As promised here is the unfinished sequel to a story that I still get comments about. I always wanted to finish this but inspiration in other stories always took me away. I hope you enjoy.
Still under the influence of the Sultan after her surrender at the end of the last story, Wonder Woman has settled into her slavery. She loves her new life but when her past comes back to awaken her she is forced to deal with her choices and the history of her people. To do this she must confront the Sultan and bring him and his countries program down.
Wonder Woman looked up from the dais she was on and she her love and her Master, the Sultan. As he normally did he had a smile on his face from ear to ear as he watched her. Wonder Woman was lain down on a dais about eight feet by eight feet. She was chained, hand and feet to the corners of the platform and was naked save for her collar. Wonder Woman was surrounded, around her stood three men. They were all naked except for brown gas masks on their faces. She broke eye contact with her Master as one of the men stepped into her field of vision and knelt beside her and placed his cock in her mouth. Over the last couple of months Wonder Woman had seen and played with so many, this one was unremarkable but she knew her duty and as always she did her duty. She sucked it with all the energy she could muster and just at that moment someone yelled.
The director leapt of his chair and went to the platform
"Good take everyone, I think that will be perfect to end the movie on"
This was the first such movie that Diana had been told she would be in. Her Master had made it clear to her over the last little while that she was going to be his very own porn star, to help convince the good sluts of the west to join the servant program. Diana was thrilled to be able to help her Master in any way she could and when she was taken to the brand new movie studio that the Sultan had had built for his fledgling movie studio she couldn't wait to perform. When she entered in the studio she saw great posters entitled "Wonder Woman's new life". The plotline was simple enough thought Diana, it showed her great and powerful at the beginning wanting to do good things for the world and in that belief she met a man that showed her, her true nature was to serve. The rest kind of wrote itself she thought as she was led down increasingly submissive ways to her new Master the Sultan who was not playing himself in this picture as he thought himself to dignified. She couldn’t help but agree with that sentiment so she had done everything as asked since they arrived.
The Sultan (the real one) approached her with her familiar leash and he attached it to her collar before a stage hand undid her chains and she was led away from the set on all fours. Diana remarked to herself that at first it was uncomfortable to be on her hands and knees all the time but now she found an odd sense of calm and familiarity in it.
“Come my dear slave, today I have a special surprise for you and I know you love my surprises” The Sultan laughed as she was led out and into one of his many limos he had in his service in his country.
Obediently and without word as usual she crawled into the back of the limo and knelt like a dog as he climbed in after her and sat in the plush leather seats in front of her. Without another word he pulled down his pants and she had her lips around his cock in moments before even the driver had put the car into drive. Diana never saw were they went as she was always preoccupied and generally counted distance in times she managed to get her Master to cum or others when that was happening. This wasn’t a long drive which to her meant that she was going back to the palace and sure enough when the car stopped and she was ushered out of the car they were in the opulent lush grounds of the Sultans main palace. Diana loved this part of the grounds as it was so green and wooded it brought memories of her own home to her mind that she allowed only briefly before they mad her sad and she was forced to think of other things. She was amazed as always at just how green and lush it was in the desert. The sprinklers and the tenders were always working on it and she knew he loved it every much and maybe more as her. As the Sultan stepped out of the car pulling his pants up with one hand and holding her leash in another he took a big breath of air and clearly enjoyed the aroma in the air that this place gave. He tugged on her leash and led her towards one of the smaller buildings not directly attached to the palace. Diana couldn’t ever remember going into one of those buildings in her time with the Sultan and was intrigued at being led towards them. Normally crawling on the ground in such a place would be painful and too much for any woman but the Sultan so enjoyed seeing his slave on all fours all the time he made sure the grounds around his palace could be comfortable for her to do so. He often took her out for walks around the grounds, he enjoyed showing and having everyone on the grounds from the lowest worker to the powerful of his court seeing her on all fours and playing with her Master. Somewhere in the back of Diana’s mind she revolted at being made to do such things but those thoughts were less and less with each given day. They approached the building and Diana noticed some guards along the perimeter of the building and noticed that the windows of the sun baked building where sealed shut. One of the guards opened the door for them as she was led threw. Diana emerged into a large open building and in the centre of the space was a large chain link fence guarded with more men with all sorts of arms. Inside the fence there were four nude women. The women were all chained to crosses in the middle. This wasn’t abnormal for her so she didn’t think too much about it. The Sultan led her straight towards the fence and had her stop directly in front of the fence. Her head had been down for most of the time so she hadn’t taken much notice of the women in there. When she stopped though she brought her head up and looked inside the fence and her heart broke and her mind rallied.
“Dru!” she blurted
A younger woman inside the fence looked at her and her face paled. It was like looking into a younger version of her thought Diana as she saw the younger girl’s emotions play across her face and for the first time in a while Dina was ashamed of herself. She went to cover herself when a tug from the leash and the smile from the Sultan reminded her of what her new position was. Her hands instantly dropped to her sides and again she saw the look on her sister’s face. It was enough to kill her; it was a mixture of hate and revulsion. Diana couldn’t bear to look at her anymore and turned her attention to the other women in the fenced off area. Including Dru there were two brunettes, the other one being slightly older. Diana didn’t recognize her. The other two were one red head and one blonde. The red head looked familiar she was some sort of actress if her memory served her. The blonde was familiar as well but Dina couldn’t quite place her.
“I want you to meet four of the newest rebels to our program slave” The Sultan tugged on her chain.
“The young brunette there is of no consequence. She is just being a bitch but we will break her” The Sultan laughed and Diana’s heart leapt. He didn’t know the connection.
“The other brunette is named Morgan. She is a star soccer player for your infidel women’s national team, quite a beauty yes?”
“Yes Master”
“The big titted blonde is TV presenter of some sort. My courtiers are very excited to have the slut but she is far from submissive. Apparently at her job she was such a princess and a bitch that they actually drugged her and shipped her to us” The Sultan laughed a hearty boisterous laugh.
“Ah last but not least my favourite new piece. I might just have you and her as a duo” Laughed the Sultan once more.
“I do so love red heads and this one was an actress of quite some fame up until a few years ago when she got involved with the wrong people. You filthy westerners have no idea how to raise your children and this one is the perfect example. All that beauty and talent gone to waste down a bottle and a needle. She came to us, looking for a fresh start supposedly but when she found it difficult she attempted to flee. Just like everything else in her life” The Sultan sneered towards the red head who flinched at him and turned away.
Diana caught Dru’s eye and although it had been many years since they had seen each other they still had a connection and with just a look of the eye Diana communicated to her one thing. Don’t give up. She was elated to see the look on her face transform from contempt to confusion and then finally to understanding. It was in that one brief moment that the old Diana, the princess of the Amazons and the Champion of all women woke up from her sex induced slumber. Her mind cleared as the haze lifted, it was almost as if she was waking from a very bad dream. She even momentarily thought to get to her feet and make her escape with her sister and the others but she had to be smart. The Sultan did not notice the change in his slave as he held the leash in his hand and smiled as he watched over his newest slaves.
Diana was forced to play the good submissive for the rest of the day. It was a horrible experience but she played the role she thought with no one being the wiser to the change in her mindset. She had been forced to watch as the Sultan humiliated those poor girls in front of her and had them begging for orgasms. She was most disgusted when she was forced to watch as her sister was subjected to the same abuse. She held back tears as she was forced to watch as the Sultan tied a vibe to her clit and played with her breasts, which were almost as beautiful as Diana's. A fact the Sultan was quick to point out but he never seemed to not be able to get the connection. Dru’s eyes during that tough time were like reading a book for Diana. Everything from revulsion to bliss played out on her beautiful younger sisters face and then finally shame when she made eye contact afterwards. Diana's rage grew and grew during those moments but she remained disciplined. She could not effect a full escape at that time during the middle of the day with so much security around, her in a weakened state and her power items no where around. So she played the good little submissive all day. She knew when her chance would come she was just hoping her sister was not moved during the day.
The Sultan as normal brought her to his bedroom at night. She was forced to please him orally and vaginally before he went to bed and as she had been doing she was expected to sleep on his floor. The palace was a deserted place at night and once Diana was sure he was asleep she easily made her way to his trophy room and reclaimed her costume and power items. Finally dressed as she believed herself to be once more Wonder Women. Diana used skills she hadn't needed in the recent past and stealthy made her away through the palace and outside of to that lush garden. There were security around but she easily avoided detection and made her way towards the building that held Dru, she hoped. Relieved to have her strength back she might have used a little to much of it to open the door to the building but she was gratified that the gifts of the gods had not abandoned her. If the door opened had woken anyone to her presence they were no immediately on to her as the building was still except for four guards around the chain link fence which told her that there was at least someone still there. As Diana approached the fence she could make out the guards in the darkness better and in the centre of the fence she saw one women still there. It was a brunette hat much she was sure but she couldn't make out anything else. The guards would have to be dealt with first and as she took out the first guard a noise from the palace alerted the other guards who made a dash towards me door she had just entered through. There was a commotion outside but Diana was unconcerned. The three guards didn't know it but they were sprinting towards her. As they got within sight she took them out with steady yet forceful blows that left them unconscious on the floor.
“Dru!!” Diana yelled into the darkness.
Diana heard a mumble as she approached the fence. She tore through the pitiful fence with all the force required to move a moon.
“Dru!!” Diana screamed into the void again as she approached the only remaining woman in there.
The mumble back was louder now and as she got to the frame and turned to face the last woman there Diana nearly cried in joy as she saw her younger sister still chained to the cross. A big black ball gag in her mouth and a vibe still tied to her clit. Her thighs were soaked with her own juices and her face wet with so many tears. Her eyes opened for a second and registered seeing her sister in front of her and there was a brief flash of relieve before she screamed into her gag as the vibe forced another orgasm from her.
The commotion outside was at a chorus now as the Sultan emerged in the lush garden shouting orders to all around him.
Diana ripped the chains off her sister and removed the gag and vibe from her. Dru was exhausted and could only mutter a brief thanks before she passed out in her hands. Diana gently caressed her sisters face and long strands of silky yet sweaty hair before she lifted her up with the ease of the Greek gods onto her shoulder and prepared her getaway.
Diana approached the doorway she had come through to view the garden outside filled with security and all sorts of servants from the palace in various states of dress. She could barely make out the form of her ‘Master’ the Sultan. He was still shouting orders, Diana strained to hear what was going on with her sister slung over her shoulder. She made out the words, slave and escaped so it was no doubt that she had been discovered.
“ slave you will report back to me at once or your punishment will be severe!!” Boomed the voice of the Sultan.
His people were spreading throughout the grounds. A couple of guards were approaching the building she was in. Diana didn't want a prolonged fight, she didn't want one to begin with. Her only chance to get away with her sister was not to engage but those people were getting close.
Dru moaned on Diana's shoulder. Diana knew what she was experiencing and thought that her sister would probably given their position away if she was dreaming about her ordeal.
“Back door” she moaned while her eyes fluttered opened briefly.
Diana didn't want to think what was going through her sisters mind with that comment but she did turn and look and there s another door on the far side that she could barely make out with a exit sign. With the speed of Hermes she raced to the door and quickly looked outside. Thankfully they hadn't spread that far yet and in the dark of night Diana could make a break for it. She exited the building and adjusted her still exhausted sister on her shoulder. The palace grounds were large and Diana had to admit to herself that her knowledge of the area was not very good because every time she entered and exited the palace she was on her knees in the limo. That thought angered her and she broke into full sprint eager to escape this place once and for all. Under the cover of darkness the Amazon sprinted away from the building not owing if she was heading deeper into the palace grounds or towards the perimeter. Her speed was such that know one witnessed her. The security was only just entering the now vacant building when Diana spotted the gated perimeter. With little effort at all she vaulted the concrete walls and any electronic sensors.
They were free of the palace but Sandella was still a dangerous place for the two Amazon sisters. Any servants caught escaping were dealt with harshly and though Diana was now fully restored she was loathe to injure people simply doing what the law required of them. With Dru still naked and out like a light on her shoulder they were obvious escapees and Diana was known as the royal slave and no doubt would be pursued.
So paranoid was Diana she had completely forgotten about her invisible plane. It wasn't until an hour later as she had found some clothes for Dru and was wrapping her in them that she remembered. The mental link with the plane was such that all she needed to do was call it and it was on its way. There was no telling how long it would take though but at least it would home in on her.
The Sultan fumed. His servants had never seen him like this. He tore through his chambers tearing apart anything that stood in his way. His newest pet the redhead from earlier had been brought to him in his rage. She stood chained to the massive bed frame. Completely nude and spread. Her ankles chained to opposite ends of the bed frame and her wrists the same on the massive four posts. Her pale skin bristled with freckles and her long red hear fell to just short of the small of her back. The Sultan welded a crop in his hand as he approached.
“ Please Sir don't do this” the former child actress pleaded. It had only taken the day of intense orgasms to break the girl and the Sultan had been looking forward to having her play with his favourite.
“Slaves do not speak unless told to” the Sultan replied as he raked the crop across her bare buttocks. The redhead screamed in pain as the unaccustomed feel of being struck with the crop made her lash about in her bonds.
“Well you try and escape from me slut” the Sultan screamed as his rage consumed him and his strikes with the crop landed mercilessly across her buttocks and back. Strike after strike.
“AaaAaAaAaaAaA!” Was all the actress could answer as she recoiled from the crop as much as she could in her bound state.
“Answer me slut!!”
“No…….. Master” she cried as he finally stopped.
“No?” The Sultan asked as he turned her head towards him. Her eyes were solid with tears and her cheeks showed dried tears.
“No Master”
Th Sultan grunted and immediately began to whip his newest slaves breasts as she cried out more and more. The Sultan spent the next few hours torturing the poor girl before she passed out.
Diana couldn't believe she had fallen asleep holding her sister. She stirred as Dru forced her awake
“Diana…. Wake up!” Dru shouted at her sister
“I'm awake!...... Sorry Dru “
“Sorry for what?, rescuing me? Or being a disgrace to our people”
Diana nearly hit her sister. She recoiled though when she thought it through and realized she was. Diana burst into tears for what she could remember being the only time on her life. Dru became instantly sorry for what she had said and uncomfortable at the scene in front of her. She had never seen her sister cry and it upset her so much that tears formed in her own eyes.
“No I didn't mean that Diana please don't cry” Dru cried as she grabbed a hold of her sister.
“Your right Dru…… I am a disgrace”
Dru could only hold her sister and cry with her for hours more while they waited.
It was another hour or so before the invisible plane arrived. Diana and Dru held each other without saying a word the whole time.
"Ok Dru take the plane back to Thymiscra."
"What??, no way Diana you are coming with me"
"I can't go home Dru, I am a failure and I should be exiled"
"No you don't understand you must come home sister. Mother has requested it." Dru pleaded
"Mother knows I can't come home sister, I will find work here in man's world and work to redeem myself in the eyes of our gods"
"I came looking for you sister on Mother's request and I will not leave without you. If you will not return home to your family and sisters then I will join you in your quest for redemption" Dru stated firmly in the way the young can do when they have made a decision.
"I appreciate that Dru, I don't think I could explain to you just how much I love you for that but you must return home and at least deliver the news that I am no longer a slave"
"If I leave now sister, how long before you crave to be a slave once more?, I know our histories as well as you and even I could feel the pull while I was briefly bound. No I will not leave you alone right now"
Diana knew she wasn't going to convince her sister and she had to admit her pussy tingled at the thought of returning to her post as slave and accepting her punishment.
"Fine then sister. Come with me for now. We head to my former home in Washington"
Diana and Dru jumped in the plane and were soon on their way.
Diana knew that returning to her former apartment would be unwise as she had disclosed virtually everything about her previous life to the Sultan. She did however have a couple of places that she had used as safe houses before for friends that she knew she had never told him about. Dru and herself arrived at one just outside Detroit in the early morning hours just as the sun was beginning to shine. Dru had been in man's world for awhile trying to find her before she had found the videos and stories of her sister submitting online. So she had built herself a good working understanding of how things worked and was quick to get into an actual bed and get some rest. Diana took the other bedroom and she too found her eyes struggling to stay open as she herself collapsed into the comforting feeling of a mattress for the first time in months.
Diana awoke in chains. A familiar even comforting feeling of cold steel touching her skin with subtle fur lining. A shining silver collar around her neck with a ring set into the front of it. Chains dangled from the ring and ran down both her arms to steel restraints around her wrists. Another chain rain from the ring to a chain that circled her waist and went in between her legs, splitting her pussy. Steel restraints circled her ankles and a chain connected them giving her some freedom of movement but not enough to run. She sat on a wooden cage. The cage was old, the wood sun dried and blistered. It was large enough to house a couple of full grown adults. About three feet high by ten feet long and three feet deep. The top was not enclosed but just the same hardened wood. There seemed to be an opening on one side of the cage, that was currently closed. Diana could see no one else around her. Everywhere else was just pitch black. A lone light shone on Diana and the cage. Though she was alone Diana could feel a presence, but it wasn't the Sultan. It was a comforting presence she thought. Perhaps someone she had met before.
“Hello?” She called into the darkness
Stillness and emptiness answered her. She struggled to have a look under her into the cage but It was dark as well. The only light shining from above and she couldn’t tell where that was coming from.
“Hello?” She called again. She could still feel that presence but she had no idea who or where they were. Her chains clicked and clacked as she moved around. The sounds almost ominous to the ear in the darkness. As she moved her hand down to her pussy to take the chain away her environment changed. The light flickered and then vanished, leaving her in darkness for only a split second before everything changed. She found herself free and clothed in an a white sleeveless chiton very similar to what she would wear at home.
“Watch” A disembodied voice said as the landscape around her changed. It looked very much like home. Beautiful stone white walls and a blue sea in the distance. A village of no more then a couple hundred of people. Roman soldiers, armoured and on horseback and foot. A Commander on horseback barking orders over her head. She could not make out what was being said though and as she followed his gaze she turned over her shoulder and saw a line of people approaching. They wore similar tunics but there’s were brown with dirt. As they came further into view Diania could make out the images of them. They were slaves, chained at the ankles and wrists, just like she had just been but this steel had none of the finery she had. It was course and rough and rusted. There were hundreds of them, For the first time Diana looked around and noticed that those beautiful white buildings were empty and some had fires inside and on top. They were coming closer now and Diana began to recognize they were all women. Roman soldiers marched next to them. A couple of them using the broadside of their swords and swatting them on the asses to hurry them up.
“Hera!” Diana cried as their faces came into view. Her mother and her aunt at the front of the line. Chained and with looks of utter submissiveness and even bliss on their faces. These were the dark times, Diana knew of this time. The time the Amazons were enslaved. The time the world of men let it be known that they were not welcome as equals. The looks on their faces though, Diana along with her sister were the only Amazons never enslaved in those dark times because they had both been brought to life on Paradise Island. The looks, on all of them. They were enjoying it. As she had, the steel on their skin had evoked the same passions and lust she had. Diana had never thought for one moment that her fellow Amazons had enjoyed it. Her shame at her own enslavement felt less now. A shared experience with her sisters.
“Learn” Said the same voice as the scene in front of her changed once more and she found herself once more in the same white tunic around the same time but inside a Roman slave market. Diana watched as her shackled and obedient mother took the stage to be auctioned off. Her mother was nude except the chains and collar and Diana could see a moistening between her legs as Romans bid on her like meat. Diana watched in horror as common men, slavers touched and groped her to show of her amazing body to the leering eyes of Roman nobility. Her mother’s eyes were a picture of bliss and happiness as they fondled her. Diana was appalled and aroused.
“You See” The same voice again.
“I see my people in chains” Diana answered to the voice
“Is that all?” the voice replied.
“They liked it”
“Yes” the voice seemed happy she said it.
“Am I supposed to learn something from this?” Diana asked with a tone of aggression in her voice.
“Why does the world not remember the enslavement of your people?”
Diana thought about that for a moment. Since her arrival in man’s world she had filled in any who wanted to know about the history of her people and in turn she had tried to learn all of the history her people had missed. Indeed there was never a mention of the Amazons. She had thought maybe it had not been deemed large enough of note to even be recorded.
“No” the disembodied voice interrupted her thoughts. As if reading them.
“Then why not?” Diana asked
In response. Diana had images of her peoples enslavement broadcast all around her. From their capture to their sale and eventually their liberation. She saw all their actions and they were numerous and far more vile then what she had just subjected herself to.
“I don’t understand” She said exasperatingly into the void.
The images stopped and in their place a being emerged. Full of light, Diana could only make out the shadowy outline. She wasn’t even sure what the gender was. Whatever it was it came closer and closer and still the light shone so bright she couldn’t make out anything more.
“The Great secret of the Amazons” The voice seemed to echo all around her.
“What do you mean?” Diana was desperate for answers.
Images once more flooded Diana’s vision and behind them the being of light brought the images into further focus with the light. Again more and more images of her sisters being enslaved. She saw images of them being forced into it and then saw images of them loving it and even volunteering for it. Her mother was shown before a Roman of some sort pleasing herself while chained. The look of bliss and pure happiness was one Diana had only ever seen when laughing and playing with her daughters.
“I get it they liked it” She screamed into the void.
“Why is there no mention of this in man’s world?” The luminous being said all around her.
“I don’t know” Diana despaired.
Once more images flashed before her. Diana was sure these were from before the dark times. Amazons in warrior garb fighting side by side with man. Fighting for a fair and equal world. Diana knew though they would eventually be betrayed and enslaved.
“I wiped out all record and memory of the Amazons. So that they may again one day serve to fight for a better world” The luminous being’s shadow melted away and before her a being stepped forward.
“Athena!” Diana exclaimed.
“Yes. I have looked over the Amazons forever”
“Thank you”
“I do not do it for your thanks but it is appreciated. You are the best of the Amazon’s. A sister in kind with me. Yet you faltered. Tell me can you think now of the great secret, the great shame of the Amazon people?”
“We were born and created to serve mankind in helping them achieve a better world. We enjoy when enslaved. We enjoy it because we were born to serve” As Diana finished the sentence she realized just how true that was. By denying it all this time she had made herself more vulnerable to it. It was a weakness she was not aware.
Athena smiled. Her smile was graceful and knowing. She nodded her agreement to Diana’s statement as she returned to her more luminous form.
“Go home Diana, You will be welcome and I will meet you there instead of in your dreams”
Diana woke and wasn’t even sure if she had been dreaming. Everything was so vivid and real she still saw all those images flashing through her mind.
The Sultan was in New York and he was not happy. The first thing he had done was go to Washington to see if she had been stupid enough to have fled there. Unhappily she proved that she was with her wits once more. Wonder Woman had escaped him. He tugged on the leash of his least favourite pet. The redhead former actress who doted on him like a truly broken slave.
“Yes Master?”
“Up you lazy cunt. We are heading to the airport. I must rethink this search. Perhaps my goldmine is gone for good”
The nude and collared redhead eagerly jumped to her feet and followed the Sultan and his advisors out the door and down a private elevator in the lavish hotel the Sultan had hastily arranged. A large limo greeted them in the garage and they were soon on the tarmac at a local airport were his private jet waited. The Sultan was leading her up the stairs into the cabin when an advisor came running up from the tarmac and onto the stairs.
“My Sultan. I have news” The advisor said while battling for breath. He must have run a long way the redhead thought.
“Speak” The Sultan commanded.
“Two brunettes who match the description of your property were spotted entering a house in a rural area outside of Detroit”
“How reliable is the information”
“I would judge it reliable Sultan”
“On your life?” In the mood the Sultan was in the comment was very real. If the information turned out to be wrong the advisor would clearly lose his life.
“Yes Sultan, on my life” The advisor did not hesitate.
“Tell the pilot we will be going to Detroit”
Diana woke with Dru sat next to her bed in an old wooden chair she must have dragged in from somewhere. Her eyes looked over her older sister almost looking for some sort of physical reason to justify what had happened to her.
“Morning Dru” Diana stirred and pulled herself up in bed.
“I don’t care what you think Diana. If I have to beat you and drag you back home I will” The fire in her eyes impressed Diana. She had certainly grown into the warrior she knew she was always going to.
“I know I have to go home Dru. No need to beat me up to do it” The amusement in her tone was just enough to bring a smile out of her little sister for the first time since their reunification.
It was a lazy morning for the pair as they made use of the shower and found some generic women’s clothing to change into. Diana found a packet of instant coffee and soon had two cups poured. Dru emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around her hair and another around her body.
“Coffee! Truly man’s world best invention” She took a sip of it and grimiced at the taste.
“Perhaps not this particular cup”
Amused Diana took her first sip of the stuff and politely placed it back down on the kitchen counter and pushed it aside. Dru’s laughter at her sisters face was infectious and they both giggled for a few minutes. The laughter from Dru continued as she made her way back to her room and got dressed. Diana was already dressed and waited patiently. Senses long attuned to battle and to be aware alerted her to something before she heard the sound of a car approaching. Sounded like a couple of cars she thought. The house was on a large open farmland with no reason for any cars to be coming up the only road that led to the house from the rural road. Dru, as only an Amazon warrior trained came out of her room with her stern look on and ready for battle. Diana was already at the window that was thankfully out of view as the cars pulled up. There was three of them, emerging from them were people Diana knew well. The Sultans advisors and hangers on were debarking from the cars and then the Sultan himself emerged from the middle car with a redhead on leash.
“It’s the Sultan” Diana exclaimed to Dru as she joined her at the window.
“Good time to take him out then” Dru said clearly relishing the idea to reap untold horror on the man.
“I sympathize Dru but in the end he is a leader of a foreign country. We can not kill the man. Legally in the eyes of the international courts now I am his property. He is simply looking to reclaim it” Saying those words out loud revolted her for the first time in quite sometime and she was happy for the visit from the Goddess in her dreams.
Dru sighed and walked back to her room with all the urgency of someone waiting for a bus. Diana chuckled at her, there was a time not to long ago that she too thirsted for battle. Looking at the people there were about fifteen out there not including the Sultan himself and his current slave. Dru had rejoined her in her Amazon warrior garb and looked at Diana as if to ask why haven’t you changed.
“Dru you could take them out by yourself but I don’t think they have put together that you are a relation to me. They may just believe I am here alone”
“So? Let me talk to them”
“No way!. No offence but I don’t really you trust you not to kneel and be taken away” The fire was back in Dru’s eyes. Diana’s eyes welled up with tears for two reasons. To see her little sister ready and more then able to take on men was a satisfying thing to see. The other reason was that she didn’t trust her anymore.
Diana pulled her younger sister to her and looked at her. It was almost like staring into a mirror of yourself from a few years ago. She sighed and stared into her eyes.
“Trust me Dru. If not we’ll have some fun” The first sentence was said as sternly and with as much confidence as she felt which was a lot. The second sentence was said so jovial it brought a smile to Dru’s face.
Outside the Sultan and his entourage was spreading out to encircle the house. With so few they wouldn’t be able to do anything. Diana who had left the window for a moment came back and she was dressed as Dru knew her. Wonder Woman stood before her and she looked fierce and ready for battle. Diana walked out the front door startling the assemblage of people. People came running back to the cars from all sides.
“Hello Sultan” Diana said casually as she stroke towards him.
“Slave. Have you gotten your rebellion out of your system? You have been very bad”
“No rebellion Sultan. Just waking up. I ask you peacefully to leave and let me resume what is left of my life”
“There is nothing left. Your honour and your pride is gone. There is not a single person on this planet who has not seen everything you have to offer”
“While that may be true I will still be going on, without you”
“Unacceptable. You are mine. You are property, you have no rights and no ability to leave me unless I say so and I do not”
“That is why I asked peacefully. Leave now. You still have all the footage and memories of what we did together. You have your recruitment videos. Now last time I ask you to leave peacefully” Diana took a step forward and assumed a more aggressive stance.
Inside the house still hidden from view Dru breathed in and found the centre of herself for the coming battle. There was still a part of her that had doubted her sister would take such action but was now relieved and happy to see her readying for battle. Outside she saw that some of the Sultans goons were getting closer to her. Dru steeled herself for the battle.
“Ah Sultan perhaps we should come back with more men” One of the advisors or guards said as all the others nodded their agreement to the sentiment.
Diana smirked.
“Listen to them Sultan”
“You are mine. Now kneel and I might be lenient on your punishment” The Sultan raged and tugged on the leash connected to the poor redheaded slave. She cowered under the rage. Diana’s rage boiled over at that. To see another woman in such a state and to think that she was not so different a short time ago erupted an anger in her that had been bubbling in her for a long time.
Her speed was godlike as she closed the gap between her and the Sultan. The Sultan was used to a much more gentle touch from her then the punch to the stomach. Without any warning the Sultan recoiled in horror and pain as the punch pasted him over forty feet in the air. He landed thankfully in a crowded untended cornfield that broke his fall. Cries of agony blossomed from were he lay. His friends and guards and hangers on all turned to the noise. It was their last mistake of the night. In a display of strength, speed and skill Diana had them all dispatched and knocked out before Dru entered the fight.
“No fair! I wanted to have some fun” Dru pouted as she smiled next to her big sister.
“Sorry Dru, I had a lot of pent up anger that needed releasing” She smiled at her younger sister who shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head in understanding.
“Can we go home now?” Dru asked
“Yes lets go home”
The Sultan had barely put himself back together and made his way through the cornfield back to the house when he heard the words.
“Can we go home now?” from another woman. Not his Wonder Woman but another brunette who as he looked closer at seemed to remarkably look like his Wonder Woman just younger and a little smaller. He recognized her as well he just couldn’t place it. He saw his property confirm that they could go home and he thought about it. Surely she would know not to go home to Washington, so home must be that blasted island where she originally came from. Which as he thought it out would mean the younger woman was her sister. The Sultan smiled at the possibilities. He had never asked for the location of the Island from Diana when he had her. When the topic came up she deftly steered it away and he was more then willingly to allow her that secret for a time. He chastised himself for not prodding further on it. If he had she would have had nowhere to hide form him. He was concealed by the corn as he listened and watched as they boarded that invisible airplane. The Sultan moaned at the loss of his most beloved possession.
“Wait a moment” He said aloud but to himself. He reached into his jacket pocket and produced his phone from the inside. It was cracked from the blow but it was still functional. Scrolling through his apps he found what he was looking for. An app for members of the Sandalla Servant program. Tapping on it and trying to remember his login details he watched as the two Amazons left the area and vanished from view. Desperately he logged in once he had remembered his password. There were a few options available in the app but the one he was looking for he had to scroll across for. Tapping on it he saw an overlay of a map with an icon of a man in the middle of the screen. He recognized the terrain as where he currently stood. On the map he saw a red blip only about ten meters from him. He tapped on it and it revealed a picture of his redheaded slave. He took his eyes from the phone for a moment and followed the direction of the map and saw in one of the cars sat a dazed and very scared redheaded slave. He gazed down again at the map on the screen and it showed him many blips off screen. Most in the direction of Sandalla. An ocean and a continent away. He pulled his fingers out on the screen. The map zoomed out and then he did again and again until he saw two blips heading very fast towards Europe in the sky. For a confused moment he looked at that. He expected one but two?. Tapping on one he was rewarded by seeing a picture of his beautiful Wonder slave. Nude and collared he never tired of seeing her in such a state. He tapped on the second one and was rewarded by seeing a picture of who he now knew to be her sister. She wasn’t nude and only a face picture but she had been tagged by the program and once more tagged under his ownership. Her features still didn’t register until in a blinding flash of awareness.
“The redhead and the others who we were having problems with. That’s why you escaped me my slave. To save your sister or I wonder did she come to save you?” There was no one yet conscious to answer his rhetorical question but he smiled endlessly as he watched the two blips fly away.
The Sultan emerged from the cornfields with a smile on his face. A few of his men were stirring awake when they saw him.
“Sorry my Sultan”
Over the past day or so the Sultan would have had men executed for failure. He would have ordered it with a sneer or a look of disdain on his face. Now he smiled as he patted the man on his shoulder as he raised himself off the ground.
“You were bested by Wonder Woman. There is no shame in that” The Sultan proclaimed not only for the one who had apologized but for all who were now waking.
“We will retire home. For now the pursuit has ended. Get me a new phone and then get Boris on the phone”
They all nodded and went about getting back into the cars.
The Sultan walked to the car he had arrived in and the one his redheaded slave currently sat. He got in and patted the poor girl on her head like a good dog. She nestled into him like one too as they drove away.
Cars pulled onto the tarmac at a local small airfield around Detroit where the Sultan had landed before. As they emgered from the cars a worker handed hm a new phone.
“Ah the new Samsung. Excellent, thank you. I assume everything is at it was?”
“Yes my Sultan. All your contacts and apps have been transferred over”
“Most efficent. Well done. Is Boris on the phone?”
“Yes my Sultan”
“Very good”
The Sultan touched the phone to his ear and heard his friend and business partner for many years on the other end. He breathed deeply like only an overweight Russian mobster could. The Sultan smiled at that thought and wondered if Boris would too if he told him.
“Boris! My friend”
“Took your time Sultan”
“Forgive me my friend I was delayed”
“Sure sure. Probably with that Wonder whore of yours”
If Boris was aware of her escape the comment would be a grave insult and the Sultan would have no choice but to have his friend killed. He detected no malice in the comment only jealously.
“Sadly my friend she has escaped me for the moment. That is why I have called”
“I am truly sorry Sultan. I meant no disrespect”
“I know. It is already forgiven. I have called for two reasons. First, I wish to commend you on your idea to implement a tracking chip into everyone who signs up for the program”
“They are nothing but bitches. They should be chipped as such” Boris proclaimed as only a truly evil man could.
“Of course. In regards to the tracking. How precise is it? You once told me it could track anywhere in the world. Is this true”
“Da this is true. You can track a bitch to within five meters”
“Perfect which leads me to the second reason. I am going to need an army”
“How many? How soon? How much you pay?” Boris got right down to the truth.
“As many as are available. Probably within a couple of weeks and I will spare no expense”
“Da this can be done. I will make arrangements”
“Thank you Boris”
The line went dead and the Sultan smiled. He walked up the stairs into his waiting plane. The redheaded slave had been taken in while he talked on the phone. He found her settled into a cage at the back. She was truly broken and submissive. His thoughts lingered on her submission, the Amazons wont break so easily but I will have a corner on the market for Amazon slaves.
Diana and Dru arrived home to a less then welcome surprise but it was better then what Diana thought she deserved. Her feet had barely touched the ground when an Amazon she had grown up sparing with grappled her to the ground. She did not resist as the woman Diana knew as Hertha stripped her of her Wonder Woman garb. Including her bracelets. To remove her bracelets would be grounds for a fight to the death on this island but again Diana did not resist. Dru wanted to to. She shouted swear words only said in man’s world and threatened to run through anyone who laid a hand on her sister. Her sword was unsheathed and pointed at Amazons much more her senior but the fire in her eyes gave them pause as they looked at the young Princess.
“Dru!!” Diana screamed from the ground. Her head buried in the rich soil of her homeland. Face turned to the side so she could see her sister willing to fight her own people for her. It brought a tear to her eye. At the mention of her name Dru turned to her. The rage was in her eyes as she locked eyes with Diana but she could also see fear there. Hertha finished stripping her. Diana lay nude on her stomach on the ground.
“This is our way. You know that. I love you with all my heart Dru but I must respect our ways” Diana said as she was dragged to her feet and shackled. Disturbingly the chains going around her hands felt comfortable. Shaking that thought from her mind she watched as a trio of Amazon warriors approached. She knew all of them, had fought and bested everyone on the island. These three were never fans of hers. Hertha jerked her forward and past Dru walking towards the trio. Dru looked on with her sword sheathed once more. Hertha brought Diana towards the three. The one in the centre was a tall brunette. Lithe figure. Diana knew her name to be Astrid. A formidable warrior, her speed and reflexes almost as good as Diana’s but not quite.
“So the disgraced Princess returns” Astrid said as she evaluated the chained champion. There was no malice in her tone. Diana expected to be degraded and subjected to all sorts of humiliations upon her return. The tone in Astrid and her manner was almost accepting, almost bordering on compassion.
“I am here to face my fate” Diana replied for all to hear. Many more Amazons were now gathering in the area. In the distance Diana could see her Mothers palace and the temple to Athena. The eyes of her sisters burned into her but time and time again she didn’t see any aggression in their eyes. No hints of pity either just more and more understanding and compassion. Hertha dragged her along to the temple. Soon the entire island’s worth of Amazons were following behind. Being nude and chained here of all places did not embarrass her like out in mans world. Here, nudity was par for the course. Accepted and seen everyday. Led into the village were most of the Amazons maintained their dwellings Diana looked up to a hill. The hill where her Mother lived and she was rewarded by seeing her. She smiled and Diana felt strength run through her. The temple to Athena was one of the more lavish buildings on the island. Hertha was the only one who came in with her. That was only to unchain her and leave her. Diana stood alone. Her nudity all of the sudden did feel uncomfortable. As if it was wrong somehow to be nude in such a place. She walked to the alter at the head of the temple. The walk felt hard to her, as if she was suddenly weighed down. Each step was harder and harder, Diana wasn’t sure if she was doing it or something else was weighing her down. The alter was only steps from her when she saw a light blossom from it. It was a pure white light and instantly she was familiar with it.
“Athena” She whispered.
“Diana Princess of the Amazons. Champion and ambassador to man’s world” The words echoed with grace through the temple. They were at the same time comforting and terrifying. Feminine and compassionate.
“I understand now. I understand that Amazons, we have an inherit weakness” Diana said towards the light.
“That is correct. As a warrior what do you do with weaknesses?” The light form of Athena questioned.
“Strengthen yourself against it and make it a strength” Diana said with purpose.
“Then come enter the light. Let us see if you can do just that”
Diana strode into the light and felt herself transported. The white walls of the temple were replaced with the blackness of just a vast empty space. She felt like she were dreaming again but this somehow felt even more real. Tumbling through space she saw nothing but the blackness. An image appeared in front of her and she seemed to be drifting towards it. Approaching it Diana saw the familiar figure of the Sultan. In his palace he sat behind a huge desk made of oak. Diana knew he was in his office in his main palace. The desk was large enough that it dominated the wide open room. With circular arches it exposed the office to the elements making it a sweltering place. There would be a cage just off to the side of the desk where she spent a fair amount of time. She saw that now, but it was empty. The Sultan was what was bringing her attention. He sat hunched over the desk engrossed in his papers. Diana had seen that before too. It meant he was paying close attention to something and making sure he knew everything. She felt like a spirit as she hovered over his shoulder. Looking down she spotted the documents that seemed to have his attention. On them she saw something that horrified her. A map had a circled area that was her home. There was a document on the left of him that showed designs and mock ups of pens with the name Amazon cages written underneath. Diana immediately felt the fool. Of course the perverted Sultan would have installed some sort of tracker on her or more likely in her. By coming home she had endangered her entire people. Another document had troop numbers and armaments. Modern tanks and even an air squadron. The Amazons were a warrior people but against such modern weapons and taken by surprise they would not withstand against such an attack.
“When will this happen?” Diana asked into the void.
Nothing answered her but the image changed. The Sultan still sat at his desk in his office but he sat with a smile and his hands behind his back. There were no documents or papers on the large desk. To the side of the desk in the cage Diana saw herself. Nude and collared, Diana sat in the cage with her legs spread. Knees up by her ears. One hand playing with her clit and another fondling her breasts. Diana couldn’t help herself she felt a wave of arousal flood through her.
“I don’t understand” she asked.
“What is missing?” The voice of the Goddess answered this time.
“The papers...... the papers, there is no attack.... are you saying if I went back to him I would save my sisters?”
“Would you? Or would you simply like it?” the voice was questioning. Maybe even taunting a little bit.
Diana owned her lusts and thought about the comment.
“I would like it but I must protect my sisters”
The two images appeared next to each other and Diana hovered in between.
“Choose” Athena’s disembodied voice commanded.
“I would rather fight and die with my sisters then willingly enslave myself again” Diana confidently said.
“Your Sultan is not after your sisters deaths. He wishes to bring about a new dark age for Amazons”
Diana’s mind flashed with her own imagination. Of course he would seek to enslave them all. They would be perfect chattel for his servant program and the island a perfect housing area as know one knew where it was. Athena must have read her mind because images of her fellow Amazons chained began to flash past her. Hertha and Astrid and many more all chained. All in the throws of pleasure. Her Mother chained to her throne on all fours licking the Sultans foot. Diana’s blood boiled but it didn’t boil over until she saw an image of her sister nude and collared. Stood at attention behind the Sultan in one of his palaces as he spoke to world leaders.
“Enough!!” She screamed and if she had a sword she would have drawn it for any imaginary foe.
“Your love for your sister saves you again. Just as your Mother’s love for her people saved them fromt eh dark time” Athena’s voice decreed.
Images, again replaced the image of the Sultan and Dru. Diana saw the distant past. Her Mother fighting for her freedom. Rising up and leading her people to safety. She saw her in this very temple pleading with Athena.
“How can we protect mankind if we have this weakness?” Her mothers voice was dripped in agony. Not physical Diana knew, it was emotional. It was the very same thing she now grappled with.
Athena was radiant in light before her mother.
“You must remain ever vigilant. When you return to mans world you will need to find other ways of satisfying this weakness”
The image ended there. Diana knew instantly without asking what her mother and her sisters decided on. They would simply never return to mans world to avoid this shame. She became angry at them for only the briefest of moments until she too found compassion for her sisters. Diana and Dru were the only two Amazons to have never experienced the shame and now Diana had. She felt strangely more connected to them then before.
“What will your choice be?” Athena’s powerful voice broke Diana’s thoughts.
“I can not abandon mans world. There is much wickedness, that is for sure. There is great strength and hope as well. They stand at a point in time where the evil threatens the hope and I must stand as signal, a beacon for hope. I will return to mans world”
Athena’s voice did not answer for a long moment until with a great heavy sigh she spoke.
“I understand why your Mother choose her action. I did not like it at the time but us immortals have the benefit of time and I have come to believe she was right to keep herself and her Amazons hidden. The world of men is naturally evil I fear it will envelop you again. You are the greatest warrior of the Amazons and you are a symbol of hope to many in the world. I will allow you to be again”
The light that was Athena died away and the blackness of the space returned to the whites of the temple. Diana stood on the alter. Her bracelets had been reforged and felt comfortable and new on her wrists. She looked over herself and noticed she was in her Wonder Woman costume with slight changes. Her top was now a little darker in colour but not overly so and her skirt was slightly shorter but not vulgar. Reaching behind she found a sword on her back and looking down she found her boots travelled a little further up her legs then before. Marvelling at her attire she decided she liked it.
“Thank you Athena”
“Be careful Diana, there is a great evil spreading through the world. Your Sultan is deeply involved. I would suggest to stay clear of him but if you must confront him keep your love of your sister and sisters close to your heart” Athena’s voice was warning and even a little wistful as it drifted through the temple.
Outside the temple Amazons stood, sat and some even slept. Diana had been in the temple for over four days. No one on the island had left this area. Even the Queen, Diana’s mother sat with her people waiting for their Princess and champion to emerge in either further disgrace or triumphant. The Queen held every confidence in her daughter. She would pass this test as remarkably and easily as all others that had been put in her way. Her other daughter Dru stood by her side. A perpetual frown on her face for four days now. The Queen was sure her daughter believed in her elder sister but that did not stop her from worry. When Dru had found out the fate of Diana in mans world she had to be restrained. She was a formidable warrior. One only a few on the island that could yet best her. Dru had raged and called for an all out invasion of the Sultans lands before finally being subdued and convinced of a less aggressive stance. The Queen and the other Amazons knew well the trials Diana was facing at the time but could not bare to share their shame with the youngest of them. Dru’s eyes squinted for a moment and her stance softened.
“She is coming out” She declared to those around her. Many viewed her with looks of distrust as to how she would know. The Queen trusted her daughters and trusted in their senses. She rose to see her eldest.
Diana emerged from the temple. Sword held high in the air. She looked stronger and healthier then ever.
“I am Diana. Princess of Themyscira. Daughter of Hippolyta. Champion of the Amazons. All who doubt my worthiness I invite to challenge” Diana’s words rang out with confidence and pitch. They carried to all on the island and though some stiffened at the thought of challenging the Princess none choose to. Next to the Queen Dru stirred briefly then stepped forward.
“I think I speak for most sister when I say I do not doubt your prowess in battle. I doubt your ability to combat your lusts” Dru spoke with a confidence beyond her years and both the Queen and her sister smiled.
“Amazons. My sister is right to worry. You all know she is right to worry. Athena herself has shown me our past. Our true past” Diana lingered on the last sentence so that all knew what she was referring to. Of course there was one on the island who did not know.
Stepping closer to her sister she placed a loving hand on her shoulder.
“Dru, my dear sister. Our mother and our friends have hidden something from us. They did so out of love but also fear” The mention of Amazons being fearful sent a slight ripple through the assembled warriors but all knew it to be true. Dru looked into Diana’s face and found love and understanding.
“You see Dru. We Amazons were born to lead mankind into equality. To serve them in this great undertaking. This service though exposes our great weakness. We are born to serve men....... in all ways. Not to just serve as an example but to our great shame we find pleasure in not just leading but in abject servitude. Slavery as we were taught my dear sister is our greatest darkest moment in history because it exposed the love Amazons have to serve”
Dru looked at her sister as though she was a different being but when she turned to face her Mother and other Amazons she found them with understanding and acceptance in their eyes. Some had tears in their eyes while others nodded in a dejected almost servile way.
“We were taught lies?” Dru felt like she should draw her sword and attack. Anything, anyone just attack.
“We were not told the full story. After having this weakness exposed in me. I can understand why our sisters choose not to say”
Amazons nodded their thanks to their Champion.
“Why is there no history of it?” Dru asked.
“Athena wiped it from mankind's knowledge” Her Mother the Queen explained as she joined her daughters side.
“Is anything true?” Dru asked incredulously.
“Yes, oh of course dear child. I and your aunt we rose up. We found our love for each other woke us from the spell of serving. It was our love that freed our people” Hippolyta answered.
Diana brushed Dru’s cheek with her hand and patted her shoulder.
“Just as seeing you ignited my love once more. You gave me the strength to break free. Seeing you about to walk the same path that I had gave me all the strength I needed to escape”
“That is why you sent me after her?” Dru asked her mother her simply nodded.
“I understand my sisters what you did and why you choose not to reveal all of our history to me and Dru. Now though I ask you to allow me to return to mans world. There are dangers that still need to be fought”
“You would willingly go back!!?” Asked Astrid.
“Yes” The answer was quick and confident.
“Are you not afraid of falling again?” An Amazon asked.
“Yes, but we can not let fear dictate our actions”
“I will return with her” Dru announced and drew stares from all.
“Dru!” The Queen and Diana blurted.
“If it was love for me that brought you back then I should stick close to you” Dru reasoned and actually got a couple of nods from Amazons.
Diana and her Mother exchanged looks and knew the fire they saw in her would not be extinguished. Reluctantly they nodded.
Diana and Dru arrived in Washington in the early afternoon. She wasn’t entirely sure what to expect as they came home. Diana half expected to have a squad of the Sultans henchmen waiting at her apartment but there was nothing. Dru went online and couldn’t find any reference to her slavery. All record had been purged. Diana breathed a sigh of relief and once more thanked Athena.
“So who gets the bed?” Dru said with a smile nodding towards the one bedroom that had a bed.
“Haha We will get one delivered probably by tonight and we will set you up in the spare room”
“They deliver?” Dru asked with a childlike glee.
“Now a days Dru they deliver everything and if you pay enough they’ll deliver it very quickly”
“Such a weird culture”
“It takes some getting used to” Diana laughed.
“When do we go after the Sultan?” Dru asked switching from child like glee to adult seriousness. Ah to be young again Diana thought.
“Soon. I am leery to confront him openly. His program is still legal and I am unsure of how to combat him. Athena mentioned there is a great evil coming into the world and the Sultan is apart of it”
The Sultan looked at a row of slaves. He was in his main and oldest slave processing centre. Looking out at them he smiled. They were a diverse lot, for infidel westerners he thought. Redheads, blondes, brunettes and one particular punk looking woman with pink hair. That would have to change he thought. Only natural colours. He did after all run a high end program. Something felt wrong though, like something was missing. Looking out over them he saw all of them that were supposed to be there. No, it wasn’t something here but something in general. He felt like a piece of him was missing. Shirt pocket began to buzz breaking him of his thoughts.
“Sultan my friend”
“Boris! What a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?”
“I called to thank you for the blonde present you sent me. She is very friendly” the smile was clear even through the phone.
“I knew she would suit you perfectly my friend and it was all I could do after you and your team developed our satellite and tracking applications”
“They are working well, yes?” Boris asked.
“My team tells me quite well. I haven’t checked the app in sometime my friend. Far too busy and I track my assets by simply viewing them” The Sultan smiled as he walked down the row of slaves. They stood in heavy shackles and collars. Stiff as a board as he walked by every single one of them. He reached out and brushed a nipple here and there as he walked. Cupping a beautiful brunette’s pussy as she squirmed in his touch was the very feel of bliss he thought.
“Good good. Again thank you my friend”
“Come to Sandalla and I shall show you a wonderful time”
“Soon my friend. I must be off”
“Goodbye my friend” The Sultan finished as he tore his hand away from the brunette’s pussy.
He looked over the line of slaves and nodded to himself. The phone was still in his hand and for just a moment he thought about the app on it that Boris and his team had put together. His fingers worked through his apps and found it. Opening the app with a tap he looked it over and was pleased at the design and orientation. He tapped on the tracker to see which of his slaves were within the tracking radius. A few dots were within a close proximity which was correct he acknowledged. On his little inspection tour he had brought six slaves with him, four of which he was re-purposing back to the processing centre. It wasn’t that he was unhappy with them but he thought they had other talents that could be put to better use for his services. They were more then happy when informed of the change because to serve their Master was their highest calling. Looking at the screen he saw that if he zoomed out he could see his slaves at the palace. On the far side of the screen on the little radar like icon there was red blips. Confused he zoomed out and out again and again. His screen now showed his entire country and two blips just on the outskirts. He had to search his memory until he realized he had lent a couple of a cousin in that region. Still though in his mind he felt like there was something else. Something missing. No matter how hard he thought about it he could not quite place it.
Diana and Dru had assembled a bed and a dresser in record time and sat on her sofa watching TV when a story about the Sultan came on. It documented how the program was expanding at an incredible rate and drawing in disillusioned western women from every major country. Some now were beginning to openly think that perhaps it was not the best of ideas to have allowed it in the first place. Sadly at the highest reaches of government there was nothing being said but the actions spoke volumes. Senators and Congressmen walked around openly with their ‘servants’. Dru nearly donned her costume and went to Congress to deprive them of their servants forcefully a few time already. The program highlighted his palace in Sandalla and the main processing centre. Places that Diana knew well and places that brought a certain tingling sensation to her pussy. Something she knew would happen but still very unsettling.
“I still say we just kill him” Dru remarked as the program finished.
“One of his sons or someone else would just take his place. It’s that program that needs to be stopped. Look at the news Dru. I have only been away for a brief time but things just seem so much darker. My fellow heroines are running around trying to fix it all but it’s just patching it up. Things are dark from the inside and all we can effect is the outside” There was a certain level of despair in her voice that calmed and frightened Dru.
“So what do we do?”
“One thing at a time. Take down the servant program and the Sultan and then move on to the next”
“And how do we do that?” Dru asked.
“I don’t know. We need proof so damning that it would take down the whole thing. Show the world that a lot of the girls in the program are not there of their own accord. I thought going through it I could get that information. Which was true but had a disastrous result”
“Yeah but that doesn't mean it will happen again” Dru offered.
“That’s right but not something I am eager to test out” Sighing Diana thought about it. There were only ever male workers or trainers as they were called on the sites. Even with her abilities a stealth mission wouldn’t be long until she is discovered.
“If we both go in then we can keep each other from being dragged further” Dru tried to help.
“Yes but they may separate us. It was only chance that you were brought in front of me when you were before”
“If they knew who we were what would they do?”
“If they knew our relation? Every single one of his advisors and lieutenants would be telling him to separate us”
“And what would he do?” Dru asked.
It was a good question. Diana knew the Sultan. She was under his power for a good time and though he had her trained as he liked she had taken notice of his habits and personality. It was after all the job of the slave to anticipate and look after their Master.
“He would revel in having us together. Probably have us doing some things sisters really shouldn’t” Diana concluded.
Dru made a face that Diana wasn’t sure if it was disgust or amusement.
“Ha...” amusement thought Diana. “Men are so predicable. We can handle that” Dru said confidently.
“Dru I appreciate your enthusiasm but I don’t know if I could handle it” laughed Diana.
“We only have the same mother you know” Dru laughed as she playfully hit her elder sister on the shoulder.
“This isn’t like bathing or sparing back home Dru. They have you do vile and humiliating things. If I can I want to avoid that for both of us but especially you”
The perceived knock at her youth turned her playful hits to slightly more powerful ones.
“I am not a girl to be protected anymore. I can do that myself” Dru spoke not in a whine but in a confidence of an Amazon warrior. Diana again marvelled at the maturity and strength of her sister. Perhaps if she herself were to fall again her sister would be the one to guide her back again.
“This is not about protection but strategy” Diana said truthfully and that stopped her sister from hitting her.
“Isn’t it better then to have two in then one. We have already decided they would keep us together if they knew our relation. So we could keep an eye on each other and gather more evidence”
Diana wasn’t sure she liked the fact that she agreed and was agreeing on an idea that would see her put back into the Sultans hands. At least he wouldn’t remember.
“Fine. We be upfront about it. We go to the Sultan and tell him we are investigating him. He will gracsiously offer to show us the program and from there we look after each other and gather as much evidence as we can. If one of us starts to think the other is losing themselves then they can call an end and break us out. How does that sound”
“Sounds like a plan” Dru said excitedly and confidently.
“Sounds like a plan, my Sultan” A trusted advisor said in a meeting of the Sultan’s closest allies and strategists.
“Excellent then we will have the eastern facility expanded and limit the amount to the western facility while we take a closer look at our security. Now my friends, I think we all can agree the servant program has been an economic boon to our country. I am troubled however by the decline in... shall we say willing enrolment” The Sultan looked over the people in his spacious office. The chuckles that greeted his statement pleased him but the dazed looks that came to their faces after did not.
“How are we going to get them up? We must maintain the illusion my friends or it will be the end of us”
“A media blitz. Run new ads and old make sure the program is still in everyone's mind” An advisor ventured.
“Target the teens. Facebook ads, Twitter and Instagram. Recruitment in the schools” Another advisor ventured.
“All good ideas gentlemen, but all have been done. We may see a rise in recruitment for a bit but it will flatten out again. We need something that would last longer. Something we can point to and say this is something to aspire to” The Sultan mused.
Everyone remained silent for a moment.
“A spokesperson” one of his advisors said.
“I am the spokesperson” The Sultan sneered.
“Yes my Sultan but you run the program. Someone who embodies the program. A servant” The same advisor elaborated.
“A mascot” the Sultan said smiling.
“Yes my Sultan”
“I like it. We can’t invent one like some cheap fast food place. It must be someone the whole world would know”
“A celebrity? We haven’t had any join for obvious reasons and to force one would not make a good mascot” Another advisor correctly said.
“Sad but undeniably true. Should we try and convince one?” The Sultan asked truly seeking the advice from his advisors.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea” the person with the original idea of the idea said.
“I agree. So where does that leave us?” The Sultan asked.
“I don’t know my Sultan”
“I respect the idea. We shall further research this” The Sultan commanded in a tone that told them all that the meeting was done.
His advisors took the unspoken command and flowed out of the office.
It was one thing agreeing on a plan thought Diana it was another setting it in motion. They couldn’t exactly just go to Sandalla and surrender, that would look far to suspicious. They needed the Sultan to feel like he was in control the whole time and that he had tricked them into service. In the weeks since their arrival back in mans world they had made themselves visible. Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl had stopped a couple of super powered villains and patrolled the east coast of the United States. The press had given Dru the name and Diana thought she might have thrown a fit but she seemed honoured to have a moniker close to her older sister. Without a full set of armour like Diana Dru had taken to fighting along side her sister in form fitting Lycra like pants and a simple top with her sisters emblem on it. Diana wasn’t sure where she had found it but Dru had come home one day with it and was quite happy. The press had taken notice of the change in her own attire. Dru had remarked that they seemed obsessed with fashion in mans world, which made Diana chuckle. In those weeks though Diana had noticed a couple of things about the wider world. Most of the hero’s and heroines were busy. Diana couldn’t even get in contact with any of her friends. Supergirl and Batgirl were all over the place. Crime and just activity all around the world seemed to be too much. They couldn’t keep up. One problem at a time she thought to herself as she turned the television on. It was permanently on the local news channel for her and Dru to be alerted to threats. The news channel was running an item about world leaders arriving in Washington for some event or another. Diana hadn’t heard about such an event but she was glad she had turned the TV on when she saw the Sultan emerging from his private plane at a local airport and being conducted away to a hotel nearby.
“Dru the Sultan is here in Washington”
Her sister peeked her head out of the kitchen with some sort of sandwich half in her hand and the other half in her mouth.
“Ha, finish your sandwich and we will go pay him a visit”
Sitting in a plush leather chair in a very well appointed hotel room mere minutes from the steps of the White House the Sultan read reports on his country and more importantly the servant program. Recruitment numbers still concerned him. His advisors had discretely contacted many female western celebrities over the last little while in hopes that a monetary windfall would allow them to be a spokesperson but as of yet none had taken them up on the offer. Something still felt like it was missing and he was beginning to think he was just anxious about the future of his country and program. A large TV was on the other side of the room and though he rarely watched it at home he had to admit one of the things Westerners did well was this form of entertainment. He found the remote on a table next to the chair and turned on the TV. The television turned on and was left on a news channel. He nearly flipped it just on impulse but a story on Wonder Woman and her new sidekick was running. Showing the two beautiful women fending off some sort of mutant monkey attack earlier in the week. Apparently they had been mutated by some sort of mad man or such. The Sultan paid little attention to the actual story and instead watched the form of the heroines. A heroine would be the ultimate mascot he thought. Looking at the picture on the TV he found that he had always loved Wonder Woman. She was the perfect example of female beauty. Strength and beauty melded into one absolutely gorgeous Goddess. The younger one next to her was no different. Younger but not to young she appeared to be a late teenager or early twenties by appearance. Oddly he thought to himself, do Amazons age at the same rate. They were thought to be immortal. An eternal beauty by his side, the epitome of modern feminism serving him in all ways. Again that same feeling of loss swept over him as his thoughts drifted to the fantasy of having both in his command.
The Sultan wasn’t sure how long he had been lost in his own mind when his eyes opened he saw a couple of his advisors were in the room.
“My Sultan, the meetings are set for later tonight. Would you care for anything at the moment?” They both looked at him expectantly.
“No. Leave me alone. I wish to think” The two departed without another comment.
It was a simple matter for Diana and Dru to track down what hotel and room the Sultan was in. On the top floor of the hotel with a walk out terrace with a beautiful garden. Diana was surprised when they landed on the terrace to find him without any guards simply stood in the beautiful garden open to the elements without protection.
“Ah it’s the darling of the United States and her new protege. Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl” The Sultan faced them with a smile on his face.
“Isn’t it the Sultan of Sandalla. The head of the disgusting servant program” Diana retorted. Being this close to the Sultan again was she reflected not a good idea. Her body ached to please him and she very nearly called off the whole thing.
“What can I do for such beautiful and respected women?”
“Shut down your program” Dru stared daggers at the man and Diana wondered if she might just kill him outright.
“I am afraid not little one. It has been quite the success and has turned the fortunes of my country round. Not to mention the joy it is giving”
“Your program is an insult to all women and must be shut down. You take poor confused women and turn them into objects” Diana stated.
“We don’t take anyone. They come willingly, as I am sure you know” The Sultan smiled once more.
“I have heard differently” Diana warned.
“Lies by my enemies” The Sultan said it with such conviction that Diana may have been inclined to agree, but she knew better.
“Let us put those lies to rest then Sultan. Allow us to inspect your facilities”
“Alas I can not allow that. As you are no doubt aware all personal in the training facilities are men. Women in the centres must be taught that they are to serve. So to avoid confusion no women are allowed into the centres who are not under going the training”
“That’s pretty convenient” Dru suggested.
“A necessity my beautiful young friend”
“We will inspect those facilities Sultan” Diana warned.
“You don’t strike me as the breaking and entering type Wonder Woman and besides that even with your incredible talents you would find the breaking and entering part difficult”
“One way or another we will have a look Sultan”
“There is only one way my dear Wonder Woman. I am not sure you are brave enough for it”
Inwardly Diana smiled. She had manoeuvred him into what she wanted.
“Don’t try to play us Sultan. What do you want?” Dru demanded. Playing her part.
“Well you arrive at an opportune time. I find myself in need of a spokesperson, a mascot for my program. I had hoped to convince a celebrity but for obvious reasons they find it beneath their station. Now I find myself with one of the most recognizable females in the world and her almost identical sister.... I presume. The only way you can see the training centres is to undergo the training. Once that is done you may choose to leave but I wager you will not and I will use your name and body to recruit for years”
It was actually chilling just how much of that he had accomplished before and by only the grace of Athena had been wiped from his and the worlds mind. Again she said a silent thanks to the Goddess. She saw to her side Dru was itching to hit the man but with an admirable show of restraint she was holding herself back. Or she was putting on a good show. Diana wasn’t sure which, that thought made her smile inwardly again at the growth of her sister.
“You honestly expect us to agree to that” Dru again blasted.
‘No he doesn’t sister, but he hopes for it don’t you Sultan?”
“The very image of you two here in my presence well fuel my fantasies for years. It is my offer. Two weeks in my care. I will train you personally and then you may leave at the end of it if you wish”
“Two weeks” Diana repeated.
“Yes, you can come by yourself if you want. Leave the young one out of it”
“I go where she goes” Dru warned.
“As you wish. You wont accept my offer anyways. I will give you time to think on it. I have meetings to attend to this evening and then I will be departing for home. I assume you know where my private plane is currently housed?”
“Yes we know where it is” Diana answered.
“I should be departing around ten tonight. If you wish to accept the offer then meet me there. If not I wish you the best of luck in proving these false rumours. Now if you please I have to prepare. Could you see yourselves out” It was more command then question but Diana simply accepted the sentiment and guided Dru away.
The Sultan watched as the two leaped an incredible distance and then disappeared into the Washington buildings. Odd he thought, that feeling of something missing that had been nagging him for weeks now was no longer there. Perhaps it was just anxiety over the recruitment numbers. He thought about the two Amazons and though he didn’t feel anything more then lust and eagerness towards the young one, Wonder Woman though, there was something familiar there. He could almost picture her nude and in chains. Her nipples and her pussy were vivid in his mind like he had seen them before. Drinking in the images in his mind, storing them for future use he smiled and turned to go inside and prepare for the evening.
Diana and Dru were soon in their apartment and each looked at each other. Dru’s eyes were wide and full of excitement while Diana was a little more reserved. Memories of her previous experiences kept flashing through her mind. She had come to terms with them and what she had done but she couldn’t deny the arousal she felt with each image. Looking at Dru she felt her love for her sister and her strength to resist intensifying.
“That went about as well as we could have hoped for” Dru said.
“Yeah pretty much. We will meet him at the airport at ten which I am sure will surprise him. He may suspect something is up but we really can’t do anything about that. We will leave our power items here so that he does not gain access to them. Also so that we can call for them when we need them”
Dru nodded her understanding.
Without there power items making their way to the small airfield just outside Washington was a little more difficult. They were still Amazons though with strength, speed and skill far beyond that of the average person. With a half hour to spare they had taken positions on top of the lone hanger. Below them parked just outside the hanger was the Sultan’s private place. Diana knew it well and tensed at first at the sight of it. There were guards all around and there had even been one on the hanger roof that they had knocked out and kept close by. Armed guards were a bit of a problem without their abilities but even so they weren’t there for a fight and if it came to it they both were certain they could handle them. Watching from their vantage point they could see everything coming in and out of the airfield. Picking up on an approaching vehicle entering the area, their gazes shifted to the vehicle and watched as it pulled up within steps of the plane. Out stepped the Sultan and a couple of his advisors. He looked around for a moment before talking to a couple of the guards and making his way towards the plane.
Diana placed the unconscious guard under her arm with little effort and with a nod to Dru they jumped down to the ground. A few feet away from the car. Their sudden appearance had the effect of every guard in the area turning and pointing guns at them. The Sultan turned as well as a guard placed himself between the intruders and the Sultan. Diana was impressed by the quick reaction by the bodyguard and smiled.
“Hello all” She said in a jovial tone.
The Sultan sidestepped his guard and looked to the voice. Beholding the sight of the two Amazons on the tarmac of the airport immediately made him aroused. When he remembered his offer and their appearance here and now he had to work hard to make sure his arousal wasn’t seen. It was not dignified for him at that moment to be seen so he thought.
“Ah Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl. Welcome” The Sultan said as he walked towards them. The guards still had their guns raised but their posture had relaxed somewhat.
“Sultan” Diana stated as she gingerly placed the unconscious guard down by her side.
“Sorry but we wanted our approach to be discreet. He is unharmed.” She explained
“Of course. I understand my dears” The Sultan looked around as his entourage still had their arms drawn and aimed at the duo.
“My friends they mean us no harm” He said as he physically pushed the nearest guards gun down. Most of the guards took the hint and lowered their weapons as well but one kept it aimed at the two and questioned the Sultan.
“Are you sure my Sultan? It would be nothing for just one of them to take us all out”
“I have more confidence in your abilities then you it would seem but I think we all know Wonder Woman is not an assassin. I appreciate your concern but I am your Sultan. Lower your weapon”
The guard lowered his weapon and his head slightly in a form of respect.
“Very good, your loyalty and diligence will be rewarded. All of you. Despite the fact that earlier today these two lovely ladies managed to have a conversation with me at the hotel while nobody knew” The Sultan looked around at his guards who all seemed chastised and forlorn at having failed.
“Ha do not feel bad. They are after all heroines of the highest calibre. All we did was have a chat. Isn’t that right Wonder Woman?”
“That is correct Sultan”
“Tell me then what are you here for?”
“As we stated earlier, we will find out what is going on in your training centres and if that means we have to subject ourselves to your treatment for a couple of weeks then so be it”
The glee on the face of the sultan was unmistakable. Diana had given him that look many times and she took a little pride in that fact. Looking out at the guards and advisors and whoever else was around Diana could see that they didn’t have a clue as to what was happening. The Sultan though was giddy and that seemed to make everyone else a little more happier with each passing moment.
“I am glad to hear it. My friends we have two new applicants to the program. See if we have any carriers to bring them home with” The Sultan announced and they all stood still not quite comprehending what was going on.
Humour was written all over his face and Diana had to admit that she was amused too. Beside her she was pretty sure she could hear Dru chuckling under her breath as well. Finally his patience worn he walked over to a nearby attendant and smacked him on the backside of the head. Willing the poor man back into consciousness.
“Moron, any carriers in the plane?” He asked with venom in his voice. Diana and Dru knew they wouldn’t be leaving under essentially any possibility but the Sultan didn’t. Obviously concerned his latest captures may turn and run, speed and efficiency were becoming increasingly important. Knocked back into reality by the Sultan the man looked at him for a moment and then ran to the plane. Diana knew the plane well and knew it to have a rear hatch that could open up and allow for anything to be loaded on. A large as a tank. The carriers were something she was all to familair with as well. It was the ride in the carrier the first time that had done much to show her, her own lusts. In speaking about the plan to Dru she had told her of the carrier and what she had done in it. Dru had listened and taken everything in without judgment. Keen as any warrior to learn more about her enemy. Certain that the information would help Dru in her ability to resist the temptations.
The others were coming out of their stupor by the time the one who had run back to the place emerged wheeling something that was quite different then what she remembered. Where before the carrier was a cage in complete sensory deprivation these were large ‘t’ shaped devices. With a base on wheels. The lacky pushed one with one hand and pulled another with his other hand. They were tall things and appeared to be made out of wood. By the way they glided across the tarmac they must be very easy to move thought Diana. On top of the base just in front of the structure was a machine with two penis haped dildos mounted vertically. Diana knew instantly what it was. Some sort of fucking machine. With two dildos her stomach quacked a little at the thought of being violated in both holes so early. By the look of the poles they were mounted on they could penetrate a far distance as well. On the top horizontal bar there were restraints for their hands. They were leather looking but seemed somehow harsh.
“That’s not what you described” whispered Dru. Still with confidence in her voice. Diana’s was a little shaken by the new devices but she knew it wouldn’t be exactly like last time. She could work with this.
“No it isn’t” she whispered back.
“Looks...... painful” Dru whispered and in that final word she heard a bit of lack of belief.
“It is. You can still get out of here. I can get the info”
“No, we keep each other from falling. That was the plan” Dru whispered back slightly louder but certainly more confident.
Diana reached down and squeezed her sisters hand. Trying to will more strength and confidence into the young woman.
The Sultan stepped much closer, close enough that if he choose he could reach out and touch either of them. His guards tensed for a brief moment but when the Amazons didn’t react they relaxed again.
“I am of course familiar that Wonder Woman here is indeed a woman but I must ask your age young miss. Wouldn’t want you to get me on a technicality of age” The Sultan winked at them both. Clearly enjoying the game.
Despite the absolute lunacy of actually trying to bring down his program on such a charge Diana smiled and despite herself was enjoying the verbal chess match.
“You know better then to ask a lady her age Sultan. I thought better of you” Diana said.
“Quite right and normally I let one of my more vulgar associates handle such delicacies but you two..... You two I am taking a personal interest and action in” The Sultan smiled and looked at the younger of the two Amazons expecting an answer. Dru looked back at the Sultan with a degree of anger and amusement in her eyes. Diana smiled at the fiery girl’s ability to control herself and play her part.
“I am six hundred and forty years of age” Dru answered without a tone of anger or amusement. The only hint of her amusement was when she smiled and chuckled at the Sultans stunned reaction.
“Immortal...... of course” The Sultan regained his composure and smile.
“Since we are down the rabbit hole. How old are you my dear?” The Sultan asked Diana.
“I stopped counting after fifteen-hundred”
“Haha.....” The Sultan was genuinely pleased and amused. Diana knew his moods and his outbursts and she smiled at making him amused. “Of course, of course” He managed to say in between a wide grin.
“I will leave out the obligatory ‘you don’t look a day under’ joke”
“Appreciated” Dru said before Diana could say anything.
“I must ask other questions. You see the training is intense and if I start to quickly in relation to your experience level you will not enjoy it and certainly choose to leave. I am good at my work, but I must ask. The both of you your sexual experiences. Have you been with a man? Been with a Woman? With each other? Anal? Oral?” The Sultan seemed to delight in referencing such rude and vulgar things.
“Again not things you ask a lady” Diana said with a slight warning stare.
“Apologies but as soon as you arrived here tonight you were no longer ladies. You are slaves, for at least the next couple of weeks. Answer or leave and forego your chance to learn about the program” The Sultans tone turned from jovial to ice quickly and Diana and Dru knew they had pushed as far as they could on this.
They both nodded their heads in understanding. Just as they finished the lackey arrived with the two devices being pushed/pulled.
Diana was the first to include all her history. The Sultan smiled at her basically showing that she was very experienced. Little did he know he had been responsible for most of it. Dru answered after, they had spoke about her history in preparation for this. So Diana knew the answers but she cringed as the Sultan smiled at the answers. Dru answered truthfully, she had never been with a man but had been with a woman. Never performed oral or anal and certainly never done anything with her sister.
“So you are a virgin then” The Sultan pronounced loud enough for all to hear. The smiles and chuckles that came from the assembled peoples was sinister. Diana fought the urge to back out of it and beat them all to pulp.
“If you mean is my hymen intact. No” The admission seemed to displease the Sultan and those gathered. Diana and Dru smiled at the admission.
“Explain” The Sultan asked.
“At home we have..... I suppose the closest word is flute....” Dru looked at Diana who nodded her head. “We use them for many things but it is common to gain pleasure through them”
“HAHAHAHAHA they go to band camp” the voice erupted from behind them. All except the Sultan and the Amazons laughed. Some doubling over in laughter. Dru snarled at them, at a perceived insult but Diana took her hand and whispered the reference. Smiling after that Dru looked at the Sultan who had a furrowed brow and nasty look in his eye. It only lasted for a momenth before a look of joy came back into his features.
“So you have never known a man?” He looked to confirm.
“Yes that is correct”
The others had gathered around as it became increasingly clear to all of them that the two Wonder Amazons were not there to arrest or accost them. After regaining their senses and then shaking off their laughing fit they now all wore smiles and some were noticeably aroused.
“Last chance then to the both of you. I would be happy with one but I will allow you both to go. You may find your information through other means, if you can. If you wish to stay and willingly subject yourself to the program then I ask a few things”
“Such as what?” Diana asked for them both.
“First, All men are now... at least for the next couple of weeks in your view.... they are now superior. You will address them as Sir and I as your trainer will be referred to Master. You will use these prefixes in every communication with a male such as ‘Yes Sir or Master’ ‘I understand Sir or Master’ and so on. Do you understand and accept this?” The Sultan’s eyes while still amused and jovial had taken on a hint of the cold ice that hallmarked when he was serious.
Diana and Dru exchanged glances and looked at the Sultan and replied “Yes Master” at the same time. Dru’s seemed forced but Diana’s was a mixture of forced and maybe happy. Diana made a note to herself to keep an eye on that. She wasn’t sure if the Sultan or anyone else had picked up on it.
“Good. Second, All in the program wear only what is provided to them. If nothing is provided then they are expected to be nude. Understood?”
“Yes Master” They replied.
When they didn’t say or do anything else the Sultan looked angry.
“Well? We did not give you those costumes” He finally said.
Dru looked at Diana and shrugged her shoulders. Being in mans land for as little as she had been she hadn’t developed their aversion to nudity. Diana thought about that, no not aversion but almost a shame inflicted on the women of the world. Especially when ordered to do it. Dru had already removed her boots by the time Diana came out of her own mind and started to disrobe herself. Her boots were quickly off and as Dru was removing her tiara she stopped and looked at Diana. With a wink she halted her progress to allow Diana to catch up. Diana wasn’t sure if she just wanted to wait because of some sort of sudden onset bashfulness or if she had a sense of the dramatic. In any case they only had their tops and bottoms to remove by the time Diana caught up with her. Diana had to admit even after all the humiliations of before she still didn’t like the look in the eyes of all the Sultans men and him. Ideally she thought maybe before she and the world had grown accustomed to her nudity and it was less of a big deal.
The Sultan wanted to record this somehow. He wasn’t sure his mind would be able to remember everything but he didn’t allow recording of his potential slaves and would rather not be the one to break his own law. He watched and had to will himself to keep a somewhat neutral expression and to keep his tongue in his mouth. The two beautiful Amazons reached to heir tops and all of time and space seemed to freeze.
Diana and Dru removed their tops and both couldn’t help but look at each other as they placed their separate tops on the tarmac next to their other discarded items. Diana was impressed by her younger sister. Her toned and athletic body was certainly matured in to that of a woman. Her chest was smaller then her own but not by a large part. Her breasts were in perfect unison with her body which was still slightly smaller then her. Her nipples were hard and erect in the cold air of the open airfield. Her areola was small about the size of slightly larger quarter. She looked down at her own and thought they were about the same. Also aware that her own nipples were hard and erect in the open air. Their bottoms were next to come off. Hooking their fingers into them from each side and pulling down. Diana purposely bent low enough that they wouldn’t be able to see anything for a moment or two. Dru however took them to her knees and then pulled a foot up and pulled that one through and then the same on the other like so many women the world over. Consequently the views of the entire audience were on her. She had a perfectly acceptable Amazonian bushel of pubic hair that seemed to displease some of the gathered. The Sultan sneered at it and immediately called over a guard or advisor or both Diana wasn’t sure. He said something in his ear and the man disappeared into the plane quickly. By this time Diana had raised herself back into a standing position to show them all what she had to offer. Her previous modifications had thankfully been wiped away with Athena’s help and she had allowed her pubic hair to grow back in somewhat but not like a normal Amazon yet. They stood nude on the tarmac and watched as they were essentially on display for the Sultan and now a select few of his trusted advisors and guards. Being on display was not a new experience for Diana but she looked over at Dru who she could see was beginning to feel a little exposed and possibly shamed for the first time about her nudity. Her hands had started to weave over her body. Diana was sure not really in a conscious effort to obscure her body from view but perhaps something deeper inside was feeling a little exposed. Not for the first time Diana regretted this whole plan. She should have had Dru remain either in Washington or back home but there was never going to be a way to do that. Dru would have found a way to get to her.
The person returned from the plane with something in his hand. Diana couldn’t make out what it was. The Sultan stepped forward to the two nude Amazon warriors and looked at them.
“Three, slaves have no pubic hair” The Sultan announced and handed Diana and Dru a razor each. Again this was something Diana had warned Dru about and the two took it in stride. Taking the offered razors from the man they went to work and soon their mounds were clear and with a touch of cream the Sultan provided they were clear and smooth.
“Four, Slaves will do as they are told, when they are told and how they are told. No matter what. No saying No. Understand?”
“Yes Master” They both responded.
“Finally five, From now until you sign the contract you will not tell any of your identities to anyone. You will be treated as any other slaves. Well any other slaves being trained by me” The Sultan stated.
This seemed a little weird to the both of them but they accepted their understanding of the terms.
“Good, Let us see just how obedient you already are. How far right now are you willing to let it go. Girl I want you to turn away from me and get on all fours”
Dru pointed to herself asking did he mean her.
“Yes you girl. For purposes of identities let us clear that up. Until told other wise, Wonder Woman you are now Wonder cunt or cunt for short and Wonder Girl you are now Wonder whore or whore for short. Understand?”
“Yes Master” Again they both replied in unison.
Dru took teh position as ordered on the tarmac. Her sex now exposed to the Sultan who lipped his lips.
“So whore you haven’t had a man?” He asked as he unbuckled his belt. Diana saw this and her mind railed against what she knew was coming. On some level she knew this was going to happen and worse but to have arrived at this point already was a little unsettling.
Dru took the question to have been more rhetorical then anything and didn’t respond.
“Cunt sit down in front of your sister and spread your legs” Diana really didn’t like where this was going but she had put them on this course. Looking at the smile on the Sultan as he unzipped his pants she moved to assume her position. She found her knees were almost up by her shoulders and gave Dru a close look at her freshly shaven pubic area.
“Good cunt now play with yourself” The Sultan ordered as his pants and underwear bunched up around his ankles.
Diana didn’t want to show how experienced she was so began to just toy with her clit before she was ordered to be a little more intense. Dru looked at her for a moment and Diana caught a hint of a smile that evaporated quickly when she felt the Sultan enter her pussy. Dru had been penetrated before but never by a man and never by the Sultan. Diana knew from experience he could be a kind lover but in certain times he could be cruel and rough and he hard clearly determined to be that now. His hands gripped Dru’s waist and began to pump in and out. While he had his way with Dru her eyes closed as she took it in. Diana could see on her sisters face the throws of pain and ecstasy working through her body. A part of her was worried for her sister but another part was envious. The Sultan was using her roughly and as much as Diana hated to admit it she was getting aroused by it. Hearing the sound of her little sister grunting and the occasional moan was getting her excited. Dru’s eyes welled up into the back of her head as an orgasm overtook her. Diana to came at the sight and immediately felt shame.
The Sultan wasn’t done. He hadn’t cum, he was an expert in self control. He seemed to be waiting for the young warrior to cum because moments after he withdrew his cock from her pussy and without ceremony or preamble he pushed it into her ass. Dru’s howls of pain, anger rippled through the area. For a slight moment Diana could very well see her younger sister turning and snapping the Sultan’s neck. She could do it so quick and with ease that no one would notice. Diana wouldn’t blame her either. She readied to take out the nearest guards if and when her sister moved. Instead Dru surprised her and she even caught a hint of surprise on the Sultan as her roars of pain transformed into moans as she began to enjoy it. Absent any other order Diana continued on her commands to play with herself. Feeling another orgasm coming closer she tried her best to hold off of it. It felt like hours but even the Sultan could only hold off for so long. Before long he was cumming in Dru’s ass. Diana couldn’t help herself as she came shortly after and to Dru’s horror she was sure. Dru came when the Sultan removed his cock from her ass. Looking over the two warriors the Sultan watched as his own guards and advisors had to hide their own arousal again.
“Cunt, clean your sister” he ordered Diana. She knew what he meant and her revulsion had to be masked as she put a puzzled expression on her face to mimic that she didn’t know.
Roughly the Sultan grabbed a hold of Diana’s hair. From her postion on the ground he was able to get a good hold of it and though there was no way he could hurt her she was surprised by the sudden action. He brought her to her feet and took her around the backside of her sister. Diana was treated to seeing a stream of cum leaking out from Dru’s ass. Looking at the Sultan for a moment he pointed at her ass.
“Clean it cunt!” he commanded.
Diana again cringed against the command and once more reminded herself it was the plan. She wondered how often she would be saying that. How often would Dru?. Dru’s ass was red and sore from the looks of it with cum now flowing from her ass towards her pussy and down her thigh. Without any cleaning material Diana knew what the Sultan wanted and gingerly, reluctantly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and began to lick up his cum from her sisters ass, pussy and thigh.
“The Champion of all women licking cum out of her sisters pussy out in the open!” The Sultan cheered from behind her
Ignoring the comment Diana focused on cleaning her poor sister quickly and thoroughly. Sticking her tongue on to her sisters butt cheeks she cleaned the excess there and then followed the stream down towards her outstretched pussy. For a bare moment she hesitated. Amazons playing with each was quite common at home and even family members to a degree. There were lines though and Diana felt she was about to break one. Her tongue searched out the cum. It ranged towards Dru’s pussy. With a long but fluid motion she licked the cum that had found it’s way there. From the back to the front, lightly touching on her sisters clit which elicited a soft moan from the young warrior who was recovering from her ordeal. Diana had to brace her hands on Dru’s freshly licked clean butt cheeks as she leaned in further to gain access to her inner thighs were the remaining cum was beginning to dry. Her lips tasted the salty residue as she finished licking to the cheers of all around.
“Well done cunt and whore” The Sultan actually clapped as he congratulated them on their debasement.
“It seems you are willing to give the program a try. Now that the young one is sufficiently warmed up we can prepare to leave” he motioned towards the lackey who had brought the two travelling ‘t’ frames.
The man pulled one of the frames on their easy swivel bases close by and handed it off to the Sultan. With a care Diana knew he had he gently pulled Dru to her feet. The poor girl was in a bit of a daze still and allowed herself to be led towards the frame. The base of the frame appeared to be only inches from the floor but Diana could see from her viewpoint a set of four wheels hidden behind a curtain that gave it the appearance of being so close to the floor. The wheels appeared to be on the swivel to allow for quick manoeuvring and turning. Dru was led tot he frame and stepped onto it. The two dildos were on long silver cylinders that ended on the base in a large box that Diana knew would probably contain some sort of motor and battery. At the moment the dildos were only up to about Dru’s ankles but Diana could see that the cylinders could be extended. Her left wrist was brought up to the near side of the horizontal bar that made the ‘t’. On the far end of the bar was a leather cuff that the Sultan with help from a taller associate fixed around Dru’s wrist. The same procedure was completed with her right wrist on the opposite side. The weight on the base seemed to cause some balance issues for Dru and the Sultan until the taller associate who had gone behind to help fasten Dru’s right wrist kicked down on something and the unit stabilized. Dru’s arms formed an almost perfect ‘l’ from her body to her wrists outstretched on the bar. Her head was just above the bar in the centre of the frame. Neck on line with her wrists directly over the horizontal bar. The taller individual reached into the housing that Diana had assumed was the motor and battery complex, he removed what looked like an opened ended clmap in the shape of a c with two flattened ends on it. The opening wasn’t very large but when he reached up from behind Dru and motioned it across her throat Diana knew it to be some sort of extra bondage device. It would fix over her throat and somehow be fastened to the bar. Dru was somewhat regained of her senses as the clamp like device was fitted around her throat. She locked eyes with Diana and felt strength pouring from both sides. Diana’s faith and respect in her sister grew. With a wink from her Dru accepted the fitting without compliant. They used some sort of screws to screw in the clamp over the throat. Diana could see that Dru was alright. She didn’t seem to be having any trouble with it and realized that must not like it to tight. Again the larger associate went to the housing and produced two wooden blocks in the colour as the frame. Dru was standing just find on the base of the thing with the dildos only at her ankles so Diana wasn’t sure what was going on. The Sultan placed one block under Dru’s foot causing her to raise only by about an inch or so. The clamp around her throat seemed unaffected but there was a slight slacking of her arms between her body and the wrist restraints. The Sultan fumbled around with the placement for a while before it to was screwed into the base. Another block was positioned underneath her other foot. After that the taller man stood back a few paces and watched as the did everyone else as the Sultan adjusted the first of the dildos. He concentrated on the one towards the front. They were both large enough thought Diana at about seven or eight inches with wide bodies and clearly designed and made to look like penises. He placed the tip of the first one just at the entrence to her pussy as she worked with some controls at the base of the cylinders. When his hands moved up back towards the dildo he grabbed a hold of the cylinder and pushed upwards. The dildos head disappeared into a gasping and moaning Dru. Only the head was inside which was just over an inch thought Diana. It was the widest section of the dildo but they didn’t tapper off much from there. Though the Sultan’s back was turned to her so she couldn’t see his face she imagined the wry grin he would have had on his face from the gasping and moaning of the young warrior. His hands deftly worked the second dildo and soon had that just at the beginning of her ass-hole when he went and made some sort of adjustments again at the base. Without any warning he then did the same as before, he took a hold of the cylinder and pushed upwards and the head of the dildo briefly met resistance which prompted groans and shouts of anger from the now fully composed Amazon. Seconds longer then it had taken the previous dildo to penetrate her pussy the second one finally invaded her ass. Diana knew that those seconds could have felt like hours to her sister and she told herself again what she was doing this for. The Sultan for all his composure stepped back a little as the young warrior thrashed and screamed in her bonds.
“Be still whore. It’ll only feel worse if you move around”
Dru actually quieted at that and stopped her movements. Soon she was settled while impaled on the things. Her eyes were like ice stares every time the Sultan came into view who simply chuckled. He heaved a great laugh though when her eyes bulged when the two dildos began to work. Not in concert but at slightly different rates. Probing deeper and deeper and then coming out and then deeper. Dru’s pussy and ass were stretched by the two things and she started screaming and thrashing more and when that caused more pain she screamed again. Diana knew that if she were in any real danger a simple leather restraint and clamp around her throat couldn’t stop an Amazon warrior let alone one of Dru’s skill. She watched as Dru no doubt took the real pain she was feeling and played her part. The machine worked it’s magic though, soon her reactions weren’t being played and she was in the throws of passion. Diana didn’t notice that the Sultan had turned and stepped towards her.
“Your turn cunt”
Allowing herself to be raised to her feet and motioned towards the second frame. Diana stepped onto the platform and assumed the same stance as Dru. Behind her the same tall associate began buckling in her wrists tot eh horizontal bar. A similar clamp was added around her throat. Diana hadn’t had the somewhat bonus of being warmed up at least with her ass like her sister had been but when The Sultan placed the second dildo at the entrance to her ass hole she bristled. The Sultan who was on the platform with her looked at her and raised himself. He had to stand on his tip toes to whisper in her ears.
“Your plan to get your information will fail. If you think I will allow you to leave you are wrong” It was a direct threat their plans but Diana saw it as an oppurtinty to show him that though she had volunteered for this she could leave whenever she pleased. Leaning close to him and placing her throat as close as possible to the clamp that had been screwed in turned slightly to whisper at him.
“Remember we are here because we choose to be and can leave when we please” As she finished her last words she flexed her neck only slightly. She could have done it much more but she knew this would make her point. Her neck bulged against the clamp and it exploded upwards and outwards. Some of the remains hit the Sultan who stumbled briefly. All around guns were drawn and men readied for attack. Diana remained with her wrists still secured to the bar and smiled at them.
“Your point is taken cunt but you are still here and have agreed to the training”
“For now” The whisper exchange ended and the Sultan stepped off and away from her platform.
“A slight malfunction. Another collar for the lady” The Sultan announced cheerfully.
A man sprinted in and out of the airplane and emerged with a new one that was quickly fastened maybe a little tighter around her throat then before thought Diana. She didn’t have time to think more on it as the two dildos sprang to life. Just like with Dru they seemed to operate on no set schedule just going in and out at random times. The effect was she couldn’t prepare herself for it. Her moans began to echo those of her sister. Dru’s eyes were open and taking a little in as she watched her sister being mounted on the frame and then impaled on the dildos. Diana looked over at her and winked slightly as the two platforms began to roll towards the waiting plane.
Rolled up the ramp and into the cargo area of the plane Diana saw that it was relatively spartan. There wasn’t much in the area except for a few wooden crates. She was being wheeled in from behind so she got a good look at the whole area. Dru was to her left and facing forward as well. At the far end was a hatch that led into the main cabin of the plane. Where there was from Diana’s memory two main areas. A common area with lusciously appointed seats for around fifty and an equally well appointed private room for the Sultan with seating for a further ten or so and a private lavatory and a spacious bed. Diana an Dru were wheeled towards the far end before the hatch and placed facing the hatch but about six feet or so away. On the floor of the plane along the steel that made up the body were rings that the associates began running some sort or high gauge wire to and hooked it into something on the underside of the platforms hidden by the skirt that also obstructed the view of the wheels. Coupled together with whatever device they had on the back of the platforms that carried the frames that allowed them to stop in place, they became quite immobilized. To any who open the hatch from the interior of the plane the first thing they would see would be the two Amazons impaled on the dildos and restrained to the crosses. The effect of the clamp around their throats limited her range of motion woth her head to see, but she wasn’t surprised to see the Sultan coming forward to address the two.
“It can get quite chilly back here I am afraid. We think of everything though” As the Sultan finished he snapped his fingers and hidden panels on either side of the forward hatch slide upwards revealing large bulb like things. There was three of them and they stretched from the floor to the roof of the plane. Two hatches on either sides. They were slightly angled towards the two warriors. Diana got a terrible feeling just before they lit up with intense heat. The two Amazons were built physiologically different then regular humans and had grown up in a land of unparalleled beauty and radiant warmth. This was heat, solely and purely directed towards them. She felt sweat break out on her brow as she struggled to maintain her vision. All she saw was the outline of the Sultan between the two panels and batches of lights. With another snap of his fingers the heat lamps turned off.
“That was the medium setting. We have never used it on our guest but something told me you could deal with it. I hope not to use the high setting. I fear it may do damage to you both but when we are travelling you might just need it” The Sultan laughed.
From behind Diana felt someone step onto her platform and tried to turn to see but she couldn’t see. She turned towards Dru and saw an associate had climbed on top of her platform as well from behind. He carried some sort of device in his hand. Looked like a scuba mask or something. Diana immediately worried about gas but her fear was settled by rational thought as he reasoned he would be killing them and most other gasses would have limited long term effects on an Amazon. Plus there was no hose or anything attached to it just a band that would go around the head. She saw the man reaching over Dru and pulled the mask over her face and as she saw it being placed over her sisters eyes she saw a similar one coming down over her eyes. Coming down over her eyes she noticed first that she couldn’t see outside. The mask had blinded her to her outside vision. Again her rational mind worked and she reasoned that if they wanted her blind there were other methods that would have been more effective. Looking closer she noticed there was a slight glare and she realized it was a screen. The mask’s glass was a screen she realized. Some sort of V.R. goggles she thought. She had seen in her travels, man had begun playing with this kind of technology years ago but there had been a rise in their use over the past couple of years. The Sultan’s voice brought her attention back to the man who was not outside her field of view. The dildos in her ass and pussy had for the moment ceased their operations and she was momentarily glad.
“We wouldn’t leave you without any entertainment for your travels. You noticed our very special lenses we have placed over your eyes. These are going to keep you entertained and shortly you will have headphones placed over your ears. You will find they are of the highest calibre. They will silence everything from the outside and allow you to truly enjoy your entertainment. I think I should be thanked for that. Don’t you cunt and whore?”
“Thank you Master” Dru responded in an icy tone.
“Thank you Master” Diana’s tone was no less icy but also had a bit of sarcasm laced into it.
With her vision impaired she didn’t notice or realize how close the Sultan was until she felt a twist of her exposed nipple.
“Your thanks seemed less then enthusiastic cunt”
“Sorry Master, Thank you Master” Diana cried as he cruely tormented her nipple.
“When you next see me, we will be in my homeland. You will truly begin your new life” The Sultan finished as Diana felt the headphones going over her ears. They really did block everything out. She could really only hear her own heartbeat and nothing else. A longtime ago learned technique to relax herself through a breathing meditation began almost instinctively. Diana was rewarded with her heartbeat relaxing and she readied for what was to come next. Idilily she wondered if Dru was doing the same. She had undergone the same training and she was confident Dru would be fine. Her thoughts were brought back to earth when she heard moans. Checking her body she confirmed that the dildos remained off for now but still felt like their heads were just about touching her intimate parts. The moans grew louder and she knew them to becoming from the headphones there was no other way she could hear anything. In front of her, the screen flared to life and showed a beautiful blonde. She was nude strapped down over a bondage horse. A large, almost vulgarly ugly man was taking her from behind. He was slapping her ass which was eliciting the moans. His cock was large and wide and he was shoving it into her ass and then completely out and then in again. The scene shifted and it truly became a virtual reality as she assumed the position of the girl. The large ugly man was behind her but she could hear him grunting and moaning as he shifted himself and then plunged his cock into the girls ass who Diana was now apparently. At the same time the dildo in her ass extended and penetrated her. Diana wasn’t sure if that was coincidence or just impeccable timing until the second dildo went into her pussy with no similar action in the scene being played out on the screen. Feeling her muscles in her throat she knew she was moaning as the two dildos went in and out of her.
Hope you complete it
ReplyDeleteSame here
DeleteMan incomplete stories are torture. And when written by a good writer it totally blowa u. Truly hope u get back to some of the gems u showed here like the unpolished diamond written above.🙂
ReplyDeleteHope still remains
ReplyDeleteHaha There is always hope but it's not something I am currently working on