End Crisis Prelude)

Okay here it is. This is a little different then my regular stuff but I am happy with it. I hope to write more about Mary. As I have said, I think she is an underserved character in our community. My main problem is I didn't follow the Shazam family as closely as I followed other comics so I find there are gaps in their history and rogues gallery that I am not sur of. The point of this story though is Mary and her innocence.

When Mary Bromfield also known as Shazam moves away from her foster family to start a new life and new school in a new city She finds herself drawn out into the problems regular mortals have to deal with. Add to that the problem of a super powered slaver running around her new city Mary finds herself in two different worlds and mindsets. 

Monday 15 July 2019

Mary Marvel - Real World Problems (Preview)

The new story is coming along very nicely. So I would like to post a preview of it. As I said in my previous post I was disappointed in how the character was handled in costume in the movie but the allure of the character has always been there for me. I don't think I have ever come across a Mary Marvel fic that at least resembles anything in our area of interest. If you have let me know. Until then enjoy this preview.

Saturday 13 July 2019

Who do you Envision?

I have had over the past few months a couple of emails come in to me that were quite nice to see. All looking to see when I would have new work and even helpfully suggesting I should perhaps post elsewhere to expand my readers. I am not sure my stuff is good enough for some of the more mainstream erotica sites but it's nice to get positive feedback or feedback of any kind to be honest. I wanted to let you know that from about March to about three days ago I had not written a single word. I had some things to do in the real world and no time for fantasy. A couple of days ago I was re-watching Shazam (Great movie btw) and I got to thinking maybe I should write a Mary Marvel story and an idea came to me right away and I have been writing off and on ever since. So hopefully I can get that released sooner rather then later.

Saturday 9 March 2019

Short or Long Stories

I am curious as to what people prefer. I find most of my stories are in and around 30,000 to 40,000 words. Some like the recent Darkseid story are over 100,000. I find myself when I am reading others works I can find myself enjoying a longer story but also can find myself enjoying a very short story that is quick and to the point. For me as I have said many times it is the ending that makes it and the build up to that can be done in short or long ways. I ask you all, what do you prefer?

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Wonder Woman - War's End

The war is looking bleak. The Allies have been pushed back and Germany is on the brink of invading England. Wonder Woman with al her might can not stop the war, can not turn the tide or can she? Will she stop the war but lose herself in the process? Here I give you the finished version of Wonder Woman War's End.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Wonder Woman and Supergirl in Darkseids Victory

Here it is. I had some inspiration on the ending and managed to get it done. I am happy with this one but would be happy to see what people think.

Wonder Woman and Supergirl battle the hordes of Apokolips and their Master Darkseid to a standstill but war is still in question. What would they do to protect their planet and people? Would they give anything to save them?

Saturday 9 February 2019

Wonder Woman - War's End (Preview)

Here is my last world War 2 era Wonder Woman fic for now. This one is pretty much done, just fine tuning the finish. Let me know what you think.

Wonder Woman and Supergirl in Darkseid's Victory Formally called Darkseid - War (Preview)

The name is still a work in progress but here is the start of the Darkseid story that involves mostly Wonder Woman and Supergirl. This story also features Batgirl and Donna Troy in more extended roles and cameos from a few other heroines of DC legend. This is just the first couple pages of a story that is over 100 pages as it comes to an end. I hope you all like the taste of it.

I'm Still Here / Inspiration Ideas

Hi All. Not sure who if anyone still comes here hoping for a little bit of something. I hope a couple of people at the very least. I wanted to say Happy New Year to all and also to say I am still writing. I have a couple on the go at the moment but I haven't posted mainly because I was writing Sultan of Sandalla 2 and inspiration just left me on it. I don't think I was quite happy about where it was leading. So I went on to other stuff and kind of felt bad that I never finished it so I felt like I couldn't post anything here. Sounds kind of stupid but that's how my mind works every now and then. I am going to try and post a couple of things in the near future. I have the mentioned WW2 Wonder Woman story essentially done, just playing around a little with the ending right now which to me is what these stories are all about. That's the big payoff for me anyways. I have a couple of Jaina Solo stories as well.... I know I was not pleased with the tepid response but I am a HUGE Star Wars fan and love the character. I would write a Rey fic but haven't quite figured out how I would like that to go yet. I also have a Wonder Woman and Supergirl Darkseid fic that is nearing completion. This is already over 50,000 words and 100 pages so it's a big one. It has cameos in it from other heroines as well. I think.... I hope you all will like it. Again just playing around with the ending at the moment. I am also trying something a little new. I have a celeb fic that I am writing. First time I have ever done it staring a certain pop singer.

What I think I might do is post little pieces from the stories to maybe just show that I am still writing and to see what kind of feedback if any I get. I'd also LOVE to chat to an artist. I'd love to see some of the scenes I have depicted in stories come to life. I know there are many talented artists out there doing their thing. I follow a few of them. I am unfortunately not in a position were I can pay for their time but perhaps I can offer a bit of a quid pro qo thing. I can show send fics that I have not yet posted so that you get first access to them. Not just to do the illustrations but as a perk and to perhaps give some feedback on what you would like written into that very scene. I see it perhaps going like this. I send the whole fic, finished or not. You as the artist choose which scene you would like to illustrate and if you have some suggestions regarding that scene I will work with you on it. Also if you have some illustrations that you would like a short story written around I would be happy to work with you.