Thursday 11 January 2024

Jaina Solo - Prized Possession

 Someone has been posting fake Holo's of Jaina. The Hutt, Hulga is behind it. It's all a plan to make Jaina his slave. Will Jaina become Hulg'a prize? or will she resist her own desires?

Jaina looked at the holo before her. Many thoughts ran through her mind but the most prevailing one, the one that kept coming back to the front of her mind was simply, What am I looking at? Before her the blue holo was a perfect replica of herself. About half the size of herself the holo was surrounded in the customary blue like hue that all holograms were. The 3D view was of her. Jaina Solo was not unaccustomed to seeing herself on the news and in holo form but this was all together different. The form that was her was nude. Completely nude from the top of her head to her toes. Everything was completely one hundred percent correct. From the size of her breasts an ass to the shape, and coloring of her nipples. Her pussy lips and barely kept clean pubic area too were also clearly on display and as Jaina knew as she had only that morning showered and looked at herself in a full length mirror. Everything was pretty much exactly the same, except for the hair currently being tied back in a high pony tail and seemingly longer then the holo Jaina who was wearing her hair down to just past her shoulders. 

It wouldn’t have been so crazy if it hadn't been for the fact that the holo was in fact a video and Jaina was not alone. Or that was to say Holo Jaina was not alone. The holo version of herself smiled widely in a grin that Jaina was sure her own face could never do. Though she was not a dour individual by any means she was not accustomed to such a large smile. Holo Jaina in all her nude glory welcomed in a couple of men who were dressed in the tell tale sign of fighter pilot flight suits. Again the detail was amazing though the men were not ones that resembled anyone Jaina knew. The flight suits themselves showed patches from the famed Rogue squadron. Jaina knew all the pilots and personal in that squadron and these two men where not apart of it. All of that didn’t matter though as Jaina watched her holo duplicate take the two men in her arms and start to undress them. Watching Jaina was slightly amused to look around the room at the other people who were viewing this scandalous holo. The looks away from her parents and the amused grin from Talon Karade while Shada looked away was enough to cause Jaina to burst out laughing.

“It’s not actually me you guys” Jaina laughed.

Her parents turned their attentions back to her. The famous Solo grin spreading over her fathers features while her mother who had radiated slight amusement and embarrassment on behalf of her daughter before was now clam. Leia and Han Solo had seen more then enough to never really truly be shocked.

“I hate to be indelicate but are you sure?” Talon asked. His famous calm came from a completely different place then her mothers but it was no less resilient and in a way Jaina had found it intimidating when she was younger.

“I think I would have remembered something like that” Jaina remarked with a smile. Swiping away the holo so that it shifted to a blank screen but not before the two pilots had completely been undressed.

“Fighter pilots are notorious for what they get up to and the war was long. Are you absolutely sure?” Talon asked.

Jaina eyed her wearily. Yes his demeanor used to scare her a little but Jaina was an adult of her own now and a full Jedi knight. She also knew full well that Talon would know if it was fake or not before he had even brought it to them.

“You know it’s not fake Talon so why the song and dance?” Jaina asked. 

Shada laughed next to him and punched the famous smuggler and information broker.

“I told you she wouldn’t put up with your crap. She’s faced down worst threats then you” Shada laughed.

Her parents laughed as well and after a few moments Talon himself joined the laughter.

“Of course I had it confirmed before I came but the sad reality is it’s a great fake and it’s already playing really well” Talon smiled.

“It’s not the first time something like this has happened. Happens all the time to famous actors and actresses as well as other public figures. There were a few of Leia not to long ago remember” Han interjected into the conversation.

“Yes but none so detailed. I even recognized the slight little birth mark on your thigh” Leia replied.

Jaina shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

“I’m more amused and oddly flattered then anything but it’s like Dad said it’s not a big deal. This is just common among the….. I don’t even know what they would be called, pornographers?, smut peddlers? It doesn’t matter though” Jaina shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

“Talon wouldn’t have come all this way for something so common though Jaina” Han stated. His face had turned from that famous grin to the serious one that in many ways was just as famous as his grin.

“It makes no pretense, it says right at the end of the holo that it is a fake and meant for entertainment only. However there is a note that doesn’t appear. When my people first showed me it, I dismissed the holo just as you guys did but Shada caught something. An old trick that covert intelligence agencies did. There’s a slight cut int eh ending message that is encoded. I got my people to slice it open and it’s another message entirely” Talon nodded towards the screen.

Shada had moved towards the screen and loaded up another hologram. The blue hued screen came back to life and showed the message but when Shada hit play, the message disappeared. In it’s absence came a whole new holo. This one was of a Hutt. Giant in size and somehow green even though everything was tinged blue with the holo. He lay on a large repulser lift that was adorned with pillows, both propping his massive girth up and as scenery. The Hutt began to speak and the voice of a translator droid began to translate.

“My name is Lord Hulga of the clan Desiji. Jabba was my grandson. I had retired until the start of the war with the Vong forced me to come to the head of my clan once more and protect what was ours. Now as the war is over I seek to retire in the next couple of years. Until then and after I retire I require a slave. I have chosen one of the most beautiful creatures in the galaxy. Not only for her physical beauty and her mental beauty but also for her celebrity and her name. Jaina Solo, I hereby command you to come to me and assume your place as my slave” The translating droid finished.

On the screen the camera zoomed into the mighty Hutt who held a golden collar and chain from his tiny hands. Jaina felt everyone's eyes in the room turn to her. She smiled and forced a laugh out of her throat.

“That must be the second funniest thing I have seen today” Jaina exclaimed.

She saw the grin reappear on her fathers face and though her mother had a look of concern on her face for a moment she too smiled at the comment.

“Kid’s right, What does the slug hope to accomplish with a message like that” Han stated.

Talon and Shada looked at each other and Jaina could feel the concern in them through the force.

“You aren’t telling us everything” Jaina accused.

“We thought it was nothing until we got a hold of this message” Talon started.

“The Hutt’s have bought up and cornered the market on Hyper-drive circuits. We thought it was a regular monopoly play that would be caught by the Galactic Alliance or another player and be prevented but they continued to just keep buying without any response from any of the usual players. Now they could in theory shut down production and shipment of the parts” Talon continued.

Leia and Han both gasped, it took a little longer for Jaina to grasp what they had figured out because she had to admit she was staring at the holo screen which was frozen with the image of the Hutt and the collar.

“They could stop all hyper drive travel in the galaxy” Jaina replied.

“He wouldn’t do that to simply blackmail one person into servitude….. would he?” Jaina asked, disbelief and confusion in her voice. 

“It would cripple him just as much as everyone else even if his own ships could still fly. There would be far to much of an outcry. I don’t see him using that as leverage to get Jaina at least” Leia openly mused.

“Yeah I am not worth tanking the entire galaxies economy…. Though it is oddly flattering if I was” Jaina smiled her own Solo grin much to the amusement of everyone there. 

“Was there anything else you extracted from the message that might help us” Han asked.

“Nothing more that our people could find” Talon replied.

Jaina mused inwardly, if Talon’s people couldn’t find any more information from the recording it was because there as no more to find. Talon’s people were far to good at slicing and getting information for them to have missed anything.

“This holo is available all over now right?” Jaina asked. Trying to work something out in her head by talking.

“Yeah” Shada answered.

“Maybe there is a message in that” Jaina thought aloud.

“What do you mean Jaina?” Han asked.

“Look at how detailed it is, even my own mother wasn’t entirely sure it wasn’t me. We have seen detailed fakes before but nothing like this, unless there has been a breakthrough in the technology” Jaina replied.

“You are suggesting the detail is in itself a message?” Leia stated, trying to follow her daughters thoughts.

“Well then the detail could only really be caught from actual real images. Are they suggesting someone close to you has betrayed you?” Shada like the rest of them was thinking aloud.

“Not really someone close. Fighter pilots by necessity are not bashful. During the war I must have been nude in front of my pilots dozens of times and even support staff. Hell I can remember a time were my flight suit was on fire when I jumped down from the cockpit and stripped off right there in the bay in front of not only the squadron but all the squadrons on the Ralroost” Jaina explained.

“Security recordings of those type of events would allow them to generate a really close facsimile” Leia answered to the nods of everyone there.

Jaina along with her parents had been granted permission to track down who had been accessing security holo files on Jaina. It wasn’t a hard search once the Galactic Alliance had granted them access thanks to Wedge and his wife Iella. One security worker who had worked on the Ralroast during the war and now was stationed on Coroscant had accessed no less then fifty separate security feeds from during and after the war that all featured Jaina nude.

“Mr. Solo, we know you have accessed the security recordings on numerous occasions and we also know of the payments made to you from the Hutt Hulga. I don’t think your stupid, you knew I was going to come here” Jaina had the man sat across from her in a small briefing room.

The pair were the only ones in there but Jaina knew her mother and father were watching from the next room.

“I did of course give Hulga the recordings. It’s quite a show he put together from it” The man was tall but thin. So thin it looked like a strong breeze would not only lift him off of his legs but also break him. Unhealthy, that was the thought that came to her mind when she looked at him. His skin was pale and his eyes sunken.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. What are you dying of Mr. Solo. I can feel the eddies in the force around you. You are sick and it’s not something bacta can reverse” Jaina questioned.

The man smiled at her, revealing a small white line of teeth that seemed to contrast against the parlor of his skin. 

“A rare disease called Hutchins. It’s one hundred percent deadly” He answered.

“Did Hulga give it to you in order for you to help him?” Jaina asked.

The man smiled again and shook his head.

“No, there is nothing no one can do. I’ll be dead inside a year. It’s funny I got through the war only to die of this” The man replied almost wistfully.

“So why help him?” Jaina pressed.

“Credits of course. My paltry benefits wont be enough to sustain my family. What Hulga paid me will allow them all to live in luxury for the rest of their lives” Solo replied.

“I see, you knew you were going to be caught though. Hulga would know that as well. So tell me, what else has he asked of you?” Jaina continued.

His smile answered her yet again.

“A message for you and a package” Soldo responded.

“Interesting. Where are they?” Jaina asked.

Soldo who wasn't restrained in any way took out a holo disc from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

“That’s the message. The package is in my quarters marked fragile” Soldo said to her but also towards the one way screen that Han and Leia were watching through. Immediately Han departed to go find the package. Jaina took the disc from his hands.

“You are aware that we could have you dishonorably discharged. Your family would lose your benefits and we could impound the payment from Hulga” Jaina stated as she walked past him towards the exit. The man who was pale seemed to turn even more so.

“I won’t though. You are just desperate man and in the scheme of things you only harmed me and not the fleet” Jaina took out a pad of paper from her own jacket and wrote something on it. Handing it to him the man looked confused.

“That’s the number for a Jedi who specializes in healing. Tell her I asked her to see you. Maybe she can help you. Good luck in your fight Mr. Soldo” Jaina replied as she exited the room. 

The holo disc was placed into the viewing platform in another small briefing room. Her mother had joined her and father had just arrived with a small package that was contained in a brown box. With the disc in the holo began to p[lay. In front of them came the now very recognizable form of Hulga. He was sat on his dais again with lush pillows all around him. In his small hands he held a golden collar with a gold chain leash that flowed down hi s body and over top and out of sight.

“Greetings Jaina Solo. As you are no doubt aware by now I have the recordings and ability to reproduce your wonderful form in quite explicit detail. I will for the foreseeable future continue to do so. There will be a flood of fake Jaina solo recordings hitting the markets soon enough. I don’t expect this to be enough to tempt you to come to me but I am not opposed to a little coercion…… in that package you will find information on a number of Galactic Alliance members who have been up to some really naughty stuff. There isn’t enough to convict them in there but enough to wet your appetite so to speak” The translator job was doing it’s best to keep up with the Hutt but Jaina and her family were versed enough in the language to get the meaning.

“So that’s the play. Me for information” Jaina mused.

“Kind of stupid now that we know some of these people are up to no good we can start our own investigations” Leia stated as she opened the package.

“Something tells me it wont be that easy. This is Jabba’s grandpa remember, he will have all angles covered” Han replied.

Jaina didn’t say it but she agreed. Lost in her own thoughts she didn’t notice the wealth of information that her mother was uncovering.

“It’s remarkable, if all of these people are involved. It would shake the Alliance to it’s core and rout out a lot of bad faith actors” Leia mused.

“Well then I guess we have to get all the info” Jaina replied.

“Thinking a heist kiddo?” Han asked.

Jaina shook her head.

“Like you said Dad, he would have all the angles covered. We have to give him what he wants” Jaina replied

That halted everything in the room.

“You can’t be serious!” Han reacted as Jaina knew he would, in anger.

“Jaina be careful. You don’t know what he has planned” Leia said, a haunting look coming over her face.

Jaina walked towards the both of them and put them in a hug.

“Hey I am not planning on spending the rest of my life with him but if being with him for a little bit can get us all the info I have to try” Jaina said with a determination she didn’t really understand where it came from. In her mind all she saw was the golden collar. Her eyes shifted to the holo that was paused showing the image of Hulga and the golden collar in his hands. Why did the thought of that collar keep coming back to her mind she wondered.

“I am going to negotiate in good faith. If I even show I am willing to give some time I am sure I can get concessions” Jaina said again with determination. What was the determination for though she wondered as she looked again at the holo image of the collar and leash.

“If you agree to my terms then you will come to me on Tatoonie in my sons former palace. You will come alone and you will come wearing the items in the package” The translator droid continued for the message as Jaina allowed it to finish. 

Just as the voice of the translator said that Jaina watched as her mother pulled out a small box from the package. It was a small wooden box that opened with a hinge from the long side. Leia handed it to Jaina. Opening the box Jaina discovered what the Hutt wanted her to wear. Inside were three items. The first was a necklace. Or more accurately a choker. Black satin that buckled in the back with a type of Velcro and a diamond on the front. The second item was a swimsuit. Though calling it that felt wrong. It was tiny. All string and barely any coverings. There were two small patches that looked like they would cover her nipples but not her breasts as well as a covering that was a basic triangle that would cover her pussy and pubic region. The suit was made of the same type of satin like material the choker was made off. Finally the third item was the worst of them all. A butt plug that was shaped like a tear drop with a big rectangle handle at the end. Made of a latex like material Jaina didn’t even want to remove it from the box let alone allow her parents to see but their own curiosity got the better of them.

“That slimy son of a …….” Han’s anger returned but was controlled by a touch of his shoulder from Leia.

“It’s okay Dad” Jaina said while mortified and oddly aroused at the thought of that plug being inside of her.

On approach to Tattoonie Jaina’s X-Wing had been given landing coordinates in Mos Eisley where she was told a representative of Hulga would be meeting her. Jaina shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she guided her ship down. Dressed in her flight suit Jaina underneath that wore the black satin string bikini as well as the choker. Inside of her ass was the plug which moved within her at inopportune times. She had found herself tracing her own sex on the outside of her flight suit while she had been in hyperspace. Discovering that if she moved certain ways the plug within her would stimulate her. She was on the edge of arousal to begin with. Now as she came through the atmosphere the strong desert winds of the planet impacted her ship. An X-Wing was designed to fight in space not so much in the atmosphere. It handled okay but in the winds the ship was battered all over the place. It took all of Jaina’s strength and skill to maintain a calm approach but in the meantime all of her shifting inside and the winds outside moved the plug within her. The edge of arousal she had been on before was now threatening to turn into waves of pleasure. 

Guided into a private hanger Jaina settled the ship down on the ground and watched overhead as the hanger bay doors closed into a sphere above her. For a moment it left the entire bay in darkness before the lights came on. Almost blinding her but practiced hands had already begun to unbuckle herself from the cockpit. When her vision fully returned she was ready to pull back the canopy on her ship and exit. Before she did so she looked around and saw that the bay itself was mostly empty except for a small work bench on the left side that had some tools left on it. ON the far side were the doors to Mos Eisley. As she jumped down from the ship those doors opened.

Hovering in on a dais accompanied by six Gameroen guards was Hulga himself. He was by far the largest Hutt she had ever seen. His hide was green and gray and unlike other Hutts his was rough where it should be smooth. He looked unbelievably old but Jaina knew that Hutt’s were extremely long lived. With her attention focused on him she hadn’t noticed another six Gamoreans had come in after the dais had cleared the doorway.

“Welcome to Tattoonie Jaina Solo” The mighty Hutt’s translator droid appeared from behind the giant Hutt.

“I can understand you without the droid Hulga” Jaina answered.

The mighty Hutt’s entire frame began to rumble in laughter.

“Of course you can” The Hutt’s dais came to a rest about ten feet from her.

The Hutt’s eyes seemed to roam Jaina’s body. IT was both revolting and arousing at the same time. Jaina wasn’t sure what was going through her mind but when she spied the golden collar and leash on the dais her mind started to think about what she was about to do.

“I thought I would join you here to prevent any misunderstandings at the palace in front of so many others” Hulga explained.

Jaina nodded her understanding.

“I have come in good faith but you must know what you ask for I cannot give” Jaina told him.

“HOHOHOHOHOHO you misunderstand little one. This is not a negotiation. You either become my slave and the correct people will receive all the information I have or you don’t and you can try and find what I have without me” Hulga stated.

In her mind Jaina knew she was in trouble. She had been hoping to negotiate, to at least regain her freedom after a set amount of time. They had talked all of this over before she had left and ultimately it came down to her own choice. Her mind drifted to the collar and chain again. So did her eyes which was noticed by the Hutt. 

“HOHOHO you like the idea” The Hutt stated with far to much confidence. 

“I guess then we make do on our own” Jaina said with as much confidence as she could gather. 

With a force assisted vault she was back in the cockpit of her fighter. For his part Hulga did nothing, he did not move towards her nor have any of his guards try and stop her.

“I would appreciate it if you could stop putting the fake videos of me out though” Jaina asked, pulling her gloves back onto her hands. 

‘They will continue to be made until I grow bored of them” Hulga replied much to Jaina’s dismay.

Jaina continued to prep herself for departure but the Hutt refused to move.

“Tell me if you came in good faith to negotiate. Why are you not wearing any of the items I asked you to wear” Hulga questioned.

Thinking for a moment that how could he not see her as she felt every movement of the plug inside of her. Looking down at herself and realizing she had just put gloves on she realized she was in her flight suit the whole time.

“I wore them all” Jaina said a little to proudly. 

To show him she reached in to the top of the flight suit and pulled away. Showing her neck and the choker beneath.

“Everything? HOHOHOHO I doubt you wore anything more then the choker” Hulga taunted.

Jaina knew what he was doing but there was a part of her that thought perhaps she could still negotiate. A big part of her mind told her to just forget it and close the canopy and get her X-Wing in the sky but she couldn't back down from his presumption. With little effort she was back on the ground a few feet from the dais that carried the huge Hutt. Without saying another word she tugged again at the top of her flight suit to show him the choker before that tug turned into her gripping a hold of the front end zipper that was there. Beginning to pull down the collar was soon away showing Hulga the choker permanently. Proceeding further down the flight suit began to fall away from her. Revealing more and more of her skin underneath before the black lace and satin like swimsuit began to become visible. The string bikini barely covered anything so at first only the straps over her shoulders were visible. As she got to the top of her chest the flight suit stalled there. As Jaina knew it would she had to remove her arms from it before she could continue to pull down and expose herself further. Soon the suit was pulled down over her breasts. Revealing the bikini top, the small patches barely covering her nipples but leaving all of her breasts exposed, sides, under and top. The small strip just barely covering her areola and nipples.

Hulga sat on his dais as she watched her. Besides a couple of times of licking his lips he didn’t seem at all impressed with her as she stripped for him. The flight suit was now down to her waist. The zipper coming to an end just above her pubic area. Just barely exposing the string bikini’s lower half around her waist and hips. Her arms now completely free and bare her hands reached down to the bunching flight suit at her waist. Two thumbs into the suit and Jaina pulled down. The string bikini that barely covered her nipples up top was now revealed over her pubic area. Her shaved pubic mound visible beneath the small patch that once more barely covered her most intimate parts. The string becoming just that as it ran underneath her and up between her butt cheeks. The small string doing nothing to conceal the plug that was inside of her ass. Not that the Hutt could see that part of her at the moment. He still lay on his dais watching her eagerly as she slipped one foot out of the suit and finally the other one. Now completely shown in the provided choker and bikini Jaina stood before him.

“Impressive but there was one more item” Hulga stated.

Jaina flushed a little at the mention of it.

“It is there” Jaina confirmed 

“Let me see” Hulga demanded.

“I don’t think that is needed. I have demonstrated how serious I am about negotiating” Jaina tried to deflect. All of the sudden her mind was full of shame and vulnerability.

“Turn around, spread your legs, bend over and grab your ankles” Hulga commanded with such fierce control that Jaina almost finished.

IT was sudden and though she didn’t flinch, she did obey. Turning around so that her back now faced him. Spreading her legs apart revealing the string running up between her butt cheeks. Bending over and taking a hold of her ankles she could see in between her legs and feel just how exposed her ass was. She could see Hulga though everything was upside down. The Hutt seemed to smile and leer over her.

“Well done” Hulga confirmed.

“As I said I came to negotiate” Jaina said with rather far to much petulance in her voice then she wanted to convey. Though it was hard to regulate her feelings while she was in such an exposed position. 

“There is no negotiation. There is only your slavery” Hulga responded.

Jaina felt frozen, still in her very compromising position she felt she should at least stand up properly but something refused to let her.

“Now you will take that plug out of your ass” Hulga demanded.

Jaina felt her hands reaching even as he ordered her. There was something about his words, his manners and her own arousal it was overriding all common sense and she really didn’t care. This was secretly what she had felt might happen and wondered how she would react. Now she knew, her hands reached from her ankles to her butt. One pulled away the tiny little string that did nothing to cover her. While the other reached for the plug in her ass. Taking a hold of it, Jaina pulled it out. She wasn’t sure if it was her own mind but the pop it made when it came out of her ass seemed to echo through the hanger bay. Hulga for is part seemed to hear it and visibly chuckled. Jaina was still bent over and now held the plug in her hand while she waited for whatever was to come next. Again she knew she could take control of the situation but she refused to.

“Good, now put it back in. In and out, fuck your ass for my enjoyment” Hulga commanded.

A grimace came over her face but Jaina once more acted against what she thought were her own instincts. The plug was soon at the entrance to her ass once more. She pushed through. Again the pop was audible enough to cause her shame. For another couple of seconds she pushed it further in. Her ass taking the whole plug as it had become accustomed to the size and girth of the thing over the past few hours. Now she pulled it out. This time she pulled it halfway out and then pushed back in. Fucking herself for the amusement of the Hutt seemed to arouse her. As well as the feeling of the plug going in and out of her ass. She couldn’t help herself. The arousal had always been there since she had put the thing in on the ride to Tattoonie. Now Hulga had her playing her body like a musical instrument and she loved it. Her body became flush with perspiration. Holding this position while fucking herself was certainly a strain that her body could normally easily deal with. She was in top condition after all as a pilot and as a Jedi but the added depth of the humiliation, shame and arousal was sapping her strength faster then she would have thought. 

“Submit to me and be my slave” Hulga commanded her. Jaina wanted to at that moment do anything to maintain that kind of pleasure but ultimately she couldn’t bring herself to do it. 

“never” She refused as adamantly as she could. Though it lose it’s effectiveness with the squelch sounds of the plug she was using to fuck her own ass. 

“HOHOHOHO you are aware you are never leaving here” Hulga questioned her.

It was hard for Jaina to hear as her own lust seemed to be taking over. The plug going in and out of her ass was bringing so much arousal she had a hard time focusing. Around her the Gamoreon guards had fanned out. One of them seemed to have attached something to her X-Wing but she couldn’t really make it out. The plug pushed in and then out of her ass. Jaina couldn’t help herself.

With her head upturned the way it was it was disconcerting when something was thrown at her. It didn’t take her long to figure out what it was though. The tiny hands of the massive Hutt were powerful and the golden collar that landed in between her legs was evidence of the power he could use. The rattle of the chain leash seemed to echo through the hanger bay along with the sounds of the plug going in and out of her. Jaina's mind was almost completely owned by the need to cum at the moment but she refused to give him the satisfaction.

Instead she pulled the plug out all the way and then she stood up. Turning around she met the Hutt’s huge eyes with her own and tried her best to maintain some sort of dignity.

“No more games Hulga. You either negotiate or I am out of here. You have had your fun” Jaina demanded.

“HOHOHOHOHO I have already told you my soon to be slave. There will be no negotiating and you will not be leaving here. 

She threw the plug away and looked to the spread out guards. Gamoreans weren’t exactly known for their intelligence but they were fiercely loyal and able fighters which was why the Hutts preferred having them. Taking a look at the object one of them had put on her ship.

“What’s the meaning of messing with my ship Hulga” Jaina accused. Happy to turn the attention away from the fact that she stood there in the landing bay with nothing on but the strap bikini and choker Hulga had demanded she wear.

“A tiny bomb that is all. If you want to leave here it will not be on that X-Wing. It will be in my chains” Hulga motioned at the collar that was still at her feet.

“I told you already you have had your fun. I am done with this” Jaina moved towards the device but the closer she moved it seemed to arm.

“Great proximity alarm” Jaina muttered aloud.

“HOHOHOHO simple but effective” Hulga gloated behind her.

With a wave of her fingers Jaina opened an access hatch on the ship and had her lightsaber, pistol and a survival pack come into her hands. As well as a Jedi robe and a satchel with a change of pants and shirt in it. She didn’t dare try and move the bomb with the force. With a proximity alarm it probably had other traps as well. Jaina inwardly sighed, she should have known better to try and negotiate with a Hutt. To his credit he didn’t move nor did he signal any of his guards while Jaina put the spare pair of pants and shirt on over top of the string bikini.

“A shame to cover up such a beautiful body” Hulga’s deep tones sounded out in the Hutt language.

Jaina shrugged and made sure everything was on.

“Perhaps this would be better” Hulga continued on. Jaina wasn’t paying him much attention as she made sure her clothes were on but when he thew the garments down in front of her. Her pulse quickened and her lust increased as well as the humiliation she felt from all of that.

“Is that?……… is that what I think it is?” Jaina managed to say.

Hulga’s giant body seemed to quiver as he withheld laughter.

“What your mother wore for my son?, yes it is. Recovered from the skiff that was left abandoned” Hulga replied. 

Fear and revulsion should have been going through her mind. They weren’t though. There was a need, a sexual arousal there to wear it. Something very humiliating and in turn very exciting about wearing that. It was a symbol of ownership and submission. Her hands picked up the golden bikini complete with the red sash and armbands.

“Put it on slave” Hulga ordered her once more.

She registered it in her mind but her lust was making any other voice but her own muffled in her mind. Her minds voice was like a forum of different parties. All trying to get a word in. Confusion and wonder ran through her. Thankfully for her own mental health, there was a considerable amount of resistance still in her. Even thought eh sight of the collar, leash and even her mother’s old clothes aroused her. Her hands moved without her consent. Her mind telling her to stop and yet her body reached down to the discarded clothing. Picking up the gold bikini top Jaina couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel on her. The insides of the cups were padded with a material Jaina knew to be cooling and soothing. The size seemed about right, though perhaps her chest was a little bigger then her mothers but she would still fit nicely into the bra. 

“Put it on” Hulga’s voice powered through her own inner one.

Her fingers traced along the gold plated edges of the bra before she put it down and looked up at the Hutt once more. 

“No, I don’t think so” Jaina finally managed to rebuke him both in her mind and aloud.

“HOHOHOHOHO. I know the reactions of a slave. You are a born one. You want to put it on but some sense of will and out dated sense of worth wont let you” Hulga reasoned aloud to her.

Jaina couldn’t exactly fault him on the line of thinking. It was most likely right but she didn’t want him to know she felt that.

“Take that mine off of my ship Hulga. In many ways it could be seen as an act of war between the Hutts and the Alliance” Jaina tried to bluff but even the famous Solo honey coated words could not penetrate the desires of a Hutt. 

“HOHOHOHO nice try little one. You are free to leave this hanger but know this. I have made it impossible for you to leave this planet without my say so. Even your friends in the Smugglers Alliance cannot help you. The only way you go anywhere is if you put that on and put the collar around your neck” Hulga informed her. 

Her mind whirled about that for a moment. Surely he could not lock down an entire planet but this was after all a Hutt and she was on Tattoonie. Anything could happen here. Still though she knew there was no way there was no t one person or a ship left unattended that she could not find a way off planet.

“Take your things and get out of here Hulga. I’ll find my own way” Jaina replied.

“HOHOHOHO as you wish little one. You know where to find me if you so choose” Hulga nodded his head at her and then at his guards. Soon the Hutt on his repulser lift was gone from the hanger and Jaina looked around. There was nothing that she could do about the mine on her ship.

Alone since she effectively landed Jaina thought for a moment.

“I can’t take him at his word. If there are friendly smugglers around then I should be able to find them. Talon always said to look for a symbol outside a shop. I should be able to find someone” Jaina openly mused. 

The symbol she was supposed to look or was a glove with a ring on the index finger. Normally black, Tatoonie had told her many years ago. She had seen one so far as she walked through the city center of Mos Eisley. Everyone gave her a wide birth. It seemed everyone knew who she was. The one shop that had the symbol was closed and the symbol itself had been essentially scratched off. Perhaps they used another identifier now a days but Jaina was sure it was the best option. 

Some eyed her with hungry eyes but most just kept her distance. Jaina was getting hot and annoyed as well as thirsty and hungry. She selected a well traveled and well populated cafe and walked in. A lone man worked the front where they had a selection of sandwiches and some baked goods. 

“Jedi Solo, how may I help” The man asked in a friendly tone that did nothing to disguise his amusement.

“Water please and some info if you are willing” Jaina replied.

“Water is easy…..” The man took a tall glass from behind the counter and moved to a sink behind him. He filled it up to the brim with water and reached over the enclosed fridge that housed the sandwiches and baked goods. 

“No charge. Hulga has ordered you credits are no good on the planet. You must pay by other means” The man replied as Jaina was reaching into her pockets for some credits to pay the man. 

“Other means?” Jaina didn’t like the leer she saw in his eyes when he finished that comment.

“Hulga has said that we can choose the method of payment as long as it’s either humiliating or sexual or both” The man wheezed a little as he laughed at her predicament.

“I understand the game now…..” Jaina knew now why Hulga was allowing to roam free. If he was so sure of his complete dominance of the planet then there was nothing Jaina could do but humiliate and eventually subject herself to the crazy Hutt.

Jaina handed the glass of water back to him. Eyeing the leer the man had on his face with caution.

“No need, you didn’t know the rules of your new life here. It’s on the house, I don’t agree with the Hutt on many things but I’m not fool enough to go against him openly here. I can at least explain that you didn’t no the rules” The Man informed her.

“I thank you for informing me” Jaina nodded her head and took back the glass of water. It was a large glass but soon drained in the heavy heat of the two suns at mid day. 

Now that she was aware she had an even bigger profile then before. She had expected to at least be able to buy her some comfort or even information to get off world but now that was gone and if the man was being honest with her, she didn't have a reason to believe he wasn’t. All of the merchants and people who could help her wont be able to. Hulga had locked down all of Mos Eisley and there was no way for Jaina to get to another city.

“It may be boiling now but soon both suns will have set. I need to find somewhere to sleep” Jaina reasoned.

Every hotel, inn and hostel in the city only wanted her to pay. At least they all had the same price in mind. All of them wanted to see her fully nude when inside the place. Jaina had refused all but when the first sun set and she felt the first shiver of cold in her body she wondered if it was truly that bad to do as they asked. It was all a game to them but to Jaina she felt like she could be frozen to death that very night. The second sun was setting when Jaina had found a nook in between two buildings that was somewhat hidden and heated from the two stores. Settling in there for the night she was acutely aware if she had found it others who like her unfortunate to find somewhere to sleep most likely knew about the place as well. 

Jaina could feel the cooler air on her now. She felt it descend into the city with such a change she wondered how anyone lived here. She did her best to keep herself warm. Even using a Jedi technique to warm herself. It worked but if she wanted to sleep she was going to have to stop it at some point. 

“Is it so bad to just be nude. I mean I am used to it in front of other pilots” Jaina mused to herself. Wondering aloud if the cost was worth it.

When a gust of wind seemed to rattle between the buildings bringing air so crisp and cold it took her breath away Jain resolved.

“Sith that is cold!!” Jaina complained aloud. 

There was a rustling from the street and Jaina could sense someone approaching. She bundled herself up but kept her weapons close.

“Ah there you are” The voice was friendly but Jaina could feel the malice coming off of the man. 

“Who are you?” Jaina asked with force. She came out of her spot and stood before the man.

It was a Twi’lk with a long lekku wrapped around his neck and shoulder. He had a pale face with yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth.

“My name is Tomin. I am Lord Hulga’s majordomo. I do anything and everything that is asked of me. In this instance he has tasked me to find you and make you an offer” Tomin answered. 

“Say you peace Tomin. I wont be coming back with you tonight” Jaina said before the servant could make the offer.

“The side of a Hutt is quite warm Jedi Solo. Put your mother’s uniform on and come be where you are meant to be” Tomin finished his speech with a snarl and a bit of a grunt as he punctuated the words.

“You said it, now leave” Jaina told him.

“As you wish” The Twi’lk turned to walk away but he hesitated.

“Is your pride worth a night in the cold. It seems to me simple exposure would be more then acceptable” Tomin stated with a calm and clear voice. 

“I’m not getting nude or paying with my body for anything here Tomin. Tell you Master that and also tell him I’ll make sure he regrets all of this” Jaina snarled her own words at him.

The Twi’lk seemed to chuckle inwardly as he moved away.

“How long can you go without food and water? How long without shelter? I’m sure a Jedi can last days but while you are lasting are you going to be able to find ways off. Would it not be better to play the game Lord Hulga wishes while also finding a way off planet” Tomin replied with his back turned towards her. 

The words swirled through Jaina’s brain. Not that different from what she had been thinking herself earlier but still there was a certain logic to it. 

“I’m not playing games Tomin. Tell your Master what I said” Jaina held to her previous words.

The Twi’lk seemed to shrug and finally was off. Jaina found a comfortable place in her hidden nook and ruminated with the words of the servant. There was a sense to it, a truthfulness to his words that she didn’t like. She didn’t like them when it was her own mind earlier but much to her own chagrin her body seemed to respond to it. Her arousal had been off the charts since arriving with the plug in her and now this awful game was seemingly making her aroused as well. Even in her tiny little hidden away hole she couldn’t help herself. A hand reached down from her body and a finger flicked out. Touching her clit through her pants and underwear. Jaina could have moaned at the touch but she refused to give herself away. She had heard some of the people of the city walking by on the street nearby but none had come into her little alleyway. 

The next day was more of the same. She couldn’t so much as get a glass of water without being told she would have to do something sexual and humiliating. The same man who had given her a glass the previous day shook his head as she walked by. He had been generous before and Jaina didn’t want to put him on the spot again. Now though she was starving and thirsty. The force could supply her with enough to last maybe a couple of days but she needed to intake some food and water fast. Every single one wanted something from her. The shopkeepers and even houses she asked at. They were all terrified of what Hulga would do if they choose to help her.

Now she was back in the city center. She could feel the heat of the twin suns burning her skin. She didn’t care about that as much as she just wanted a drink. It didn’t happen though. By the end of the day she was back in her hidden hole with no water and no food.

Tomin appeared again offering the same terms and Jaina turned him away.

Four days it went on. Jaina was starving and wasting away before everyone's eyes. She had never found any symbol on a shop or house of Talon’s people. She was out of friends and out of choices. Finally she made her way to the original shop owner who had helped her before.

“May I have some water?” Jaina asked.

“You know the price?” He asked.

“I know I must do something humiliating and possibly sexual. I am ready. What is the cost of a glass of water?” Jaina responded.

“Simple, flash me your tits” The man replied with that same leer he had on the first day.

“Sith if that’s all I’ll go topless the entire time I’m in your shop if I can refills” Jaina exclaimed.

She was long past the pride of it all and the holo’s of her out there while fake were disturbingly accurate. People who had cause to see her topless before already had.

“Deal” The shop keeper quickly filled a glass of water while Jaina rolled up her shirt and popped it over her breasts and over her head. She put the top in her pants pocket and grabbed a hold of the glass and found a table to sit down at.

“What’s the price of a sandwich?” Jaina called over.

“Flash me that pussy” The man replied excitingly. 

Jaina got up from the table and moved around the front of the store and walked into the little mini corridor where the shop keeper stood. She pulled down her pants for a brief second and then her panties. Giving him a sight to behold if only for a moment.

“Take whatever you please slut” The man said.

Being called a slut didn’t bother her. If anything it was kind of true at the moment. She was using her body to pay for things. Whore would have been far more accurate she reasoned in her mind. Still she didn’t mind it as she grabbed a sandwich and went back to her table. Topless and enjoying something to eat and some much needed water.

Jaina stayed there for the rest of the day. The man made tons of money as the topless Jedi became known around town that she was there topless she had brought in many to just look and stare at her but many took up the seats and chairs while looking at her and ate. Jaina for her bit felt odd at times but when she flashed her pussy three more times for food the humiliation had worn off. She was almost desensitized to it. 

Still sat at the seat with one sun gone down and the other beginning to sunset when she was found once more by Tomin. The Twi’lk had a smile on his face as he approached. Clearly eyeing the topless Jedi up and down. 

“I see someone has embraced how to pay for things” Tomin sounded far to happy with himself.

Jaina for the first time since she had first taken her top off felt exposed. 

“You’ll not get me agreeing to your Lord’s terms today Tomin” Jaina retorted. 

“No I didn’t think so. Now that you have found yourself. Tell me, what do you think they will barter for things more then food and drink. Why don’t you go to the hotel and see?” Tomin teased her but it was a valid point. 

“Tell you Master I said no…… again” Jaina replied. Her mind still working on the possible outcomes of her trying to barter for a room at a hotel. Before it had been nudity. Was that so bad she wondered.

“Maybe we will see” Jaina added.

The majordomo of the Hutt seemed to snicker at that and turned to leave.

“I’m closing up shop Solo, maybe you should take the man’s advice and see how much a night inside would help. Because you got some dirt on you” The shopkeeper laughed.

Jaina looked at herself in the store window as she left. She did bare the markings of someone who had been out on the street for close to a week. A shower certainly sounded like a good thing at the moment. She turned towards the fanciest hotel in the city and started to walk over there. Her thinking being if the humiliation was worth it she might as well be in the best hotel.

The price had gone up at the hotels. Jaina was told not just by the nicest in the city but by others as well. Hulga was raising the prices on things for her. She knew what he was doing. Trying to either force her to agree to come to him or humiliate herself so much she would go to him as well. It was a good plan and one that she oddly found arousing. Though she supposed she shouldn’t think anything was oddly arousing anymore. Nonetheless the price was not just her nudity but to insert a butt plug in her while she is in the hotel. She wondered what the increases in cost of food and drink was going to be like tomorrow. She immediately began to wonder if it would be easier to escape from the Hutt from his own palace. Surely he had his own craft there by the palace.

“Gimme the plug…. You all could stop this now if you choose to stand up to that lousy Hutt” Jaina remarked loud enough that everyone in the most posh hotel in the city knew what she was saying.

“With all due respect Jedi Solo, you do not operate here. If anyone wants to do business on Tattoonie then you must respect Hulga the Hutt” The man behind the desk at the hotel said to her. 

He passed a plug out to her that was not unlike the one she had worn down to the planet.

“Can I at least have some privacy?” Jaina asked.

“Hulga’s people were quite insistent that it be observed going in” The man behind the desk was in many ways the opposite of the shop owner. This hotel worker wanted to see Jaina debase herself and he was going to get his wish.

With a huff and a sigh Jaina brought the plug to her mouth and began to lick it. Everyone in the hotel lobby began to look at her. Again she felt an exposure that was new but oddly arousing. Again not something she wanted to investigate. When the plug was sufficiently lubed with her own saliva. Jaina moved a little away from the desk that the clerk was at and lifted her leg. Bending down she saw her pussy being completely exposed to all those in front of her. Thankfully her head blocked the view temporarily while she placed the plug at the entrance to her ass hole. It was used to the feeling of a plug now and eagerly swallowed the thing up much to the delight of everyone there. Straightening herself up she noted every single eye int hat place was on her. 

“satisfied?” Jaina asked exasperated and eager to get the room.

“I can’t believe you did it. You really are going to be his slave aren’t you?” The desk clerk asked.

Jaina didn’t want to dignify that with a response. Instead she held her hand out for the digital accessory to the room.

“By order of Hulga you are to have the Ambassador room each time you stay with us” The desk clerk said as he handed her what was effectively the key. 

The room was massive. Truly an Ambassador suite it had two bedrooms as well as a waiting room which you entered in through and a large state room that the waiting room entered into. Jaina had been in many hotel rooms but this was right up there. The furnishings were all oak and gold but it wasn’t over done. The view of Mos Eisley was the best one you could have of a small city on a desert planet. What really got her was the bathroom. Nude as she already was she simply stepped into the shower and started to wash the grime and dirt from her body that had accumulated the past few days. The shower was massive with a rain head and jets from three walls. The step for sitting was also so well placed that when she sat all six jets still hit her as well as the rain head flowing over her from the top. It seemed like a horrible waste of perfectly good water on a desert planet but Jaina at the moment didn’t mind. She was washing herself clean. Over the past few days she hadn’t noticed just how dirty she had been.

Dry and out of the bathroom Jaina wrapped a bath robe around her. She may have to be nude while outside but in her own room she would wear the robe and snuggle right into it. It was plush and warm. Night had truly fallen over the city. Looking out from the state room Jaina could see the dunes that were just before Jabba’s palace. Though now called Hulga’s palace. She wondered what it would cost to get transported up there. Would it be nothing because she was going to him or would there still be a catch. The more she thought about it the more it made sense to go there. She was done playing the games down here in the city. He had gotten her to go topless and even nude in the hotel but putting in the plug in front of a crowd had been enough. The arousal was sparked but her pride was now damaged and she knew that was a bad thing for a force user but she could not allow herself to be used like that again. If he wanted to humiliate and debase her, he was going to have to do it himself. 

The hotel clerk and security tried to kick her out the next morning. Jaina refused to leave and when she emerged from her hotel room nude, plugged with lightsaber drawn and buzzing. Everyone agreed that her humiliation had given her at least two days stay in the hotel. 

“I’ll relax here for the day and when Tomin comes to find me I’ll take him up on his offer” Jaina said to herself. 

Tomin arrived just as the second sun finished setting for the day. Jaina looked at him and saw nothing but a knowing smile on his face.

“I am told you did not leave here today. Even made quite a scene” Tomin said 

“I did, do you have a problem with that?” Jaina asked. She was wearing her pants and top but something inside of her told her that she should be nude. She fought the idea but it made sense to her somehow. She struggled to keep her clothes on.

His tone was annoying to her for some reason. It was as if he knew she was going to submit today and just because of that, Jaina had no will to do do it. Her will to resist and find other ways massively multiplied in just the little seconds Jaina was there with him. His smiling needle like teeth of his race was enough for her to steel herself once more for the trouble of finding her way here.

He placed a small satchel down in front of her and looked her up and down. Jaina was getting used to being appraised like a piece of meat but her current emotional situation made her really annoyed at it. He opened the satchel and started to remove what looked to be steel items and a little bit of clothing. It wasn’t the same bikini that her mother had worn and that she had been presented with when she arrived.

“My Lord has graciously decided that perhaps wearing the garments that your mother once wore was perhaps a little to off putting. Instead he presents you with a new outfit. One which will certainly suit your new role. All you have to do is put it on” Tomin declared.

Jaina was more annoyed now. She had initially thought she was going to accept his offer but now with the new outfit being arrayed on her bed she could see that it was even more humiliating then the one her mother had been forced to wear all those years ago. Consisting of nothing more then a metal band that held a long silk garment that would cover her pussy and run to about her knees on the front and back. There was no underwear and the one thing that Tomin had arrayed that looked like it was supposed to be for her chest was nothing more what looked like large cuffs that would fasten around the base of her breasts. Jaina eyed the outfit with a burning rage that she had to clamp down on. Annoyed and now angry Jaina simply looked at the majordomo.

“Tell Hulga I decline, again o better yet I’d like to get all of this over with. Why don’t you take me to him in my own clothes and we can finally be done with all of this” Jaina declared.

“MY Lord is quit insistent that there is no negotiations. You will be his slave” Tomin answered. 

IN the back of her mind she knew she shouldn't do what she was about to do but she didn’t see any other way. With a wave of her hand she looked into the Twi’lk’s face and focused on the force.

“You will take me to Hulga now” Jaina commanded through the force.

The Twi’lk was a strong mind but not strong enough to resists Jaina command. He simply bowed and looked back up at her.

“I will take you to Hulga now” He repeated. 


The Twi’lk showed no signs of being annoyed by his decision to take her as they powered along in a speeder. In the back was the satchel he had brought Jaina with that new costume that Jaina had to admit a they went along and her annoyance and anger went away that the outfit was hot in an exposed and owned type of way. She didn’t know where those feelings kept coming from but she did know that the way her pussy felt with them was something she had never felt before. A warmth and a feeling of need that she had never known she could experience. The warm Tatoonie air didn’t do anything to help as she began to flush from her own arousal. Continuing along towards the palace the speeder was welcomed into the bottom half of the palace that served as a sort of hanger for the local craft. Jaina could see to the right though as they walked in there was an actual space port there with a few ships currently parked there. 

Gamoroean guards were everywhere but there was also a healthy amount of other races represented in the employ of the Hutt. They all eyed her with a certain amount of amusement as Jaina traveled with Tomin through the lower levels of the palace. Of course Jaina knew there were even lower levels that contained the dungeons and the holding cells of the great Hutt.

They entered a lift tube. Soon they emerged onto the main floor. The first thing Jaina noticed was the smell. It smelt foul, of different species interacting with each other and the unmistakable odor of a Hutt. There was a slight hallway that led into a larger hall that had a staircase down. Here in that hallway was the only windows Jaina could see though. Staring out into the desert Jaina could see the warmth of the twin suns burning the lands below. Tomin guided her down towards the staircase. 

Coming into the room Jaina was greeted by the sights of the throne room. All around were the scum and villains of the galaxy. In just a small little look around she saw at least three criminals that the Galactic Alliance was actively looking for. She saw assassins, smugglers and thieves all laughing, drinking and eating together while Hulga’s servants roamed about. They were marked by the fact they were all women from many different traces but mostly human. Their clothing was nothing more then silk straps that wrapped around their chests and hung from metal belts around their waists but just in a couple of moments Jaina saw that they wore nothing underneath and saw more of the woman then she would have liked to see. Entering into the room proper Jaina and Tomin became the center of attention. At the end of the room was the elevated dais that housed Hulga. There he lay on the platform and surveyed his people. His large eyes immediately noticed her. Jaina didn’t know much about Hutt body language but she could tell he was upset at her coming in just her pants and shirt. He wanted her in the obscene outfit that Tomin had brought with him.

“Tell your Lord I must be allowed to speak” Jaina urged through the force to the Twi’lk.

All around them the people began to separate and allow them access to stand in front of Hulga. Forming a half circle around them from the elevated dais. 

“You are not in the provided clothes slave and yet you are here” Hulga’s voice boomed down from the dais.

“I’ve had enough of the games Hulga. I came here in good faith and you have responded by trying to trap me here. So I took the imitative” Jaina remarked.

Hulga looked her up and down and then turned his large gaze to his majordomo who was ascended the platform to stand next to the large Hutt. 

“Jedi mind tricks on the helpless is not the way I would have thought you would be” Hulga correctly assumed.

“You left me with no choice. I am here to bargain in good faith”

“HOHOHOHO I have already told you that there will be no bargain. You are mine, no matter how good you think you my dear slave to be you cannot possibly walk out of here now” Hulga’s voice boomed again.

While Jaina digested those words she noted all around her people were drawing their weapons. Clearly they really didn’t want her to leave she thought with a wry smile. Jaina took in the looks on all of their faces. They seemed quite confident that she was not going anywhere but Jaina knew better. With a slight movement the lightsaber she had hidden in the inside folds of her pants came to her hand and ignited. The violet blade humming while she vaulted out and behind the crowd. There she started to fight. To close for blasters to do any work on her she batted away a couple of blasts anyways before she kicked and knocked out the majority of the crowd. The rest of the crowd retreated to the front of the platform. They aimed their blasters at her but Jaina deflected every bolt back at them. None were killing blows as she directed into shoulders and knees mostly. Hulga stayed still but Jaina could see he was suddenly uncomfortable. 

“You sure you don’t want to negotiate Hulga?” Jaina called out.

“HOHOHOHO are you sure you don’t want this?” Hulga chuckled while he held up the golden collar and leash within his tiny hands.

Despite herself Jaina couldn’t help but feel that same twinge in her pussy at the sight and thought of it wrapped around her neck. The abject slavery that it represented Jaina found it erotic and couldn't help the flush that came to her face. 

“Ah that flush tells me everything my soon to be slave” Hulga taunted her.

Jaina wanted to retort with something biting but she couldn’t find the words. All she could do was stare at the collar and leash with a sort of awe that took her entire mind away from her. Replaced by the more basic mind of her own arousal. Swearing that she could feel the heat of her own arousal throughout her body Jaina aimed her lightsaber at the massive Hutt. The size and girth of the gigantic Hutt was enough to fill her senses and oddly Jaina didn’t find it disturbing and revolting like she had with other Hutts. The chain flashed before her eyes again with the collar not to far behind. 

“That has nothing to do with you Hulga. Now are you ready to negotiate or not. I am willing to agree to your terms but the time duration can not be forever” Jaina said with resolve. 

It was the first time she had admitted to the Hutt that she was at least willing to be his slave for a time.

“HOHOHOHO I have been quite consistent in my stance little one. There will be no negotiation” Hulga replied with a chuckling laughter. 

Jaina positioned her lightsaber for an attack but she didn’t find the drive within her to fight. Instead the lightsaber dropped a little as she loosened her guard. In front of her the remaining rif raf that were the remainders of the palace people, they looked at her with wide eyes.

“I can’t give you myself forever Hulga. If it comes to it I just will walk away. Is that what you want? Me to walk or me for some time” Jaina told him.

“HOHOHO I would rather never have the rose then to have it to only watch it go away” Hulga replied with philosophy witch caught her off guard.

“Then I ask that you remove the bomb from my ship so that I may go. I can weather whatever storm you put together for me on this planet. A lightsaber at peoples throats is much better then your intimidation to have the people of Tattoonie against me” Jaina threatened.

“HOHOHOHOHOHO is that a part of the Jedi code or is it a dark side leaning” Hulga taunted.

Jaina answered with steely eyes and her lightsaber coming up again.

“During the war we learned to walk that line quite easily now. It’s funny how being turned in by the very people we were supposed to protect changes people. I will do what I must to continue to be free of your influence if it called for it” Jaina warned.

“HOHOHOHO you are aptly named the sword of the Jedi. I will not remove the bomb. You will come to me now, strip your clothes and kneel before me” Hulga demanded.

Jaina hated herself as she digested those words. Not words, the command he issued. A large and growing part of her wanted to do just that. He still held the collar and leash in his hand. He would move them around from time to time and Jaina found her eyes following it much to the knowing gleam in the Hutts’ eyes.

“How about I make it easier for you. First thing is to strip. Do that now” Hulga demanded once more. 

Her hand immediately went to the bottom of her shirt but she stopped herself right as she took a hold of her shirt.

“Nice try Hulga.” Jaina said with more confidence then she felt. 

“I said strip slave!!!” Hulga’s deep voice boom in the chamber. Echoing off of the walls and expanding in range and voice as it did so. So commanding and so overwhelming her fingers that had been gripped to her shirt began to move upwards. Almost as if they were working on their own accord but Jaina knew better. As her fingers moved upwards her shirt did as well. First exposing her naval to the assembled cutthroats and thieves. Jaina tried to stop, at least she felt she tried to stop herself but the fingers kept moving upwards. Exposing the underside of her bra and then the whole thing as they moved to her neck. The short was pulled over her head while she turned off her lightsaber. The shirt was then tossed to the ground. Jaina stood in her red and black bra and her pants before them all.

“Magnificent, I have the holo’s of course but there is nothing like seeing you in person. We guessed that you are a thirty four size breasts but I think you maybe slightly bigger. Or is that the bra?” Hulga talked as if Jaina was not standing in just her bra and pants before him.

“Thirty four c” Jaina replied, not really sure why she felt the need to reply.

“Excellent. Now slave take your pants off” Hulga demanded.

Those damned fingers started to work again but this time Jaina was even more aware and couldn't stop them. They hooked into the top of her pants and began to pull downwards. First though her lightsaber was hook into the pants before she started to pull down. Her pants were soon pulled down over her hips. Granting all of them there the fist look at her panties. They were red and black to match her bra but Jaina hated the fact that they were lace and just a bit see thru. 

“You have improved your choice of underwear since our first meeting” Hulga taunted. 

“Shut up Hulga” Jaina replied rather impetuously. Still her fingers worked though.

Soon her panties were fully visible and with one last push the pants fell from her knees and bunched at her feet. Her hands stopped then. Waiting for another order that Jaina didn’t want to obey but when she looked at Hulga and saw the collar and chain still hanging from his hands she couldn’t help herself and her fingers moved behind her. Clasping the clasp to her bra in her hands she looked right at Hulga as her finger unclasped her bra. It would have fallen from her body at that but this bra was hooked underneath her breasts. Now the straps for the bra simply fell to her forearms. It would take another betrayal of her fingers to fully show her naked breasts to all there. Betray they did as well, they moved towards the front of her chest. They pulled without ceremony. Taking her bra from her body and exposing her breasts to all.

“You see the holo’s and even what my men put together but seeing them in person is a whole other matter. They are brilliant. Beautiful and oh so perfectly proportional with your body” Hulga seemed to be at a lost for words even as he talked.

Jaina choose not to say anything. To afraid of what her mouth might say after the betrayal of her fingers. They worked now on her underwear. Her panties where they clipped once more to the sides of her last article of clothing. Pulling them down over her hips and stopped just as her pelvis came into view. Just for a moment she thought perhaps she had regained control but it seemed her fingers and hands had a flare for the dramatic. Without ceremony again they pulled, more like ripped her panties down past her knees. Exposing her most private of areas to the assembled audience.

Standing there now nude her fingers and hands now firmly back in control she tried to shield herself. A hand across her breasts and another covering her privates.

“HOHOHO no need to be bashful slave. Put your hands at your sides and come to me” Hulga commanded and Jaina complied again much to the dismay of a portion of her mind. 

Hulga still waved the collar and chain about but now with a nod to someone to the side of the dais he placed the collar and chain down on the edge of the platform and allowed the remaining people that were stood in front of the dais to part to give Jaina the space to move towards him. Keenly aware now of the pile of clothes that contained her lightsaber behind her. Jaina tried to force her will to move back and get dressed, use the lightsaber and end this humiliation but secretly she loved it. There was no other way she could fathom what was going on within her body and mind. 

She reached the dais, staring her down was the massive form of Hulga who she could not see the face of anymore. The giant Hutt was so large and she was so close she could not see his face. The girth that was his seemed to shimmer and shake and soon she was face to face with him. He seemed to be laying across the platform. Jaina could hear the repulser coils straining to keep up under his weight and how it was distributed. 

“I see your pubis is manicured. I require it smooth. That will be the first thing I have done to your body” Hulga stated.

Again Jaina refused to open her mind. Afraid of just what might she say. From her side she registered movement. It was a human male coming towards them through the crowd that had reformed behind her but now faced the platform. The man came running though Jaina didn’t pay him any mind more then registering someone was coming. It was the face of the Hutt in front of her that grabbed her attention. The effect of being nude around him and the assembled guests was a humiliation that now was barely annoying. Another effect of the war Jaina had to get used to being nude in front of other pilots so this wasn’t much more of a stretch. With that renewed freedom in her mind she felt confident enough to speak. 

“I take great pleasure in my appearance Hulga. You wont be making any adjustments” Jaina sternly said. 

“HOHOHOHO it will be but the first of many slave. Now kneel before me like a good slave” Hulga demanded. 

Jaina’s body disregarded her mind that was screaming no once more. Falling to her knees in front of him she once more couldn’t see him. It didn’t matter though as she could hear him and certainly she could smell him which oddly wasn't so bad. The man who had been on the outside of her vision making his way towards Hulga now appeared next to her. He held in his hand a selection of restraints and chains. 

“Put your hands out, slave” Hulga commanded.

Her body betrayed her again and she held her hands out as commanded. The human who had the chains immediately came to her side and fastened a metal cuff around her right wrist and though he rightly feared she might lash out he quickly put another restraint around her left wrist. He connected the two of them with a chain and then he locked them with a key which he gave to Hulga. Jaina was now kneeling with her hands out and chained. The man now went behind her and Jaina could feel him attaching another restraint to her ankle and then her other ankle. She felt the chain attach to connect the two restraints again.

“Good slave, now stand up” Hulga commanded.

Jaina in her new restraints rose to her feet. Testing out the restraints she saw that they were all metal with the chain connecting them also metal. They were locked by key which Hulga now possessed. 

“You look lovely in chains” Hulga said to her. Jaina wasn’t sure if it was a taunt or not but the giant Hutt licked his lips in appreciation at her appearance. 

“Thought you wanted me in those chains” Jaina pointed at the collar and leash still in the Hutt’s hands.

“HOHOHO I do, however you have to earn these chains. From now on your training to be my slut will begin” Hulga told her.

“I am no ones slut” Jaina remarked quickly without any thought.

“HOHOHOHO you are my slut now slave” Hulga confirmed.

The man who had put the restraints on her came forward again. He held one more item in his hands. This was just a couple feet of chain which he then attached to her wrist chain in the middle and began to pull. Jaina was unaware of what was going on until the man pulled and she was forced to walk behind him as he walked through the crowd and away from Hulga.

“Take her to the training room. Begin her training” Hulga demanded from behind her.

It turned out the training room was little more then a dungeon except unlike any dungeon Jaina had been in before it had a cell that was mostly made to resemble someones bedroom. It had a bed, complete with a nightstand and a wardrobe that Jaina had yet to see but she could imagine what if anything was in there. The cell itself was about ten feet by ten feet surrounded on four sides by steel bars and the other side by rock. There was one exit from the cell which was right at the end of the bed. The rest of the room was filled with bondage and torture devices. There was a bondage horse, cross, rack and many more things that Jaina was unsure of the words for them. She eyed the rack though with an inner terror at being stretched out on the thing. The man who had identified himself as Clu was to be her trainer when Hulga was not around. For now she had been placed in the bedroom and told to rest but how could she with the chains on her and her somehow willingly giving herself to Hulga without so much as a guarantee that he would uphold his end of the deal and send the info out. 

There was no sleep to be had and they seemed to know that. Though Jaina couldn’t see any hints of surveillance equipment she was sure they were there. Clu came back into the area with a crop hanging over his shoulder and a smile on his think mouth. He was not a handsome individual but he seemed to possess Hulga’s trust. He opened the door and grabbed a hold of the leash chain that was still connected to her wrists. He pulled her out with a strength that did not seem to match his body. Jaina was highly trained and very strong for her figure let alone she could use the force to amplify her strength but he still pulled her out of the cell without much effort. Though Jaina didn’t call on the force to fight back. She wasn’t sure why but there was a spark within her that wanted to see where he was going. 

Taken over towards the bondage horse Jaina was told to remain where she was as Clu released the connected chains between her restraints. Jaina was effectively free with no chains connected she still wore the restraints but they weren’t actually restraining her. Clu told her to get on the bondage horse and again her body betrayed her. Getting onto the horse she first sat on it like she would anything like a horse but he had her lean over towards the front. He took a hold of her wrists and connected them to eye bolts on either side of the horses head. Her body pressed against the horse it seemed to separate her breasts while one hung over on one side the other hung over on the other side. The horse was only a couple of inches wide and Jaina wondered what was going to happen. Her ankle restraints were connected to the legs of the horse and she was effectively tied to it. Now Clu went out of her vision for a few moments before he came back with a device in her hand. Jaina knew what it was though she had never used one. It was a massive vibrator with a base about six inches long to house the motor with a head that was circular. Jaina wasn’t such a prude that she hadn’t seen one in operation before. She had seen a few holo’s with such a device and they always made the woman cry out in pleasure.

“I can tell by the look on your face you know what this is……. That’s good you are familiar with it. Have you ever tried one yourself” Clu asked her. He had a drawl in his speech which combined with his ugly face made him seem much more fearsome then he probably was.

“No” Jaina answered simply. 

“Oh you are in for a treat” Clu taunted her.

Clu was behind her now out of reach even if she wasn’t restrained. She could feel him, his breathing on her bare backside was hot and ragged as if he was enjoying himself way to much. Jaina wriggled in her restraints but there was barely any give in them. Clu placed a hand on her butt which caused her to squirm more in her restraints but she was not going anywhere. He lifted her up from underneath her butt. Exposing her pussy to him he slipped the vibrator into the newly opened space and Jaina felt it slid into position right on her clit. Clu seemed to be happy with the placement. Before he did anything though he went to each of her restraints and further locked them. She had no movement know. With the vibe placed strait on her clit and her unable to move Jaina felt the horror before it was even turned on.. Clu wasted no time. The vibe came on. Jaina screamed.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” Was it a scream of pain or pleasure. Jaina knew the answer even as she tried in vain to move the vibe away from her clit she couldn't help herself. She had been on the edge for so long already with all of the stimulation now the direct stimulation to her clit and she was going to scream in pleasure.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Her moans would have pierced the very room if it wasn’t so heavily shielded.

“That’s right slave. Let it all out” Clu’s words were barely registered in her mind. Jaina didn’t care about things like how she looked or what she was doing right now. All she cared about was cumming and cumming quick. 

She started to rub her clit against the device to which Clu smiled.

“Greedy little cunt isn’t it” Clu mocked her. 

There was no retort from Jaina. Her world had shifted in a mere matter of moments as now she cared nothing except that orgasm that was coming oh so quickly.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” She moaned aloud again.

“That’s it slave. Bring yourself close” Clu ordered her and it was nothing for Jaina to agree to that order. It was what she wanted.

Just as she was about to cum Clu reached down and turned the vibe off. 

“MMMMMMMMMM…………..OOOOOOOOOOOO……….what?” Jaina reacted as if she had been denied her very existence.

“Only slaves cum” Clu told her.

“Are you a slave?” Clu asked her.

Jaina knew the game now. A truly terrible and very erotic game that was about to be played. To be denied when so close she knew now that this was going to be the game. Until she admitted she was a slave. To her it didn’t matter if she said the words. She didn’t believe it and best case she will get a few orgasms out of it.

“Yes I am a slave” Jaina answered.

Clu didn’t look impressed or even one iota accepting of her words.

“I don’t believe you” Clu replied.

“It’s true” Jaina said.

“Prove it” Clu demanded.

“How?” Jaina asked.

Clu departed for a moment and came back with a holo camera. He placed it in front of her and set it to record.

“Tell me what you are again and what you would do” Clu demanded.

Jaina looked at the camera and knowing that video evidence would damn her she turned her face away from it as much as she could.

“I thought so” Clu laughed.

Her libido crashed at that. Knowing he wasn’t going to get the chance to cum again. However Clu surprised her. He turned it back on.

“We will keep doing this until I am convinced” Clu whispered in her ear.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” Her moans became the same as before. Now Jaina was even further along then she was before. Thinking maybe she could sneak an orgasm out if she just went quick enough. She moved her hips slightly to put the vibe even more on her clit.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” She moaned again this time knowing she was barely seconds away from an orgasm.

Clu was too good at his job. He knew how close she was.

The vibe turned off before she could cum.

“Do you think you are the first woman here. That this is my first time. You will not steal an orgasm. Your orgasms like yourself belong to Hulga now” Clu reprimanded her. 

“Go to hell!!” Jaina cried out. Her aggression though was short lived. The vibe was turned back on.

Every time she was just that little bit closer but each time she felt that orgasm building he turned it off. Time and time again, he was a master at sensing when she was close. 

Jaina had lost count of how close she had come to cumming. All she knew was she was so frustrated she would hump just about anything to finally get her orgasm.

“Perhaps having you proclaim yourself a slave is a little to much for you right now. How about we change it up” Clu said to her. His face mere inches from her own as he leaned over to talk to her.

“Yes” Jaina managed to say through labored breaths. 

“We are in agreement for the first time” Clu laughed. He moved towards her rear end and stopped the vibe.

“Please let me cum” Jaina begged.

“Not yet slut” Clu commanded.

The vibe was settled on her raw clit. Any movement causing Jaina some slight pain and some slight pleasure. 

“Why don’t you look at the holo camera and tell everyone who you are. That’s all I want for now and then you can cum” Clu told her.

“Just my name and I can cum?” Jaina managed to say.

“That’s right. Just look right at it and tell it your name” Clu reiterated, 

Jaina looked at the holo recorder and thought there was no harm in doing as Clu asked.

“My name is Jaina Solo” Jaina said into the camera.

“Excellent slave” Clu put the vibe back in on the highest setting. Jaina lurched as far as she could in her restraints and felt the orgasm coming almost right away. 

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” She cried out as the orgasm finally over took her.

So powerful was it that her restraints were barely able to restrain her as she bucked on the horse. 

“Good slave” Clu responded, while Jaina settled on to the horse barely able to contain her breathing. 

Waking up, Jaina found she was in the cell with the door locked. She lay on the bed spread out yet still naked with only her restraints on her ankles and wrists to cover any bit of herself. Immediately she felt embarrassment at her actions while on the horse. Her clit was raw and hurting a little bit as she moved around on the bed. With it locked there was nothing she could except play over what had happened on the horse. Shame and arousal flooded her thoughts. 

“What the hell am I doing here” Jaina said aloud to herself. 

Getting off of the bed she noted that the wardrobe had a bacta patch on the top. She took it and placed it gently over her exposed and raw sex. Feeling the healing properties starting to work immediately she was relieved of that burden at least. Opening the wardrobe she was surprised to see that there was nothing in there. Was she disappointed that there was nothing revealing or just scandalous. She wondered about that as she closed the doors and then she went back to her bed. 

“I didn’t imagine my slavery would be boring” Jaina mused to herself as she lay on the bed.

“If you wish to relieved of your boredom then perhaps I can be of assistance” The voice was Hulga’s but Jaina could quite see where he was until he entered the dungeon from the far end through a previously closed door that was hidden in the wall.

“I don’t think our idea’s of entertainment are the same” Jaina retorted. 

“Oh I don’t know about that slave. I watched the video of you on the horse. I watched it all. I was enthralled and looked like you were having fun….. at the end at least. Clu can be really abusive about orgasms. You are lucky he allowed you to cum” Hulga told her. 

“Yeah that was real fun” Jaina deadpanned but she knew it had been great to orgasm. 

“HOHOHO” Hulga chuckled. 

His massive form moved into the training area almost as if he was hovering but his dais was not there. He simply slithered into the room. 

“So what have you come here for?” Jaina asked.

“I want to play with my new toy” Hulga laughed.

“I am no toy Hulga” Jaina stated.

“I have video that would say otherwise. You walked yourself into bondage at my hands. You stared at the collar and chain on my platform like they were jewels you wanted. Face it slave, this is where you wanted to be” Hulga told her. 

“That all may be right but I am no toy and I am not just going to kneel and become your salve” Jaina told him.

“HOHOHOHOHO of course not slave. Nor would I want you to. You must be broken and tamed slave. You will both enjoy the process and hate it” Hulga explained to her.

“I have come here tonight to continue your training” Hulga said.

The massive Hutt moved towards the side of the training room were there was a set of drawers. He reached in with his small hands and pulled out the very same vibrator from before.

“I understand you have become quite well acquainted with this” Hulga laughed.

“take off the bacta patch. You will need it after” Hulga ordered.

Inside the cell Jaina obeyed. Seeing no reason not to obey for the moment anyways. Hulga handed her the vibe through the steel rods of the cell.

“Get on the bed and play with yourself for me. Show me what a naughty little slave you are” Hulga demanded.

“That’s disgusting…… I am not going to do something so private while you watch” Jaina declared.

“you have no privacy anymore slave. You are mine to do with as I please and right now I want to see you play with yourself” Hulga answered. 

He shoved the vibe in at her and she felt almost bound to comply. Taking it in her hands she moved towards the bed. Still resistant on doing this most private thing in front of him. Jaina settle on the bed and looked him over. The giant Hutt was as long as her cell and nearly as tall. Truly he was the largest Hutt she had ever seen. His hide was thick and where normal Hutt’s are slimy he was not. He seemed to be a coil of muscle not the fat that Jaina registered Hutt’s with. The vibe was in her hand and though she didn’t want to show the Hutt anything more there was a part of her that very much wanted to enjoy the humiliation. It was that side that controlled her once more ass he sat back on the bed and spread her legs. Hulga licked his giant lips in anticipation before Jaina placed the vibe on her exposed clit. It was still raw from the tortures before but the mere touch of the vibe made sure that she started to get wet. 

“I am not your toy” Jaina managed to say before she threw the vibe away.

The part of her that wanted it erupted into fury in her mind. Demanding that she go and pick it up but she was more willful then that and far more interested in not giving in at that very moment. She stared the giant Hutt down who simply smiled and moved towards the side of the cage where she had thrown the vibe.

“HOHOHO I was curious if you would actually do it. There is a part of you that wanted to yes?…. HOHOHO that part of you will be much stronger as your training progresses” Hulga smiled again with those large lips and turned to slither out of her dungeon. 

Jaina didn’t want to say anything. Once more not trusting her mouth to say anything. 

“We have to get you over your bashfulness. I have a few ideas for that” Hulga laughed.

The giant Hutt reached for the vice and then seemed to give it a second thought.

“I’ll leave you your toy” Hulga smiled again with those large lips and his eyes leering over her body which Jaina had bunched up trying to cover herself in his presence. 

Once more the giant Hutt moved in almost a silky way as he slithered away from her and finally exited. 

Jaina threw the vibe at him. Clanging against the cage was as far as it got. It did generate a chuckle from Hulga as he heard the vibe hit the bars of her cell.

Humiliated and completely devoid of energy Jaina curled up even tighter on her bed and soon was fast asleep.

The headache was the worst part. She had been stunned while she slept. Now Jaina was being led through the chambers of Hulga’s palace. To where she was not certain. Her guard, or whatever he was was a Gamorroan. The pig like creatures were far to loyal and non verbal so there was nothing Jaina could get. All she knew was her wrists and ankles were cuffed and she was led by a leash attached to the chain connecting her wrists together. Walking now was better then being dragged which was how she woke up. A small part of her was thinking perhaps the guard would be disciplined for making her hurt but somehow she doubted it. Here in the catacombs of the palace there was no light except the tiny orange lights that barely illuminated everything directly in front of them and there was not enough of them to avoid the dark. One thing she did know. There was barely a soul in the area and there was no sound. Her guard brought her to the end of the hallway. A blast door was in front with a sort of scanner on the wall beside. The Gamoroan took a key from it’s large belt and inserted. The blast door opened as quickly as she had ever seen. Led through the door Jaina appeared into an area that looked more like a theatre or a lecture hall. The entrance led directly to the stage that was overlooked by seats in a half moon build. All arrayed to watch the stage. There was easily seating for over five hundred people. So confused by the seating she didn’t notice what was directly in front of her. The guard brought her to the center of the stage where a block was. The block was about ten feet wide and about tour feet tell and about four feet deep. On the block were four restraints. Two relatively close together towards the top while two more spread out along the wide base. Jaina looked at the restraints and willed herself to think of just what kind of position they would put a person in. She didn’t like the image that came into her mind. If it was what she thought she was about to be more exposed then she could have even have dreamed. The guard led her to the block and waited. Thankful for the moment not to be placed into the block Jaina was momentarily happy. It didn’t last long. 

Slithering his way in, Hulga was accompanied by the trainer Clu. The pair were on stage and came from the far end. Hulga came to her while Clu seemed to go towards the back end of the block.

“Welcome slave. You will be given quite the test today” Hulga cheerfully told her.

“What are you after this time Hulga?” Jaina demanded to know.

Hulga merely chuckled and glanced behind them to Clu who seemed to nod towards Hulga before he came in front of the block and joined Jaina and Hulga.

“Time to get you in position slave” Clu took a hold of her shoulders but Jaina found herself unwilling to go. The image in her mind as to what those restraints would do to her kept her in place.

Jaina wouldn’t allow herself to be moved.

“Disobedience will result in severe consequences slave” Clu tried again to get her to move but Jaina held her ground as only a Jedi could.

“Obey him slave” Hulga demanded.

Jaina thought about it for a brief moment and then shook her head. 

“I don’t even know why I am here. I am not going to be splayed apart. I could only imagine what you have in store if I allow myself to be restrained. That’s when I thought about it I thought why am I allowing this. Because quite frankly none of you and all of you cannot get me to do anything unless I want to” Jaina reasoned. 

For the first time since she had been at the palace Jaina felt like normal. There was no arousal in her body at the moment which she blamed for her choices that had led her here. Now she simply wanted to escape and that was easy when the force is your ally. With nothing but a thought she reached out to the force and felt the surge of energy with it. The chains around her wrists popped open along with the actual restraints. Another pop and Jaina’s ankles were free. She was still fully nude while in front of the guard and Hulga and Clu. 

“Don’t do something your pussy will regret” Hulga warned her.

A mirthless smile was all the response wanted to give them. She somersaulted over all of them and made her way to the far side where Hulga and Clu had come in.

“There is no escaping the palace slave” Hulga warned again.

“We shall see about that. By the way thanks for bringing my lightsaber with you” 

Jaina reached out with the force and felt the familiar feel of her lightsaber on Clu’s person. A tug from her and the lightsaber came flying from Clu’s waist to her.

“Just need some clothes now.” Jaina teased them.

Exiting the theater into another hallway with the same lights Jaina wasn’t entirely sure which way to go but she opted for the blast door at the end of the hallway. Getting there she opened the door to find a set of stairs that went only one way, up. She remembered vaguely in her aroused state doing a flight or two of stairs so she reasoned she had to go up. The stairs had multiple exits before she came to the end of them. She opened the door to find the throne room. She knew her way from there but unfortunately there was around two dozen of the masses that frequented Hulga’s palace there. Assassins, smugglers, thieves. The place was full of them and they all had eyes on her. Jaina was all to aware from the lustful stares she was still nude but that didn’t stop her from igniting her lightsaber as they all had their blasters aimed at her.

“Let me by and I will make sure none of you get hurt” Jaina aimed the tip of her lightsaber individually at the members who were the front of the group.

Jaina looked at the faces of them all and saw some wanted to leave her but the group dynamic gave them strength. They all held their line and Jaina sighed.

“I warned you” Jaina didn’t wait for the blasters to fire.

Force assisted speed and Jaina was in among them before they could sight her in their blasters. Within the group none dared fire for fear of hitting another. Here in the center of them Jaina let loose. She had been trained from birth and could brawl with the best of them. She had been trained by Jedi Masters, Noghri and even Smugglers very much like the ones she now put down. This assembled mass could do nothing to her. She made that clear with the first five she put down. After that they wanted out of the chase for her. She didn’t want to leave anyone who could come up from behind though. She hunted them through the palace throne room. Taking them all down before she finally was the only one standing. 

“I was being nice too” Jaina remarked more to herself then anything. 

There was no more forces between her and the exit. Of course how she was going to get back to the town was beyond her at the moment and she was still unclothed. She looked back at the palace and sighed. The twin suns would surely kill her if she tried to walk. 

“Maybe I can find the spaceport he has for all his friends” Jaina reasoned to herself as she turned and went back in.

The populace of the throne room were still pretty much laid out but there was one who seemed more coherent then anyone else. Jaina went to him and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

“Where are the ships docked?” She asked the smuggler.

“Bottom level” The man answered as fast as he could. 

Letting go of the deviant she made her way back to the stairs. She had come from the bottom level she thought to herself. Why would there be a theater on the same level. So many things about the Hutt didn’t make sense. Not the least of which was the fascination he had with her. There were far more beautiful women out there. 

She exited the stairs to find Hulga still on the stage with Clu.

“Welcome back slave” Hulga smiled and chuckled.

“Where is the space port?” Jaina demanded. Her lightsaber was in her hand but not ignited.

“HOHOHOHO it is back the way you came slave” Hulga gestured towards the door she had originally come from. She knew the dungeon was beyond that door. There was no way the space port was on the same floor. She thought to herself. 

“You don’t want to leave us slave” Hulga tempted her again.

Jaina’s arousal which had been dead before now became active again. The Hutt’s insistence on her being his slave was somehow arousing to her. She could see on the stage her chains that she had cut not to long ago.

“Your persistent, I’ll give you that Hulga” Jaina smiled but moved towards the other door. Her lightsaber still in her hand but deactivated.

“Stop slave” Clu’s voice rang out behind her. 

“See you around” Jaina taunted. Ignoring the arousal that was beginning to spread through her body.

The exit that she had come in from previously as in front of her.

“When you step foot in a ship and plan to leave me. Listen to your pussy and come back to me slave” Hulga was not even bothering to follow her, neither was Clu.

“You really think I am just going to come back to you?” Jaina asked.

“I know you will. I know even if you get a ship and go off planet you will still at some point find your way back to me slave, because you are just that….. a slave” Hulga wasn’t quite taunting her but he was very sure in what he was saying.

Jaina let the words rummage around in her head while she exited the theatre. While it bounced around inside of her mind she couldn't help but feel that arousal sneaking into her thoughts as well. 

“Damn him” Jaina said aloud to herself.

The spaceport was easily found after so long searching she thought perhaps the entire palace would be on alert but here the workers and droids continued about their day unaware of the escaped slave now making her way through the port. Jaina was eyeing a battered but well maintained Corelain freighter that would be easy for her to fly and it looked like it had the ability to outrun anything. Her father of course used to run the Falcon out of here for Jabba so Jaina eyed the freighter with a wry smile. 

Around the ship there was nothing going on. The closest worker to the area was three ships over. That was the primary reason why she was eyeing that. The key she thought was to walk through the spaceport as if she belonged there. As she did so she was rewarded with nothing stopping her as she walked to the ship. 

“Okay, lets hope this is not an overly paranoid smuggler” Jaina said to herself. 

The craft was clean and easy to get in. Jaina walked the distance from eh cargo hold to the cockpit quickly enough. All the while the thought of going back to Hulga played in her head. Her pussy was red hot at the idea. So much so that she had to stop for a moment inside the cockpit and rub her thighs together.

“Damn him” Jaina recited again. Her thighs pushed together rubbing herself trying to get some relief. 

Sitting down in the pilots chair Jaina looked over the very familiar control panel in front of her. The next thing she did though was look for any bobby traps. Smugglers loved to do it so that they were the only ones that could operate their ship. Sure enough Jaina caught a wire underneath the console. A trap she was all to familiar with. She dealt with it easily enough and soon she was prepping the ship for departure.

Her pussy was not happy with her and the more she thought on Hulga’s words the more she was unhappy. She knew this was the time. If she was ever going to leave it was going to be now. If she didn't it would be her pretty much admitting that this all excites her. Which if she was being honest with herself was completely true. From the very first moment she had seen the collar and leash on the holo she had wanted to see what it would feel like wrapped around her throat. She wanted it, the question was, was she stupid enough to give up everything to be a slave to a Hutt. 

The ships engines were quickly warming and Jaina found herself with her hand down to her pussy. Rubbing herself ever so gently but slowly increasing the tempo. Working herself to an orgasm. 

“Damn him…….. I am not submitting to a Hutt!” Jaina almost screamed the words in the cockpit.

Her hands though had other ideas. They increased their pace on her clit and pussy. Stroking herself Jaina tried to keep her eyes focused on the readiness of the engines but she couldn’t keep them focused as she experienced the joys of the pleasure she was giving herself.

“UUUHHHHHH! Damn him!” Jaina’s fingers continued to probe her own flesh. Running down her pussy and flicking her clit. Jaina felt the rush of pleasure and felt the orgasm coming.

Something seemed so very final about this orgasm. It was as if in her mind she knew if she could stop herself she could get out of all this and deny herself all the pleasure and finally get off of the planet. If she couldn't stop herself and she came she would doom herself to Hulga’s service. Forced to be the submissive slave of a Hutt who would take great delight in humiliating her and making her perform all sorts of acts of service. 

“OH!!!! Sith why did I have to think that” Jaina exclaimed to herself.

The thought of being on leash and collared by the Hutt stormed through her mind. Jaina couldn’t resist it anymore. Her fingers worked feverishly on her clit. Now her orgasm began to erupt within her. 

“NO!!!!!!” The stakes were never higher and Jaina had never felt like she was not in control of her body.

An orgasm of what Jaina could only call epic rushed through her. She hated herself as she fingered her pussy and even placed a couple of them inside of her. In and out she worked her pussy while the orgasm came over her. She felt it reach her pussy, it arched out over her pussy. Squirting for the first time in her life Jaina couldn’t believe it. Her toes curled up and her mind went blank for only an instant but it was enough for her to know everything in her life had just changed. 

Jaina through hazed and lust filled eyes looked at the monitors in front of her. Noticing the image of Hulga on the observation monitors. The system also read as ready for departure. Jaina knew what she had to do and that was to scream out of the space port and get home. It wasn’t what she did though. Reaching over to the control panel she flipped a switch, on the monitors she watched as the cargo lamp descended and Hulga’s smile grew wider then the monitor could hold. Hulga started to slither up the ramp. It wasn’t long until Jaina could feel his presence.

“Do you accept your place as my slave now?” Hulga demanded to know.

Jaina’s hands stopped moving finally but she could still feel the residual heat in her body. It called to her like an old friend. Someone who she could reach out to at anytime. She knew she was just buying time before she had to answer. Hulga knew the same so he waited patiently.

“I’m not willingly going to allow you to make me a slave” Jaina finally commented.

“You could have left” Hulga observed, leaving it unsaid that she stayed because a large part of her wants what he offers.

“Yes I could have left” Jaina stated. Confirming the unspoken truth. 

“You will not do it willingly but you will allow yourself to be trained” Hulga wasn’t asking, he was stating. 

Jaina didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of an answer but she had no choice. The Hutt would not allow her to leave it unsaid.

“I will remain here to be trained. I will find a way to leave” Jaina said but inside she knew this had probably been her best and last chance to leave.

Hulga’s answering chuckle let her know that he believed that as well.

The theatre room was not empty like before. Jaina was led into the room by Hulga gently prodding her from behind. In the room was the entirety of the palace room. They didn’t look like they were happy to see her but when she was taken to the block that she had spurned before. Jaina brought the image back into her mind as to what the restraints on that block will do to her. The thought of escaping again played through her mind. Her lightsaber was back on Clu’s belt but this time she did nothing. Allowing herself to be placed into the restraints. Jaina found herself elevated from the floor. All of her weight was being supported by her spread ankles. Her body wanted to droop lower but her hands and ankles enclosed in the close restraints wouldn’t allow her to. Her body began to feel the pain as well while she was being locked in the smugglers, thieves and assassins that Hulga drew towards him took in her discomfort and more then anything. They took in her entire body. She had been nude in the palace when she had beaten a load of them on her way out but now they could really appreciate her body. Her pussy was visible to all. She could see those in the first rows leaning forward to get a better look. Even after they saw her all upfront before when she had battled all of them and not to mention they all had access to the videos that Hulga had been putting out.

“What are you going to do Hulga” Jaina said with as much exasperation in her voice as she felt. 

With a speed Jain was still amazed to see the giant Hutt came to her. Blocking the entire theatre from seeing her he took her chin in his hand.

“You are going to get your first marking as mine slave. A nice piercing that will tell all what you are” Hulga answered for her.

“A piercing? Where?” Jaina asked.

Hulga looked down at her. Jaina followed his eyes down to her clit.

“No way!!!…………….  Not happening!!!” Jaina refused but she did not move an inch. Her displeasure being masked by her not using the force.

“You had your chance to leave slave. Now you get the first marking. Be sure this is just the first” Hulga warned her. 

Jaina wanted to tell him no, wanted to tell him not to do it but her arousal began to heat up again. 

“Are you ready slave?” Hulga asked as he left her. Clu replaced him in front of her. He held a piercing gun with a ring already in it. 

“You’ll feel a slight sting” Clu said to her.

Everything in her wanted to retort with some sort of response but it was dead on her lips. Instead she stared out at the ring on the piercing. Clu was sure handed as he approached. He swabbed her clit with an alcohol rub before he placed the gun against her clit. Her entire body was aroused. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the exposure, the gun, or all things messed together. Feeling a sting was certainly an understatement. The piercing gun went through her clit. She was so aroused that all of the blood in her body seemed to be there and as he pierced it the pain went through her entire body. When she was able to she looked down to see the new item on her body. The ring was about an inch and a half wide. Silver it seemed to sparkle in the surprisingly well lit room. 

“You took that well slave. Now for the last thing for today” 

Hulga reached behind her and pulled out a shaving kit. Jaina was confused for a moment but she was soon aware of the next thing. Hulga gave the kit to Clu. The trainer took a hold of the kit and removed a laser hair remover that Jaina used herself under the arm pits and sometimes on her pubic mound when she wanted to manicure herself. Now the mad Hutt and the sadistic trainer were eyeing her pubic mound. It was not all together messy but Jaina had to admit it had been some time since she had a chance to trim herself down there. The trainer came closer to her while she tried to get away while still restrained. 

“Leave me alone” Jaina found her voice.

The trainer took the tool and moved closer in. with the tool in hand he moved towards her again.

“If you are going to do it, then do it” Jaina roared with annoyance at all the preamble.

“HOHOHOHOHO, Clu, do your best” Hulga answered.

There were chuckles from all of the assembled audience as well as some outright laughs from the thieves and smugglers.

Clu moved in. He grabbed a hold of a mess of her pubic hair and moved the tool down. The laser sword operated a little like a mini lightsaber except Jaina could see this was a permanent one. Once used she would never grow hair down there again. She had actually thought of using one before but had never made a choice. It seemed now the choice would be taken from her. The laser cut through the hair and Jaina found herself relaxing in the comfort that she couldn't do anything to stop it. With a skill that Jaina had to admire, Clu moved through her pubic hair with efficiency. Her new ring seemed to clang in her ears when he brushed it away from an area he was working in. 

The trainer didn’t take long. Soon Jaina’s pubic mound was completely bare for all to see. Jaina could see that there were some in the first few rows of pirates that craned their heads to see her more openly. Hulga moved in front to block their sight to get his own view. 

“Excellent work” Hulga declared as he moved away.

As he moved away a holo screen appeared to Jaina's right. It was large and showed a close up view of her privates to the entire hall. The roar of approval from the assembled masses actually made her feel good about being cheered at but when she thought about why she wondered again why she was allowing this to happen. The heat in her pussy though was a good guess though.

“Ringed and shaved like a true slave” Hulga taunted her.

Jaina moved uncomfortably in her restraints while she looked out to the pirates eyes all on the holo screen with the close up of her pussy. Ring and shave she couldn’t deny Hulga’s words.

The palace main room or throne room was a buzz. It wasn’t only because Jaina was there. Hulga was on the podium. Eating a plethora of anything from fresh meat to veggies. Jaina herself wasn’t in the collar and leash yet. They still remained unfulfilled laying next to Hulga. Jaina was tied to the podium by a large chain that was padlocked around her ankle. Thankful that she was just in her form fitting flight suit ad not in some ridiculous outfit like the one her mother had been forced to wear. She had been sat on the podium for a couple of hours. Nothing had been asked of her yet. She just was simply hanging out with Hulga only once in a blue moon taking the chance to tug on the chain to bring her closer to him but she had a long lead and could go just about anywhere in the room.

“Slave!” Hulga demanded her attention.

Jaina knew she should be careful in how she answered.

“Yes?” She didn’t like answering to the name but she knew better to not at the moment. Plus as much as she hated it and would never admit it to anyone. She secretly liked being called it.

“Strip” Hulga ordered.

In her mind she said no right away but she didn’t voice it. She thought it through and knew that everyone there had already seen her nude and even seen her pussy highlighted. 

“Yes” Jaina wasn’t going to fight this order but she felt like she was giving a lot. 

The flight suit was easily taken off of her body. It was after all designed to be put on and off quickly. Jaina stepped out of it after she had unzipped it down from the back of her neck down to the top of her ass. Her entire body was now visible for all. Her flight suit bunched up at her chained ankle. Clu appeared from somewhere, he unlocked the chain around her ankle. Pulled the flight suit from her body and then reattached the padlock and chain around her ankle. Jaina was now completely nude and sitting on the podium with Hulga.

“Now slave, play with yourself” Hulga demanded.

“What?, here in front of everyone?!” Jaina exclaimed.

“That’s right slave” Hulga confirmed for her.

“I can’t do that” Jaina answered.

Clu stepped in front of her. He brandished a whip but it was unlike any whip she had ever seen. The long thong that was the whip had barbs of leather along the entirety of the whip. Jaina knew that would be the most painful thing she had ever experienced if she was whipped with it. He brandished it like a weapon.

“Play with yourself like the slut and slave that you are” Hulga demanded her.

Jaina didn’t answer. She was weighing her options while staring at the whip. A rush of arousal going through again at being commanded but the look on Clu’s face and the way that he brandished it was annoying to her and she felt the need to strike back.

“I am not going to that….. Do your worst” Jaina answered with far more malice in her voice then she thought she could muster. While looking straight into the eyes of Clu. 

Clu tried to step forward with the whip but he found he could not. Jaina’s eyes blazed with power. She was keeping the trainer from moving forward with the force. The man struggled under her power but he was not moving an inch. 

“She is doing something!! I can’t move!!” Clu’s distressed voice was like music to her ears but she didn’t have long to enjoy it.

Jaina’s smile was mirthless. Nude as she still seemed full of power and seemed to be in complete control. Until she felt something along her back. It was Hulga’s tail and before she knew it the large Hutt pulled back on his tail and swung. It cracked Jaina’s back from the top of her shoulders down to her ass. It was so powerful and unexpected that Jaina was flung almost across the entire throne room. She landed with a thud in front of some of the throne room degenerates. She rose painfully to her feet and looked out towards the giant Hutt. Clu was freed from her influence and was coming forward now. Hulga had a hold of her chain that wrapped around her ankle. He began to pull with a strength that was very proportional to his huge size. Jaina could not over power him and she was a little dazed from the hit. She couldn't concentrate enough to call the force to her aid again. Dragged back to the podium she was forced to jump up as he dragged her back to him. Clu stood next to him, the whip uncoiled in his hand.

“Bad slave” Hulga condemned her. 

“Keep that thing away from me…….. and the whip to” Jaina said while she eyed Clu.

“HOHOHOHOHO you wither play with yourself now or your trainer gets to use his whip” Hulga told her.

“Keep that whip away from me” Jaina responded with a little to much fear creeping into her voice then she would have liked. 

“Show us or be whipped” Hulga gave the ultimatum.

“I will not masturbate in front of all of these people” Jaina said with steel in her voice.

“Very well” Hulga motioned to his side.

Two Gamorrean guards appeared. Their pig like faces and large bodies quickly grabbed a hold of her. One on each arm they placed a cuff around each wrist and then took chain and connected her wrist to two eye bolts that were in the bottom of the podium. Jaina was now cuffed standing up with her back to Hulga and Clu, while she faced the assembled crowd.

Without being able to see Clu she didn’t know when the first lash of the whip was going to be. When the first lash came she almost screamed out in surprise and pain but she refused to give Clu and Hulga that win. The barbs on the whip were excruciating but she refused to cry out. The second time it hit across her shoulder blades. Jaina jumped but she refused to cry out. Locking her lips and almost biting her tongue. Refusing to give in. After the sixth hit was when she first fell to the ground in pain. Dropping to a knee but not saying anything. Her body seemed to collapse from the whip that was now leaving angry red welts across her back. After the tenth lash she fell to the ground again. Unable to stop it she fell this time to both of her knees and tried to give herself some time but Clu was relentless. His whip found her wither she was on the ground or not. The whip landing on her right shoulder and leaving barbed welts all the way down to the top of her ass. Still Jaina refused to even say a word.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” It was the twentieth hit and Jaina could stand no more. She was on her knees constantly now.

Clu battered her relentlessly now. On her knees he hit every inch of her back. Jaina cried out in pain for the first time much to the astonishment of the mass of people in the throne room. 

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Again she called out with the next hit and again with the next one and again after that.

“You know how to make it stop slave. Agree to pleasure yourself in front of us” Hulga told her from her side. 

“Go to hell” Jaina meant that to be more steely then it actually came out as. It came out as more pained and weak then anything else. 

The answer she received was from Clu behind her. Another lash that curled around her body this time. barbs from the whip lashing out across the side of her body and even to the front. Licking just underneath her left breast for the first time. Jaina couldn’t see it but that seemed to please Hulga. Clu nodded and proceeded to whip her again. This time the whip curled around to the under side of her right breast.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina called out on each hit. The whip leaving marks for the first time on the front of her. 

Ten more times and Jaina cried out each time. With welts now appearing on the front of her. Under, over and on her breasts. Jaina cried with each hit but she refused to give in. Until finally Clu seemed to hit where he had been aiming. The whip curled around her body and landed squarely with her nipple. 

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Again she called out but this time with more intense pain then ever. 

Breathing heavily Jaina on her knees help up her chain hands in surrender.

“I’ll do as you wish” Jaina said through pained breaths. 

Jaina looked up through pain filled eyes and sweaty hair she found the gigantic eyes of the Hutt to the back and side of her. She meet his gaze briefly before she looked down. 

“Show us then slave” Hulga demanded.

Breathing hard and heavy Jaina collapsed in on herself. Her chain hands bringing her back up somewhat. Now she sat with her legs draped over the podium. She spread her legs and showed everyone her freshly shaven pubic patch and her new clit ring. A trembling finger reached down and started to play with that same clit. Rubbing it as she would in the privacy of her own room. Jaina cried inwardly but did her best not to show any emotion to the crowd. The sad fact was she grimaced with each move. Her entire body ached from the whipping but she tried her best. A semi circle of pirates gathered in front of her while she played. 

“Good slave” Hulga commented from behind her but Jaina could see out of the corner of her eye that he craned his neck to see her. This humiliation wasn’t for his pleasure it seemed. It was for the pleasure of his people. 

To Jaina this realization really meant nothing. The thought of the whip even landing on her one more time was enough for her to continue to debase herself in front of them all. Her finger moved with casual speed over her clit. It was the first time doing it with the ring pierced through. She was finding that though her clit was more sensitive with the ring in it she couldn’t quite find a rhythm with her finger to bring herself closer to orgasm. She wondered if that was the intended effect as she tried to alternate her speed. Her arousal was there and the need for an orgasm was unfortunately always there now but she couldn’t make herself cum. After a few minutes she began to try other things. A slight pinch caused her more pain then pleasure while her other hand moved up to a breast and started to massage and pull on her nipple. This had always helped before in her play times with herself. It had the intended effect and made her even more aroused. She could feel herself on the brink but there was nothing to push her over. 

“Cum slave!” Hulga’s voice pierced through her own inner thoughts. Her eyes had been closed the whole time but with his words she opened them and saw everyone in front of her.

Her libido intensified by an unknown but large factor. Her clit hardened and she felt her orgasm coming. When he called her a slave she had found that the hottest thing she needed at the moment. Her orgasm tore through her. Much to her own shame she seemed to convulse inwards of herself. Her knees coming together on the podium before they spread out as the wave of pleasure seemed to push her legs apart. There were cheers from the crowd as they watched her humiliate herself for Hulga’s enjoyment. The Hutt himself to her side seemed to chuckle for a long time. Jaina’s eyes wouldn’t stay closed so she was forced to watch as everyone slapped their friends on the back and said lewd things about her. Nothing was close enough for her to hear except she heard one of Hulga's people called her a Jedi slut. She would have been outraged but she looked down at herself. Chained to the stage and forced to pleasure herself. She could have easily escaped but she choose to stay. In moments like this she regretted the decision but she did nothing to rectify it. 

“Good slave” Hulga said from the side of her.

She felt a tightening of tension in the chain around her ankle. Clu stepped forward and unchained her wrists and allowed Jaina now to be pulled towards Hulga. Pulled to the front of him Jaina could only really see one and half eyes the Hutt was so big.

“Spread your legs slave” Hulga demanded.

Again the whip memory was there and Jaina would do nothing to allow that whip to hit her and after what she had just done spreading her legs for him was pretty easy. When her legs were spread his giant tongue removed itself from his large mouth. He had remarkable control over it as he let it slid down to be on the same level as her knees and then like a zoo animal his tongue flicked up with uncanny accuracy and speed. His total control of his tongue was mind blowing but even worse was he flicked it up and now he was licking her sex. His tongue darted about her sensitive region after such an orgasm. He seemed to enjoy it and Jaina had to admit his tongue was licking her clit at times and she found another orgasm was coming. This time there was no help required except that which the tongue provided. Jaina had never experienced multiple orgasms so close together. She didn’t know how mind blowing they could be but she knew she was about to find out. His tongue was unlike anything she had ever experienced. He massaged her clit while at the same time he seemed to lick her entire pussy from lip to lip and all the way in and around. It was the most interesting and arousing thing she had ever experienced. She found herself relaxing on the stage and found that Clu was behind her propping her up. Her mind was completely focused on Hulga and his tongue she didn’t notice that the cheering from before was now replaced by a silence while everyone watched Hulga playing with his toy. Jaina didn’t care anymore. The orgasm that was about to come through her was going to be even more intense then the first one. His tongue was everywhere. Somehow she was brought closed to him his mouth already at her knees out of sheer girth was now pressed against her clit. His tongue retracted into her mouth but not all. It still worked a way on her and was still bringing that orgasm but now his lips formed a seal around her clit. His massive lungs began to suck.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Was all Jaina could reply with.

That was it, that was the final straw for her body. It kicked into high gear as the orgasm was released. It coursed through her body not in a wave but in an explosion that had her curling her toes and her eyes going blank.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” She moaned out for the assembled audience. 

Hulga’s mouth departed from her clit and his tongue gave her one last lick before she was left wobbly and in the care of Clu who kept her upright. If not for him she would have dropped to the ground.

“Good slave. Lay at my feet” Hulga ordered her.

After such an orgasm all Jaina could do was nod her head and allow Clu to lower her to the ground.

Four more times Hulga had her singing with orgasms. His tongue worked her like an instrument and by the second one Jaina was not even trying to get out of them. She welcomed them by the third one and by the fourth she was practically willing to be his instrument. After the fifth where she had finished with her body pressed up against him she had been taken by Clu back to her training room. Now in the cell she could think of little else except the orgasms that Hulga had torn from her willing body. Lay on the bed she idly played with her new ring through her clit. She was still so sore and so sensitive from the Hutt’s actions that she as getting a little rush of pleasure though her when she played with the ring. Her fingers stopped with the ring and began to play with her clit. She was still aroused from before but again like before she could play with her clit and get aroused but there was nothing to push her over.

“Do I need the Hutt to cum now? How does that even work?” Jaina said aloud to herself.

“You don’t need Hulga per say but it does help” Clu’s voice came from the Dungeons entrance. Jaina wasn’t locked in her cell but she choose to stay in there as Clu approached.

“Explain” Jaina said.

“It’s better to show you” Clu said with a smile on his face. One that didn’t frighten Jaina but it didn’t sit well with her.

“Play with yourself for me” Clu demanded.

After everything she had been through in the throne room, playing with herself for Clu in private seemed like nothing. She continued to play with herself. Feeling that rush but it was like it was behind a wall.

“Good, you can feel it yes? You can feel you need to cum but you can’t” Clu questioned her.

“Yes” Jaina confirmed.

“Hulga choose well with you. You are a natural slave……. Go on and try with all your might to cum” Clu told her.

Jaina’s hands went to her breast and started to play with her nipple again while her other hands stayed and worked on her clit. Again like before it helped but it was more pressure behind that wall that would not break. Clu watched the performance with that smile on her face that was now becoming annoying to her. If he knew something she wanted him to say it.

“Tell me slave, do you like being called slave?”

“OOO “Jaina could feel the wall collapse a little at his question.

“Yes” Jaina said between increasingly labored breaths. 

“Then cum slave” Clu commanded.

Jaina didn’t want to believe it but each time he called her a slave she felt something within her chip away at the wall. Now with the order the wall crumbled and her orgasm came bouncing through her like an orgasm that didn’t want to settle. It caused her to curl her toes for a second and then close her eyes. All she knew she was on her bed in her cell being called a slave and she loved it so much she was cumming at the thought of being called a slave. 

“You are a special person slave. It is my ultimate pleasure to train such a natural like yourself” Clu didn’t mean for the words to hurt. It was genuine pleasure and excitement on his part and though Jaina was still in the haze of her orgasm she appreciated the thought.

“I’m not sure what to say to that. You are still my jailer and work for the man who wants me collared and enslaved” Jaina replied.

“Yes but ask yourself this. If you didn’t want it why did you not escape when you could have? Why do you orgasm like a slave? Most of all, why do you still persist in remaining here. You could still escape at any time. Even when he collars you, you will still be able to escape. There is nothing anyone can do here to prevent you from escaping” Clu replied.

They weren’t new thoughts for Jaina, she had been thinking the same things since she had surrendered back into their care and yet the only answer she could realistically give to herself was, she liked it. All she needed to know about that was what she had just experienced. Cumming at simply being called a slave. It was completely true she felt that damn break when she heard those words commanding her to cum. 

“I can’t answer any of that right now” Jaina replied with a little to much petulance in her voice. 

“Because you don’t want to admit to it. That is fine. I am here to train you but it occurs to me where you mind is at right now some punishment and pleasure might not be best. How about some education on how to be a slave?” Clu genuinely asked.

“I thought it was all about being his toy” Jaina stated.

“Not all all, come out of the cage join me in the center of the room” Clu ordered. 

There was no need to disobey the order so Jaina rose from the bed and joined him in the middle of the dungeon. 

“Good, stay there slave” Clu told her.

The trainer moved towards a control panel on a nearby wall. He inputted a few commands and soon a holographic representation of a woman appeared directly in front of Jaina. The blue hued woman was human with long hair and wore one of the many obscene outfits Jaina was sure the Hutt had prepared for her. 

“Meet your protocol and dance instructor” Clu gestured towards the blue hued hologram. 

“Protocol and dance instructor?” Jaina asked back.

“That’s right” Clu answered.

The blue hued hologram seemed to eye Jaina up and down and then a holographic sneer appeared on her face.

“This is the one who will be our Master’s personal slave?” After looking Jaina up and down it turned and asked Clu.

“That is correct” Clu responded with a sneer of his own. Jaina wasn't sure if that was for her or for the hologram.

“slave this is Anna. As you can see she is fully interactive. Though she herself cannot give punishments she can let me know when slaves are being unruly…… understand?” Clu told her.

“Yes I got you. Follow the snooty holo grams instructions” Jaina replied with her own sneer directed towards the hologram.

“Disobedient and full of fire. My opinion of you increases slave. You might be worthy of Hulga yet. Maybe after my training is complete” Anna replied. A smile forming on the side of her face.

“You will find she is full of surprises” Clu answered. 

“Let us begin then” Anna looked over towards Jaina who felt a shiver of fear go through her. 

The hologram centered itself in front of Jaina. She took her hands and placed them behind her head and then placed her elbows out from her body to the side. Her feet were spaced out as well in lone with her shoulders.

“The first position slave. When your Master orders you into display this is the form your body should take” Anna commanded her.

“Display….. it really is, isn’t it” Jaina replied. 

‘Make sure your chest is thrust out and your head is straight ahead” Anna ordered.

Jaina did her best to mimic the stance. She found it was rather stiff but when she got into the position Anna seemed to be pleased enough.

“Good. Make sure your eyes are forward and your mouth closed” Anna told her. 

Jaina did as she was told.

“Better now make sure those knees are locked and your heels are on the ground” Anna ordered again.

Again Jaina did as she was ordered.

“Very good, you can learn as well. Tell me how long can you hold this position for?” Anna asked her.

Jaina thought about that for a minute. With the force she maintain it for days but with her own strength probably a day or so she thought. She was in perfect tip top condition.

“A day maybe” Jaina said in all honesty.

“A full day?? you must think very highly of yourself” Anna sneered again at her.

Jaina gave her a look that was all steel and confidence.

“We will put that to the test one time slave. In the meantime you have other positions to learn as well as your first dancing instruction” Anna confirmed for her. 

“If you think I am going to learn how to dance for that slime you have another thing coming” Jaina replied with steel again in her voice.

“You will learn slave or you will be under my whip again” Clu warned. 

Jaina flinched. Her body still stung from the whipping. She had yet to even really rest from it and get any sort of treatment.

“I’ll see what she is teaching” Jaina relented.

“See that you do” Clu warned. 

Ann circled her as she maintain the display position.

“Good you have it down. Now let us try another position” Ann declared. The holo gram went and stood before Jaina again.

This time she stood with her hands behind her. Elbows out to the sides again but they formed a triangle behind her. Jaina realized she much had been gripping lightly her forearms behind her. Her feet were in line this time with her elbows. Jaina got into position and waited for the inevitable adjustments. Ann came to and seemed to be impressed.

“Excellent you grasped what was going on behind me. Now make sure those feet stay apart and watch your back. It must remain as stiff as wood slave” Anne commented but seemed rather pleased.

“This one is called wait, Hulga will require it of you in some situations in which he wants he property displayed but relaxed” Ann informed her.

“Maintain the position for a few minutes before we continue to the next.” Ann replied.

Maintaining the position was easy enough Jaina actually felt a sense of arousal go through her. Learning how to display herself for the Hutt seemed to be yet another thing that aroused her and kept her under his thrall. 

After a half an hour in which Jaina didn’t move an inch the holo graphic trainer seemed to be impressed. The blue hued woman walked around her and could find nothing to comment on.

“Very good, excellent material to be a slave” Ann remarked.

Jaina stayed calm and remained in the stance until she was told she could relax.

“Lets move directly to the next one. You are an excellent student so far. I want you to learn this most important one. Your Master may not require this of you all that often but it is extremely important that you learn it because when your Master demands this of you, you must get this one right” Ann declared in her serious tone. 

The holographic trainer first got on her knees and then she spread them and leaned forward. Her forehead touching the floor and her arms out before her. Elbows on the floor at her head level while her hands crossed each other just above her head.

“This is the humble position” Anna informed her.

Jaina didn’t need to be informed on that position. She had seen it in multiple cultures before. She had never known what it was called but she knew it. This humble position did exactly the same thing through all the different cultures. It let everyone know that the person performing the position was completely subservient to the other. Jaina wished she could say it was something she would never do but as she watched Ann perform it and thought of the times she had seen it done before she realized just how hot it made her feel to think of doing it for Hulga. It was getting harder and harder within her own mind to rebuke him which was concerning to her.

There was nothing to the position. Having seen it so many times in so many places Jaina assumed the position with only one comment being placed on her.

“Make sure your ass is higher then your head slave” Ann instructed her. 

Sticking her ass in the air made her feel vulnerable and even more hot which she was beginning to love each time she did something she swore she would never do.

“Better, not spread your legs a little bit further” Ann told her. Jaina did as she was told.

“Perfect, slave. Maintain it for half an hour. Remember the humble position.” Ann commanded.

This position while humiliating was going to be a pain in the back quite literally but Jaina felt confident she could hold it for hours if need be.

“You take to lessons very well slave” Clu taunted her but Jaina knew enough now, not to say anything back to her keeper and torturer. 

After the half hour she was allowed to rest on the floor. 

“Your ability to keep in the positions is very good slave” Ann remarked.

“Thanks” Jaina didn’t deadpan the comment but it was really close.

“We will stop here today” Ann commanded and before the word were even done she disappeared.

“Into the cell and rest for now slave. My training will begin soon enough” Clu stated.

Jaina had remained in the cell by her count for four hours. Though she wasn’t entirely sure because she had fallen asleep on the surprisingly comfortable bed and pillows. Like before it was not locked but the entrances to the dungeon were indeed locked. She was sure she could break out easily enough and she could sense that her lightsaber was somewhere close. Sitting on the bed she tried her best to avoid laying on her back. Still she had not received any help for the whipping that she had endured. She knew a quick couple of bacta patches would do the job. She was getting annoyed at them not seeing to her needs.

“Don’t suppose there’s room service in this place” Jaina said aloud.

“There is actually” Clu appeared from the far side entrance. 

Her trainer was carrying four large bacta patches as well as a tray of food.

“Didn’t know you acted as a waiter as well” Jaina teased.

Clu put the patches on the bed and the food before he moved to a control panel.

“From here you can contact a droid who will provide you with everything you could possibly want. Except of course your freedom. Give it a try” Clu gestured towards the panel.

Jaina moved towards it and couldn’t help a could of winces come to her face from the pain on her back. Once she was there she touched the panel.

“Good evening Miss Solo. What can I get for you?” The droid responded quick. If Jaina had to guess it was a repurposed C-3PO unit. 

“Oh ummmmm Hi. Don’t suppose I can get an Alderanian Wine and some grapes” Jaina asked for the most random things she could think of.

“Lord Hulga has ordered that you can get anything you wish. Though I would suggest against any alcohol at this time” The droid replied.

“I appreciate that…. Droid, but I will have what I ordered….. what is your name or designation?” Jaina asked.

“Oh…… My designation is P-350. I have no name” The droid replied.

“Well P-350 I make it a habit to name the droids in my life even if is is just their designations but said fondly and if your Master becomes mine as he wishes I will be spending more time with you so I am going to name you” Jaina stated. 

“Oh well if you wish Mistress” The droid replied

“How about Thrifty?” Jaina purposed.

“That would be most good Mistress” Thrifty. 

“Great, Also Thrifty, can you get anything?” Jaina asked.

“We have great stores of many things here Mistress. What is it you are after?” Thrifty responded.

“Can you get me the code to disarm the bomb on my ship?” Jaina asked.

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

“I believe I can. Lord Hulga has ordered nothing to be denied you” Thrifty.

“Wow” Jaina was genuinely impressed.

“Lord Hulga has made it known nothing is to be denied to you. If you so wish you could simply walk out of here. No one will stop you. You had the chance before but you stayed and Hulga believes as I do as well that you wish to be here. Whether you know that yourself is the question” Clu informed her.

“I see” Jaina really didn’t understand how the Hutt was acting. If he wanted to keep her there he could easily do she supposed. She would never use the force on him but he didn’t know that.

“Thrifty could you also send some clothes down. Regular shirt and pants please” Jaina asked the droid.

“I certainly can” The droid signed off when Jaina moved away from the control panel.

“Clothes, planning on using that key to disarm the bomb on your star fighter?” Clu asked.

“Yes I am…… at the very least it’s a severe hazard in the middle of the space port” Jaina told him.

“What will you do with your fighter” Clu asked. Leaning in to make sure he heard the answer.

“I’m sure you’d like me to come back and park it here wouldn’t you?” Jaina asked half teasingly.

“I would very much. I still haven’t really been able to train you yet. There are so many orgasms to force from you and pain as well” Clu said with far to much pride in his voice for Jaina’s liking. 

Everything was delivered to her within an hour. She enjoyed the food and drink and then got dressed. Clu watched her the entire time. Unsure as to why he was just watching and not trying to train her Jaina eyed him suspiciously. Jaina then made her way out of the dungeon with Clu’s help to unlock the exterior door. Clu helped her to get outside of the palace. There as no hint of malice or deception on his part. Jain in her borrowed shirt and pants felt like she three times larger because of how baggy they were and how they flapped in the dry desert air. 

“I can get you a speeder into town if you allow me to accompany you” Clu said from the side of her.

“What do you get out of all of this Clu?” Jaina asked.

“Satisfy my curiosity and my own assumptions” He answered.

“You don’t think I’ll actually go” Jaina replied.

“I know you wont, if you want I can tell you why right now and you can make even harder for me to confirm my suspicions” Clu stated.

“Go ahead, tell me why I wont leave” Jaina replied.

“Simple, you are trying to leave and yet you have not retrieved your lightsaber. I find it hard to fathom a Jedi would leave it behind” Clu responded with a smile.

Inwardly Jaina cursed. She had somehow forgotten all about her lightsaber. 

“You can come with me if you go and gab me my lightsaber and a speeder” Jaina demanded. 

“As you wish” Clu responded.

A few minutes later Jaina had her lightsaber and a speeder was pulling up with Clu in the drivers seat. There was no talking between them as Clu drove them straight toe h hanger that her X-Wing was housed in. Jaina jumped down from the speeder. Entering into the hanger she was pleased to see the ship was untouched from when she ha left it. She had a key that Thrifty had given her to use on the bomb that had been planted. With a gentle yet firm approach she disarmed the bomb. She handed to Clu.

“So you can return it to your Master” Jaina teased him but Clu took it with a smile and nodded towards her.

“So this is goodbye then?” Clu asked.

Jaina did a tour of the ship before she answered. Worried about any tampering but everything seemed okay. With his words her pussy seemed twitched but not in the way it did with all the pleasurable tortures and acts she had been forced to commit. This was more like her pussy was sad that it wouldn’t be subjected to those torments. She tired to ignore it but as soon as she vaulted into the pilots seat she felt that twitch again and in her own mind she felt a sadness creep into her. 

“Damn him again” Jaina said to herself but Clu heard it.

“Your pussy wont let you go will it?” Clu asked. 

“I’ll get pass it” Jaina confirmed.

The trainer shrugged his shoulders.

“You may be right but I don’t think so. In your very short time with us your pussy already recognizes that it has been mastered” Clu responded with a knowing smile.

“Who says that kind of stuff?” Jaina reacted with a touch of anger knowing that he was right.

“It’s right though isn’t it?” Clu asked her.

Jaina didn’t want to give him an answer because she didn’t trust herself. 

“Why don’t you take your pants off” It wasn’t a question.

“Excuse me, why would I do that?” Jaina asked.

“Because I want you to” Clu said sternly.

Jaina’s hands were working without her minds input when they reached down and began to pull her pants down. Her pants were off before she could even fight with her mind. Now she was pant-less while she sat in the cockpit of her star fighter. 

“Good slave, now move down. Put that needy pussy against the yoke. Rub it against it like the craven pussy slut that you are”

“I am not doing that. I can’t do that, it’s sick and it’s wrong” Jaina answered.

“You will do it slave and you will do it now!!” Clu demanded.

Jaina couldn’t help herself, her arousal went up with the command. She was sliding down before he even finished his command. Her pussy was already on fire when it touched the yoke. Such a scared place for a star fighter pilot. It was on that yoke that she won many battles. Now with her pussy up against it she couldn’t help herself. She began to rub on and down on it.

“See you are such a slut” Clu remarked from below.

Jaina couldn’t see him but she could imagine the smile on his face at the moment. Despite herself she continued to rub against the very instrument she used to pilot the ship. There was something so taboo about what she was doing. Defiling something she held up as so much apart of herself. She imagined the only thing she could do that would be more taboo would be to do something similar with her lightsaber. Her new clit ring was ringing in her ears each time she rubbed herself. The metal on metal contact just enough for it to create a sort of music as Jaina debased herself on the yoke.

“That’s good slave” Clu said from below. 

Confident that he really couldn’t see more then her motions Jaina took the compliment well especially using the word slave which always made her wet. Her motions were causing her to get hotter and hotter. Jaina didn’t have long until she was going to cum. Sat in a position she had come to know as home in many respects Jaina couldn't help herself. Her pussy ribbed against the yoke. Her clit pushed against it. Her clit ring rhyming with her rubbing. 


The orgasm came out of her so fast and so raw Jaina couldn’t help but moan aloud again.

“OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!”A second orgasm came out of her with no less intensity then the first. 

Below her she could see the yoke was coated in her juices. Another humiliation to a sacred place complete. Down below she could hear Clu chuckling.

“Are you ready to admit it yet slave? Ready to admit that you are Hulga’s slave?” Clu asked from below.

“No…… I’ll go …… I’ll go…….back though” Jaina said through labored breaths. 

“HAHAHA such a good slave. Why don’t you fly your fighter over there. I’ll meet you in the hanger and then you can be trained. How does that sound slave?” Clu pushed.

Jaina felt like she had no bones, just one orgasmic mass, a puddle where once a human was. 

“Yeah sure” Jain answered mindlessly. Her pussy still ached from the dual orgasms. 

It took her about an hour to calm down from the two orgasms. In that time Clu had left her alone in her cockpit. Confident that she would rejoin him at Hulga’s palace. Jaina simply sweated out the arousal she felt inside of her and finally for what she felt like the first time in days she could think without her pussy dictating anything. Thinking finally with her head, it was still something she had to consider, was staying with Hulga would certainly be perfectly fine by her pussy and her arousal. Still she was alone in her fighter with nothing stopping her from simply calling the mission a failure as she knew it might have been from day one and going home. Except even though her pussy didn’t throb like before it still managed to creep into her thoughts. The way she had been treated and the orgasms she had had were something she could not deny. Trying to put the thoughts out of her mind she was struck with one more fact about her time with Hulga. There had been no real time with him. All of her so called training had been handled by Clu and Ann. Hulga hadn’t so much as laid a hand on her and yet she knew it was him training her through his lackeys. 

Powering up the ship to fly away and report her failure Jaina couldn’t help but rub her ringed pussy. She hadn’t bothered to pull up her pants yet and her clit ring wasn’t bouncing off of the yoke anymore but she still felt the arousal coming to her far to easily. The ship was powered and Jaina reluctantly took her finger from her clit and readied herself for the flight. She pulled up her pants and set about contacting the space port proper to gain permission to take off. Once that had been secured Jaina blasted off, soon she was exiting the atmosphere of the planet. She looked back at it with a sense of loss. Deep down she knew that she would never be able to achieve the kinds of orgasms that they had pulled from her again. The ship stopped in space ass she battled within herself. 

“Damn him!” Jaina admonished herself while her finger still reached down to her clit. She was beginning to love the feeling of the clit on her finger as she rubbed herself. 

Firing her thrusters she pointed her fighter back down at the planet below.

“If I go back….. I don’t think I am ever leaving unless it’s under his leash” Jaina mused to herself. She fired her thrusters again and pointed away from the planet.

“If I leave I will never cum like that again” Jaina mused again to herself. 

She turned the fighter once more and pointed back towards the planet. 

“If I go back I’ll be trained as a slave” Jaina mused.

Once more she positioned the fighter outward away from eh planet.

“If I leave I’ll never get the information he offered……… I’ll never cum like that again” Jaina admitted to herself what was actually keeping there.

“Damn him…… I’ll never cum like that again and I want to. I crave to….. I think they have addicted me to pleasure” Jaina said aloud to herself. 

She turned the fighter back towards the planet.

“I guess my life is about to change” Jaina mused.

The engines were kicked in and Jaina was aimed towards the planet. Breaking back through the atmosphere Jaina searched out Hulga’s palace. Easily spotted in the middle of the vast deserts of Tatoonie. The hanger was a little tricky to find around a rocky outcropping. She noticed a free section to land not to far from the freighter she nearly stole. She moved the X-Wing with the practiced ease of a pilot who was used to the small confines of a fleet carrier. Finished with powering down the fighter Jaina stayed in the cockpit for a bit. She could see Clu below. There was a fresh smugness to his smile but Jaina tried to pay him no attention. Instead she took her time with the power down and then she just tried to relax. Knowing full well as soon as she climbed out of the cockpit she was going to be subjected to all manner of torture and pleasure. Despite herself she felt an arousal that brought her back over come her.

“Okay lets face the music” Jaina rolled back her canopy.

Vaulting to the ground before Clu who’s smile was all sorts of knowing.

“How far did you get? How far did you run?” Clu asked her.

Of course he would have suspected her to at least try and run away.

“I was in space pointed away from the planet before I stopped” Jaina admitted.

“Further then I thought you would go but I am happy you are back. I would have had a very bad conversation with Lord Hulga for letting you leave though I had strong feelings that if you did leave you would be back” Clu explained.

“Probably right, still want that information on the corruption within the state” Jaina admitted.

“Of course. Do you admit what you are now? Nothing but a slave for our Master” Clu asked her.

Jaina shock her head.

“Just because I am back here doesn’t mean that….. just means I enjoy what you are doing to me” That was hard for Jaina to admit aloud and Clu seemed to know it.

“That is a start at the very least” Clu responded choosing to ignore her proclaiming she wasn’t a slave.

“Come let us get back to the training room. We have time to make up and torture to do” Clu laughed but he motioned for Jaina to join him to which she did.

It was a line of dildos. Six of them to be correct. They were arrayed by size from Jaina could see. On a platform that clearly Jaina could walk over. They were a little higher then her waist which Jaina felt was a mistake but when she thought about it she knew that Clu wanted them to go all the way inside of her. Jaina’s mind could barely comprehend it but her pussy was way ahead of her. The arousal that spread though her as she looked at the dildos was so fast and powerful it actually surprised her. 

“Every morning you will mount these until you can take the final one without any problems” Clu informed her.

Jaina looked at the last one in the line. It was humongous, way to big to fit inside of her and if she was being honest with herself she didn't think it could ever go inside of her. Being more honest she was sure the second one in the line could not go inside of her.

“Lets give it a shot for now shall we. Your attire has been removed of course. A slave only wears what is permitted them” Clu informed her but Jaina didn’t need to know. She was barely in the training room when he had ordered her to remove her clothes. 

Jaina stepped up to the smallest in the line. Even calling it the smallest it was probably the largest thing she had ever had inside of her. Not that her experiences were many but she figured this was probably on the big side for any normal human male. It was one and half inches wide by about seven inches tall. Shaped like a cock it was flesh colored. 

“Shaped and painted like the cock of a human male. I would think you can take this easily enough slave. Now mount it” Clu commanded.

Jaina had to first straddle the plank of wood that was only about two inches wide even though the girth of the dildos hung off the wood it seemed to be very strongly built. Straddling the piece of wood she found herself on her tip toes slightly as she moved towards the first in the line. Positioning herself over top of it she felt the head of the dildo brush against her sex. It made her wetter then she was before. A look from Clu when they met eyes told her he was not going to be much more patient with her. Jaina breathed in and out and then placed her sex over it once more. It rubbed against her clit causing her ring to move which again increased her arousal. The head of the dildo slid easily into her pussy that was already lubricated by her own desires. Sliding it in she found she came off of her tip toes and now she was flat on the surface.

“OHHHHHHHHH” She moaned with the dildo inside of her.

“Good slave. How does it feel inside of you? Have you ever had something so big?” Clu asked her. His hand reaching out and playing with a nipple. Jaina wanted to throw his hands away but she wanted the touch. Welcomed the touch really.

“It feels so full and so nice” Jaina answered the first question. The second seemed to go in and out of her mind.

“And have you ever had something so big inside of you slave?” Clu asked again.

“No” Jaina answered honestly much to her shame.

“Hahahaha” Clu responded.

“You are almost a virgin then slave. Look to the last one in the line” Clu turned her head that was aching backwards with the pleasure and turned her to look down the line.

“The last one is an exact replica of your Master’s cock. Do you think you will ever take it inside of you?” Clu asked her/.

Jaina’s eyes went wide with the revelation.

“I’ll never fit such a thing inside of me. It would wreck me” Jaina said in all honesty.

“Training and will and you will be able to take it. You will take his cock like the slave you are and not only that but it wont damage your pussy at all. You will be as tight as you are today” Clu told her.

“That’s impossible, that thing will leave a mark” Jaina said. Her eyes were less glassy now but she tightened and relaxed her hips to give herself more pleasure from the intruder inside of her. 

“I see you doubt me but rest assured you will be fine. The training dildo will do you more harm then our Lord’s. That is what bacta is for” Clu chuckled.

Jaina moved about as much as she could trying to get comfortable with the dildo inside of her. It made her feel full but oddly she loved the feeling. It was the biggest thing she ever had inside of her and it was just the first one in the line and the smallest.

“You will be trained slave. You will take the others into your cunt very soon” Clu said as if reading her mind. 

“I’m not so sure” Jaina replied while looking down at the next dildo in line.

“Your moving your hips which is good but if you want to stretch out that pussy you have to fuck it like the slut that you are” Clu told her.

It wasn’t exactly a command but Jaina could take the hint. She raised herself nearly off of the whole thing but she was afraid if she rose completely off of it she wouldn’t be able to get it back in or at least she might be unwilling. With the tip the only thing still inside of her Jaina moved her hips downward. Taking the full girth once more inside of her.

“OOOOOOOOOO!!” Jaina couldn’t help but moan.

The dildo went into her. Jaina was astonished to find she was now sitting on the wood. The entire dildo inside of her she moved upwards again with a look from Clu and once more descended. Fucking herself on the dildo Jaina could feel the heat coming again in her pussy and throughout her very soul. The arousal spreading causing her cheeks to flush red for the first time while she fucked thee dildo.

“OOOOOOOOOOO” With each moan the smile on Clu’s face grew wider and wider. 

Jaina continued moving up and down on the dildo. She could hear nothing but her moans and the silent yet impossibly loud rubbing of her clit ring against the dildo when it was mostly outside of her and then again along her flesh as she moved up and down. There was no sound from it but in Jaina’s mind. The very symbol of her being there at the moment was the clit ring in her mind and it sung her arousal as she fucked herself stupid on the dildo. 

“Good slave, fuck that dildo” Clu’s voice came through her stupor. 

Fucking the dildo was the easy thing to her. The hardest part was trying to make sure the orgasms didn’t come right away. She didn’t want to reveal just how much of a slut she had become in Clu’s care. As always though in his care she could not hold back the torrent of orgasms. Fucking herself on the dildo and Jaina felt the tell tale signs of an impending orgasm. The shivers through her body and then finally it arrived.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!” Jaina’s orgasm swept through her.

“Excellent slave” Clu called out.

Riding the dildo Jaina scrapped every little bit of orgasm from her body. She shivered on stage it had taken so much from her that she was left cold and almost lifeless though she was still able to idly fuck herself. Finally she could go no more and she crashed to the board with the dildo firmly inside of her.

“Well done slave” Clu seemed genuinely happy at her performance.

Jaina had been taken to her cell after her performance on the dildos. She watched as Clu cleaned the dildo of hr juices. The cell door was locked for the first time so Jain had nothing to do except rest on the bed which was fine with her. She was ashamed and tired from what she had done. Sat on the bed she slowly curled up into herself and realized there was no escaping the palace now. She had come back twice and as she looked at the dildos there was an odd longing for them. She wanted to get the end and put the giant one inside of her. Not because Clu wanted her or even Hulga but because she wanted the sensation of something that large inside of her and if made it easier to take Hulga inside of her then all the better. Sex with the Hutt didn’t seem like a bad thing which caused her some grief but she didn’t mind it. The humiliation of coming back to the palace twice was oddly exciting to her now. These thoughts were all that occupied her mind as she drifted to sleep. 

Waking up Jaina could still feel the want in her body. She was almost desperate for another round of orgasms. She knew she was in trouble before she went to sleep now she was truly terrified of what they were doing to her. The first thing she noticed was the cell door was unlocked and there was a tray of food and drink for her. She took that from the floor and started to eat. When she was done with that she placed the tray back where it had come from and then went to exit the cell. She hadn’t really had a good look at everything but as soon as she crossed into the dungeon proper Anne the holograph appeared.

“Morning slave, until Mister Clu arrives you are to practice on the first and if you can the second dildo. Suck and fuck the dildo until Clu arrives. I will be here to make sure you are following orders” Ann ordered. 

“Well that’s just great” Jaina said aloud to the empty room. 

“To your work slave” Ann demanded.

The first dildo no longer looked big to her. Jaina knew she could fuck it now so she looked to the other one. This was just as tall as the first but the girth on it was much more. Jaina wondered if she could fit that in her pussy.

“Best to try the first one again” Ann recommended to her.

“Why, I took that in last night” Jaina asked.

“You need to be able to take it on command. Last night you were wet with your own juices. You are aroused now but not enough. Try and take it in and you won’t” Ann replied.

“I don’t think so but I’ll trust your judgment when it comes to the depraved” Jaina retorted to the hologram.

Moving towards the dildo Jaina hated herself for even giving in to this but she wanted to know if she could take the dildo in her again. Her movements were unsteady but soon she was hovering over the dildo once more. Her pussy reacted to the coming humiliation and penetration with arousal. Making her wetter then she had been before. Jaina gave herself a three step countdown and then plunged in. The dildo felt larger this time. The head of it plunging into her but making her feel full almost instantly. Jaina now knee why she had to do this again. IT was a training plank and she had to train herself on all the dildos. It wasn’t going to be as easy as taking them one time and then moving on. Jaina felt the fullness in her go deeper as her pussy slipped around it.

“MMMMMMMM!!” Jaina couldn't help the moan.

The feeling was intense, more so then last night. Jaina didn’t understand why but she knew it was more intense. She felt her body tensing around the dildo which she didn’t want. She wanted to take the whole dildo inside of her and she was about halfway there. 

“Relax yourself slave” The voice was the deep tones of Hulga who had entered the Dungeon for the first time. Jaina noted he came from the opposite side that Clu came through. 

“Relax and let your body take the dildo. You can do I have seen the footage. You most definitely can take it again and then move onto the next” Hulga stated for all to hear but Jaina took the words and tried her best.

Her body was in tune with her more then other people were. A side effect of training from birth to be a Jedi. Now she used that awareness to force herself to relax. It immediately paid off when she felt her body simply slip and she fell on the dildo. Taking the whole thing into without so much as any resistance.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Jaina moaned in bliss with the whole thing in side of her. That full feeling that she was beginning to associate with pleasure. The dildo was so wide that it teased her clit a little as she moved about on it.

“Good slave” Clu said.

“well done” Ann told her.

“HOHOHO a natural” Hulga observed.

Jaina felt she should be insulted but instead she felt praise and a certain degree of pride. Taking the dildo in and getting the pleasure was all she wanted in that moment. Now with it inside of her and it teasing her clit she wanted noting more but to cum. All three of her tormentors could now see the flush that was coming to her body and no doubt knew what she was building towards.

“Fuck that dildo slave” Hulga demanded.

The order should have caused her annoyance at the very least but she knew fucking the dildo was going to make her even more excited. The arousal came over her in waves once more. She was fucking the dildo in front of Hulga, Clu and the holographic trainer. 

“Now off that dildo and onto the next” Hulga ordered.

Jaina did not even think about it. She knew instinctively that the next dildo was bigger but Hulga ordered her and something inside of her told her to obey. She slipped off of the dildo easily and then she was hovering over the other one. Again without much thought she plunged herself downwards. Her slick pussy and wide ope lips took the dildo as if it was an old friend. 

“OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Jaina moaned.

The orgasm was right on the tip of pushing her over.

“Good slave” Hulga congratulated. 

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!” The orgasm washed over her. 

The kind words of Hulga the Hutt echoing through her mind. She loved being called a good slave. It was the first realization of just what she was allowing to happen to herself beyond all the chances to escape she was being modified to suit him and she wanted it to happen.

“Very good slave, now fuck that like the whore you are” Hulga stated.

His words should have irritated her or at the very lest caused some anger but they didn’t the realization fresh in her mind she instead took the comment and loved it. Fucking the bigger dildo was slick at first but there was a time when she became dry after her orgasm. Dry fucking the dildo was causing her some pain that the others could see.

“Play with your clit slave” Anne demanded.

Jaina didn’t want to resist anymore. She took her hand and brought it to her clit. Flicking it and then rubbing it while she fucked herself. The extra arousal brought on by playing with her clit started to moisten her again. Making the dildo easier and easier to take inside of herself. She found herself looking down at it and marveling how something so big was inside of her. 

“Much better right slave?” Hulga asked.

“Yes, much better” Jaina answered breathlessly while she played with herself.

“I am your Master slave, you will address me as such from now on” Hulga demanded. 

The title of Master had always been reserved for her teachers. She supposed in a way Hulga was another teacher. Just a teacher of debauchery. 

“Yes Master” Jaina replied and felt nothing but pleasure at it. 

“HOHOHOHOHO excellent slave” Hulga declared.

Despite her not wanting to give in anymore then she already had Jaina couldn’t stop the flow of an orgasm coming through her.

“OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Jaina screamed out in pure bliss.

“HOHOHOHO” Hulga appreciated the scene.

“I think that is enough for today” Clu suggested to which Jaina through half closed eyes saw Hulga nod his large bulbous head.

Six dildos and Jaina was on the fourth one now. She was finding it easier now to take the larger dildos It seemed once she broke herself on the second and third dildos everything became easier. She had taken the fourth in on her first try. Her well lubricated and ready pussy eagerly taking it in. There was a new wrinkle though. For the past couple of days since she got on the third dildo she had not been able to cum unless given permission. Clu and Anne weren’t allowed to give her permission. Only Hulga could do that and He wasn’t there most of the time. Jaina hated it but her body seemed to love it. Lengthening her pleasure by a lot and allowing her to take more of the dildo inside of her. She knew the conditioning was taking her free will away and oddly she didn't mind it. Just following orders was so much like being in the military it as almost like a nice warm blanket to settle into. If she got some pleasure out of it then all the better. Today she was done with the dildos for now and was working on her dancing with Anne. The holographic teacher was strict and harsh with her discipline often having Clu strike her ass with a wooden stick. Jaina had learned to not displease her as well as Clu who was not above using the stick himself. It wasn't that Jaina didn’t like the pain it was more a feeling of disappointment when she did do something wrong. This to was apart of the conditioning. 

“Remember when you are dancing you are dancing for Hulga. It shows how much you are owned by him and it is to tease the scum all around that you are indeed his and fully his” Clu’s voice rang out as Jaina stumbled a little on a move. 

“Yes I understand” Jaina called out. Quickly getting back into position so that Anne wouldn't berate or punish her. 

“Good girl” The holo graphic trainer told her.

“That’s enough with dancing today. Now assumed display stance” Anne told her.

Jaina immediately the display position. It was easily the most used of all positions and she was more than familiar with it by now. With her legs parted to her shoulder length and her hands locked behind her head with her elbows out. Jaina waited for the next command. 

“Time to do some housework so to speak. Follow me slave” Clu demanded.

Falling into line she followed him out of the dungeon and watched behind her as Anne turned off. Jaina had been through all of here in her ill fated escape attempt. She hadn’t noticed anything that could be a place of training. Clu though stepped through the hallway before he reached a door. Opening it Jaina looked inside and saw it was a medical room of some sort. There was a table with a set of stirrups at the end. It was there that she was directed to. Suddenly she became all to aware just how nude she was. It had become so common place to be nude she hadn’t given it thought when she was in the dungeon and walking there. Now she was acutely aware of it. 

Laying down on the table Jaina was directed to place her feet in the stirrups. She felt herself being very exposed as her pussy slightly opened as her feet did. 

“Your pubic hair has been removed but you have no jewelry yet or any identifying marks.” Clu told her. 

“Identifying marks?” Jain asked.

The room was equipped with a tattoo droid Jaina noticed as she asked the question.

“oh” She answered her own as Clu went to activate it. 

Something inside of her snapped and she knew another barrier to being Hulga’s pet had just been shattered. She knew she should not want the mark and should be fighting to avoid it but she couldn’t being herself to. Clu motioned for her to get on the chair and spread her legs out in the stirrups. She did as ordered and found herself very quickly in a prone position. 

It was over fairly quickly. Jaina didn’t resist anymore. There was no point to it. She was Hulga’s and she knew that they all knew that now. It was just official with the tattoos. Above her pussy on her upper pelvic region it was completely official. Tattooed on her was the words ‘Property of Hulga the Hutt’ It was in a nice neat little circle. Further down in her bald pubic area was another tattoo that Jaina disliked but couldn’t herself getting aroused from. It was the word ‘Cumdump’ So crude and yet it made her wet each time she looked at it through a mirror and even when she thought about it. She had been told she will receive more tattoos as her service to Hulga goes on but for now those were the only two.

Tattoos weren’t the only thing done in that room. The droid turned out to multitask. A tattoo aspect and a piercing droid as well. The piercing droid had a wonderful day working on her. Jaina now had a ring through her clit that was about an inch wide and it was thick. Four similar rings were added to her labia lips on each side for a total of eight rings. Next her nipples had been pierced with the same rings. Despite their width and girth they barely weighed anything and Jaina was thankful for that though each time she walked she could feel her labia rings pushing and pulling against each other. The effect was strangely erotic. 

Lay on her bed in the dungeon Jaina could only recall what she had done so far in the Hutt’s service. She knew that was it for her. She was his in body and as much as she didn’t want to admit in soul as well. Well and truly broken she would do anything for Hulga. The training had done it’s job and now she was completely his. It was a sobering thought but it as also an erotic one as well which spoke to just how well she had been trained. She had yet to take the Hutt inside of her but she could take the replica of his cock inside of her now after a few more days of training. She heard a noise and was surprised to see Hulga slithering into the room. 

“Have you accepted your new place?” Hulga asked as he unlocked her cell and slithered inside.

“I have” Jaina replied honestly.

“HOHOHOHOHO excellent. Now the true training takes place” Hulga said a little to mysteriously for her to like.

“true training?” Jaina asked.

“That is right slave. You know how to act with and without me but you don’t know how to be my slave yet. You have yet to take my cock in any orifice”

“So you want to fuck me, if that is all then by all mans. I am yours to command. Please fuck me Master” Jaina said in all honesty and in the most seductive voice she had.

She knew she had just invited the Hutt to penetrate her for the first. She should have been upset but that part was gone now. In it’s place was unwavering devotion to her Master.

“HOHOHOHOHO such a lovely invitation….. on your hands and knees on the bed slave. Prepare yourself” Hulga demanded. 

Jaina did as instructed and immediately started to get ready for his cock. She had now taken his replica cock in her more then thirty times which left her pussy exposed and worn but she didn’t care anymore. She couldn't quite see him from behind her but she could feel in a sense. Not through the force but just the way anyone could feel someone in a room. He was directly behind her. The weight on the bed was pushing it down but miraculously it was still standing. His head brushed up against the back of her head and she could feel his erection on her leg. He was literally draped all over her. His massive weight somehow being supported by her back. His erection was now at her thighs but she could feel his member all the way down to her ankles. It felt larger then the replica somehow but she couldn’t say for sure. His cock brushed her pussy and Jaina knew it was time. Cock up against her pussy Jaina flinched a little before Hulga drove into her. There was nothing sensual about it. Hulga wanted to take control of her pussy and Jaina as a whole. He fucked her like she was nothing but property. Of course that was all she was anymore. Draped over her light a blanket Jaina could barely see around her. All she could see was the blubber that made up her new owner. His cock though was buried within her. Deep enough that Jaina was at her limit. The replica hadn’t been this large but she was staying with it as Hulga began to pump in and out of her. His sheer size meant he couldn’t leave her all at one before pushing back in so Jaina was filled at all times. His strength was amazing as he pushed into her. 

“You are an amazing fuck, slave”

There was nothing to say to that. Jaina simply took his cock within her and silently thanked her trainers for preparing for this. If she had just been given to him to be fucked she would be in a horrible mess. Hulga himself seemed over joyed. Draped over her he pumped and pumped into her. Jaina could feel his cock inside of her, it was almost as if he was pounding her stomach he was that large. He began to cum but it was odd to Jaina. He didn’t come in one big go he seemed to cum in short rhythm like explosions. Coming out of her as he did so. His cum was filling her up as he slowing withdrew. Five times he came inside of her. Each time he came out just a little bit more until finally he came all over her back end and his body was back on the floor. Jaina was exhausted but there was still a tingling inside and outside of her pussy. When she looked down at her cum covered pussy she saw that her pussy that had been stretched and widened over the days of training was now as tight as she had been before her relationship with the Hutt. 

“How is that possible?” Jaina said with wonder.

“HOHOHOHO you are unaware. The reason Hutt’s crave human females is because when we fuck them they can take it after some training as you have had. The best part is our cum restores the woman’s pussy to peak health of the woman. In your case that means a beautiful tight pussy with the muscle memory not to take my cock and always be restored to it’s rightful size and shape so that I may show you off more slave” Hulga answered.

Jaina stared at her pussy with wonder and thought it was the perfect situation for her. She could be fucked by Hulga and experience that bliss while also knowing that she was going to be fine afterwards. It represented in her mind that she was totally his now. 

Two weeks more in the dungeon training room. Two more weeks of positions and dancing training until Hulga and Clu were satisfied she was ready for the grand chamber. Hulga took her each day, fucking his piece of property with no regard for her feelings. Not that she had any other feelings then being fucked or wanting to please him in all ways. Jaina was lost in the need to pleasure him. There was no other way. When she was alone in her cell she would reflect on just how far she had come but she didn’t think of being a Jedi anymore. She was nothing but a piece of property owned by Hulga. When she masturbated now it was all to thoughts of serving him in any way.

In the dungeon Hulga stood in front of her cell. Jaina was locked inside but she assumed the display stance just inside of the cell as she waited for orders.

“HOHOHO you are such a good slave now. Tell me what are you?” Hulga demanded the answer truthfully and quickly.

“I am property Master” Jaina answered the question as she had been taught.

“Whose property are you?” Hulga asked again looking for a quick reply” 

“I am your property Master” Jaina again answered quickly. 

“What does that make you?” Hulga asked.

“A slave Master” Jaina again replied the rehearsed questions and answers engraved in her mind.

“Whose slave are you?” Hulga asked.

“I am your slave Master” Jaina replied again.

“Excellent slave” Hulga laughed at her plight.

Standing with her legs shoulder length apart and elbows to the side and out she was every bit the slave she proclaimed herself to be.

“I think it is time you were officially made mine slave” Hulga said in a tone that was almost happy but tinged with a lot of satisfaction.

Clu appeared from behind the mass that was Hulga. He held a briefcase in one hand. Hulga's tiny hands reached out to it as Clu oped it away from Jaina so she could not see. It didn’t matter though as Hulga removed the item Jaina saw what he meant. A collar was brought out of the case. A dusted silver in appearance it didn’t look anything like the other jewelry she had. Jaina knew the metal though that it was made out of. It had the distinctive tint and look as Beshkar steel. The Mandolarian steel could survive a strike from a lightsaber. Once it will be around her throat there will no way to remove it. Only with the key. The collar itself was handed to Hulga with a bow from Clu as he gave it over. Hulga accepted it like some sort of ceremony.

“I know you can see it slave. Your very own collar. What do you think of it slave?” Hulga asked with amusement in his voice. 

“Beshkar steel too, that must have cost a fair bit” Jaina answered with her own amusement.

“HOHOHO and to forge my slave. Not an easy task but when told it was for a Jedi that did it for free HOHOHOHO” Hulga laughed at his statement. 

The collar was open as Hulga approached her. Jaina could see him fumbling a little with the collar in his tiny hands but he still held it with a certain amount of pride in his actions. He was close to her when Clu came from the side and showed Jaina the lock. It was made of the same steel. A padlock like design that she was sure nobody could pick. At least not easily. Not that she wanted it picked. She had chosen this life and now she was going to be collared for it. Sealing her fate. So close to her Jaina could see etchings around the collar that gave it a certain artistic and royal feel. What was not artistic was the front which had a d ring in the middle with the words Hulga’s Slave separated by the ring. The words were etched into the collar by a bold red that made it easy to read the collar and made it clear who she belonged to.

“Are you ready my slave? Once this is around your neck you will be mine forever. I give you this last chance. You may leave if you please. I will escort you to your X-Wing and you may leave”

Jaina didn’t even have to think. She took the collar from his hands and placed it around her own throat so fast the Hutt barely had time to register the collar was gone from his hands. With a speed that could only be done by a Jedi she wrapped it around her throat and waited for Clu beside and just behind her to put the lock on.

“I have accepted my place as your slave Master. I am ready to be collared” Jaina replied with her own certain tone of regal and awe.

Fate sealed Hulga laughed.

“HOHOHOHO, excellent…… excellent, slave”

Clu locked it up and Jaina’s fate was truly chosen. Hulga laughed again with a sense and tone that made Jaina all to aware of how happy the Hutt was. 

“Time I think for your unveiling. Not that the rabble in my throne room don’t know you are here. You saw to that quite spectacularly if memory serves HOHOHO” Hulga said with a tone of laughter still evident in his voice. 

“I made quite impression didn’t I” Jaina laughed with her new Master. 

“HOHO that you did my slave” Hulga laughed.

Jaina bowed her head. Aware of the weight of the new collar wrapped around her neck. The steel of the Beshkar was heavy but not to much so that she would have a problem. At least she hoped not. The lock to behind her neck was the same material. Jaina wrapped a hand around it almost without a thought and felt the cold steel in her hand. The coldness spread through her body, even threatening to put her own arousal out of it’s spark, almost.

Unnoticed, Clu had left the pair of them and had now returned with a length of chain. The chain itself looked massive. The links of the chain were easily the size of her closed fist. The chain rattled on the ground as he approached. So long it might as well have been the size of the whole room but Hulga looked on with delight on his face. It didn’t need to be said what the chain was for. Jaina thumbed the front of her new collar with anticipation rising that the d ring was about to be joined by the leash. Hulga took the leash in his hand with a reverence about him face and body. His tiny hands thumbed through the first couple of links. The fist sized links graduated to a single small link that was designed with connecting to her much smaller collar. Without being asked Jain leaned close to him. With a smile he attach the leas to her collar. Clu appeared with a lock, presenting it to the Hutt with again the same type of reverence. Hulga didn’t waste time. The lock was attached to the two links. Forever sealing her fate once more to Hulga. 

“You look glorious slave” Hulga said while he took a hold of the chain and nodded towards Clu in recognition of his work. 

There was no need for her to speak in her mind so Jaina simply stood and nodded at her new Master. 

“Time I think for you to be reintroduced to the various denizens of my palace” Hulga exclaimed. 

“If you wish it” Jaina felt that was the right thing to say after such a proclamation. 

Hulga wasted no time. With Jaina in tow the pair of them arrived at the palace throne room much faster then Jaina could imagine that he could slither. They stood outside as Hulga seemed to gather himself and took a few large breathes. Jaina smiled knowingly that the Hutt had wasted a fair amount of energy to come here so fast. He pulled on her leash. Bringing her even closer to the Hutt. 

“Are you ready slave?” He asked her.

“Not sure I can answer that Master” Jaina answered truthfully. 

“HOHOHO an honest answer is always the best answer slave…….. We should get you some clothes before you go in front of everyone officially as my slave. Clu get me her regular outfit”

Clu bowed and disappeared behind Jaina. It wasn’t long before he reappeared with what Jaina could imagine was very similar to what her mother wore but this was even more revealing. There was the top that was simply a metal that was flat but the width of a cable that was golden, ended in a small circle that would cover her nipples but the cable from the top curled around the base of her beast leaving her entire chest viewable except for her nipples. The top had a same metal cable that wrapped around her torso right at the base of breast again to make sure everything stayed in place. Jaina actually felt a bit of suction on the circular parts as they attached to her nipples. It was oddly very sensual and continued after they were applied. The cable wrapped around her back from the base of breasts to form a top that would be supported. Below her she ran her finger along the bottoms. Much like what her mother had worn but again with some differences. She had the same golden cable that her top had. It wrapped around her waste. She two had two lengths of red loincloth that covered her pussy and back end but where her mother actually had bottoms she didn’t. So when she moved the people would get a good look at her pussy and ass. The loincloth didn’t reach to her ankles like her mothers but only to just below her knees. 

“Wonderful” Jaina said deadpan.

“HOHOHOHO do you not like it my slave?” Hulga asked with amusement and a slight undertone of warning.

“It’s just great” Jaina said with the deadpan expression but tinged with slight amusement.

“Good slave. Lets not keep my people waiting shall we” Hulga yanked on the chain and brought Jaina behind him as Clu settled into a position behind them both.

“Oh no I think we can wait a little bit” Jaina again said with a deadpanned tone.

“HOHOHO I am glad you have retained your personality slave. The training and afterwards can sometimes completely alter someones personality and that is something I wanted to avoid with you” Hulga commented. 

“Don’t be so happy about that…. Master. Some find my personality grating at times and I can be sarcastic at all times if I feel like it and I feel like it often” Jaina returned his comment with her own.

“HOHO good slave. I don’t want some docile little broken thing. As long as you know who owns you at the end of the day is all I ask, as well as follow any instruction I give. Understood little slave?” Hulga demanded. 

Jaina hesitated for a moment. Weighing her options and what she wanted to say until the answer came to her.

“Understood Master” It was the perfect thing to say and Hulga laughed with it.

“That is exactly what I am after slave” Hulga praised her and oddly Jaina felt good in that praise. 

“Now are you ready to see all those cretins that you so good put down before so. They can see you in your submission to me” Hulga tugged on her leash. Following in behind him again while Clu who had observed everything from behind followed the pair.

They emerged into the throne room without any sort of fanfare. Jaina was surprised to see that there was barely anyone paying attention. Those few who were looking her way seemed to stunned enough that didn't say anything to anyone. It wasn’t until Hulga made the move to his floating platform that others began to take notice. Jaina could see their eyes looking at the chain leash her Master held and following it to her. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on her. There was a stunned silence for a few moments before someone let out a howl of pure joy at her submission. Hulga pulled on her leash once more not to just show that he had complete control of her but also to bring her up onto the platform with him. Pulled close to him Jaina looked down. She saw that his cock was getting larger. Wondering if she was about to be ordered to satisfy an urge of the Hutt there in front of all. Instead Hulga took a breath and laughed at all of the people in the room.

“I believe you all know my new slave” Hulga said with a laugh. 

His laugh was met with a chorus of other laughs. All of the unwashed mass that was Hulga’s everyday people laughed at her submission. She knew she should be angry or at least ashamed but as Hulga pulled her ever closer she felt nothing but arousal. Now she stood next to him while he readjusted his hold on the chin to make sure she was on a short leash. His tail hung around her, making her feel like he was everywhere around her.

“Display slave facing the people” Hulga ordered.

To her credit Jaina only hesitated for a moment before she was turning to face the entire audience and then got into display position. With her legs spread as far as her shoulder she realized quickly that the front of her bottoms, the front sash was only barely covering her pussy. Not that anyone could see but behind her she felt air on her butt as if it was only covering half.

“Good slave” Hulga stated. 

“My slave is just that my friends. I will have here with me at all times and you all can revel in the fact that she is here but she will be mine only. Any attempt to get her to pleasure you will be met with critical consequences. Am I understood?” Hulga asked.

There were some murmurs of annoyance by his followers but in the end they all nodded their heads and laughed at themselves for ever thinking they could play with such a price.

“Good….. Now slave pull your front away and let my friends see my owned pussy” Hulga ordered.

There was nothing she could do. She had agreed to this knowing the consequences. Jaina with no hesitation this time pulled her front loincloth to her side. Showcasing to all the first time her pierced and owned pussy.

There were murmurs again, this time of awe as they looked at what the Hutt had done to her pussy. Her full piercings on display. Four on each side of labia Jaina was acutely aware that they seemed to jingle as she stood still in her position.

“HOHOHO that is my friends. The Jedi wears my rings. Look to at her breasts my friends. Everything is there for you to see except her nipples which are enjoying the suction of the device….. Isn’t that true slave?” Hulga asked.

“Yes Master, it sucks on my nipples and my rings want to tear out of nipples but they also give so much pleasure” Jaina answered with denial knowing the Hutt wanted her to humiliate herself.

“HOHOHO excellent answer slave” Hulga laughed.

“Good slave now assume collar position” Hulga continued and ordered. 

Again there was zero hesitation in her movements. Jain dropped to her knees and spread them as far wide as possible. Then she placed her hands behind her head, placing her elbows out to side to show all of her assets. 

“Very good slave” Hulga complimented her.

“Thank you Master” Jaina found herself in a really comfortable position while Hulga’s attention seemed to start to look elsewhere. She was most aware of how many people were still looking at her. While others were now switching away from her humiliation. She could hear deals being struck, old debts being brought up. Anything she could think of happening in that place was currently happening. She didn’t notice if Hulga paid any attention to it. She dared not shift her position to see his face. From the back end of the room came a bounty hunter dressed in armor. He approached with reverence and looked at her with a leering eye. Jaina was suddenly very happy Hulga had ordered that she was effectively off limits for all others. 

“Mighty Hulga, May I have permission to address you” The bounty hunter asked. While keeping his eyes between Hulga and Jaina.

“You may speak” Hulga confirmed. 

“Thank you, with your new slave in tow. I have to ask if you will be attending the meeting and games this year” He asked Hulga.

Jaina’s attention was rapt. She wondered what was going on. Some sort of meeting that seemed to be every year.

“With my new slave I will be attending” Hulga confirmed. 

“I see. Then may I ask if you will need some protection beyond your normal. Your property maybe vulnerable” He asked.

“I pity anyone who attempts to take my property from me. She is still quite ruthless. Isn’t that right slave.” Hulga stated.

“I maybe a slave now but I am still quite capable of guarding myself and I have no qualms about protecting my Master.

“HOHOHO she will even have her lightsaber with her when we attend. She will be entered into the annual competition and I expect her to win” Hulga stated.

Win, win what? She thought to herself but for now her attention was still on the bounty hunter who seemed to bow and left Hulga’s area.

Jaina looked up to Hulga as the hunter departed. She couldn't see his face but knew he was smiling. It was just something she knew. 

“Now slave attend me” Hulga demanded.

Attend could mean anything and Jaina was getting to understand which attend was what. She knew instinctively that he wanted to fuck her. There and then in front of everyone. So Jaina began to arouse him. Not that she needed to do much. It seemed he was always a little turned on each time but now she raised herself to her full height and jumped down to the floor. There she began to dance. She danced without any music until the band took notice and began to play for her. It was slow enough that she could showcase her figure in certain ways. Her hips moved and Jaina could see her Master’s erection growing. He wasn’t ashamed at all about his erection and despite it all Jaina found that she wasn’t self conscious either. She swayed with the music and felt herself getting a little aroused at her own actions and as much as she hated to admit it. The thought that very soon she was going to be fucked by her Master. Jaina laughed at herself and how she moved. Just a little chuckle that she allowed to come out but inside she was laughing. Never in a million years would she have thought this possible but here she was dancing for her Master thanks to the training she had undergone below in her dungeon. Her chuckle seemed to ignite Hulga’s erection even further. A look from his eye let Jaina know what her next action must be. She swayed her hips one last time and then with a force assisted boast she was jumping on the his mobile platform once more. 

“HOHOHO…… I still love it slave when you use your abilities in service to me” Hulga remarked.

“I do it because I know you enjoy it” Jaina replied. 

“HOHOHOHO good girl” Hulga moved slightly revealing his very large penis. 

Jaina knew her job. It was surprisingly simple. Please her Master. She knew the best way to please him at that moment was to simply fuck herself on his cock in front of everyone. Her body was built for this now. There was no need for her to make him any larger. His member was already large enough and Jaina wanted to get her humiliation going so that she may stop sooner. Even though in her back of her mind she knew she enjoyed it. Jaina had to jump onto him in order to mount herself. Hulga’s small but powerful hands gripped her slightly and allowed her to shift her weight before she hovered over his penis. Without so much as a second thought Jaina trusted her training and plunged downwards. Her pussy took the large member with no problems. Expanding on contact just as she was taught. She took a full amount of what her body could handle. A full two feet of the large penis was inside of her. Jaina let out a small but caught by everyone in the palace moan. Hulga could not use his hands on her to fuck her. This was the true duty of her training with him in the dungeon. Her hips moved and she raised herself from it. Allowing close to the full amount of cock from herself before she slammed herself back on his cock. Letting out a much louder moan.

“Good girl” Hulga commented.

Jaina was pretty much in dreamland. There was nothing that compared to fucking Hulga. It was a pleasure she didn’t know she needed in life until she had it done the second time. The first time had been far to awkward she thought but each time since has been nothing but pure bliss. 

“Thank you Master”

Below them, the crowded palace floor all looked upon them. Her hips did the work. Her body trained by years of combat and time in the dungeon she could go forever but Hulga never wanted to last that long he would cum and cum again before she was done. He didn’t have any problems coming soon because he knew he owned her and if he wanted her again she would be there. So she worked her hips and felt him almost ready to blow. Jaina smiled as she looked out over the assembled mass of people. Knowing what would cause Hulga to cum quickly. 

“Please Master cum in my slut body” Jaina yelled out in between moans.

She didn’t have to wait long. Hulga came without any more time on his cock. Jaina felt the cum inside of her. Filling her up left her feeling bloated and a little sick each time but as she lifted herself from his cock and he took a hold of her in his hands she felt the cum and that wonderful feeling of her body going back to normal. Her pussy tightening again she smiled at him as he turned her to face him.

“What a naught slave, making me cum so quickly” Hulga laughed.

“I thought you wanted to cum Master” Jaina sheepishly said.

“HOHOHOHO then we will do this more often slave” Hulga stated.

“Yes Master” Jaina chuckled. 

One month later.

Jain was loving every bit of her present situation. She was back where she felt she really belonged. On a star-ship, of course she wasn’t piloting the ship. Instead she was back in the very luxurious quarters of Hulga. Currently she lay on the bed. No Hulga in sight so she could enjoy the hums and little noises that came with hyperspace travel. 

“I have no idea where we are going but it was nice of Hulga to let me lounge here” Jain openly mused to herself.

Dressed in her outfit Jaina brought her hand down to her pussy. The thought of Hulga now made her wet. After a month in his care she was completely happy with herself. All doubt had been literally fucked out of. On a daily basis the Hutt would take her in her mouth and in her pussy at least five times a day. His cum always healing her it was a perfect situation for a slut. Jaina had no qualms about it, she was a slut for him and she knew it. She rubbed her pussy a couple of times and felt the heat again start to rise. She had found she could match him for his energy and needs of pleasure. The two were in sync to the point Jaina could tell he wanted her to mount him or have her suck him. The only orifice she did not serve with was her ass and she was grateful for that, though she knew it was coming. Hulga kept hinting as much but she knew she would be trained up to it just like before. 

The door to her room opened and in came Hulga.

“I see you are awake slave” Hulga stated.

“Yes Master” Jain came to and stood at attention. A form she knew to assume when he entered.

Attention was basically like display with her feet out to shoulder length, but her hands were behind her back crossed at the forearms at the small of her back.

“Good slave. We are on our way to the Syntil system. Are you aware of it?” Hulga asked.

“No Master, doesn’t ring a bell” Jaina confirmed for him.

“Good, Do you remember that very rude bounty hunter on your fist day on display?” Hulga asked again.

How could she not remember him. She was the first to leer at her not for her beauty but for something else. Something like envy or even jealousy.

“Yes Master” Jaina answer with a questionable tone. 

“He spoke of the meetings. That is where we are heading now” Hulga clarified.

“Meetings?” Jaina asked.

“Every year the heads of the biggest crime cartels meet to settle differences and to map out the next year” Hulga answered.

“That’s insane you all work together” Jaina exclaimed in absolute shock.

“Of course if we didn’t it would break out into all out war and we can’t afford that with your Galactic Alliance always looking for ways to take down our businesses” Hulga laughed at her exclamation.

“It would be goldmine for GA intelligence just to know that this thing existed” Jaina exclaimed. 

“We are fairly sure the intelligence of your GA knows of such a meeting but we never let the location out. Which is why the bounty hunter acted as he did. Trying to provoke me or even more sinister, truly attempt to take you from me” Hulga answered.

“I’d never willingly leave you now. You know that Master” Jaina answered truthfully and something inside of her gave away. She figured all of her resistance had gone but she must have been holding onto some sort of hope.

“I am well aware slave but it is nice to hear it” Hulga answered with a chuckle. 

It took another day of hyperspace before they were at their destination Syntil , the planet was a water world with very few landmasses but on the largest one was a spaceport complete with a full city that could have been right out of Corosant but much smaller. It was actually very beautiful Jaina decided. A planet that would widely known which puzzled Jaina. Why wasn’t it really well known. 

As if he new what she was thinking Hulga told her that the planet was in the outer rim in a section of space not often visited. The space port and city was the only human presence in the system. It was a sort of finical hub for the surrounding sectors. 

“When we arrive you will be taken to the temporary palace by Clu. There you will wait for me” Hulga instructed. 

“I understand Master” Jaina replied while looking at the long leash that was currently disconnected from her collar. 

Clu went to grab the leash and Jaina did her duty as she knew so well by now. She walked to the end of the leash and gave it to the approaching man. 

“Excellent, well done slave” Hulga said from behind her.

He was good at the little compliments thought Jaina. He would always comment on the small acts of submission and when she did the larger ones like taking a dildo in her ass he rarely said anything. He simply looked at her as if she should be happy to do it. 

“Thank you Master” Jaina knew why he did it. To emphasize the subtle little things so that the larger ones are more important for the praise on the lower ones. 

The ship arrived without any problems. Hulga went ahead saying that he had some business to attend to. Jaina could feel from the force and just generally there was an excitement in the city. She didn’t know if that was because of the conference or something else. Clu had her put a large cloak over her head. It completely covered her with the leash being tethered to the bottom of the cloak and then up to her collar so that she could walk without anybody seeing her. Clu was her eyes and Jaina reacted as the chain leash gave her the instructions and Clu sometimes saying things as well. She could tell there was interest in her from people all around but no one was looking to do anything to her. They arrived at the temporary palace that seemed to be more populated by droids instead of people. Clu had dropped her what seemed to be her Master’s bedroom. Not unaccustomed to that she took the leash that Clu had unlocked from her collar and placed it at the front of the room as she had been taught so that later Hulga could reclaim her with the leash if he needed when he arrived in the room. The cloak was taken off shortly after and Jaina got to look at the room. Not as well decorated or well appointed as the one back at the palace but it was still quite large as it has to be for a Hutt the size of Hulga. 

“Forgive me Master I did not hear you come in. Forgive me for not assuming position” Jaina bowed her head like she had been.

Her obedience made Hulga laughed under his breath as he wondered about the message he had to deliver.

“That is quite alright. It seems the cloak was for naught as everyone already knows it’s you under it. That bounty hunter has been all over the place it seems” Hulga seemed exasperated.

“Does that make a difference Master?” Jaina asked, not quite sure why it was such a big deal.

“Yes it does, the competition of slaves is the most watched and widely known event during our meetings. It seems your arrival has caused all the other crime lords to withdraw from the competition knowing full well they could never compete with you. I was hoping to humiliate them by bringing you out in the actual competition”

“Does it not just show your power and prestige Master to have me” Jaina felt odd talking about her own slavery but it was a right kind of odd to her mind. 

“It does indeed slave but I wished to humiliate the others again to show my power” Hulga answered with have a snarl.

Hulga was visibly irritated and Jaina felt sorry for the bounty hunter who no doubt had ruined his plans.

“I will perform in the competition and show everyone why they windrow” Jaina said confidently. 

“That s the thing slave, there is no competition. The others decided it was not worthwhile to even hod it” Hulga explained. 

“Then perhaps we can find another way to humiliate them Master” Jain said, her brain already working.

“HOHOHO quite right my slave. I think I have just the right thing HOHOHO” Hulga’s mood improved right on the spot and Jaina was oddly happy about it and curious as to why she was happy for him to. Simply because his idea would no doubt put her in a humiliating situation. 

She was beneath the cloak again. Jaina really didn’t know why. Clu led her first through the palace and eventually outside. She knew to just follow Clu but as they walked Jaina could sense more and more people. People gathering in an area and also people following the pair. Under Hulga’s care she hadn’t been self conscious about herself and her nudity or revealing clothing but this was a new experience in front of so many people and bit just the dozens of people in the palace. Clu led her up some stairs that were wooden. She came up to what she could sense was some sort of stage. She could tell Hulga was there to. He had a presence in the force that Jaina could make out clearly after being around him for so long. 

“Are you ready my slave?” Hulga’s voice was small almost like a whisper.

“Whatever you are doing Master I can say I am prepared for anything” Jaina answered. 

“HOHOHO I think you may regret those words slave” Hulga said.

“I think I might” Jaina admitted as she sensed more and more people.

The cloak was pulled from her as well as the leash./ IN the sunlight Jaina had to wait for her eyes to adjust but when they did. Jaina had to admit to herself it was the first time since completing her training with Hulga that she was self conscious. 

They were in the middle of what appeared to be a large public square. From her vantage point which was on top of a stage that was boarded by two ramps. There in the center of the area as Jaina turned around to see similar numbers behind her. There must have been more then one hundred thousand people in the area. There were holo cameras on the stage as well as screens hovering over the audience so that they may view her better.

“This is the competition you wished?” Jaina asked.

“No my slave. The competition is normally a small affair with the winner being paraded through the street. Since they all conceded I decided my parade would be a demonstration of you” Hulga explained.

“Wonderful” Jaina said with a deadpan expression.

“HOHOHO don’t pretend that pussy that I own doesn’t get wet at the thought of performing before the assembled masses” Hulga chuckled. 

There was no answer to that. Jaina knew it was true and felt it already happening. So she kept quiet which elicited another chuckle from Hulga. As she tried to contemplate her answer, a hovering boom appeared next to hear. No doubt to cast her voice out over the holo cams. 

“Lets get started then Master” Jaina said. Her voice booming out over the holo screens. Just the mention of her surrender seem to generate cries of joy through the assembled masses. 

“In a hurry slave?” Hulga asked with real intent. 

Wondering if she would be punished for her previous comment Jaina shook her head.

“Not at all Master I am looking forward to giving the audience a sight to see for the ages” Jaina stated with real intent on her part.

“Excellent slave” Hulga moved to be slightly behind her.

“First you will show your submission by showing them all the positions you have learned” Hulga warned her.

“Yes Master” Jaina said much to the pleasing of the crowd once more. 

“Attention all, My name is Hulga. Before me is my slave the great Jaina Solo. The slave competition this year was forfeited by all others because of her presence. I don’t blame them. Jaina Solo is now mine and she will perform for your enjoyment instead of a parade we will have a performance unlike any seen here before” Hulga announced.

“Now slave assume Display position” Hulga ordered and Jaina followed suit by getting into the position as fast as she could.

Jaina spread her feet to be shoulder length apart. Placed her hands behind her head and thrust her elbows out to the side. Assuming the position, Hulga chuckled behind her at her submission. She could feel him behind her. Getting closer Jaina remained in position but she could see out of the corner of her eye some of the holo screens. Hulga was indeed moving closer but Jaina maintained her position. Suddenly his hands appeared beside her. He reached from behind her. His small stubby hands moved upwards and took a breast in each hand. Jaina squirmed a little in his embrace but again she stayed in position.

“Does this feel nice salve?” Hulga asked from behind her. His fingers working his way around the nipple on both breasts.

She had to hold her breath for a little bit before she could answer. Stifling a moan she looked ahead and saw all of the people with their eyes on her. Again she had to stifle a moan. 

“Yes Master it feels so good” Jaina responded. 

The roar that erupted was something Jaina had never experienced in her life and she was there when the Vong war ended. It was if the entire plant roared in unison at Hulga’s groping. There were so many there she might have not be far from the truth. Hulga began to knead a nipple with one hand while another began to roam her body. Down from her breast to her naval. Circling it like some sort of crater before he went right to her clit. A subtle little flick brought a moan from her for the first time.

“MMMMMMMMM” Jaina moaned aloud.

His finger slipped past her clit and now he brought to fingers together and began to prod her pussy. Caressing it and pulling at it slightly until he plunged into her. Beginning to fuck her with his fingers Jaina moaned again. He was so used to her body now he could play her like a music instrument. He knew how far he could take her before coming and that is what he was doing. His hand on her breast began to rotate around her nipple. Barely touching her brought her excitement level down a tad but his finger fucking of her would not stop.

“You like being played with don’t you slave?” He taunted her. Knowing full well any speech was going out to the entire world it felt like that for Jaina anyways.

“Yes Master” Jaina replied honestly and through clenched teeth. 

Another roar from the crowd at her humiliation. His fucking of her with his fingers stopped and he brought his hand up to her mouth.

“Clean my hand slave” Hulga ordered

Jaina waited for the hand to be directly in front of her, mindful of keeping in position she waited and did not hesitate. Tasting her own juices from Hulga was nothing new anymore and she quite liked her own taste. It was there in front of her with Hulga watching from behind she took the hand into her mouth and began to suck her own juices off of his hand. Jaina made some sucking noises that were caught by the hovering droid and transmitted throughout the whole area. 

Again it was met by cheers. Jaina worked on the hand until it was finally clean enough for Hulga’s high standards. 

“Good slave. Now assume collar position” He ordered her.

With a nod Jaina dropped to her knees. Everything was pretty much the same as the display position except this was on her knees. Jaina could see less of the crowd from her position but she knew the hovering holo camera made sure the rest of the planet could see. Hands behind head and elbows out as well as her knees on the ground but spread as wide as her shoulders.

“Good slave. Hulga commented from behind her. If Jaina were to look up she would be able to see the smiling gangster smiling but once more she didn’t dare move. 

There was a sense of him moving and Jaina caught him from the side of her eye as he left her there for a moment. Bare for all to see without him there she felt lonely and very exposed. He wasn’t long gone but when he did return he returned with a dildo. Jaina sighed knowing were this was going she readied for the command.

“Now slave, fuck yourself with this” Jaina was commanded.

Knowing that it was coming and actually doing it was tough to reconcile. After what she had endured with the edging she supposed this wasn’t to bad. Her hands reach up, her commitment to the pose expected to break as Hulga held the dildo for her. She took it in her right hand and brought it down to her. Aware of the thousands in attendance looking on at her. This was her life now and despite it all she loved it. Jaina took the dildo and brought it down to her very exposed pussy while still in a semblance of her position with her other had still on her head and out to the side. Right hand with the dildo she took it close to her pussy and breathed in. Such a personal act about to be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. Taking it with a final breath she plunged it into an already wet pussy. She moaned aloud again as it went it. Making sure that grabbed a bunch of cheer from the crowd Jain performed for them she realized as her moans seemed to get them all going. Beginning to fuck herself on the dildo Jaina looked backwards to Hulga who answered her non verbal question with nothing but a nod. Jaina plunged in and out with the dildo until she couldn’t stand it anymore. Her moans grew on and on before finally she was about to cum.

“Stop slave” Hulga commanded from behind her.

Her hands stopped at her Master’s instruction and once more, she had been stopped at the edge. Desperation played out over her entire body and Hulga took great delight in the look on her face. 

“Excellent slave” Hulga congratulated from behind her. 

He knew because of course he did. Keeping her away from her own satisfaction was one of his more favourite games. 

“Now dance” He ordered her.

Jain was still impaled on the dildo but she was soon up and the dildo remained in place outside of her now she had to stifle a moan as it came out of her but she assumed her dancing position. One leg standing upright while her other foot was resting on her opposite ankle with her knee from that leg outwards. Her hand on her left hand gripping her other forearm while the other hand was raised high above her head. She waited for some music to play and was surprised when she heard a live band. It was no different then at the palace. She looked behind her and was astonished to see a real live band that was there. Certain that they had not been there before, all she could do was smile at the craziness of it all. The band started up and Jaina relaxed into the flow of the dance. 

Her hips moved as she began her dance. The familiar band started to play what she thought was the best tune to dance to. She tried to envelop herself in the dance and push out the thousands of onlookers from her mind. She closed her eyes and willed herself into the moment. Jaina felt the music unlike any other time before. She could move with it in a silky fluid way that seemed to come for her very core. She was still aware of the thousands watching but she could feel something else. A rhythm that was beginning to take hold. Eyes closed she thrust and pulled her hips and body with each note of the music. Being in tune like never before. As she danced she felt a strange calmness overcome her. It was serene and she wanted to have that feeling forever. In that same feeling she could feel the audience in front of her and all around who were watching. She was putting a spell on them. Their collective voices faded and simply watched her move. Jaina came to the end of her dance and opened her eyes. Thousands of onlookers stood speechless. She turned towards Hulga who had a look of pride in his face. It took a minute for him to wake from his own trance, while it took a few more for the audience to shake themselves from Jaina’s spell. 

The applause was thunderous as Jaina bowed towards them all and went back to be with Hulga. She knelt at his face with herself pointed towards the larger crowd out front. 

“Masterfully done my slave. I think we have shown them all what would have happened if the competition would have been allowed to go forth” Hulga said.

His hands reached down almost possessively as he rubbed her shoulder and then her breasts with each hand.

“Thank you Master” Jaina replied. Enjoying his hands on her body.

In front of them the crowd continued to roar. The other Hutt’s all had departed from the viewing area with their own wonder left on her faces from her performance. 

“Last thing to do slave before we depart for home. Suck my cock!” Hulga demanded as he rolled slightly to reveal his already very erect cock.

“Yes Master” At first the crowd didn’t seem to understand what was about to happen but as Jain moved and the crowd saw the giant Hutt’s cock they all came to quiet again and waited. Jaina didn’t care about the crowd anymore. Now this was a regular service she provided and she was getting quite proud in how she pleased him. 

Hands wrapped around his enormous cock Jaina brought herself around to him fully and started to lightly kiss the top of his cock. She knew he absolutely loved this so she liked to do it longer to tease him which he loved her doing. Teasing him with her lips and then her tongue ass he stuck it out and lightly licked the very top of his cock. Taking him in her mouth was nothing new but she endeavored to always take more in the mouth each time. Her tongue was slipped aside on her mouth and to the side of her Master’s cock with it. Now she took him in to her mouth. Getting the head further inside was relatively easy. Now it was getting as much as the shaft in her mouth as possible. She was aware now of the crowd around them. Paying it no mind except to make sure she put on a good show for her Master. His girth was to much and as she took him in about five inches back from the head of his massive cock, she could no longer contain herself. Choking and gurgling on the cock, Jaina made her way up back towards the head of Hulga’s cock. Her tongue activated again and she felt him stiffen inside of her mouth. She knew his tendencies now and knew he was about to blow. Jaina tongue wrapped itself around the very tip of the cock. Sucking and licking she felt him stiffen again and beginning to pulse as he tried to hold himself back. Jaina was to far skilled now and she knew she could get him to cum at anytime now. Instead she wanted the show so she stopped the licking and just brought her tongue down tho the base of the head and lightly swirled her tongue. She felt him stiffen again but there was nothing but precum that began to sprout out of his cock. Her tongue moved around the base of the head of his cock while she lessened the sucking. He slacked somewhat in his cock but she felt and could taste that his precum was increasing. Inwardly Jaina though the show was coming to a close. She could feel the crowd now and their excitement and happiness at her debasement. 

“Do it slave” Hulga whispered to her.

Jaina nodded with his cock in her mouth so subtly that it would not be detected. Her tongue came right back up to the top of his head and she started to twirl the head with her it. Now she felt him stiffen even larger within her. Before she knew it he was cumming into her mouth. Jaina knew her duty now and knew that a drop of his cum landing anywhere but on her body or in her throat would be punished harshly. She took as much as she could in her mouth and swallowed as she moved her mouth from his cock and allowed the cum to start to spray on her face and then as she guided it she felt his hot cum land on her chest. He sprouted again which Jaina knew he was likely to do and made sure not a drop hit the floor once more. She placed it over her chest again. Spraying her chest and coating herself in the process. She idly took her hands and made sure that the sides of her body where she was beginning to notice some of the cum threatening to drip to the floor. Cupping it in her hands she brought it to her mouth and lapped it up like a house cat with milk. Her body was covered in his cum. Hulga reached out to her with his tiny hands and pushed on her shoulders. Jaina turned to meet the crowd once more. Once more they were speechless. Jaina knelt before them with cum now finally dripping off her feeling as small as she ever had and loved every minute of her debauchery. 

“Well done slave” Hulga said behind her so quietly that only she could hear.

“Behold all the power of a true Master and the submission of a quality slave. Perhaps next year my colleagues will have a backbone and try to challenge my slave in all ways. I welcome the challenge and so does my slave” Hulga announced to all. 

Back on the ship Jaina was allowed to go and shower off her mess while Hulga’s people began the tasks of getting the ship ready for it’s voyage. Jaina luxuriated in the opulence of the shower which was designed and put aboard the ship just for her. There was no way a Hutt as massive as Hulga could even get inside of it. So Jaina thought of this space as a bit of a haven though she was quick to shower and place a suitable outfit on before she came out to Hulga once more who attached a chain back to her collar and allowed her to sit with her body pressed up against him and facing outward. Jaina could see the cockpit from her viewpoint. Wanting to fly once more as she did when she was free she stopped that thought and looked up at Hulga. Her main focus now was on pleasing him and even though she longed to fly again she ached to serve him more so.

“Back home slave” Hulga reached down and pawed her breast with a hand.

“Yes Master, I am looking forward to it.

“As am I slave”

Jaina had selected a version of the very suit her mother wore for Jabba when she had stepped out of the shower. Instead though wear her mothers had been clad in metal and didn’t reveal her most private bits. Jainas was completely see though with the metal acting mainly as a frame. As Hulga played with her she couldn’t help but have her nipples harden and become erect. 

“I wonder what more humiliations are in store for you my slave” Hulga mused.

“Me to Master” Jaina replied with enthusiasm. When she thought about it. It was the humiliations and the training that finally broke her and made her his.

The End.


  1. Very good story. I hope you write a story in the future where Leia is enslaved alongside Jaina. It'd be a shame for Leia to miss out on all of the fun.

  2. I apologize for this off-topic comment, but I don't see any way to contact you directly. I've been experimenting with audio (and it's new AI incarnations) recently, and I put together a short excerpt from your Wonder Woman and Vandal Savage story.

    1. I'll have to take a look at the page to see why my email isn't there. For the future though it's I really enjoyed that! It was fun to listen to and kind of nice to hear it in someone else's voice.

  3. A good story once again. Have you worked on the one where Leia was found to be Jabba's property? It was a great start.

  4. Any Barbara Gordon Batgirl stories?
