Monday 19 August 2024

Jaina Solo - Bounty Slave

The beautiful Jedi has caught the attention of one of the most notorious gangsters in the galaxy. Wealth is not a concern for the man who puts out a bounty. Jaina has just become the Galaxies most sought after object without her even knowing. Can she survive? or will she become the man's plaything?

Jaina had never felt so foolish in her life. Completely annoyed at herself for allowing herself to be put in such a situation. She had no choice but to smile ruefully at it all. 

“Can you move a little to your left Colonel Solo?” The man that asked her was called Duran.

Duran was a director and photographer that had grown up on Coruscant. He had made his way through all the frights and dramas that made up the fashion industry on the galaxies’ capital planet. He said he had managed to find his way off world when the Vong had come not too long ago and taken control of the planet but the end of the war had brought him back. Along with many others and like many industries on the planet, they were thriving two years after the end of the war. Jaina looked at the man who wore such an outlandish ensemble of red and pink that it assaulted her eyes.

Not that she deemed her own outfit any better. Jaina found herself in a white top that was more like a corset than anything. It hugged her sides and hips so tightly it pushed her chest upwards and outwards. Thankfully, the top covered her up to her neck. Leaving her arms sleeveless and bare. Though she wore a pair of black satin gloves that were see-thru and had a sort of sparkling element to them that shined under the lights of the studio she found herself in. The top ended at her waist where a leather belt that was so loose it barely hung onto her hips. Barely covering over the start of her long black pants that contoured to her body. It also shimmered in the lights as she moved. The whole outfit was completed by a pair of high inch heels that she would never willingly buy herself. 

Jaina, mindful of the last instruction, moved her hips a bit and allowed one for the director's assistants to place her hands on her and guide her a little bit more to the desired position.

“Thank you,” Jaina whispered to the assistant.

“That’s marvelous, Colonel. You missed a real career as a model” The director was not shy in his praise. Perhaps mindful that he had a subject in Jaina who was not used to doing such a thing.

“You’re a flatterer, Duran, but I appreciate it. I am not the beauty my mother is, but the cause is good and just,” Jaina replied to the man, who replied with a smile.

Jaina had been contacted about doing some charity work on behalf of the displaced peoples of the war. Two years after the war, the refugee camps were still very much open throughout the galaxy. Jaina, in her role both as a Jedi knight and a Colonel in the Galactic Alliance, had found herself helping many of the people. There was an organization that was putting together holo news spreads and documentaries on the whole crisis and Jaina had been asked to do an interview on her experiences in the war and with the refugees which she had been more than happy to do but when it had also come to her attention that a photo shoot was a part of the deal she had nearly declined. It was only the calm words of her mother that assured her such things were often necessary to help.

So here she was dressed in an outfit that hugged all of her curves being recorded and photographed. Jaina had never really felt as though she were an ugly person. She knew she was considered attractive but when next to the regal beauty that her mother had on the inside and out, she had always felt a little less-than. Now in this get up she was trying her best to channel the same energy she knew her mother would want from her. So she answered everything with a smile and did her best to remain comfortable.

Six months later.

The man sat in his office. The size of a full deck of a large starship his desk seemed to be lost in the sheer size of it all. When he rotated himself to look out the floor to ceiling windows that were behind him, he looked out over the clouds of the planet he owned. Standing and overlooking the planet from above the clouds always made him feel at ease. Calm in the storms that often raged across the small world that he made his home. Today there were nothing but white clouds and wonderful blue-green skies.

A deep breath steadied himself before turning back to the desk and looking at the holo projector. Currently, it was not projecting anything but with a touch of the base the tripod like device on his desk that was no more than three inches high sparked to life. Now projected in front of him off the table of the desk was the life-sized picture that had been last on the projector when he turned it off only minutes ago. The image was one that was burned into his mind. A new obsession sparking with each and every time he remembered the subject.

Jaina Solo stood in the blue hued form of the hologram on his desk. Dressed in a tight-fitting white top and black pants, the Colonel Jedi Knight’s photo spread for the charity work had been released less than a week ago.

Already the man found himself mad with lust for the Knight. The colors of the image didn’t show too well on the life-sized projection but the man didn’t care. It was her body that was toned and athletic, and her chest, clearly pushed up by the top, revealing larger breasts than the man would have thought the Jedi to have had. More than the physical attraction though, the man couldn’t take his eyes from her own. There was such a look of innocence on her face. An uncomfortable yet sexy slant of her eyes and her mouth that excited the man.

Though he was alone in the office, he resisted the urge to once more grip himself. He had already done it too many times to count while looking at the image. Reluctantly, he touched the base of the projector again and sighed.

“She must be mine,” the man said to himself.

His hand reached down to the desk once more and touched a button.

“Mar4, take a dictation for me,” The man turned around again and looked out the window. Relishing the sky once more.

To his left a door opened at the end of his office and in came a protocol unit. Mar4 had been with him since he had started his first businesses and as such even though he was a droid, the man trusted him more than anyone else in his life.

“What would you like to say, Master?”

“Send this out to all of our bounty hunters and private security…… A billion credits to the man who captures and brings Jaina Solo to me alive and untouched.” The man smiled to himself while overlooking the blue skies that now were giving way to a shade of purple. The tell-tale sing on the planet that a storm was moving in. 

He took this as a good sign. The storms of this planet invigorated him and he always felt sure of himself while he looked out through the tremendous fury of the storms. 

“Is this wise, Sir? She is perhaps one of the most famous people in the galaxy and a dangerous fighter. I am happy that you are finally considering a companion but I don’t think this is the way.” The droid was used to questioning him and he was used to it as well. He welcomed it and thought about his words for all of a few seconds before the image of Jaina entered his mind again.

“I will have her….. not as a wife or a companion but as my slave. She is the one I have waited for” The man’s voice was even and calm, yet there was an aggression and an excitement within him that was barely contained. 

“Your bounty will no doubt attract people that will notify her. She is quite well-connected to the underside of society as well, don't forget,” the droid reminded him.

The man chuckled and smiled as a flash of brilliant yellow lightning rode across the skies in front of him.

“Yes, her family is quite well-connected. This will be a challenge. One I am sure someone will relish. Up the bounty to five billion credits and let us see if any of those who she is close to well be tempted.” The man turned as another flash of lightning streaked across the sky.

Moving back to his desk he touched another area and a small mindless droid wheeled out of the abyss that was his cavernous office. It carried on top of its domed head a serving tray with his favourite liquor and a glass. He poured himself a drink. 

“Yes, she will be alerted. IT will make her capture that much more heartbreaking and demoralizing for all.” He took another sip of his drink, turning back to the windows once more.

“I do not think this is the right course of action. If you are insistent on enslaving her then we should take the credits and hire the best to capture and train her,” the droid argued.

The man hesitated for a moment. Outside, the storm seemed to pick up in intensity. His thoughts seemed to match it but with a calming and soothing breath he thought it out.

“You are quite right. I allowed my own lust to cloud my judgment. Jaina Solo will be mine, but a far-reaching bounty may not be the best way. Find me the best, Mar4, and we will make them a very rich person in exchange for their services.”

The man raised his glass to the storm outside and downed the remainder of his drink.

“Yes, I will have her in any way I desire,” He thought, now firmly back on the more physical aspects of Jaina he wished to possess.

3 months later

Jaina whipped through the asteroid field. Testing the new stabilizers in her upgraded X-Wing within the field was probably not the greatest idea but she didn’t have any fear whatsoever. She had been flying through asteroid fields from the first moment she was a combat fighter. Aided by the Force and her own skill, there was no way she would run afoul of a stray piece of rock. Unless of course, that upgraded stabilizer failed. She smiled inwardly at the thought and pushed her throttle forward. Thumbing her shields full forward as she whipped herself around a larger rock.

“I think you have tested it enough Colonel. Admiral Janson requests that the Goddess return to the Emancipator.” The voice over her radio seemed distraught to use such language with the Jedi but Jaina smiled. It wasn’t that long ago in the middle of the war that Jaina had adopted the image of the Trickster Goddess to the Vong in order to play psychological wargames with them. The admiral of the Mon Calamari cruiser Emancipator had been there on Borleias at the time. Wes Janson was an old family friend and a founding member of the famous Rogue and Wraith squadrons.

“Copy Emancipator, please tell the Admiral that the Goddess will return now as he wishes,” Jaina replied with the smile still on her face. 

The flight back to the cruiser was uneventful but when she landed in the hangar bay, she noticed that the Admiral himself was waiting for her. Though she was accustomed to his company on the ship, it was still unusual for him to be there to greet her when she emerged from the cockpit.

“Admiral?” Jaina saluted, unsure of what was going on. There was a strange feeling in the Force that she was getting from him.

“Colonel Solo……. Jaina, please come with me,” Admiral Janson commanded.

The pair of them were soon in an anteroom just off of the hanger, used mostly by Jaina and her squadron leaders for mission profiles and briefings. 

“What’s the deal here, Admiral?” Jaina asked when the door was closed and they were finally alone.

Wes Janson was known during his time in Rogues and Wraiths as a practical joker. As such it often took awhile for people to be serious with him when he was attempting to be serious. There was no danger of that now. The expression on his face and the sense she got from him through the Force was intense.

“During a routine check and surveillance check, we discovered something alarming, Jaina. I’m not quite sure I know what it means but I have sent some calls out to some friends that are not within the command structure. I don’t like what I am hearing back. It’s the reason why I called you back in from the test flight quickly”

“I thought something was off with the Goddess comment,” Jaina replied.

Janson nodded his head and took a seat. Jaina followed suit, taking a seat opposite him.

“We discovered trackers in your cabin. In your footlocker and even in your X-Wing…… we confirmed when you were out there just now,” Janson told her. A confused and concerned look on his face.

“In just my stuff?” Jaina asked with concern in her own voice.

“That’s right….. I mean during the war I could understand it. There was a price on all Jedi heads but that has long since gone. Add that all to the additional fact that we have had a couple of security breaches lately. Someone sliced into our navigational computer and discovered our recent travels as well as looked into your personnel file,” Janson explained. 

“I am being targeted,” Jaina stated. The admiral nodded his head. He got up from the chair and went to the ready-made caf that was always available in the anteroom and poured himself a cup. Taking a sip he grimaced in pain and then took another sip.

“They never do get the memos to improve this stuff do they?” Janson asked with a small smile. 

“Why me?” Jaina asked.

Janson shook his head and sat back down. Taking another sip of the caf and grimacing. 

“Listen Jaina I’m not going to go all protective and everything here. I mean yeah I remember you as a kid and all but I also know you are probably the most capable fighter in the whole galaxy. I think though it might be for the best if you found somewhere to lie low. I already contacted high command and they are aware you are taking a furlough. I didn’t tell them why because I don’t know who is tailing you. We have a resupply freighter coming in tomorrow, I’ve managed to make sure it’s going to be someone from the smugglers' alliance coming in. They will take you to Karade and then from there you can go anywhere,” Janson explained to her. Taking sips of the caf as he did so. Apparently nonchalant but Jaina could feel the concern coming off of him. 

“Thanks Wes….. I couldn’t have managed it any better. I’m not going to fight it, if someone or something is targeting me I don’t want to put my people and the ship at risk” Jaina replied.

“I look after my people Colonel, but more than that I look after my friends. Course Wedge would kill me if I let anything happen to you” Janson laughed and Jaina joined him. 

Jaina watched the old Corellian freighter come into the hangar with a degree of sadness. She hated running and she hated not being to be there for her people. Coming out of the freighter was a man she didn’t recognize but he presented himself to Admiral Janson. Though Wes was military through and through, he was also a rebel and he knew how to play the game. Words were exchanged between the two before Wes gave a sign to Jaina who was watching from the observation deck that all was well. Jaina grabbed her ruck sac and made her way down.

The pilot greeted her with a smile and a wave as she entered the hangar. Jaina returned the greeting with her own and made her way there. Admiral Janson was there and he motioned towards her that he believed all was well. Scanning equipment was currently on board, making sure that there were no surprises. Jaina smiled at that because this was a ship from the Smugglers Alliance and they no doubt had shielded compartments, just like her father did. 

“Colonel Solo, my name is Rash Drade. I have been tasked to bring you to a meet with Karade and Shada,” the man said to her as she approached.

His freighter had a ramp much like her father's famous Falcon but it was a little longer, the hull of the freighter was higher off of the hanger deck than her father's YT-1300. Jaina walked up the ramp and shook hands with the man. She sensed some concern in him, but she didn’t think that was anything more than anxiety about being a smuggler on a Galactic Alliance heavy cruiser. The anxiety within him seemed to flair as Jaina followed him into the ship but she didn’t take too much notice of it. She was more interested in his body movements. Everything was tight and the man seemed to move with a controlled aspect that was far too uptight even for being on the cruiser surrounded by the military. 

Jaina looked back towards the Admiral and gave him a wink before he departed. The ramp to the ship ascended, and Jaina found herself in a small compartment that looked to be designed for guests. There was a simple single bed and a small sink and mirror. Her rucksack was thrown on the bed and she stared at the mirror for a moment.

“Something doesn’t feel right here,” Jaina mused to herself. Expressing something that wasn’t fully clear in her mind. The whole scenario felt wrong somehow.

There was a slight shudder as she felt the ship enter hyperspace. Not too much of one which spoke to the well-maintained nature of the ship. Jaina smiled and wondered if she would be able to have a go at the controls. She loved flying anything and the ship resembled her father's so much she wouldn’t mind having a bit of fun. 

Despite the feeling that was nagging at the back of her mind, Jaina shrugged her shoulders and went to move out of the compartment and go into the main freighters bay and up to the cockpit. It was then that she noticed that her door was locked from the outside. Jaina pulled hard on it but it would not budge.

“What the Sith is going on?!!” Jaina exclaimed. Exuding more and more strength on the door but it would not open.

Behind her, she could smell something changing in the room. She looked around to see that the small ventilation plate on the ceiling was now spilling some sort of gas into the air. Jaina didn’t really need to know what it was to know what the effect would be. She reached to her side and removed her lightsaber from her belt and thumbed it on. The distinctive snapp-hiss of the weapon giving her comfort and calming her. The room was small. It wouldn’t take long for the compartment to fill with whatever that gas was. Luckily she had a key to most doors. 

The lightsaber slid into the door like butter. Opening up a small hole at first. Jaina rotated her wrists and moved up and down on the door. Creating her own opening with moments. What was once the door now lay at her feet. Standing only a few feet away was Rash.

“Please Jedi Solo…. I had no choice!!” The now very frightened smuggler raised his hands and pleaded with her. Jaina looked around and used her senses. There was no one else on board that she could tell.

“Didn’t have a choice in what?” Jaina asked. Her lightsaber was still ignited but it was not pointed towards him at the moment.

“He has my family. He told me to use the gas it would knock you out and to bring you to him. That was all” The scared smuggler exclaimed. Tears streamed down his face. The tears were genuine. Jaina knew that much without the Force but she could sense the desperation coming off of him. 

She closed off of her lightsaber and placed it back on her belt. Looking around, she crossed the couple of feet towards him.

“Who is he?” Jaina demanded.

The smuggler could only shake his head.

“I don’t know. He simply came into our home and took everyone and told me that I would be getting this job and that instead of taking you to Karade I will bring you to him,” Rash pleaded with her. 

“He has your family?” Jaina asked again. Concentrating on him and using every bit of skill she had to make sure he was telling her the truth.

“Yes,” the man stated with so much fear and grief that Jaina couldn’t blame him.

Jaina nodded her head and looked around the ship once more.

“We alone here?” She asked him.

The man nodded his head enthusiastically. 

“Okay then, take me to him,” Jaina decided.

The man’s face but lit with relief at being able to complete the blackmailed assignment and also with fear once more about having to see the man again.

“Are you sure?” Dash asked. Some colour returning to his face.

“Take me to this person,” Jaina declared and moved away from him. Moving towards the cockpit.

The planet that the smuggler was supposed to meet this mysterious kidnapper on was small and way off of any known hyperspace route. It was for the most part barren with some signs of life in the form of browning trees and rocks that showed a water line that rose more than forty feet above them.

The ship landed on a small plain that soon narrowed into a deep canyon. It was there at the foot of the canyon they had walked to. Jaina walked with her hands cuffed in front of her. The stun cuffs were not all the way on and her lightsaber was on the smugglers’ belt in front of her. He walked with a wild abandon. Eager to see his family. Jaina watched all around them, looking for any sign of the mysterious man. Jaina could see nothing but she could feel above her on the top of the cavern something. There was a great deal of fear and up there. Too much to be one person. Jaina thought it must be the family.

They came to a stop and looked around. Jaina feigned having a problem with the cuffs while she kept her senses primed. Beyond them, the canyon was large and dark. Inside, however, she could tell someone was there.

“You can come out if. I can sense you,” Jaina said in the abyss that was the canyon. 

A figure began to emerge from the darkness. Tall and dressed in a red jacket with black trousers. It was a man of short black hair and eyes that were blue and yet evil. 

“I think you can do away with the charade of having the cuffs on Colonel Solo.” The mysterious figure’s teeth were yellow. The smile against the blackness of the abyss behind him making it look even more sinister.

Jaina shrugged her shoulders and her wrists. The cuffs fell to the floor and with a subtle motion of the Force she recalled her lightsaber from Dash’s belt to her own hand.

“You must have known gas would not have been enough to detain me. You knew all along that Dash here would have to tell me his story,” Jaina surmised for the man.

The mysterious figure turned a cruel look upon the smuggler who seemed to pale and shrink under it.

“That’s right. His family is above us on the ridge. If he left now, he could get them back to his ship. I no longer have any use for him or his family,” the mysterious figure inclined upwards to where Jaina had felt the fear from.

“All this just to get me here. What is it you want?” Jaina eyed the man suspiciously. Any man who would willingly summon a Jedi in such a way no doubt felt they could deal with one as well if the need came to. 

The figure watched as the smuggler made his way. Keeping his back to Jaina in a gesture that made it known that he didn’t fear her at all.

“Did you know there is a bounty out on you Colonel?” the figure explained. His attention shifting back to her and taking a small step towards her.

“I had figured something was up. If it was widespread, I would have heard something concrete,” Jaina answered for him.

He nodded to her explanation and glanced once more behind him to the smuggler who was making his way upwards to his family.

“Yes, with your connections to the galaxies' underworld, it would be hard to keep a bounty like that under wraps for long. This one was only given to me. I have a certain skill set that is required for this particular bounty. Though in the beginning, I wasn’t inclined to take it. Far too much trouble to bring someone of your stature in. I would never be able to work again. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the bounty was so large that I wouldn’t have to worry about working again,” the figure once more looked over his shoulder at the smuggler who was just now approaching his family. 

“So large in fact that I can hardly tolerate anyone knowing anything.” His face turned into a cruel smile and Jaina’s warning sense went off.

There wasn’t a chance, or anything she could have done. Above them on the ridge, there was a brief cry and then a massive explosion. As well as back where the smuggler’s ship was. It erupted in flames. Jaina felt the life leave the family above her and her blood curled. Dark thoughts were of the dark side, a moment was all she needed to relax herself but her lightsaber erupted in its brilliant violet haze. The snapp-hiss even driving the mysterious figure back from her a couple of steps.

“You are a monster!” Jaina exclaimed. Leveling the blade at him.

The figure smiled with those yellow teeth again and moved another couple of steps back. 

“I long ago made peace with who I am,” the figure said. Again he took a step back.

“Yes, that’s what they always say. Tell me what’s your name? What is this particular skillset?” Jaina demanded. 

“My name is Hilm, though many know me simply as the trainer” The figure finally identified himself. 

Jaina had to stop herself from giving anything away. She had heard of someone called the trainer. It had seemed more myth then truth over the years but the trainer was supposedly a high end procurer of rare things. Too many that meant he was everything from a thief to a slaver.

“I’ve heard about you. What could you possibly want with me?” Jaina asked. Her lightsaber still aimed at the man.

“As I said, Colonel, someone has offered a lot of money for you. Seems they want to have their very own Jedi as a slave. Personally I like the challenge and look forward to seeing you in chains, sucking my cock,” Hilm replied. 

Jaina sneered in disgust and made sure her lightsaber was leveled at him nice and flat so that she could do anything she needed to do.

“I suggest you abandon this job Hilm. I will not be someone's slave and certainly will not be in chains for anyone,” Jaina explained to him. A flick of her lightsaber to motion for him to turn around and walk away. Though she had no intention of letting him walk away after what he had done.

The trainer sighed long and hard and smiled with those teeth. Looking somewhat pleased with himself, he winked at her.

Below her, the ground seemed to come alive somehow. Jaina could feel something humming to life. Before she could even comprehend that something was happening, three blue rings shot up from the ground. They shimmered, buzzed and cracked. One at her chest height, another at her waist and another at her knees.

Jaina looked at them and tried to move her lightsaber to interfere with the shimmering rings but as soon as she tried to do anything with her body she found she did not have any control. The lightsaber fell from her grasp. Deactivating as it did so.

“Stasis rings. Expensive and needs a hell of a lot of power and time to charge. I buried five sets of them around here only two days ago. Hoping I could maneuver you into one,” Hilm seemed quite pleased with himself. Those yellow teeth were clearly visible under his smile.

Jaina found she couldn’t move an inch. The very effort to try just drained her every time. It was hard to concentrate as well. The shimmering and the buzzing of the rings seemed to disorientate her as well as keep her pinned there. It made using the Force quite an effort but not impossible. Jaina was a Jedi Knight after all, and one of the more highly skilled ones who came out of the war.

Now with her concentration cracking and the slaver cackling with laughter in front of her she mustered all of her willpower. Searching out with the Force she found the power generator for the rings buried not less than ten feet away from her. Buried under a giant rock, she tried at first to force close the loop on the power to the rings but she couldn’t find the right touch with her concentration wavering. Instead, she inwardly smiled and looked at the rock out of the side of her eyes. It was large but nowhere near the sizes she had been lifting with the Force since she was ten years old. 

Hilm was too busy laughing to himself in his apparent easy triumph over the Jedi to notice that the rock lifted from the ground. It spun up more than fifty feet in a second and then another one hundred more. Jaina wanted to go higher to generate a larger impact as she was not sure how far buried the generator was or the strength of any casing around it but the stasis field was making it harder and harder to concentrate by the second.

One hundred and fifty feet she held the rock aloft and then with a judicious push from above with the Force she started it on its way. It wasn’t until the rock began to plummet from the sky that Hilm realized something was going on. His eyes widened in terror and his yellow teeth that were smiling mere moments ago now sneered. The thoughts played out on his face while Jaina watched the rock fall. It smashed into the recently moved ground and into the generator. There was a sudden shriek and sparks flew. Followed by a pop and finally an explosion. It was with the pop that the rings dissipated and Jaina was free to move again. 

Lightsaber called back to her hand and reignited she ran it along the ground. Deep enough that the tip of her blade extended into the soil. As she dragged it along walking towards Hilm who had the most disbelieving look on his face she had ever seen she generated more and more sparks and pops as she sabotaged the remaining stasis ring projectors all around her.

“It was a good idea Hilm but it didn’t work. Now tell me your employer and I might ask the judges to be lenient with you,” Jaina’s voice was calm but her expression was one of barely concealed anger. 

The Trainer's face went from disbelieving to a sneer in moments while he collected himself. Jaina was a few feet from him but with the Force as an alley she could do a lot at the moment. She didn’t see though when he seemed to pad his pants pocket there was a sound of a whirl and more popping but this time it sounded like things coming out of the ground. In a larger ring around them where the stasis rings had been set up, several automated blasters popped out, arrayed in a circle around them.

Hilm stepped out of the encirclement, and before Jaina could do the same, the blasters opened fire. Jaina barely had time to parry them as her lightsaber came up and started to deflect the shots in a hurry. Hilm’s sneer became one of triumph again. The blaster bolts began to alternate between blasters and stun bolts. Deflecting blaster bolts with her saber was relatively easy but the wider arc of the stun bolts made it harder for Jaina to deflect. She was so close to a couple of the blasters that she tried to leap out of the circle, but a shield of some sort stopped her. She hit it full on with her head and tumbled to the ground.

All the blasters aimed towards her. Disorientated for a brief moment, it looked as if all the stun bolts would hit, but she did a smaller somersault from a squatting position to the centre of the circle where all the bolts had the same distance to get to her. 

It became a bit of a training room exercise for Jaina as she batted away the bolts but no matter what she tried she could not remove herself from the range of fire. Even with the Force as her alley she knew she would eventually tire and would take a shot. With the vast majority of the bolts now directed at her stun bolts, she knew it was only a matter of time before one got through. The randomness of the shots as well-made it so that she couldn’t deflect the bolts back to their targets and destroy the blasters themselves. Jaina sighed for a moment and let the Force guide herself. 

“Not so cocky now, are you Jedi bitch?” Hilm’s confidence was back. As well as the sneer on his face.

Jaina grunted for a moment and let the comment wash over her. Just as she let the Force course through her, she fell into a rhythm that deflected everything the blasters could throw at her. In this state she could deflect for quite some time but eventually her own body would tire and even with the Force she would fall. She searched out. Trusting her hands to follow the Force and deflect the shots, she concentrated now on finding a way out of her situation. 

Hilm had been smart. He used different power generators for each phase of his little traps to capture her. She couldn’t find so much as a trace of how the blasters were being fed. Instead, she concentrated on the rhythm of the bolts. The randomness was set and as such there would be some sort of pattern she could find with the help of the Force. The first sign of her changing her attack to Hilm was she batted a stun bolt back towards a blaster that took it with a slight buzz but continued to fire. Jaina’s eyes were closed but the brilliant arcs of her lightsaber worked to show her sight to him. 

One deflected bolt hit a blaster and then another and then another. Soon the blasters that were pinning her in a ring were gone but Jaina could sense that the shield over the area was still in effect. She had no idea where the power or projection for it was coming from. Her eyes still closed she tried to search out for it through the Force but the last blaster had barely just been blown away when she felt something wrap around her from the back. Her eyes shot open and she looked down. A coil of some sport was wrapped around her midsection. There was pressure behind her but in front of her she saw the smiling features of Hilm looking at her not with fear but with that sense of triumph again. 

“What the?” Jaina cried out. There was nothing more she could say. An electric shock sprang from that coil wrapped around her body.

“AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She dropped to the ground and managed to look behind her. There was a droid standing there.

The coil wrapped around her body came from the droid’s right hand. The droid was unlike anything Jaina had ever seen. It was on four hind legs like a dog but its body and torso stretched upwards to give itself another two hands and a droid face that was not unlike her family’s own C3P0. Though it seemed to have a cruel expression on its face than the somewhat dimwitted one her own droid had. The body looked as though it was never designed to move on all six appendages but the four back legs really dug into the ground as Jaina writhed in the torture. 

Grunting with every little bit of effort, Jaina tried to move herself back to a standing position. She could barely make out Hilm who was walking over towards the droid behind her. His yellow teeth smiling again as she looked through half-closed eyes. The electricity running through her body was the most intense pain she had ever felt but she couldn’t allow herself to give in to it. Pulling herself to one knee she saw the look of astonishment on the slaver through the half-closed eyes.

“You are remarkable Colonel Solo. With anybody but an enraged Wookie they would be on the ground pissing themselves by now unconscious. Too bad for you my friend here, has another hand.” 

Jaina barely registered what the man was saying as she focused on getting herself to her feet but when the second coil wrapped around her upper chest and started to electrocute her, she cried out.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” This time she was back on the ground. Face first, she breathed in the dirt. Her body trying everything it could to get some sort of oxygen into her but with each breath the new coil around her upper chest contracted that much more and began to strangle her.

Jaina saw stars for a moment before she summoned the last little bit of energy and concentration she could with the Force and tried to push the droid away. There was a tiny speck of dirt that floated away past the droid as the only evidence of her last desperate act. Her vision was going black. The last thing she saw was those yellow teeth so close to her face she could smell what the disgusting man had for lunch. Then nothing but blackness.

End Chapter 1

Jaina awoke to find herself bound to the back of the droid. It walked on the four hind legs next to the smiling Hilm who just happened to be looking at her as she first stirred. Her legs and wrists were tied to the droid’s four legs with her back against the droid. She looked up at the sky. Back to back on the droid, she was in a semi sitting position, as much as she could with her limbs bound the way they were. Groggy and still racked with pain, Jaina tried her best to avoid the slimeball’s smile. Instead, she tried to focus on the Force and find a way out of the situation.

Her cloak was long since discarded but her tunic was still on, filthy and with some burn marks. Her white and brown tunic was bunched in places that made it tight to her body, which was giving Hilm a sight of her curves. It was making her uncomfortable but what was more uncomfortable was she couldn’t seem to find that spark within her that she knew was her connection with the Force. She had been Force-blind before but this felt different. Like it was there and crying for her but no matter how hard she tried she could not find it.

“You know one of the good things the Vong did during the war was identify areas of the human brain and which are more active with force users. Not necessarily all Jedi or even non force users but it was a curious find. I took a chance and implanted a neural chip that, for lack of a better term, scrambles that part of your brain. I wasn’t sure if it would work but the fact that nothing has happened since you opened your eyes Colonel Solo means it must be functional.”

Hilm’s laugh and yellow smile were so large Jaina was sure it could be classified as a planetary body.

“As a rule we don’t use the Force to strangle people Hilm but for you, I might make an exception” Jaina let her own frustrations get to her. Her capture hadn’t been easy but she knew walking headlong into it was probably not the greatest of ideas and now knowing what her future held for her if she didn’t escape she was even more upset with herself. 

The man known too many as the Trainer laughed in his cackling manner.

“Soon you will be aboard my ship and going nowhere. No one escapes from me Solo. Your fate is sealed. The man who has hired me has spent a lot of money and will give me much more, by the time I present you to him, you will be well on your way to accepting your new life as his plaything,” Hilm sneered at her again.

“You're insane if you think I am going to allow myself to become some man's plaything!” Jaina exclaimed. 

Hilm looked at her with those cruel eyes and yellow smile. He stopped and the droid stopped as well. Hilm’s red jacket seemed to contain a multitude of pockets both on the outside and on the inside. His hand reached into one of the inside pockets and drew a vibro-knife out. Jaina couldn't help but flinch. He brought it down to her and rolled it along the outside of her bunched up tunic.

“You are nothing more than a piece of property now slave. It’s time you got your first lesson” Hilm’s words were deadly and tinged with amusement and a joy at his job that made Jaina sick to her stomach. 

Refusing to say anything to him, Jaina watched helplessly. Hilm’s knife moved with a delicate and practiced ease. His first cut into her tunic was at the top just under her neck. Splitting open her white and brown tunic from her collarbone downwards. He stopped a little as he went between her breasts. Taking care to make sure he did nothing to her skin.

Her tunic began to peel away to her sides as he moved. Thankfully, as he moved downwards from her chest, her tunic parted but still keep at the very least her nipples. The inner side of her breasts though were clearly visible. 

“I honestly thought you were less endowed than you are, slave. Those pictures for the holo article seemed to take too much to push up your chest with the corset. I thought you were flat chested and trying to make something out of nothing” Hilm laughed to himself and despite herself Jaina fumed in rage at having her body talked about like that. 

Refusing to take the bait, Jaina kept her mouth shut and simply tried to stare away into nothingness. Hilm continued, her tunic parting under his blade. Soon he was down below her now exposed belly button. She could feel his anticipation of coming so close to her most private of areas.

“I bet you never thought you’d be stripped while strapped to a droid in the middle of nowhere on a no named planet huh slave?” Hilm laughed to himself. Seemingly content to hear himself speak than hear her answer. 

“If you are going to strip me, Hilm, then do it already” Jaina finally had enough of his insistent talking.

Hilm sneered and laughed a little. The blade answered for him. It struck out from below her belly button. In one long motion, he took it and cut a clean cut from there to the bottom of her crotch and then he turned and went down one leg and back up and down the other leg. Her tunic was now completely open and fell to the sides of the droid. Only her own back kept the remains around her but they flopped to the side of the droid.

Jaina was nude for all intents and purposes while restrained on the back of the droid. Despite herself, she felt a little flush come to her face. The slaver looked over at her with a smile wide enough to engulf planets. His eyes lingering over her chest and her pussy. Her nipples were erect in the cold air of the planet while her pussy was a what she had to admit a frightening mess of curly hairs at the moment. Every once in a while, specifically if she thought there was going to be any sexual activity, Jaina would groom herself down there. She liked to leave some hair but have it nice and tight and trim to the body.

It had been some time though and as such it was a little wilder than she would have liked to show anyone, let alone the pervert slaver standing over her now. 

“What nice pink perky nipples you have…. Kind of makes up for the forest that is your bush down there. Thought you Jedi believed in cleanliness,” Hilm taunted her. 

The slaver and the droid had begun to walk again. The torn tunic began to slide from behind her back. After a few steps, the tunic fell to the ground. Hilm stopped for a moment and looked at it. He picked it up and produced something else from his jacket. The droid continued on and the object was small enough that Jaina couldn’t make it out. Its use though became apparent quickly. Hilm placed it at the bottom of her ruined tunic. A flame leapt from the device and caught on to her tunic.

Jaina watched, nude and restrained to the droid as her tunic was engulfed in flames. Hilm threw it away with a contemptuous throw and smiled with those yellow teeth at her once more.

Jaina refused to meet his eye. Turning instead to look out to the side to the very barren planet that they were on. Hilm caught up with them soon enough. His eyes taking in her body. Jaina tried to look away from the leering eyes but he was everywhere. With her hands and ankles restrained to the droid, she couldn't go anywhere.

His hands reached down and stroked the inner side of her breasts. Rubbing the back of his hand in between her breasts, Jaina had never felt so violated and revolted. Her erect nipples were nothing but a cause of the cold air her nipples were exposed to. He first brushed the same hand over one nipple and then her other before he looked at her in the eyes. Cupping her chin to make sure she could not pull away from him.

“Those nipples are simply crying out for attention” His breath stunk but Jaina refused to say anything to him. Instead, she gasped when he took a hold of one of her nipples and pulled upwards. 

“AHHHH!!” Jaina squirmed under him as he pulled up her entire body but restrained as she was it was like he was trying to tear her nipple from her body.

“Far too perky for such a grouch like you,” Hilm teased. Continuing to pull on her nipple.

Finally, he relented and let her rest for a moment. All the while the pair of them and the droid seemed to be walking through nothing but a barren rock face of a planet.

“Where are we even going Hilm” Jaina asked. Finally allowing herself to speak. 

“My ship of course and then you are going to my personal training facility before I deliver you to your new owner” Hilm replied with such certainty that Jaina believed him in insinuating that there was nothing she could do about it. 

“Why did you land so far away then?” Jaina asked. Trying desperately to find something she could use to escape.

Every time she tried to access the part of herself that connected with the Force she felt nothing but an emptiness with a buzzing like irritation that made her so frustrated she felt like crying at some points. Hilm either choose to not notice or hadn’t noticed her feelings as they walked. Instead, his entire consciousness seemed focused on her body and what he was planning on doing with her. It made her sick but when he lost half a step on the droid and started walking down by the side of her right had her head level.

He placed a finger along her stomach. Tracing it around her belly button. Almost idly without much thought as they walked. His finger roamed her body until finally it slipped underneath. Brushing her pussy lips and then he began to tease her. Despite herself, Jaina couldn’t help but be a little excited as well as repulsed at the assault. His finger teased her with an expert touch that Jaina knew was well practiced on others. He didn’t say anything as he worked but when she felt the arousal beginning to come over her, she caught a slight smile on his lips. 

“Stop it!” Jaina tried to move her hips away from him but the constant motion of the droid and her restrained limbs made it so that any movement that she could do had already been done and he could keep his finger on her at all times if he chose. Which is exactly what he was doing. His index finger began to coax her clit. Teasing her ever so slightly as they walked. Jaina had to hold back a slight moan in her mouth. The arousal coming to her in a wave that she couldn't quite defend against. 

“Your skin is soft and your body reacts to touch with all the enthusiasm of a pleasure slave already. You were born for this slave,” Hilm taunted her but the way Jaina felt with his now two fingers playing with her clit and sliding along her pussy lips she couldn’t bring herself to tell herself that he was wrong.

The excitement in her body was building and building until he took his fingers away. Jaina was flushed with embarrassment and lust. Trying to look away from the yellow teeth of the smiling slaver. He reached down once more but this time his hand took a hold of her nipple again. He lifted her once more from her bound position. Straining against those restraints, Jaina cried out in pain. The flush of pleasure disappearing in an instant at his assault.

“You will learn slave.” Hilm kept her nipple in his grip. They walked with him holding her aloft from the droid by her nipple.

Through pain-filled eyes, Jaina could just make out his smirk. Her screams seemed to echo somehow on the barren planet but Hilm seemed to take great delight in them. After what felt like an hour, he let go and Jaina slumped to the back of the droid. Exhausted and in pain, she wasn’t prepared or aware that he had switched sides on the other side of the droid until she felt his hand grapple her other nipple and pull upwards.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina cried out in pain.

“You are nothing more than a piece of meat now slave. I can treat you however I please,” Hilm told her. His grip not lightening on her nipple as they walked.

It was sometime before Jaina found herself slumped on the back of the droid again with her breasts and nipples not being pulled upward. Hilm had withdrawn to walk to the front of the droid only a few minutes before. Her nipples hurt unlike any other pain she had ever felt. It wasn’t so much that it was more painful than anything she had felt before. It was more like she had never experienced pain in that part of her body before. As well as the heat in her pussy that still somewhat remained from Hilm’s touches.

Jaina was confused and in pain. With the lack of the Force, that low hum of a buzz in her mind when she tried to access it, she felt alone and for a brief moment a feeling of terror overcame her. She was nude, restrained on a barren planet where no one knew where she had gone with a man who was famous for turning people into slaves. Jaina would have cried if she were alone but she swallowed the feeling and tried to think of ways out but the buzzing in her mind and the pain in her nipples made it hard for her to focus. When she did, the only thing she could focus on was the arousal she had been denied. 

Jaina was still slumped on the back of the droid when she felt them ascending something. When she looked up, she saw the mouth of a cargo ship engulfing her. Finally off of the surface and inside the ship, Jaina looked around. From her vantage point of where she came in, she had no idea what kind of ship it was but she could tell it was fairly large. Maybe larger than her father’s Falcon. The cargo bay they were in was certainly larger than the Falcon’s but not nearly as large as other ships. The closed hatches and general design reminded her of some of the Sullustan cargo ships out there but she really didn’t know. All she knew was the droid and Hilm continued to march her into the ship and further away from her freedom. 

Hilm and the droid took her through the cargo bay towards a large double door that looked like it was designed for a cargo loader. The cargo bay itself was bare with only a few of the hexagonal crates that were usually used throughout the galaxy for storage and shipping. Emerging into the next room, Jaina found it was much smaller but just about wide enough for a cargo loader to move around in. It was also darker than the other room with barely any internal lighting. The droid came to a stop. Jaina found herself looking into the yellow smile of Hilm once more. 

“Lets get you comfortable for your trip shall we?” Hilm declared.

Behind her, Jaina could feel the back of the droid moving but not taking her along with it as the restraint someone kept her in place. The next this she knew was the droid’s face was now hovering over hers. Looking down at her it used its two arm appendages to unfasten her own arms from the first set of its legs. Its grip was so strong Jaina didn’t even think of trying to break free. Her body was still recovering from the torture and humiliation given to her nipples and her pussy. Hilm reached down and unfastened her ankles from the droids other legs and then let her dangle in the air as the droid lifted her up and over it. Lifting her easily three feet off of the ground.

Jaina’s hands, encircled by the droid’s, were used like a steering wheel. Taking her towards the far wall of the room. The lighting was so bad in the room that Jaina couldn’t make much of anything out but she could see some shackles hanging from the top of the wall and a pair on the bottom of the wall. Pushed up against the wall so that her breasts were pushed flat against it, she moaned in pain at the contact with her nipples. With no word or warning, the droid then twisted its wrists and flung her around. Her back was now to the wall and her face stared at the cruel expression on the so far mute droid.

Below her, she could feel Hilm grab a hold of her right leg and spread it away from her body. Jaina tried to resist — her legs were among the most powerful part of her body and when she flexed and refused to move Hilm could not make her budge. The slaver looked up at her. Jaina expected to see a sneer but instead he had a knowing smile on his face.

She could not do anything about her hands. They were clasped together over her head by the droid and placed into the hanging shackles. So far off of the ground now that her feet could not touch the ground, Hilm found it easier to move her leg by her ankle when the droid let her go. All of her weight dropped onto her shoulders and Jaina let out a little cry of pain as she settled. Before she knew it, Hilm pulled away and chained her right leg to one cuff and her other leg was pulled the opposite direction along the wall to another cuff.

Jaina hung on the wall, supported only by her shoulders. A situation that she knew would begin to wear on her very quickly. The still smiling face of Hilm looked her over for a moment before he came closer to her once more. His finger tracing a line from the bottom of her neck down between her breasts to her belly button and down to her pussy once more. A bead of sweat seemed to follow it down as Jaina watched.

“I hope you enjoy the flight, slave.” Hilm’s finger flicked her still exposed and excited clit just lightly and Jaina’s mind exploded in pleasure for a split second. 

Hilm moved away and back out into the cargo bay. The droid however, stood nearby on its four legs and seemed to fiddle with something on the wall about five feet from her. Jaina could feel something kind of clicking behind her in the wall down by her waist, but restrained as she was she could not move to see anything. The droid continued to work on whatever it was doing when Jaina felt something sliding out of the wall just at her waist.

Some sort of bar that was about ten inches wide rounded at the top and covered in a silky smooth leather. It pushed out and Jaina, with a strain, lifted herself upwards with the power in her shoulders and allowed the bar to come out from the wall. It stopped about three feet out and Jaina let herself down. The bar now took her weight, not her shoulders. For half a moment, Jaina was comfortable until she saw the droid work on the same console it had been working on. At that moment, the bar below her began to vibrate. Just a little at first, but enough to get her attention. The bar was rounded on top and just wide enough that it had really cut into her pussy as it came out. Now with the vibrations it was making her settle on it even more and her clit was setting on it quite comfortably.

“OHHHHH!” Jaina moaned before she even knew she was moaning.

A blush of red hot shame came to her face. Thankful that Hilm had left the room before it. The vibrations began to increase and Jaina felt herself squirming over the top of the bar. Trying to get her clit away from the stimulation but the droid was close to her now. It reached out to the shackles that held her hands above her head and seemed to do something to them. They stiffened and took away and ability for her to move. It then moved down towards her ankles. Its cruel smile playing out over its face as it passed her. Her ankle restraints seemed to freeze as well and Jaina found that all of her leverage and ability to move became almost nil. Then the droid placed its hands on her waist and lifted her slightly even though the restraints were fixed and put her back down, making sure her clit touched the bar in the most exposed and open place.

“OHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina couldn’t help the moan again and felt the same shame.

She didn’t even realize her eyes had closed until she opened them and the shame threatened to come right back. Hilm stood there in front of her. A smile so large on his face she was sure his head couldn’t contain it. 

“That bar has made its fair share of slaves cum. Would you like to cum too, slave?” Hilm teasingly asked. His eyes not moving from her pussy and clit.

The vibrations were so much and the pleasure so much that Jaina couldn't help but move what little she could on the bar. Gyrating her hips just a little more. Originally she was trying to get away from the bar but now her clit was firmly against it and with each movement she brought more and more pleasure. Jaina tried to look away but the slimy slaver reached upwards and took her by the chin. Forcing her to look at him. The flush in her cheeks couldn’t be hidden, nor could the way she was holding her tongue to stop herself from moaning under the vibrations. 

“Answer me slave,” Hilm demanded. His free hand reached to a nipple. Grabbing it and pulling, Jaina couldn’t help but let a moan out mixed with a scream of anguish. Her nipples had not had enough time to recover from his last torture and now he pulled upwards and away from her body once more. In her chained state, she could not move very far and when she did, she placed her clit more on the bar, causing more moans to escape her lips.

“OHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Jaina couldn’t stop it from coming out.

Hilm placed her nipple between his fingers and began to force his fingernail into it. The pain was intense, and Jaina could do nothing more than squirm in his hands.

“I am waiting for an answer, slave.” Hilm twisted her nipple again. Eliciting more agonized groans and moans from her.

Jaina tried to remain silent but the slaver was relentless. When his fingernail didn’t get any response, he used two. Pinching her nipple between them and Jaina’s sensitive nipples screamed in agony with her.

“I am not cumming in front of you monster!!” Jaina exclaimed.

Hilm smiled and laughed at her. His grip on her chin increased and Jaina felt like he was trying to squish her face.

“You will cum for me slave. Until then you will not cum until you beg for it,” Hilm laughed. His hand released her chin and his other released her nipple.

The droid came to him then with two long, thin pieces of string. It handed them to Hilm. Jaina barely noticed — her pussy was on fire and whether Hilm wanted her to or not, she was going to cum. It was only her willpower at the moment that was stopping her from cumming in front of him.

When his hands touched her again, he held the string in one hand. A tiny little loop tied around it he easily placed it over and around her left nipple. The lassoed nipple was tugged on and the string forced a tight bond around her nipple. Jaina grimaced in pain. Temporarily, it overshadowed the increasing arousal in her pussy. As the second piece of string was added around her other nipple, two long pieces of string hung from her front. Hilm held them in his hands as he guided them into the hands of the droid.

To her horror she watched as the droid seemed to grow three feet. So much so that he could easily reach the ceiling. There, she noticed two eyelets that the droid threaded the string through. Bringing the string down and her nipples upwards and out again. Jaina strained and did her best to stop herself from moaning and screaming at the same time again. 

“Do you want to reconsider your stance, slave?” Hilm asked.

Jaina watched with one eye on him and the other on the droid who was tying off the string to its own torso.

“Last chance, slave,” Hilm repeated. 

“Go to hell, scum” Jaina tried to spit at the man but she found she was with little saliva and energy as it was all being channeled to her pussy.

Hilm smiled again and laughed. With a motion of his hand, the droid started to walk away.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina cried out.

“He will stay there and walk a little further every time I tell them. Are you going to beg now slave?” Hilm asked.

Jaina strained again against the pain but this time she didn’t trust herself to answer. Hilm motioned once more, and the droid took a half step forward. Jaina felt like her nipples were going to be pulled from her body.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” she screamed out again. 

“I’ll give you an hour” Hilm smiled with those yellow teeth again and left Jaina there, straining against the string and the vibrations underneath her.

With Hilm gone, she thought perhaps she would be able to cum but the droid was as masochistic and astute as the slaver. Every time she got anywhere near cumming the droid would move. Causing a ripple of pain so intense that it would kill any hope she had of cumming. After a while though, she was almost always constantly on edge so the droid would loosen the slack and Jaina thought perhaps she would cum but then it would pull harder on the string. Causing her to shriek in pain and yell obscenities at it. 

Had it been an hour? Jaina wasn’t sure but when Hilm was back in the room again with her it had felt like the torture had been going on for days. Her body was drenched in sweat and her hips moved as little as they could in her bondage to try and get that little bit extra from the vibrating bar to put her over the edge. They did this in a futile effort and almost without her conscious thought. Her hair was wet with her sweat and piled down around her face. So much so that she had to look at him through her wet hair.

He didn’t seem to mind the state she was in. If anything he seemed to take quite a delight in it. Especially when he playfully, yet very cruelly, strummed one of the strings that was still attached to the droid. Jaina would have cried out again in pain but her mouth and voice had dried out a long time ago. All she could do was grimace in pain and try her best to look beyond him. That proved fruitless however when he grabbed her chin again. Forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were tired and her mind was mush. She knew that much but she also knew enough and had enough willpower to say no to the man.

“No…. I will not beg,” Jaina said before he could say anything.

There was a flash of surprise and then a flash of anger before his face settled into the same amused sneer it had when he took a hold of her chin moments before.

“It will be sometime before we arrive at our destination slave. I have no problems keeping you on there without relief until we do,” Hilm warned her. Gripping her chin roughly again.

Jaina stared into those cruel eyes and tried to find any sense of remorse in the man but she couldn’t. Once more she tried to reach out with the Force but the constant pleasure and denial as well as the buzzing in her mind just sapped all her strength.

“I….. will…..not…...beg,” Jaina managed to say through clenched breaths.

Hilm laughed in her face. An act that made her gather some energy from the very rage that welled within her from such an act but it was soon torn from her like all her other energy by the vibrations. The droid took that moment as well to move forward. 

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!” Jaina cried out. Her nipples always seemed to numb after the torture but when the droid decided to do something to them, she felt it so much more. 

Hilm’s grip on her chin tightened again. Jaina found herself staring into his cruel features. There was nothing left in her but her need to defy him in all things. She was sure her own face said it but she couldn't be sure. Especially when he smiled those yellow teeth again and released her chin. A finger tracing the inner side of her breasts. Going down to her clit that was engorged, swollen and red from all the attention. All of her energy gone Jaina could do nothing but hang her head. Her half-open eyes peering through her sweat streaked hair at his finger. Moving and teasing her already hyper teased clit she couldn’t even moan.

“HAHA, perhaps some more time alone then.” Hilm removed his finger and stuck it mere inches from Jaina’s hanging head. Her eyes barely focused on it.

“Just beg to cum slave and I will let you rest,” Hilm offered her one last time.

Jaina’s answer was in her silence and her labored breathing. 

“Have it your way slave,” Hilm said. Turning on his heel with a bounce in his step he headed out of the room. 

She lifted her head and watched him go. A part of her that was larger with each passing moment, wanting to call out and beg to cum if only to end the torture but she refused. Instead she let a single tear form and fall down her cheek.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina was jolted from a half asleep state.

The droid was playing the string like some sort of instrument. The cruel smile permanently on its face seemed to be wider as she thrashed as much as she could in her bonds. There had been a half moment then where she felt some sort of reprieve. The vibrations on her clit never slowed but she had found a spot that she could bear if only slightly. That little reprieve was all she needed to begin to drift off to sleep. Before she could fully fallen asleep, the droid had started the torture again. Jaina’s thrashing had moved her clit firmly back on the bar and now it’s swollen and needy nature called out through her body. She cried out, not just in pain. The pleasure was almost overwhelming and for a moment she thought perhaps she would cum but the droid would have nothing of it. 

“You scrap of bolts! I will take great pleasure in slicing you open when I get the chance!” Jaina screamed out at the droid.

In response, the droid wrapped its metallic fingers up and down on the string. Causing her nipples to ripple with pain that forced Jaina to thrash more.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina’s mind wheeled a the torture.

“You know how to make I stop slave,” The words were slimy and full of knowing. It was Hilm of course. Returned to the room to taunt her some more.

Jaina hung her head at his arrival. What little energy she had managed to gather to herself over the last while since his last visit seemed to shrink away at his gaze.

“Are you ready to cum for me slave?” Hilm asked. His hand once more taking a hold of her chin.

Her hair, still streaked with sweat hung between them but Jaina could make out those yellow teeth through it and his cruel eyes. Her own eyes couldn’t show any of the defiance she still felt in her heart because she was ready. She wasn’t ready to be a slave but if all it took to end this torture was for her to beg, then she was willing now.

“Yes, I am ready to cum,” Jaina answered through blown out breaths. Trying to regain some energy and some dignity as well.

Hilm’s eyes lit with glee. 

“Say, ‘Sir may I cum?’” Hilm demanded.

Jaina’s mind wanted to rebel at the words. A moment of thought though, and she knew it was just another part of the small price. Inwardly, she sighed.

“Sir, may I cum?” Jaina asked. She tried her best to keep any anger out of her voice but it did come out a little aggressive. Hilm though didn’t seem to mind. His little chuckle alerting her to him moving slightly. His hand still gripped her chin but he was moving to the side of her.

The slaver seemed to run his hand along the still vibrating bar underneath her. He came away with a smile that she could make out through her hung head and hanging hair.

“You have drenched this bar in your filth slave. You were willful as well. The offer to cum was made hours ago. Now if you wish the vibrations to stop and your nipples freed, you will have to do something else,” Hilm stated with a firmness and a grip on her chin that made no mistake that Jaina couldn’t refuse.

“Like what?” Jaina answered. Again doing her best to hide her anger.

“You will get off only one way right now slave. Fuck my finger like the slave you are,” Hilm explained to her.

“I……” Jaina wanted to tell him many things. Wanted to tell him to space himself for one but there was nothing she could do. She had already agreed to herself she would do what was needed to stop this torture.

“I will,” Jaina relented after thinking about it.

The slaver must have been expecting some sort of rebuttal. Surprise was etched all over his face at her admission, but when he looked at her Jaina knew he saw what she felt. She was completely exhausted and just wanted the torture to end. At the moment, she would say and do pretty much anything. Though she was sure anything more than what he had asked for and she would have refused.

“Good slave,” Hilm released her chin and moved ever closer to her side. 

Jaina was so tired she could barely lift her head to see what he was doing. She felt his hands though on her hips and then finally she felt the pressure on her nipples loosen. A look forward told her that the droid had moved forward towards them. Jaina was relieved and doubly so a moment later when the vibrations below her ceased. 

“Oh thank you very much.” Jaina meant every word of that.

She had never felt her own pussy and clit so tired and worn. Even the little breath of recycled air that cycled through the room seemed to be an exercise in pain. She found as she thanked him her restrained became on frozen and she had a little bit more room to move around. Not enough to stretch out tired and sore muscles but enough to at least move about a little in her bonds.

“I am going to remove the bar. When it is removed, you are going to fuck my fingers like the slut you are. If you don’t, the bar comes back and your torture resumes. Do you understand slave?” Hilm asked her.

Again Jaina wanted to tell him to go away but she had come this far and she had no wish to feel that bar again anytime soon. Her answer was a curt nod. Hilm was not impressed. He took a hold of her chin once more and pulled her head to the side so that she had to look at him in the eye.

“Say you understand!” He demanded.

“I understand,” Jaina replied quickly. Wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

“I understand Sir!” Hilm corrected.

Jaina sighed and told herself just to say it to get it over with.

“I understand Sir” Jaina relented. Hilm’s yellow-toothed smile answered for her. He released her chin with a contemptuous flick of his wrist. 

“If you don’t want to be punished any further, you will call me Sir at all times. Understand, slave?” Hilm pushed her and Jaina was so tired she gave in.

“Yes….. Sir” Jaina relented again. Something inside of her seemed to crack at that. A hidden portion of her will that was slightly eroded by the words.

Hilm reached underneath her. One hand grabbing a hold of her hip while he placed his other hand down at her pussy. He brushed her swollen pussy with his fingers and Jaina shuddered in pleasure and pain. She tried to move her hips a little away from him but he had a good grip on her waist and hip with his hand and she was far too tired to put up much of a fight.

His fingers continued to brush her sex for a few moments before she felt one finger began to enter her. Jaina was no virgin but she wasn’t exactly experienced either. The only fingers that had ever been inside of her had been her own. Now the slaver had the tip of his middle finger inching inside of her. She was so wet and ready for him that she was sure her pussy would have just taken him right in but he was taking his time. Drawing out her humiliation. She felt the tip of another finger come in alongside his middle finger. Jaina gasped at the sudden intruder but didn’t say anything then a moan.


The second finger worked its way into her about an inch and half along with the other finger and then Hilm stopped.

“Fuck them slave,” Hilm ordered.

Jaina froze for a moment. It was not uncomfortable and his fingers inside of her were actually making her just as wet as the bar had been. But her hesitance to start on his command was met with a slap on her bare chest by the hand that had been supporting her hip. Jaina cried out in pain as her nipple was punished again.

“Yes, Sir!” Jaina cried out, matching her pain and her pleasure.

With his hand on her hip and waist again, she was able to squeeze her pussy a little and lift her hips. Hilm’s smile grew large when she moved upwards and squeezed. Jaina lowered herself onto his fingers more and moaned in pleasure.

“That’s it slave. Faster now,” Hilm commanded. 

Her movement was still quite limited even with her bonds relaxed and her energy was virtually gone but Jaina had no wish to be tortured again. She raised her hips faster and moved them up and down. Fucking Hilm’s fingers below her with a lust she wished she could be without. So long on the vibrating bar though, without release and she was ready. Her pussy was wet and her clit was swollen. Jaina was ready to cum within moments of fucking the slaver’s fingers. 

“Keep going slave. You will cum when I command it. Understood?” Hilm demanded from her side.

Jaina nodded her head with aggression. Not caring anymore about her damaged pride. All she cared about was the pleasure. Moving her hips up and down, she fucked herself at an ever-increasing rate on his fingers. Surprising her as she felt energy returning to her so that she could complete the task that she desperately wanted. More sweat poured from her. Hilm laughed beside her but she didn’t care. She felt the orgasm cumming. So close it was mere moments away when Hilm withdrew his fingers from her. Jaina fucked the air for a solid few seconds before she realized. Again without realizing it, she had closed her eyes and now she opened them to look at the smiling face of her captor once more. 

“Beg to cum, slave,” Hilm commanded again.

Jaina looked at him through her sweat stained hair with weary eyes. 

“Please Sir, can I cum?” Jaina replied. Again, she felt something break within her but she didn’t care. The only thing she wanted to break within her was the arousal that had been building.

“Lick my fingers, slave,” Hilm commanded. 

He placed the very fingers she had been fucking below her against her lips. Jaina obediently opened them. Desperate to cum and desperate to get this all over with. Telling herself to endure for now to escape later. She took his fingers into her mouth. Sucking and licking them. Tasting her very own juices inside. It was sweet and sweaty and despite herself she felt even more aroused at being made to do such a thing. Very rarely did Jaina ever taste herself and she had to admit when she had done it on her own before she had enjoyed it.

Hilm wasn’t rough with his fingers inside of her mouth. He let her tongue and her lips do all the work before he withdrew them. Placing them back down below her. He said nothing but he looked into her eyes. The command clear. Again, her movement was limited but it was enough that she could position herself over his fingers. Placing her pussy over his fingers as centrally as she could see from her position, she lowered her hips. Feeling his fingers brush her inner thighs before he moved them for her. Placing them at the entrance to her.

She lowered further and took his fingers back into her. Going down as far as she could with her movements restrained. Feeling her pussy filling again with his fingers, she felt what she assumed was a knuckle before she started to ascend and began to fuck herself again. 

“That’s it slave. Fuck it harder. You can cum when you feel it coming over you,” Hilm commanded her.

Jaina barely heard anything more than permission to cum. Renewed energy flowed through her. She began to hump his fingers more and more. Squeezing them with her pussy as she did. Pumping it up against her clit, she knew she would cum quickly. The heat within her was barely concealed and, as she stimulated herself again, it was completely uncovered and allowed to run. There was no thought of disobedience. Jaina wanted it over with and she was doing her best. Her hips rocked up and down and side to side as she moved.

Hilm kept his fingers steady though he didn’t have to do much of anything. She never let him out of her and kept him so tight within her that Jaina was sure he would never take them out. Her arousal was building and building and finally when her breathing and her mind couldn’t take it anymore. She came, she came unlike anything other orgasm she had ever had before. Gasping and spluttering for breath Jaina’s pussy still gripped his fingers as she climaxed again and then a third time.

“MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina’s moans echoed through the small room.

Her eyes flashed open, again not remembering when she had closed them. There in front of her was Hilm with that yellow-toothed smile. His hands under her chin. She hadn’t even felt him remove her fingers. Such in the throes of her pleasure she had been.

“You are a natural slave,” He teased her. He placed his fingers under her nose. She could smell herself on him. He wiped them along her top lip and smiled all the while.

“You will be an excellent slave. My employer is going to be ever so pleased,” Hilm taunted her.

The slaver turned without Jaina even thinking of anything to say and exited the room. Jaina felt the restraints above and below her slacken to where she fell to the floor. Her hands even falling in front of her. Ankles and wrists still encircled in the cuffs but with enough slack in them to allow her to sit on the floor and even lay down.

The droid approached with two bowls. Placing them down, she saw one was some sort of gruel while the other was water. Still in the afterglow, Jaina’s pride hadn’t fully recovered but her body ached for food and drink. She didn’t even wait for anything. She took the gruel bowl in her hand and fed herself with her fingers. When she had enough of it, she placed the bowl down and moved to the bowl of water. Picking it up with both hands, careful not to spill, she sipped at it until she felt like she could tip it further and began to drink it all down.

“Don’t suppose I could get some more water?” Jaina asked humorlessly to the droid. Not expecting much of anything.

In response, the droid picked up the bowl and moved over to a little corner of the room. Jaina heard running water. When it returned, the bowl was full again with clean, cool water. Jaina was astonished to get any sort of reaction out of the droid and simply took it from the droid without complaints.

“Thank you,” Jaina managed to say.

“Did you get the holo?” Hilm asked over the communications array.

The ship was out of hyperspace as it orientated for another jump. It would be an hour or so before the ship cleared the gravity well of a planet enough to make the next jump. He had taken the time to send a holo of Jaina’s first bits of training to his client.

“I did. I am surprised you were able to get her to do that so quickly,” the man on the other line responded.

“That was all footage from over three days. She passed out numerous times on that bar and it was getting to the point that I thought I may have to remove her from it but it was pivotal to her training that she think she broke sooner than she actually did. With some rest and some food and drink in her, she will be right back to normal soon enough,” Hilm explained.

“Excellent. I can’t wait to see her for myself. I will join you at your training facility soon. Keep me updated,” the man told him. He signed off of the call and Hilm turned in the cockpit. Looking out into the vastness of space.

“She is going to be harder to break than most but I wouldn’t have expected anything less. The key appears to be her own pleasure. She seems to lose herself in it. Used with some torture, I think she will make an excellent slave,” Hilm mused to himself.

End Chapter 2

Jaina found herself on the floor of the room. The droid had taken the bowls of food and water from her and had come back with a hose. Cold, more like icy water, spewed forth from the hose all over her. Jaina had reacted with annoyance and outright vulgarity at the assault but the droid had intimated that it would tighten her chains again if she choose to rest.

Jaina found that when she put her mouth to the water coming out at her that there was some soap in the mix. Not a pleasant feeling, but a lesson learned. She allowed the droid to wash her all over. Even so, much as having her get to her feet and spread her legs for it to spray the water over her still sore pussy and clit. The vindictive droid seemed to take great delight in spraying the hose of icy water directly at her pussy. Aiming it and coming closer and closer to her until Jaina was squirming in pain and shivering from the cold. It placed a hand on her shoulder and forced her to turn around. Exposing her ass to it. The droid bent her over at the waist and placed the hose close to her ass. The icy water hitting like a belt on her ass cheeks and rippling down her exposed and puckering asshole.

“Okay, enough of that!” Jaina declared. She placed her own hand over the droid’s, and though it was much stronger than she was she was, allowed Jaina to push herself around and face the droid again. Its cruel smile felt seemingly deeper and more knowing to her. 

“Regained your fight, I see,” Hilm’s voice announced his arrival back into the room.

Regarding him with a stern eye, Jaina didn’t want to look him in the eye but she knew not to do so would give him a sort of win over her. After her shameful display before him, she didn’t want to give him anymore of those. Locking eyes with him, she saw the smile once more and the yellow teeth. Jaina’s muscles tightened but as they did, so did her restraints. Forcing her back towards the wall and not quite off of her feet but onto her tiptoes.

Jaina broke eye contact with Hilm and looked to the droid who had moved to the control panel for her restraints. Its cruel smiling features looking over again. She wasn’t as tightly bound as before but tightly enough that she couldn’t do much of anything except sway on her toes. 

“I thought perhaps you would like some relief.” Hilm lingered on the word relief but even without the Force and the constant buzzing in the back of her mind, Jaina knew he didn’t mean anything too sexual.

The slaver produced a jar of bacta gel. Jaina was immediately reminded of her sore pussy and her outright aching nipples. Suddenly she wanted that gel very badly but she didn’t want him to know that. Though she knew he could guess.

“Can’t harm the merchandise,” Jaina said dryly. The laughter in response was cold and tinged with knowing.

“Oh, you very much can but you have to make sure that the merchandise can be repaired.” Hilm covered the last remaining steps between them and opened the gel.

Without any other words or any other prompting, the vile man reached into the gel and coated his fingers in it. The very same that had been used to fuck her not too long ago. Bacta gel was not cool to the touch, it was warm and when he applied it on her nipples to start Jaina had to stifle not just a moan of pleasure but one of pain as well. Not willing to give the man any more wins she simply looked away while he chuckled to himself.

Nipples became erect under his touch again but Jaina didn’t mind. It meant he could rub the gel in longer although it gave him a slight win to allow him to touch like this. She relished the relief more than anything. It wasn’t until he moved his hand down to her pussy that she realized she had made a mistake in allowing his touch too easily.

He cupped her pussy with his hand full of gel and rubbed it in. Her lips were swollen and she was sure her clit was red raw as it certainly felt that way. Every little movement hurt. When his fingers began to rub the gel in and take liberties with her clit by playing with it, Jaina tried to squirm away but the bonds held tight. The foul smelling breath of her captor just breathed out in laughter as he continued to rub in the relieving ointment.

“Stop it,” Jaina managed to say.

Hilm continued to rub the gel into her pussy. Even reaching up to rub more gel into her nipples. Taking great delight in the squirming captive around him and the lightly contained moans she was issuing from her lips. 

“Be silent, slave. Once this is done, you will be allowed more rest. Then your training will continue. We will most likely be at my training facility by then. So rest up slave. Soon, you will be entertaining me in many ways and meeting your owner. He very much looks forward to seeing you. Especially after seeing you hump yourself silly on my fingers.” Hilm laughed at that. 

Not allowing her any chance to retort he took his hands from her and moved back out of the room.. Leaving Jaina a giant mess of pain and pleasure. Hanging on her tiptoes. Without much thought, she had moved her hips upwards and out in order for him to have better access to her when he was rubbing and now with him gone she felt her hips move on their own accord. Trying to bring him back somehow to continue his touch.

“I am not a slave!” Jaina tried to shout out to Hilm. But he was well out of earshot by then.

“I am not a slave,” Jaina muttered to herself. Her pussy ached for more touching though and her nipples now much better still stood erect ready for pleasure.

“I am not a slave,” Jaina repeated to herself but only the droid could hear her.

Cold and uncomfortable, Jaina woke laying on the ground. Her wrists and ankles were still in the shackles. The wall behind her had the bar out but she had not been subjected to the vibrations again though. The droid had simply hefted her up on the bar and left her there for a couple of hours while Jaina drifted in and out of sleep. Her body shivered on the cold floor but the droid who had never left the room simply left her there. Pussy still ached and her nipples were still erect. Jaina hoped it was mainly because she was cold but her pussy throbbed with need. Many times, she had to stop herself from bringing a hand down there. Now completely aware that the room was being recorded and anything she did there would find its way to Hilm and to whoever had arranged to have her captured. 

“Don’t suppose I can get a blanket or something?” Jaina asked towards the droid.

The cruel expression on its face turned to her and regarded her for a moment. Jaina could see it computing the request before it moved away to the other side of the room. It went to a large metal cabinet and opened it. Inside, it pulled out a large blanket and again Jaina was surprised. Clearly the job of the droid was more than to torture her but also to make sure there was a relative level of comfort. 

“No need for that. We are dropping out of hyperspace soon. It won’t be long after that when we will arrive at the facility. Before then we have to make sure you are ready for transport” Hilm’s voice pierced the room as he entered. 

Jaina tried to at least get to a sitting position but she found her entire body frozen more than she had even thought. Shivering, she shuffled herself against the wall. To wait for him. There was energy within her she knew that much but she didn’t have the will at the moment. Her pussy throbbed and seemed to be taking all of her willpower to not touch it. Still so sensitive and needy even after being off of the bar for…… she wasn’t sure how much time had passed in all since her capture. Aching with need though, she brushed herself with her hand almost absent mindfully as she moved against the wall. Causing a beautiful rush of pleasure to ripple through her for an all to brief moment. 

The slaver looked towards her with those yellow teeth. Jaina cringed inside and pulled her arms around her as best as she could. Hilm moved off towards the droid. Saying something that Jaina didn’t quite catch. The pair of them then approached her. Jaina didn’t resist too much when they both removed her restraints around her wrists.

Free from the wall for the first time, Jaina tried to summon the strength to fight but the ache in her pussy and the cold in her body prevented her. Instead, she allowed them to place her hands behind her and fix a pair of cuffs on her. Binding them behind her. She sighed inwardly at her inability to even try to escape at the moment.

Her ankles were freed and a pair of shackles placed around them. With a connecting chain about three feet long she would be able to walk but that was about all. The droid then took a hold of her shoulders and pulled her upright. First to her feet and then off of them. Jaina dangled in the air while Hilm placed a piece of chain around her waist and with the excess he pulled it around centrally to the small of her back and down between her legs.

Threading it into her pussy, she moaned at the unwelcome and yet very welcome intrusion. The chain rubbed apart her pussy lips and found her exposed clit. Jaina couldn’t help but slightly hump herself against it while she still dangled in the air. Hilm brought the chain upwards and padlocked it off in front of her. Making sure it was tight enough that every jerk caused her some pain and some pleasure.

“OHHHHHH” Jaina moaned.

Placed back on the floor, Jaina looked at Hilm who had another piece of chain. This one was longer with a leather band at the end. He connected the chain end to the chain around her waist and with a pull he dug the chain that was through her pussy into her more and more. Causing her clit to rub against it time and time again.

“MMMMM” Jaina couldn’t help the moan coming out.

“You are going to follow me, aren't you slave?” Hilm asked, tugging on the rope to get her attention.

Jaina nodded her agreement. 

“You will always answer with Sir!” Hilm demanded. His hand reached out to cup her chin.

“Yes, Sir,” Jaina said right away. For whatever reason, she was unwilling to fight at the moment. The chain in her pussy was keeping her docile. 

Hilm snickered, taking the chain and pulling on it. Jaina was forced to walk behind him. The first time since coming aboard she was led out of the room. Back into the cargo bay and out into the small sitting area that was very much like her father’s Falcon. Walking nude and chained in that kind of place made her feel uneasy and very ashamed. A bright red blush came to her cheeks when she looked at the small table that could have been her father’s game table and thought of herself and others playing around it. Now she was nude in a similar space, getting pleasure from a chain separating her pussy lips.

Thankfully, it was small enough that they were out of that into the cockpit in no time. Cockpits were Jaina’s happy place. There was nothing she loved more than flying. Standing there with her hands cuffed behind her and the arousal beginning to spread through her from the chain she couldn't help but feel like she had desecrated something very important to her. The scene in front of her, however, managed to take her mind away from it.

Hanging in space before them was a lone asteroid. It was small in the window right now but Jaina could tell it was going to get real large pretty quickly. In her travels, Jaina had seen many asteroids used as bases. For the military to pirates to everything else in between. It was a favored method of making your own place if you had the time and the credits. As the asteroid came closer into view, she could tell it was hollowed out. There was a large hangar bay that was getting larger and larger as they approached. All around the asteroid were little view ports and other extensions of compartments that were obviously not naturally occurring in the asteroid.

Hilm tugged on the chain a little. Causing a slight moan from Jaina as it pushed through her pussy again.

“Welcome to your new home for the foreseeable future.” 

Hilm tugged again, bringing from behind him to his side. His hand reached out and gripped a breast. Jaina flinched but the droid loomed large behind her. Keeping her fixed in place. His fingers worked around her nipples that were still erect for whatever reason Jaina turned her head away but Hilm didn’t seem to care. He played with her with one hand while the droid made sure that Jaina didn’t shy away from him. The ship was locked on autopilot and being taken in by a tractor beam. There was no escape from arriving at the training facility just like there was no escape from the slaver’s hands.

His second hand now reached around and began to play with her clit as if she was nothing but a piece of meat. Again Jaina tried to step away from him but with the chain still in his hand even while he used that same hand to play with her clit he tugged and kept her there with her own moans. The chain digging through and his fingers working on her. He was an expert at teasing. Jaina’s breathing increase and sweat began to appear on her body. By the time the ship landed in the empty hanger, she was on the verge of an orgasm.

“Now your training really begins, slave,” Hilm declared. A finger running along the chain that ran in between her legs.

“I will not become a slave, Hilm. You will have to kill me,” Jaina replied with far more confidence in her voice than she felt. That finger along her lips and the other tracing around a nipple really inflamed her arousal. Making her truly doubt if she could hold out and not just give into the pleasure. 

The slaver answered with a chuckle as the ship settled into its landing perch. Only the sound of the ramp being lowered automatically to the floor and the rush of different recycled air overpowered the slaver’s snickering. 

“You are so stubborn. Four days you have been here. Everything must be hurting. You know I’ll keep you there until I get what I want. Now just suck the cock, slave,” Hilm’s voice was calm yet exasperated. 

Jaina had arrived on the station four days ago. After a forced march, which saw Hilm use the chain connected to her crotch chain to direct her everywhere, she had found herself here in the main belly of what Hilm referred to as his inner sanctum.

It wasn’t anything more than a dungeon, complete with everything you could ever think of being associated with that term and some other new things as well. Forced to stand facing a wall, her ankles pulled apart and shackled quite tightly to the floor. Her wrists and arms were pulled back behind her, and out from her body. Making her back arch and creating a V with her arms. They too were tightly shackled. Not allowing any movement.

The only movement she had was in her torso that was bent over but otherwise restrained by a chain collar that was locked around her throat and then chained to the wall in front of her. Just above the connection for the chain was a dildo that so closely resembled a cock that it actually secreted its own fluids. It could have been mistaken for one if it wasn’t just attached to a wall and the abnormal size in length and girth. The cock’s head was placed at Jaina’s mouth. Teasing her lips but no further. With the movement allowed, she could only rock her body back and forth. She could take the cock into her mouth and suck. Which would alleviate the persistent spanking from the hated cruel looking droid behind her. If she simply took the cock in her mouth and sucked, the droid would stop the spanking. Jaina had refused now for four days. Her will had been restored when she had come into the training room and she had fought like a demon when they had restrained her like this. 

Now, after four days, she was sweat soaked and dirty once more. There was no stopping. Not even allowed to sleep. An IV had been placed in her arm that fed her all the nutrients she needed to keep alive and for her other more intimate body functions the droid had taken care of and automated those as well. Four days of relentless torture that had pushed Jaina into a haze of pain. There was no pleasure at the moment and not even a hint of any to come. So in her mind why would she take that fake cock into her mouth when there was nothing more to be gained than a respite from the spanking? She had outright refused verbally for three days but today she had simply remained silent. Hilm for his part seemed more amused than annoyed as he spoke to her. Jaina hated that about the disgusting slaver. He seemed to have seen so much and dealt with so much that no matter what she did or didn’t do, he had an answer for it all. 

“Sigh………. You don’t take that cock into your mouth within the next three minutes. I am instructing my friend back there to stop the spanking,” Hilm told her. Jaina’s ears perked up at the mention of it being stopped but she knew immediately that simply meant another torture would start.

Hilm was out of her eyesight for a moment before he returned. He held a whip in his hand. Long and braided with barbs all along the whip. It was black and sleek and looked absolutely vicious to Jaina. 

“He will then start to use this” Hilm told her as if she hadn’t already pieced that together. Jaina sighed inwardly. She knew that would hurt beyond anything she had experienced under his watch so far but she refused to comment.

“Oh, it does this too.” 

Hilm pushed the whip in his hand under her head so she was looking down on it. He seemed to do something and the whip came alive with electricity. It snapped and crackled below her. Just being so close to it Jaina could feel the hair on her head standing up. A Jedi knows no fear but in that moment she felt it. Almost scared enough to break her own promise to herself right there and then to speak and to take that cock in her mouth, but she refused. Fighting the inner struggle all in her mind. 

“Have it your way then” Hilm seemed disappointed but Jaina didn’t care. Her body was already tensing for the oncoming assault. 

The sound of the buzzing and crackling came to her ears from behind her after a couple of minutes. Jaina cringed, gritting her teeth for the first strike. 

“Last chance slave. Open your mouth and take that cock in right now,” Hilm ordered. Jaina stubbornly refused to answer.

A giant sigh from behind her let her know that Hilm had expected the very answer he had gotten. So experienced in the art of breaking and training slaves he didn’t seem at all concerned in his words. Electricity flowed through the whip behind her. There was a very real terror Jaina felt when she heard the crackling of it along the floor. A faint blue hue could be seen as well from where her head hung. Jaina tensed herself again. Feeling the air change as the whip moved through it. It struck the floor right beside and below her head. The electricity flowing around it causing an almost ripple in the steel that was the floor. Jaina’s terror edged up at that look and the sound it had made.

“I have only ever had to use the whip twice before in all my years of training. They both broke after three strikes and took that cock in. You are strong and willful but do you honestly think you can withstand even five minutes of a whipping” Hilm explained to her. His voice once more showing no signs that he expected anything less than Jaina eventually taking that cock in her mouth.

Her eyes drifted along the over sized length of the cock and the girth. Taking that thing into her mouth would require her to open her mouth much wider than she felt was natural. Its simulated natural secretions also looked unappetizing but at least there was something to suck she thought to herself. The whip landed again on the floor below her. Jaina winced at the look. Again the steel floor seemingly rippled under the whip at the impact. All along where the barbs hit. Jaina winced once more and refused to say anything.

Electricity seemed to cut through the air as it wailed around her. Finally, after what seemed like ages of waiting and being terrified, the whip struck home. First hitting at the small of her back and arching along her butt cheeks down a leg the whip lashed her with the bars and the electricity.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina screamed out. The pain was intense and seemed to radiate through her body.

Another strike to her rear end. This time landing squarely on her butt cheek and rippling underneath to her pussy.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed again. The electricity coursing through her body from her pussy to her ass. 

Hilm didn’t wait, Jaina didn’t even have a good way to measure pain beyond her own screams. The whip landed again for the third strike that had broken many. This time, it lashed against her inner thighs. The pain was so intense she nearly collapsed under it.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She couldn’t help but cry in front of him. The pain was so intense. Her eyes were full of tears but she looked at the dildo. For a moment she opened her mouth and moved towards it but she stopped herself. Refusing to do it.

The whip landed for a fourth and unprecedented time as Hilm watched in slight amusement and awe at the will shown by the Jedi slave. His smirk never leaving his face with each hit and her screams of anguish followed by her crying. It was music to his ears. Lashes five through eight were administrated quicker by his assistant droid. Its strength and accuracy beyond anything he had far better suited to these sorts of tasks.

Jaina’s weeping did little to dissuade the assault on her. She had lost count after six lashes. With each strike to her backside, she simply lurched in pain. Chained arms and wrists spread behind her the only thing keeping her upright. 

Her mouth opened with tears running down the side of her face. Jaina took the cock into her mouth. The dildo had hung there in front of her for more than four hours after the first whippings had started. The droid had barely stopped whipping her in all that time. Her body was just one mass of pain that Jaina could no longer bear. The secretions of the dildo actually had no taste and gave her mouth some moisture, which she was grateful for since she had none of her own after all her screaming and crying. She simply had opened her mouth and taken a little of the head into her mouth. Not even enveloping it all but it had been enough for Hilm to halt the whipping. Now the slaver stood next to her. The smile had never left his lips. Watching with a critical eye as she took the over sized cock in.

“That’s it slave. Open wider now. Make sure you can at least get the head into that slave mouth of yours for the first time,” Hilm commanded.

Jaina’s tear-stained face looked at him with pleading in her eyes but she found nothing in response but a cruel look. Stretching her mouth further, she took the cock further in. Gagging on it almost immediately, she managed to get the widest part of the dildo’s head into her mouth before she could do no more.

“Very good. Breath in through your nose and out. Steady your breathing if you can after all those whippings,” Hilm commanded but the commands seemed like good suggestions. Jaina tried her best to calm herself and to focus on her breathing. She was still absolutely racked with pain though and focusing on anything, but that was proving too difficult at the moment. 

Hilm moved out of her vision for a moment. She felt him nearby though, his hands reaching out and gripping her waist and rubbing along her hips.

“Truly remarkable how long you withstood the whipping slave. I bet though you’ll do anything right now to avoid any more,” Hilm laughed at her.

Jaina wanted to confirm that she would indeed do anything but she didn’t want to know what he meant by anything. Thankful that the dildo in her mouth kept her quiet enough to not have to answer. The snickering chuckle she heard from behind her didn’t exactly fill her with confidence either but she didn’t dare take her mouth off of the dildo to see. Instead, she felt something pressing against her pussy. It felt fleshy for a moment like Hilm’s hand but then it became smoother and much more synthetic feeling. Her mouth worked a little further along the over sized cock but she was still having trouble breathing. Even more so a moment later when that feeling on her pussy began to pulse and vibrate. Sending waves of pleasure through her. The waves of pleasure seemed to surf the waves of pain that still rippled through her. Surrendering herself to the feeling, Jaina moaned.


“A reward for you, slave. Rewards are always given to slaves who obey,” Hilm whispered into her ear.

Jaina heard it and something in her mind clicked but she didn’t know what it was. All she could feel was the glorious rush of the pleasure that seemed to soothe the pain but not take it away.

“MMMMMMMM” was all Jaina could say but even with the dildo in her mouth it would have been all she could say. Her brain was barely functioning enough to process anything more than do as told and get rewarded at the moment. Stay away from the whip was also the most prevailing thought in her head as well.

“Obedience brings pleasure,” Hilm whispered into her ear.

Jaina’s mind took the words and let them repeat over and over. Her pussy was aching, coming so close to an orgasm she wiggled her hips a little. Trying to get the vibe in a better position on her clit. Jaina loved the feeling. The pleasure and the pain together were unlike anything she could think of. She was elated by it. Almost drunk within the power.

“Obedience brings pleasure,” Hilm whispered it again in her ear.

The words kept repeating over and over in her mind. Together with her pussy and her mouth now inching further along the dildo she felt the pleasure more and more. Not even flinching when she felt his hands move under her and grip her breasts. He began to play with her nipples, which were constantly erect now since her capture. Through the haze of the pleasure and pain, Jaina could admit to herself once more that the slaver and vile man certainly knew how to play with a woman. His actions on her nipples increasing her already overloaded arousal. 

“Obedience brings pleasure,” Hilm whispered again in her ear.

Jaina’s only reply was her moans. The orgasm that was building within her was one that she was sure was going to take what remained of her pride, will, and energy. The worst part was as aware of that as she was, and Jaina was also aware that she didn’t care. After so long under the whip, she had decided she deserved the pleasure. 

“MMMMMM!!!” Jaina moaned. 

The barriers broke and the orgasm ripped through her. Her body as much as she could in her restraints spasmed with the torrent of pleasure that cascaded through her. 

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” It was the only sound she could make with her lips wrapped around the dildo while the orgasm overtook her.

“Obedience brings pleasure,” Hilm whispered again into her ear.

There was no control over her body. The pleasure, the orgasm surfed through her. It ruled her for a good few minutes. Awash in it, she let it control her. Her moaning and her body was simply a conduit for it. Sweat and tears mixed and fell to the floor. Hilm continued to play with her nipples even as she thrashed about. No room for shame in her mind. The pleasure washing all of that away. Washing away as well as the last of her energy.

Jaina collapsed as much as she could in her bounds. Threatening to dislocate both of her shoulders. Hilm positioned right by her chest with his hands well-placed on her breasts to help take her weight. The droid behind her acted quickly as well to support her.

“MMMMMM” moaned Jaina. It was all Jaina could say. Her eyes were barely open.

Hilm gently pushed her back from the dildo. Her mouth popped off of the dildo as he did so.

“Obedience is pleasure,” Hilm repeated again to her.

It registered in her mind but only barely. With her mouth free she knew she could talk but there was nothing to say. Her eyes closed and sleep overtook her in moments. Her body was supported by the trainer and his droid.

End Chapter 3

Jaina woke in a cell. It was a large cell but there was no mistaking the bars all around her. About ten feet by twelve feet. There was enough room for a bed that was quite comfortable, if only dressed in a fitted sheet, one pillow and a comforter.

In one corner of the cell, there was a small shower stall. Calling it a stall was being optimistic. It was simply a water pipe coming up from the floor to a shower head hung over a basin that was completely open to the rest of the cell. Around the basin was a grate that looked like it had a fan underneath it. Everywhere else in the cell, the floor was polished rock. Asteroid rock that had been polished to a shine and smoothed to such a degree that the shine would remain for a long time.

Next to the shower was a toilet. Again, everything was open to the cell itself. Three sides of the cell were facing rock but it was still enclosed by the bars. Outside of the cell, she could see a small hallway that led to a door on the side to her right and to her left it led to a dead end with a set of what appeared to be storage lockers. Looking around, she found that she had been washed and certainly had a bit of a bacta treatment since her whipping. No telling how long she had been out but she felt restored.

Except for the constant itch in her pussy while her nipples were still erect. Even though it was not cold in the cell. If she had to admit to it, if asked right now to suck that dildo or endure the whipping again, Jaina would suck the dildo gladly. Her pussy twitched a little at the thought and she had to stop herself from going further down that line of thinking.

“At least I didn’t wake up with anything stuffed inside me like a freaking toy,” Jaina said to herself. 

There wasn’t much more to see in the cell. There was a cabinet full of sex toys and some lingerie that Jaina closed pretty quickly. Especially when her pussy twitched at the sight of a vibrating dildo. A couple of pulls on the bars let her know everything was solid. The rock on the three sides was far enough away that she could not touch it through the bars. There was nothing beyond the sex toys that could be used as a weapon. She smiled at the thought of welding a dildo like a lightsaber for a moment and then flopped herself on her comfortable bed.

“Captured and tortured, made to cum like a whore and my pussy still aches for more. What the Sith is wrong with me?” Jaina exclaimed to herself. Holding her hands over her face.

One hand reached down. Her nude body was not sweating like it seemed to have been doing since her capture. Her skin was softer than she had ever really noticed and there was a luster to it as well. She didn’t mind all of that. Running her hand over her somewhat wild pubic hair, she still cringed a little about that. Her fingers reached out for her pussy. Just lightly teasing herself while she stared through her hand up at the rock ceiling. 

“Pampered like a first class wife too. So weird, there’s something hot about all of it,” Jaina mused to herself again. Her finger slightly flicked her clit. Being rewarded with a wave of pleasure through her body.

She lay on the bed for an hour or so before she heard the door to the hallway open. Getting off of the bed, she walked casually to the front of the cell. Arriving just as Hilm came into view. Flanked as always by his droid assistant. 

“Look at you. Energized, refreshed and not a scratch on you. You have to admit I take care of the property in my care,” Hilm taunted.

Jaina smiled but said nothing. Simply nodding her thanks at the very least for the bacta that had to have been used on her back, butt and legs after the whipping. She did catch the droid behind Hilm brandishing the whip and she had to admit the rush of fear that came to her mind was shameful. As well as the rush of pleasure she felt as well. Hilm caught her looking at the whip and smiled.

“I think we should reach a bit of an agreement today,” Hilm suggested. His yellow teeth smiling.

“The only agreement I will make with you is you releasing me,” Jaina said defiantly. 

The slaver chuckled and shook his head. Cruelty playing over his features. Looking into her cell as if he owned her. Jaina had to admit, at that moment he kind of did. There was no way for her to break out yet and the mere thought of that whip on her backside again was enough for her to agree to suck that dildo right away.

“I am afraid that will never be on the table, slave. You are nothing but a piece of property now. Surely some part of you realizes this after the time we have already spent together. I know your pussy does at the very least,” Hilm laughed. The slaver pointed at Jaina’s private region. To her own horror she noted that her pussy was wet and even had a drip or two running down her inner thigh. 

Her silence was met with laughter by Hilm. All she could do was turn her head from him. Unwilling to meet his gaze.

“Don’t be ashamed, slave. It’s natural for slaves to remain ready for their Masters and you already know that obedience brings pleasure,” Hilm taunted her again.

There were many things she wanted to say but she couldn’t find her voice. Instead she moved away from the front of the cell towards her bed.

“Do you wish to experience the whip again slave?” Hilm’s tone had changed from taunting and almost jovial to cruel in moments.

It forced Jaina to look at him. Behind him, the droid brandished the whip again. Jaina shivered and shook her head.

“Then you will come forward towards me slave and stay there until you are told you can move,” Hilm commanded her. 

Jaina thought for only a brief moment to ignore the order but she shivered again as the memory of the pain of the whip saturated her mind. She went back to the front of the cell and stood. Her eyes downcast at her humiliation and shame.

“Better. The agreement we will make today is that you do not wish to be under the whip again yes?” Hilm asked.

“Yes,” Jaina answered simply.

“That’s ‘Yes Sir’, slave. From now on, if you miss saying Sir at appropriate times, you will be punished. Understood?” Hilm reprimanded her.

Jaina felt small under his glare and his cruel tone but she didn’t want that whip anywhere near her. She nodded her affirmation at his command.

“Yes Sir,” Jaina answered.

“Good, that is a part of the agreement we will make today. You will agree to do as you are told and I will not use that whip on you unless you are in need of punishment,” Hilm declared.

Jaina looked at the cruel smile. Knowing that he wanted her participation in her own slavery but she was not willing to give him that at the moment. Except the presence of that whip was enough for her to pause.

“If you think I am going to agree to just lay down and let you abuse me without looking for ways to escape your crazy,” Jaina replied with venom.

“You miss understand. I want you to try and escape especially because the longer you are being trained, the less likely you are going to want to escape. No, I simply want you to agree that unless you are escaping. You will do as I say,” Hilm replied.

“That sounds stupid,” Jaina exclaimed. 

“HAHAHA, it does for sure but I trust that Jedis keep their word. Or would you prefer another couple of days under the tutelage of my droid and its favourite whip?” Hilm gestured towards the droid who continued to brandish the whip. 

“So let me get this straight. I’ll obey your orders but if I see an opportunity to escape, I can go for it,” Jaina surmised.

“Exactly,” Hilm said.

“How is that any different from me playing along, anyway?” Jaina asked, exhausted by the whole thing already.

“It’s not but we will both know it,” Hilm chuckled.

Jaina shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head.

“Fine, I’ll obey your commands until I see a chance to escape,” Jaina replied.

“Marvelous. Now in the spirit of that, I think a demonstration is required of your new found obedience,” Hilm remarked. 

“Demonstration?” Jaina asked. Doubt clouding her mind.

“Yes, I think you should stand with your feet apart, in line with your shoulders. Elbows out to your sides with your hands clasped behind your head. It’s a simple submissive pose all owners will request from their slaves so you must learn it now,” Hilm explained to her. 

For a long, hard minute Jaina looked at him. Wondering if she should disobey. Eyes kept flickering to the whip though and finally she sighed outwardly and nodded her head.

“Yes Sir,” Jaina acknowledged the command. 

She was already a couple of feet back from the cell bars. Figuring that was okay and that he didn’t want her closer. Presumably he would have told her she thought. She spread her feet wide. Placing them about shoulder length apart. Now intimately aware that she had been nude this entire time. A rising sense of embarrassment came to her mind at that thought. Her elbows went out to her sides and her hands came back and interlocked behind her head. Besides the feet being apart, it was a pretty standard position for someone who had been captured.

She found with her legs apart and her hands behind her head that her more feminine features were on display. Her breasts thrust out further than normal. Her constantly erect nipples sticking even further out. The spread of her legs and thighs meant her pussy lips were clearly visible even underneath the wildness that was her pubic hair at the moment. That sense of shame came back to her. Fighting to resist the blush to form on her cheeks, she looked away for a moment before she looked straight ahead.

“Excellent slave, Those feet should be just a little more apart…….. yes just like that. Make sure those elbows are straight out and back. Have to really make sure that chest is visible don’t we slave?” Hilm taunted and corrected her.

The captured Jedi remained silent but kept her eyes straight. She didn’t know much but she could sense that was also a requirement of this position.

“This position is called display. It’s personally one of my favorites and I know it is many peoples. So make sure you learn it quick slave,” Hilm advised. 

Jaina didn’t answer. Instead she kept her face looking forward. Staring at but pass Hilm. He didn’t seem to mind though, as his smile kept getting wider and wider.

“Stay like that until you are ordered to relax,” Hilm commanded.

Staying silent, Jaina watched as Hilm’s face got a bit of a crueler look on it as he waited for her to answer.

“Always acknowledge an order slave,” Hilm explained.

Her mind raced. Was she going to be punished with the whip for something she didn’t even know about?

“Sorry Sir…. I didn’t know.” Jaina hated the way her voice stammered and pleaded but her eyes flickered to the whip and she had no choice.

Hilm’s answering chuckle was both cruel and relieving.

“I will let it slide for now slave,” Hilm explained to her.

A breath she didn’t know she had been holding blew out of her lungs and Jaina felt relief.

“Thank you, Sir.” Again hating herself for how she felt and sounded.

Hilm snickered and turned away from the cell. 

“Maintain your position until I return,” Hilm demanded.

The slaver didn’t give her a chance to respond. He had already begun to walk out of the area. Jaina stared ahead at the rock face that was the hallway before her outside the cell. Keeping her elbows out to the side and her hands interlocked on the back of her head. The position wasn’t altogether uncomfortable but like anything after a while she knew it would become very uncomfortable. Her feet weren’t too far apart to cause too much trouble but again she knew it would only be a matter of time. A large part of her simply said to herself to not care. To break the position and do something else. It was very tempting but the pain and thought of the whip was still far to fresh in her mind. She had agreed to obey for now and so she would. 

Legs ached and her arms felt like they weighed a ton. Jaina still stood in the cell. Her feet were shoulder-length apart and her hands were on her head with elbows out. Jaina hadn’t been counting minutes because she had figured Hilm would have her there alone in the position for mere minutes but it felt like it had been hours. Her entire body ached.

Normally she would be able to refresh herself with the Force but the buzzing in her mind was still there. She was in outstanding shape physically though but even her body was not used to standing in such a way. Things hurt in places that she hadn’t even known could hurt before. Every other moment she had to battle with herself to stop herself from breaking the position. Worst of all, the position and the fact that she was continuing to be endure was making her hot. Her pussy ached more than the rest of her body and it was certainly not a physical ache. She was wet, hoping beyond hope that the fluid she felt running down her thigh was sweat like on the rest of her body and not her own arousal spilling over. 

A sound from just around the cell bars let her know that Hilm was returning. The door swung open and soon Hilm was arriving. Behind him as always was his assistant droid but behind that there was someone new. Jaina hadn’t thought there was anyone other then the two of them and the droids in the asteroid facility. This man stood regarding her for a good, long time. The leer on his face and the way he looked her over made her feel like nothing but a piece of meat.

He was dressed in a beautiful blue suit with white shoes and a red tie. Jaina looked at him and thought that she knew him from somewhere but at the moment in her pained and aroused state she could not place him in her memory. Hilm opened the cell door and the two of them and the droid walked in. The man seemed to be like a caged animal. As soon as the cell door was unlocked he was through. Striding to her in mere moments. His eyes never leaving her body. He stopped in front of her and smiled. It was mirthless and full of hidden delights in her situation but it was that smile. The mirthless and the quirk of his upper lip that brought the memory to her.

“Do you know who this is, slave?” Hilm asked. He had come to a stop next to the man. His cruel smile playing over his own face.

Keeping her eyes locked ahead which meant she was staring right into the newcomer Jaina nodded her head.

“Grayden Minsk, probably the galaxy’s most wealthy person. Also one of the galaxy’s most notorious sleazebags.” Jaina couldn’t help herself. The man was looking her over like an appraisal. It was then that she put two and two together. Before it barely coalesced in her mind, Hilm was saying it aloud.

“Ha and your new owner slave,” Hilm confirmed.

It took a lot of effort but Jaina refused to be baited and knew that Hilm was looking for either an excuse to punish her in front of his client or to show that she obeyed. Her fear of the whip made sure that she would rather obey. Instead she looked ahead, into the eyes of one of the most notorious playboys and sleazes the galaxy had ever known.

The military, government and civil law enforcement agencies all over the galaxy had been trying to uncover his dealings in some of the more explicit underground markets for some time. He always came away with nothing but a slap on the wrist but Jaina and all the others knew. The man was a sleaze. It wasn’t the first time they had met either. When Jaina was barely a teen she had been at a formal party with her mother when the man had approached her mother and asked quite brazenly how much it would be for a rare painting her mother had just purchased and was having shipped in from another planet. Her mother had declined his offer and soon enough the ship was ambushed by pirates and the painting stolen. Nothing to link the two of course but everyone knew. 

Now the man stood in front of her and Jaina was all too aware of her position. Not just literally, but also figuratively. Her body was more than exposed; she was also exposed to his outright criminality. He would never allow her to escape now. Despite it all playing out in her mind in less than a couple of seconds, Jaina sighed inwardly. With that sigh came awareness that her pussy still ached and now more so seemed to be throbbing at the thought of never escaping. Jaina would have shaken her head if not for the presence of the two in her cell.

“What do you have to say, slave?” Hilm asked.

Grayden was silent as his eyes still scanned Jaina’s body. There was a barely contained lust in him. That animal that had stalked into the cage was itching to be used but Jaina could see the restraint on the man and knew this was someone who did not easily succumb to temptation. 

“I’ll say you both can believe that all you want but as soon as I get the chance I am out of here,” Jaina replied. The sinking feeling in her stomach seemingly impossibly arousing her more. 

The answering chuckle from Hilm did nothing to irritate Jaina. The look on the face of Grayden though certainly did. He simply smiled and continued to take in her body. Now going so far as to step around her. Taking in her rear end. Jaina was very aware of how her buttocks must be framed behind her in this position. There was nothing she could do though.

When Grayden’s hand reached out behind her and gripped her ass, Jaina nearly jumped in the air and rounded on him. At the distance the two were she could easily subdue either but the droid was another matter entirely. Instead, she kept her position and allowed him to squeeze her behind. 

“Her ass is excellent. Muscled, well defined and yet fleshy and round. It’s as glorious as her tits. I would like a better look at her cunt once she is shaved.” Grayden talked behind her as if she wasn’t there. His hands now freely roamed her body though with always one on her ass.

“You chose well but we must continue her training or she will cause all sorts of problems.” Hilm also talked as if Jaina was not standing there.

Grayden’s hands finally left her behind. The man came around to her and looked her in the eyes once more. 

“She won’t give too much trouble. She’s a wet dripping slut already,” Grayden taunted Jaina.

There was a rush of blood to her head and her shame burned brightly. For a brief moment, her hands interlocked behind her head came loose but they were back in place quickly when she caught sight of the droid and the whip it still brandished. 

“Just the thought of being obedient gives you pleasure doesn’t it slave?” Grayden teased her. His face getting to be mere inches from her own.

“I am going to use you in so many ways. You will be begging and pleading to cum all day every day slave,” Grayden whispered into her ear. 

The heat that was in her pussy was spreading throughout her entire body. Jaina had never really hated herself before but she did right then and there. She hated that his words did inflame her. Making so wet with arousal that she didn’t trust herself to say anything. 

“Move yourself forward, slave. Place your breast in my hand,” Grayden demanded. 

The man held his left hand out with his palm upwards. Only a couple of feet away from Jaina but enough that she would have to somewhat break her position to do so. A quick glance to Hilm and a confirmation nod told her she had permission to move but she wasn’t sure she wanted to give in any more. Even with her pussy on fire there were only so many humiliations she could bear. Another glance at Hilm who seemed to catch her hesitation but all he did was give her a tight little smile. Almost daring her to disobey. Disobedience didn’t bring pleasure and pleasure would feel so good.

Jaina stepped forward. Mindful to keep her hands interlocked behind her head and her elbows out she shuffled forward. Her eyes locked on Grayden’s hand. The smile he had on his face was barely visible as she looked on. Shuffling forward she placed her right breast with her painfully erect and sensitive nipple on his hand. The despicable man immediately began to grope her. His upward palm closing somewhat around her breast.

“Soft tits too. Heavier than expected for their size. She is not well endowed but she is not small either. I am not sure if I will leave them the same or augment them,” Grayden again appraised her like a piece of meat. 

His thumb ran over her nipple and Jaina visibly shuttered in pleasure.

“Very sensitive. Is she naturally sensitive there or is she still sensitive from her treatment before?” Grayden mused. Hilm didn’t answer and Jaina kept her eyes straight forward and her body in position. 

He continued to play with her breast for another few minutes before he released it. To add more humiliation to her, he stepped back and presented his right hand palm upwards in the same manner he had done with the other. Jaina didn’t wait. Sighing inwardly, she moved forward the couple of steps in a shuffle and placed her left breast on his palm.

“It’s the fear of the whip keeping her obedient right now but that pleasure center will take over soon enough,” Hilm remarked from her side.

Jaina wanted to say something. To contradict him, to tell him how wrong he was but she couldn't without a lie. 

“Oh, she will learn to love my attention,” Grayden teased her.

His hand groped her and played with her nipple. Jaina had to suppress a couple of moans but when his other hand reached down and cupped her pussy. Trailing a finger along her lips that she couldn’t help it.

“OOOOOOOOOO!!!” Jaina’s moan started as a low rumble in her heart and then it escalated. Her eyes closing and her moans getting louder. Grayden’s hand cupped her pussy, a finger beginning to push into her. 

“OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Jaina moaned again. 

“She is like a freaking waterfall, she is so wet!” Grayden declared. Passion and amusement at her humiliation in his tone.

His finger was joined by another. Two fingers pushed into her. It wasn’t the first time Jaina had been penetrated this way while in their care of her captors but standing as she did right now with her hands behind her head and her breast cupped by one hand and the other hand inside of her. Her arousal was going through the roof. Moaning through all of it, Jaina was losing her ability to fight her body. 

“Fuck yourself, slave,” Grayden commanded. His lips were not even an inch from her ear.

There was no hesitation in Jaina. Her hips started to rock as much as she could while still trying to maintain her position. Her moaning was only getting louder. His fingers didn’t move but Jaina moved around them. Up and down she fucked herself using what energy she had in her body to make sure she could bring herself to orgasm. Grayden’s fingers moved back and forth a little inside of her. Jaina moved with all of her might. Fucking herself without shame.

“OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Jaina moaned. 

“That’s it slave fuck your owner’s fingers,” Grayden ordered.

Too in need to cum she didn’t hesitate again. Fucking his fingers. Up and down, she moved her hips. Trying her best to orgasm as soon as possible. 

“You can cum. All you have to do is tell me what you are,” Grayden demanded of her. He moved his fingers slightly inside of her. A knuckle just brushing her exposed clit causing her to moan in ecstasy.

“NOOOOO!!!” Jaina moaned out. Knowing instinctively what he wanted in that statement but she couldn’t say it. 

“Obedience brings pleasure, slave. Admit what you are. Admit you are nothing but property. You are my property,” Grayden demanded. 

Jaina moaned in despair and pleasure. Her mind and her body couldn’t take much more.

“NOOOOO!!!!” she screamed again. His fingers working ruthlessly inside of her and she continued to fuck them with her own power.

“Admit it slave!!” Grayden demanded again.

Her mind was nothing but passion. Nothing but the burning need to orgasm but it would not come. For whatever reason, she could not cum until she had been told she was allowed. This realization sparked terror within her. Her body thrashing around his fingers and hand. Still though, she fucked those same fingers. Trying desperately to find that bliss without giving in. 

“I am……..!!!” Jaina called out. Tears streaming down her face and still she kept her hands locked behind her head with her elbows out. Still she maintained her breast in the man’s hand while she fucked his other hand’s fingers. 

“You are what slave?!!” Grayden demanded the answer he wanted. Knowing as she did that the words spoken aloud would break her as surely as anything else in the galaxy.

Hilm watched from the side. Amusement playing over his features as he watched the notorious man with his new piece of property. Knowing he was going to break her and appreciating as only a man who had trained his many share of slaves just how good Grayden was at breaking this Jedi. 

“I am a……….. JEDI!!!” Jaina screamed out. The orgasm that was always on the edge of her consciousness vanished. His fingers still worked magically within her and her hips worked up and down on their own accord without her even realizing it.

What she did realize though was somehow, someway the buzzing int eh back of her mind had stopped. She could the Force around her again. She felt its presence like an old friend and with it she exploded with newfound energy. IT rushed into her. Revitalizing her body. Her mind was a different story. It rebelled at her own rebellion, wanting desperately to obey in order to get that sweet release but when the Force came back to her. Instinct kicked in. Somersaulting off of his hands behind her, she landed further into the cell. Still very much nude, but the energy and the will shined out from her eyes. Hilm and Grayden didn’t even notice she had separated herself before her senses were reaching out. She found an old familiar presence nearby and called to it.

The lightsaber blew out of a side compartment on the droid assistant. Sending the droid reeling away from them all by the sheer force of the lightsaber bursting from its inside. It landed in Jaina’s hands. A moment later, the snap-hiss brought her beautiful violet blade out. Aimed at her, two would be enslavers.

“I am a Jedi! Not some sex slave. Now I suggest you part and allow me to leave. I may be merciful and simply leave you both here alone.” Jaina’s confidence was back but it was shaky. Her pussy still ached with need and her body wanted to obey for that pleasure more than anything. It was only her instinct and her will keeping her upright.

The two men looked at her with such expressions of fear and dumbfoundedness that Jaina had to give them a few moments to collect themselves.

“How did you override the neural inhibitor?” Hilm demanded to know.

Jaina shrugged her shoulder and pointed the blade at him.

“You said it was based on research the Vong did during the war. You forget, that research was done on a very close friend of mine and each time they thought they had mapped all the areas where the Force emerged in the mind. The mind would find other ways. My bet is my mind just found another way. The Force is alive and around us all. It is life and life finds a way,” Jaina explained. She really didn’t know if that was the truth but she knew it was true what she said and it was as good an explanation as she could think of at the moment.

“Force or no force…. You're a slut….. a natural slave…. Look at you…. You're wet even now and it’s taking everything you have to even point that thing at us. Do yourself the favor. Switch that thing off, admit what you are and kneel. I will not discipline you for this outburst,” Grayden actually took a step forward.

Jaina had to admit her body wanted to do just that. It wanted to kneel. There was something in her now that knew she would never experience the pleasure she had gotten from these two ever again. The pleasure of being owned and controlled. It was addicting and somehow freeing. The temptation was large and so much that she faltered a little.

This gave the droid a moment to act but Jaina was aware of the droid's acts now and when she acted on instinct — there was no better fighter in the order than her…. except perhaps her uncle. She dodged the droid’s attack and swiped. Three of its appendages exploded from it in a shower of sparks. The cruel look on its face seemed to soften for a bit before it hit the ground and though it still was functional, it was out of the fight for now. 

“My droid!!” Hilm yelled. He tried to rush her but Jaina, again acting on instinct, flicked her eyes and a rush of the Force propelled the man away from her and Grayden. He hit the floor in front of his droid with a thud. Unconscious but out of the fight.

“Only my would-be Master left” Jaina aimed the blade at him with more menace now. The confidence was beginning to falter as the heat in her body urged her to obey.

“Your body knows it’s Master. It did the moment I arrived. Your mind does too, it’s only your stubborn will….. all that stubbornness taught into you. You think being my slave makes you less? It makes you more, it makes you fulfilled,” Grayden said to her. Not backing down from her. 

Her body knew it all and so did her mind. Her pussy still ached and still needed to cum but she aimed her blade at him nonetheless. Needing to escape more than anything. 

“You will be nothing but happy in my chains, slave. You will know no need except to please me,” Grayden told her. 

Jaina faltered, the lightsaber falling a little. No longer aimed at him it was still on though and hummed. Her pussy ached and his words hit her in ways she had never thought of before. All she wanted to do was to feel that pleasure. 

“Switch off that lightsaber and throw it on the ground. Accept your place,” Grayden demanded of her.

Will faltering, she switched it off and the very act gave her waves of pleasure through her. Throwing to the ground gave her even more pleasure. Jaina moaned aloud but she locked eyes. Her will still refusing.

“Now kneel and tell me what you are,” Grayden commanded. 

Her knees gave out anyway. She dropped to the floor and felt her entire life fall away from her. All of her expectations and all the wants and needs she had had. Now as she fell, she looked at her own body. Sweaty with desire, there was nothing more she wanted then to simply obey.

Getting to her knees she looked up at Grayden. His face was serious, showing no sign of the obvious pleasure he would feel.

“Say it slave,” Grayden commanded once more.

Jaina looked down a the rocky floor. Tears forming in her eyes. Tears of shame, guilt and happiness all at the same time. Never before had she felt so conflicted and yet felt so right.

“I am a piece of property,” Jaina admitted finally to him.

He crossed the last bit of space between them. Just as Hilm was regaining his consciousness. Grayden picked up her lightsaber and placed it on his belt. His hand reached out, placing it under her face as she stared at the ground. 

“Whose piece of property are you?” Grayden asked.

The tears still fell from her eyes but she didn’t hesitate to answer.

“I am your piece of property,” Jaina tearfully said.

“Kiss my hand and call me Master,” Grayden commanded.

His hand was in her own as she brought it to her lips. A kiss was placed on the top of his hand.

“You are my Master,” Jaina declared. 

Hilm chuckled behind them all while Grayden allowed a smile to come to his lips. Jaina couldn’t help herself. The pleasure that coursed through her body had no outlet. She could not cum without someone’s approval anymore and she had no idea why. It was as if her body had made the choice for her. That it was no longer her own. 

It had been a week since her submission to Grayden. Her Master had kept her at the training facility with Hilm and himself while they worked on her. Jaina had done everything willingly enough and had been rewarded with many orgasms. All of which was beyond anything she had ever had before. Every time she knew without a shadow of a doubt that obedience did indeed bring pleasure. Still, there was some disobedience in her. She may have called him Master and told him that she was his property but they all know it was a fragile thing at the moment. Though she would admit with each orgasm, the walls broke a little more and she did become more and more his slave.

Lying in her cell on her bed, Jaina looked around. She was nude as always now, with leather restraints around her ankles and wrists though they were currently not attached to anything. The leather felt soft and warm against her skin while the rest of her body was cool. The Force was back with her. Hilm had not put another neural implant in her after it had been discovered that she had fried the other one somehow. Hilm wanted to research but Grayden had said no. He wanted her to submit with her power. He had gotten his way too, for the most part. Jaina knew it would be child's play to bend the bars of the cell with the Force and escape. She also could sense her lightsaber. It wasn’t near the cell at the moment and they no longer kept it in the repaired droid but it was somewhere on the asteroid training center and she could find it easily enough.

In the week since her initial submission, she had learned a bit about the facility she was held in. It really was just Hilm and his droid assistant as well as an assortment of other droids. Everything from mouse droids to one large cargo lifting droid that Jaina had spotted in a mostly empty cargo hold. Escape would be so easy she thought. She knew the layout of the entire facility now and knew the best ways to the hanger. She also knew there were three ships in the hangar bay. Hilm’s, which she had arrived on. Grayden’s, which was a large space yacht that looked to have been outfitted with after market parts as well as a small maintenance capsule that was mainly a droid but a pilot could get in and override the brain. Though it was not hyperspace capable.

There was only one other way off of the asteroid, which was every other day a hyper space capsule dropped out of hyperspace and automatically came into the facility. It was loaded with supplies. About half the size of her father’s ship it was enough to provision the entire facility and operated by droids but Jaina knew it was pressurized and could in a pinch support her if need be. Of course, she had no idea where it came from or where it went after so it was not the greatest idea. Stealing one of the other ships was the best idea but as her hands gripped the bed below her and then began to run along the outside of her hip, she was reminded of all the orgasms she had here. Obedience was all that was required to earn them and they were beyond anything Jaina had ever felt before. Either from her own actions or from another. There was something deeply insatiable about her own lusts when she thought about being owned. There was something deeply unsettling about it but she couldn’t really find herself to care much more than just what it means for her future.

Hilm and Grayden seemed to know what her future was. They were mapping it out to be a slave to Grayden and Jaina couldn't really dispute it. Even now as she thought about it, her hands roamed her body. Her nipples had never retreated back into themselves as they used to. They were fully erect and sensitive almost all the time now. So much so that even when she lay on her stomach in the bed and moved her nipples brushing against the sheets on the bed was enough to make her shudder in unexpected pleasure. 

“You are enjoying yourself I see,” Hilm’s voice broke her own thoughts. Jaina wasn’t even aware she had closed her eyes and even with the Force she hadn’t sensed him come in.

“It’s been nonstop sexual exploitation since I arrived here. What do you expect?” Jaina answered with some aggression in her tone. 

Hilm chuckled while he turned towards his droid that had followed him in.

“Don’t think for a moment we are fooled by your submission right now. It’s based solely on your pleasure, so by all means touch yourself like the whore and slave you are destined to be,” Hilm answered with a snicker. 

Jaina took a moment to digest those words. Angry at them, she let them run through her mind while she searched for the right thing to say back. In the meantime, her hands had stopped roaming her body as Hilm was entering her cell.

“There might be some truth to what you say,” Jaina admitted. She pushed herself upwards on her bed and waited for Hilm and the droid to enter.

“I am glad you can admit that,” Hilm said. He came to a stop while the droid went on towards Jaina. 

After a week in their care, Jaina knew the drill. She put her hands together and offered them to the droid. One of its many limbs had a pair of handcuffs that it fastened around her wrists in front of her. Again knowing what was next Jaina pushed her feet over the side of the bed and allowed the droid to fix a set of steel shackles around her ankles with a chain connecting them. The chain itself was three feet long. Long enough for her to walk in, albeit very slowly, but not run. Another chain was attached to the center link of her handcuffs and given to Hilm by the droid.

“On your feet slave. Your Master waits for you,” Hilm ordered.

Without a thought, Jaina jumped from the bed onto her feet. Keeping her balance, she followed along behind Hilm as he tugged on the chain. Jaina walked out of the cell.

End Chapter 4

Grayden waited for her in one of the luxury suites on the asteroid base. It wasn’t the first time in there but the only other time she had been in there she had been so drained of energy and will that she had barely noticed anything. Grayden had led her in just as she was right now with Hilm. Taken to his bed, it was the first time Grayden had made her touch him physically besides kissing his hand. So aroused and so drained she hadn’t resisted while he placed her against his cock. Her mouth had opened and for the first time in her life she had taken a cock in her mouth. His cock had hardened right away as it was in her mouth. Filling her up in such a way that was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her tongue had worked and her mouth had worked its best to get him off as quickly as possible. Energy gone and her will gone, she had made him cum fairly fast which he had seemed to be happy about but he had remarked she needed more training in that area.

“Welcome slave,” Grayden stated. He waited for her on his bed. A robe was the only thing he wore and even that was barely on. The man was not physically unattractive. His body was well muscled and defined but Jaina found the sheer sight of him sat there on the bed with his robe open and his cock peaking out at her to be revolting. Her own arousal fading almost instantly. 

“Thank you, Master,” Jaina greeted as she had been taught but there was no warmth and no honesty in her voice. 

The man gestured for her to come closer. Jaina reluctantly did so. Hilm and the droid stayed in the room but they kept their distance. 

“I have yet to taste your pussy slave but today I want you fresh and ready for your first full training in how to give a good blowjob.” Grayden stated such vile things so casually Jaina couldn’t help but accept them without question.

“You’re a pig….. Master,” Jaina reacted without thinking.

Thankfully for her, the only reprisal was a chuckle from both Grayden and Hilm behind her.

“You are still so defiant even after you have recognized what you are to me,” Grayden commented. 

“To you I may be nothing but property and a slave but I am still me. I am a Jedi and will not serve you,” Jaina said with more force then she actually believed. 

“Such defiance after not cumming for what?……. Half a day?” Grayden laughed.

Jaina’s face colored in shame. She knew she became as docile and submissive as a newborn kitten lothcat when she was aroused and allowed to cum. There was no use in denying it. They all knew it and Jaina hated herself a little for it.

“I’ll escape sooner or later and bring you in,” Jaina responded.

“You’ll be the only one wearing the chains in this relationship, slave. Now get down on your knees and suck my cock like the little slut that you are,” Grayden demanded.

Her face glared at the man for a couple of moments before she emphatically shook her head.

“No, I have had enough of this,” Jaina declared.

The Force was not gone from her. She had simply chosen not to use it since surrendering her lightsaber but now she brought it to her. The swirl of the touch coming into her mind with the familiarity of nothing else in the galaxy. Jaina took a moment to bathe herself in its power and to think. To rationalize what she was going to do. Her cuffs were locked around her wrists and ankles but Jaina was a Jedi knight of the highest ability. The locks on them broke away. Chains falling to the floor with them Jaina looked at Grayden. The smile and sneer that was on his face seemed to change in slow motion to fear.

“Before you do anything stupid slave, you should remember we are not alone,” Grayden tried to warn.

Jaina wasn’t worried about Hilm behind her but the droid was a threat. One she had already taken care of. The sounds behind her of a droid trying to move towards her but blocked by her own telekinetic force field was alarming to Hilm and Grayden. The slave trainer and her kidnapper tried to move towards her instead but Jaina without even looking at him threw him against the wall with the Force and pinned him there as well. Eyes never leaving her gaze on the face of the man who wished to make her a slave. Hate radiated from her but she breathed it away. Hate was a powerful emotion and led to actions that would lead her down a dark path. She embraced the emotion and then let it fall from her. A new technique her brother had been working with her and it did wonders. Instead of denying it she was allowed to recognize it and to rationalize through it. It made avoiding the dark side so much easier and now as she looked at her would be owner her mind worked. 

“Or maybe you should think on what we have done already slave,” Grayden said with a smile and a sneer.

Her mind was taken immediately through her memories of the past week. Everything that she had done and had done to her in the effort to train her. Jaina’s mind worked on that instead of trying to find a way out. Flashes of her obedience to the man ran through her mind. Her body started to work against her as images flashed through her mind. The arousal and the feeling of joy she couldn’t help but deny as those images flashed through her. 

Grayden was coming to his feet on the other side of the suite. He shook himself for a moment and then looked over towards Jaina. A slight snarl escaped his lips but when he heard the words of Hilm he smiled. He could see his slave’s reaction to them. She could have put them all out at anytime now and yet she still stood. Now he watched as he walked towards her. He watched her thighs press together and the slight rubbing. 

Jaina’s hold on him faltered. The memory of her orgasms cruising through her mind like a hurricane. Her thighs rubbed each other once more and she had to fight the urge to put her hand down there. The conflict was on her face though and the pair knew this was a breaking point.

“Kneel and become the slave that you are,” Grayden ordered.

Her knees buckled but still she remained upright. 

“I am not some toy, I am not someone’s property” Jaina said aloud but it was mostly for her. Trying to shore up her faltering mind.

Her mind that kept showing her the images and the feelings of the orgasms. Hilm and Grayden were now approaching her. Smiles on both of their faces as they watched her inner turmoil play out over her face.

“Submit now slave!” Grayden demanded again. His tone was harsh and unforgiving. Beside him Hilm winced in make belief pain. It was not how he wanted to handle the situation. 

The turmoil in her mind cleared for half a second. In that second, she remembered why she hated those men and really registered with her what they wanted from her. Jaina scoffed at the pair. Hilm saw the change in her face before Grayden did. So he was easily bouncing out of her ability to attack when she bounded towards them. She took Grayden in one hand and lifted him off of his feet. A snarl of contempt escaped her lips before she flung him across the room again.

She looked to Hilm who was putting his hands up in surrender. Jaina thought about all the torment and abuse that the man had given her. She wanted to do some dark things to him but she let it wash over her. Letting that emotion play out and realize why. To act on that emotion at that time would lead her to the Darkside and no matter what these two did to her she would never stoop so low. She smiled in her mind, telling herself she would rather be a slave than fall to the dark. The thoughts of servitude was still with her and still elicited her arousal. Instead of acting on it she took a hold of her possessions and exited the room. Leaving the stunned men on the floor. One begging for his life and the other in a stupor.

Jaina was in the station proper now. She had found some workman clothing in an abandoned locker and clipped her lightsaber to a belt loop. From what she could make out as she walked around was Hilm had taken an old pirate’s place and made it his own. His upgrades were all top tier but the life support, water collection and irrigation systems all seemed to be scavenged parts. Jaina wanted to find the hanger. She could always sniff out something that she could fly.

Entering the hanger, she discovered Hilm’s ship she had arrived on and another much newer and much more expensive Sullustan yacht that must have belonged to Grayden. She ruled out taking Hilm’s ship. The man was smart enough and wily enough to bobby trap his ship but was Grayden? Thinking about it for a few seconds, Jaina decided not to chance it. She went to the far end of the dock and saw a small shuttle that was being loaded by droids. These shuttles were all over the galaxy. Auto piloted and set on one course they transported goods to and from the selected ports.

Jaina ran past the droids loading up the shuttle and ran to the cockpit. These things flew themselves most of the time and often only had enough fuel to go to and from their landing locations. Jaina entered the shuttle. To her dismay she noted that the thing was barely ray shielded. It wouldn’t shield her body against the harmful radiation of space. Ruling out the shuttle. Exiting the shuttle, Jaina looked around and saw nothing she could use to get out of there.

“I imagine you are very annoyed by now slave,” Hilm’s voice played out over a set of speakers in the hanger bay.

Immediately, she was on guard. Clearly the two of them had managed to dust themselves off and now she was in the base with the two of them. In a base they had complete control of.

“You can’t access any of the ships and the cargo shuttles will not support human life. You may roam the base at will but you will never leave unless one of us allows you into one of our ships”

Jaina looked straight at one of the cameras she knew they were watching through. Her angry expression turned to one of acceptance at the situation. Still, the anger boiled within her. She was sure if she went to one of the transports already there she would be able to disable any bobby trap but she couldn't take the risk.

“I’m not a toy to just surrender to you,” Jaina told them.

“You are nothing but property now. Your body and your own passions tell you differently now. How about a wager? My facility, in the advent of a slave escaping, has certain security features throughout. If you can managed them without cumming while you reach us here in the command center then I will allow you to take my ship, if you cum once you agree to follow all orders and become the slave that you are meant to be,” Hilm was far too smug in his voice but Jaina had to admit he had a point. Her body ached for abuse and for release even now.

“That’s a fool’s bargain and you know it. I’d be lucky to last thirty seconds. The way you have treated me has left me craving it more and more.” Jaina wasn’t sure why she said that. Why she admitted it but it just came out in place of other words she wanted to use, like how he was a dastardly rogue who manipulated everything to his advantage. 

Jaina took her eyes from the camera and once more peered out into the hangar. Her eyes took everything in and her brain analyzed if there was anything she could to even cobble something together quickly enough that would get her out of there. There was nothing though and Hilm knew it. She could almost see his smug, smiling look on his face in her mind. 

Looking back at the camera, Jaina managed her best sneer and mirthless look.

“You have a deal, Hilm. Tell my so-called owner to be that I want his yacht when this is all over,” Jaina said with much more bravado than she knew she had.

Inwardly, she cringed at the whole process. Her body was conditioned now for abuse, humiliation and sex. 

To answer her, a door opened at the far end of the hangar. Jaina went towards it and peered down the open corridor. The floor was a black durasteel that was the norm in these types of bases but the walls and ceilings were painted an imperial white. Jaina mused it might have been scavenged from an old imperial ship but it glistened as if it was new. The two mouse droids she saw running along the floor and the walls probably kept everything clean. There were no windows there and only at the far end was the only door. 

“Well, let’s see what’s truly behind door number one,” Jaina openly mused.

“There are four different chambers that are made from the hallway. In order to move to the next chamber you must complete the task assigned,” Hilm’s voice boomed through the Hanger speakers and the tiny ones in the corridor that Jaina was entering. 

As soon as she stepped through from the hanger bay, the door closed. Jaina tried to open it again but it was sealed off. 

“Great” Jaina deadpanned but moved further in.

There was nothing in that corridor. At the end of it, there was a small cutout on the floor. Jaina stepped on it. She felt something give and soon the piece of flooring that she had stepped on retracted away and up came a device that Jaina could never have dreamed about. Mounted on a pole was a long, thick dildo. About ten inches long and three inches wide. It was mounted on a pole that rose up about four feet and then rotated horizontally to face Jaina. The dildo was now squarely pointed at about the level of her naval. Standing there for a few moments, she eyed the contraption until she felt a shift below her.

The floor she was standing on was opening just like before but there was no pole coming up from it. It seemed to be a small pummel horse of some sort. Jaina looked at it closely. It was steel all around but the domed top was like a leather like substance. There were little knobs as well spaced out on the very top of the ridged dome running from back to front. 

“Straddle it and then kneel on top of it. Make sure that delectable cunt and clit are in contact with the ridge. If they aren’t, I’ll know,” The disembodied voice of Hilm rang out in the blocked off corridor.

Jaina thumbed her lightsaber on her hip. The thought of simply pushing it through to create her own doors in this maze of sexual torture and delight. Of course, there was no way she could extract the information from Hilm’s mind to get the transports ready. None that wouldn't be a one-way ticket to the Darkside.

With an inward sigh mirrored by an outward one, Jaina positioned herself over the device. Feet on each side before she lowered herself to her knees and allowed her clit pussy and clit to rub against the ridge. The feeling was very pleasant. Another reminder of how her body was reacting to all the stimulas. So pleasant, in fact, she had to stifle a moan when the thing came to life underneath her. 

“The dildo in front of you contains a liquid that has a taste and texture very much like cum. You will suck the dildo dry. If you can suck it clean, you will be allowed to the next corridor. I warn you though, not only is the dildo full of it but so is the pole and indeed the object you sit on,” Hilm informed her.

Jaina looked down at her little resting place and imagined it full of that liquid. Her mind missed a beat as she did the calculations. It was far too much. More cum than she could ever hope to suck out of anybody.

“In order to get the flow going and keeping going, you are encouraged to suck on the dildo as if it was a real cock. You can do that, can't you, slave?” Hilm both asked and taunted. 

She ignored the taunting tone of her would-be trainer. Instead, she focused on not moaning when the ridge below her started to vibrate at such a velocity and intensity that with her clit and pussy on it. The hum reverberated off of the shallow white walled corridor. 

“MMMM” Jaina couldn’t help herself.

Her body was so used to the sexual pleasure now tried to control her. She was a Jedi knight though, her will was strong. There were no more moans even when she felt the little knobs on the ridges seemed to start to move. Running into, over and out through her private area. 

“Suck it slave. A good slave must be a good cock sucker” Hilm’s voice came through the speakers but it wasn’t like before. It was as though it was a recording. 

She paid it little attention, focused now on getting out of there with some sort of dignity or pride intact and long before the machine below her brought her to a freedom shattering climax. Jaina’s lips wrapped round the dildo that was designed to look like a penis. It even felt fleshy on her lips and tongue when she took it in.

She started to suck while she moved around the dildo with her lips. It started to bring some of the liquid up into her mouth where she was forced to swallow. It hadn’t been said but Jaina knew what Hilm wanted and she wasn’t going to test him by spitting out the cum like substance. The suction was as hard as she could manage at the moment but the flow of the cum was not consistent. Jaina nearly backed away but she noticed as she backed away her lips and then moved back down, the cum came in a little easier. Realizing now she really did have to suck it like a real cock.

Jaina took a hold of the end of the dildo with both of her hands. Her mouth began to move up and down, side to side of the dildo. The cum came pouring into her mouth. Forcing her to swallow loud after loud of the foul liquid. It tasted salty and creamy and smelled like real cum. Load after load she swallowed while below her the machine continued to work on her clit. Jaina wished for it to stop but was thankful the vile nature of sucking up and swallowing the cum was keeping her libido sated.

“That’s it slave, suck like a good girl” The voice was Hilm’s but it was not live. Jaina mused that it had switched to an automated message of some sort.

Trying to pay as little attention as she could manage, she heard the words and heeded their advice. She sucked on that dildo as if it was a real penis and she was rewarded. Rewarded with mouthfuls of the cum. So much so that she began to feel it in her stomach. She could feel herself becoming heavier with the vile substance she was being forced to swallow. 

Focused and concentrating on her objective. Jaina kept sucking on the dildo. The vibrations underneath her were getting too much. Two times she had forced herself to bite through a couple of moans that threatened to escape from her mouth. She had never felt so bloated though; it was hard to keep her mind away from it when she felt like she was inhaling five pounds of cum almost every minute. Of course it couldn’t be that bad but the way she sucked on the dildo now seemed to have optimized the cum intake. She was hopefully emptying the reservoir quickly.

“That’s it slave, you’re almost done. You look so good on your knees sucking cock slave,” Hilm’s real voice returned. Not the recorded version. 

Jaina peered around the corridor, looking for anything from a view port to see him to a camera but she could not spot any. Though she knew all of this was being relayed to him and her would-be owner Grayden. Not even aware of the fact that the cum was beginning to slow. It seemed to be coming to an end but Jaina continued to suck on the dildo as a way to distance her mind from the roaring vibrations beneath her. The rolling knobs of absolute bliss and torture continuing to roll through her most private areas. Even covered by her very limited clothing, the machine worked its magic through her clothing. Jaina suppressed another moan as she slurped up what was remaining in the cum reservoir. The machine stopped below her much to her chagrin and relief.

“Well done slave. From here on, you will not need your clothing. Take them off,” It was Hilm’s real voice again. 

Ordering her to strip once more. Jaina had become so accustomed to being naked in front of the man she really didn’t mind taking it off. The clothing was ruined anyway. Her juices coated the bottom half. A testament to how effective that machine had been and to her own resolve.

Vibrations ceased and Jaina sucked out the very last drop of the faux seamen. She collapsed in a heap still on the machine but thankful now that she still wore clothes because she knew her pussy was gushing with need and fluids trickled down her thighs and inner legs. 

“Slaves only wear what their owners provide. Take off your clothes,” Hilm’s voice came through again.

Jaina wanted to reply with a snappy retort but she was too tired and too bloated to do anything else but comply. Very soon, she was back to being nude in front of them once more. Knowing full well that they were observing her through some hidden cameras. Her lightsaber remained on the ground.

In front of her, the corridor that had been blocked now slid open. It revealed a right-hand turn and stairs that seemed to take her up about twenty feet. Wearily, Jaina ascended them and finally came to a halt in front of a blast door. 

Another pole and another dildo stood in front of her. This time there were two dildos back to back held upright on two separate poles. Jaina knew what that meant. She just didn’t really want to admit it. The back dildo was angled slightly inwards. The front one was ever so slightly angled in towards the back one. She found herself swallowing a large lump in her throat.

“You know what to do slave. Fuck those dildos like the slave that you are. If you can survive twenty minutes without cumming, you will have won this particular challenge. Keep in mind you must fuck them. I want to see movement at all times. Understood?” Hilm’s real voice came in over the hidden speakers again. 

Jaina could see at the base of the poles was a black that most likely housed a motor to allow the poles to move up and down. Sighing to herself at the whole crazy situation she moved towards the poles. Currently, they were in a position that she could easily straddle. She found she could move the poles and the dildos with a little effort.

Standing over them, she took the first one. The flesh inspired dildo had a large head that Jaina placed at the entrance to her pussy. Her lips wrapping around it almost by instinct now. She moved the dildo up. It punched through into her pussy with a slight moan. Jaina had to stop for a moment. The very act of being penetrated set her already high libido on fire. If she hadn’t stopped, she would have cum. Reluctantly, she moved her hands to the second one. This was the one that was going to hurt and this was the one that was going to cause so much shame. Her asshole was not something she was readily acquainted with having something in it. They had done some stuff with her but never had she had something so phallic inside. 

“Feel free to suck it for a better fit slave,” Hilm’s voice boomed out, taunting her.

“Go to hell Hilm,” Jaina responded naturally. 

The speakers recorded his chuckle to her answer.

One dildo was already inside of her. She decided to just get it over with. The idea of putting something like that in her ass was not a new idea thanks to her time here but Jaina cringed a little as she placed her asshole over the thing. She reached down and took a hold of the second dildo and moved it upwards. The head parted her ass cheeks just a little before it hit the rim of her asshole. Jaina moaned quite unexpectedly when she forced the dildo inside of her. Only about half an inch but she couldn’t help herself.

“MMMMMMMMMM!!!” Jaina moaned out.

Her earlier pledge to not allow her moans to come out broken finally on the dildos in her ass and pussy.

“Twenty minutes fucking those dildos slave. Begin now,” Hilm’s voice rang out over the speakers. 

Jaina fumed inside but didn’t dare speak back as she bit down on another moan. Her hips rose, and she felt the dildos almost coming out of her, which she then started to drop her hips again. Fucking too was something she was used to now with all the training but Jaina had to keep the moans in this time and she couldn’t cum. Raising up and down on the dildos Jaina knew the twenty minutes were going to seem like forever. The orgasm inside of her was already threatening to overcome her. In spite of this, she rose and fell on the dildos as fast as she dared but fast enough that Hilm and Grayden in the control room watching her would feel she wasn’t cheating any.

Up and down she went and she could feel that orgasm gathering steam inside of her, but she bit it down and focused. Up and down, up and down, her body moved on the dildos. She fell into a rhythm and soon she heard a bell go off and knew that she had done twenty minutes. 

“You got lucky slave. The next one will truly test your mettle,” Hilm’s voice came through the speakers. 

Jaina walked through and into the next corridor. Wary of whatever was next. She came to the end to look at two dildos again. Arrayed in the same manner, Jaina huffed at the sight.

“Run out of ideas Hilm?” Jain said to the empty room.

“You will find my ideas will break you slave,” Hilm’s answering voice came over the speakers. 

Jaina went towards the dildos again and looked at them. This time, the dildos were slightly larger. Upon closer inspection, she found that the dildos were also ribbed. They had soft protrusions all along them. Jaina shuddered at the thought of them being inside of her but she knew she was going to have to take them in. 

“Still doubting your creativity Hilm,” Jaina spoke into the corridor.

“As I said slave you will be broken and made to serve.”

Jaina refused to answer. Not trusting herself at the moment to offer a rebuttal. She knew her pussy ached and knew that she was going to be lucky to get out of this gauntlet of perversion without cumming. Meanwhile, she walked closer to the setup and wondered again if she would be able to withstand the ache of her pussy. With a sigh that she wanted to make sure wasn’t heard by whatever was used for microphones in the corridor, she placed herself over the dildos. With another exhale of breath, she lowered her hips and found the dildos touching her pussy and ass. Lowering herself again, she felt first the dildo enter her pussy. There was barely time to register that before the other one entered her ass. 

“OOOOOOO” She couldn’t help herself. 

Before she could start to fuck it she noticed something roar to life below and the dildos started to move on their own accord. First upwards that she felt they were going to split her in half. 

“OOOOOOO” Again she couldn’t help herself. 

“Just cum and submit slave,” Hilm declared through the speakers.

She barely heard the words. Jaina was far too busy trying to keep herself from cumming. It was an uphill and possibly futile battle. She couldn’t even open her eyes and was shocked when she felt something touch her breasts. Something that seemed cold and oddly shaped. When she tried to open her eyes, she was looking at a couple of hoses that had come from an access panel on the ceiling. The hoses were metallic. Looking down and following the hose, she found two suction cups at the ends that were at the moment centering on her breasts. Jaina gasped for a moment before they reached out and cupped her breasts. A gasp became a groan when they started to suck. Pulling her pert little nipples outwards into the cups.

Jaina couldn’t contain the gasps as the suction seemed to pick up power and suction her nipples even further. She thought her nipples would pull off but oddly there was no pain as the dildos machine fucked her pussy and ass the suction had actually helped in bringing her orgasm so close to pushing it down inside of her better than she could have ever had hoped for. Inwardly, she wondered if Hilm had made a mistake in bringing the suction cups down. Then the suction stopped and the cups around her breasts seemed to start to hum and vibrate, which she wasn’t sure why until she saw that the hose that was connected to the sups seemed to have a mouth inside of the cups that opened.

Something slithered out. Looking like a tiny droid, it searched out her enlarged nipples and seemed to grab a hold of first her left and then her right nipple was similarly grabbed her nipple. The droid was circle shaped and it too was equipped with suction cups. It placed itself around her nipple so that her nipple was protruding from the center of the droid. Jaina didn’t like what she knew was about to happen. Each droid was in place. Suctioned around her nipples, they seemed to protrude something in the center that pierced her nipples with tiny little needles. None of them went through and caused really no pain but when they started to vibrate, Jaina knew why the suction cups had been placed there. A moment’s reprieve for her was going to be her downfall. Her nipples were now being stimulated completely beyond her ability to comprehend the pleasure.

“OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!” Jaina couldn’t help herself. The pleasure was so much that she couldn't stop the moan but with the effort only a force user could manage she stopped her body from cumming, barely.

“Give in slave. You know you love it” Hilm’s voice came through the speakers once more.

“You are mine slave. Say it and save yourself,” Grayden’s voice came into the corridor.

Jaina almost came again but with the might of her will she stopped herself. 

“Impressive but cum for me slave,” Grayden’s voice again came through the speakers.

“Cum slave,” Hilm’s voice now rang out again through the passageway.

“Never!!” Jaina roared out at the slaver.

“Cum slave!!” Hilm ordered again.

Jaina couldn’t find the will or the words to strike out again. Too afraid of what her actual words would be. 

“Cum slave!” Grayden’s voice overtook Hilm’s.

“N……...O” Jaina could only manage it once.

The vibration around her nipples was enough to send her over the edge but she refused to allow it. Then the dildos inside of her began to vibrate and Jaina screamed inwardly. The pleasure too much. She was sure she was going to give in when it stopped. The dildos stopped with both of them out of her holes while the droids around her nipples stopped as well and the suction from the cups also ceased. 

“So close, slave. Twenty minutes are up” Hilm’s voice seemed displeased but there was still an assurance in his voice. Like he knew she had been close.

Jaina had not guessed that much time had passed but she was thankful for it. She moved gingerly away from the devices and looked at them soaked in her juices.

“You were almost there slave. We both know it,” Grayden’s voice boomed through the corridor.

The door to the next and last of the gauntlet opened. Jaina breathed deeply and centered herself. There was only so much she could do though, as her pussy ached. Taking a step towards the next corridor and stopped. Needing more time to center herself.

“On your way slave,” Hilm ordered.

“Give me a second,” Jaina answered.

“So you can calm down? No slave, move,” Hilm replied.

Jaina huffed but did as she was ordered and walked into the next passageway. Before stood a pillory that was as tall as her shoulders. Around it was a spiderweb of small balls that swayed from lines all around it. The pillory was open and waiting for her. 

“I see you saved your creativity for the last,” Jaina remarked. 

“I hope you keep your humor after you are enslaved slave,” Hilm’s voice rang out through the corridor. 

“We will see one way or the other after this. Won’t we?” Jaina exclaimed.

The pillory was upright so that when Jaina put her head and her wrists into it, she would be upright. The balls seem lined up for pretty much every erogenous zone that could possibly be. She shuddered at the thought of that, the balls that no doubt vibrated being so close or even on her flesh. Walking towards it, she felt a wave of apprehension. It was no doubt going to be worst then before and she had barely got through the last obstacle. 

“Lets get this over with Hilm,” Jaina said to the microphones in the hallway.

Placing her head into the opening and her wrists into the other small openings, she waited. The pillory closed with a whir of machinery and a laugh from the speakers.

“You will cum this time slave,” Hilm’s laughter came through the speakers while Jaina could also hear Grayden laughing as well.

She tested the restraints and found them quite comfortable but also completely locked and tight around her neck and wrists. The balls that were on strings seemed to move towards her. Jaina noted that they all had the same red eye on them that the small droids around her nipples had from her last torment.

The balls came towards her. The first ones seemed to come towards her nipples. Just barely touching them but enough in her locked state that she could barely move herself and unable to move away from the swinging balls who seemed to follow her body wherever she put it.

The same thing happened with a ball that came towards her clit. Just barely touching her, but enough that Jaina could feel it. Other balls came and rested on her stomach, legs, hips, back butt cheeks. She was covered in the balls. Soon she realized what they were for when the balls on her nipples switched on. The vibrations that went through them were equal to what she had experienced in the other room. Jaina suppressed a moan but she knew she wasn’t going to be so lucky again. The balls around her butt came alive along with the one attached to her clit. She jumped in her restraints but the balls followed her and she couldn’t escape them.

“OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH” The moan escaped her mouth this time. There was no stopping it,

“Twenty minutes there slave. If you can avoid that orgasm that we all know is inside there just waiting to explode. Survive it and you get the access codes to the ships. If not, you are ours,” Hilm’s voice came through the speakers.

“OOOOOOOOO I………..will……...make…….it…… OOOOOOOO!” Jaina managed to say. 

“Try slave,” Grayden’s voice echoed through her ears.

The vibrating balls were all over her. There was no way she could move away from her. They stuck to her skin, nipples, and clit. There was nowhere she was safe from them. She struggled in the pillory but she could find no more give to the restraints. She was trapped in the erotic torture device. Straining took some of her thoughts away from the building orgasm again but it wasn’t enough she could feel it in her very soul. She was going to cum. There was nothing she felt like she could do to stop it. Being a slave would be the end result. There was a part of her that seemed to enjoy that notion. The orgasm that was threatening her jumped a little more. Inside of her she knew it was a losing battle but still she fought. The balls vibrating all around her couldn’t be stopped. She willed herself to last longer and longer. The torment couldn’t keep her going.

“I……… will……..not…….cum,” Jaina said to herself but aloud as well. Voicing her will. Hoping to make it a reality, she began to chant it.

“I……… will……..not…….cum,” she said again.

“I……… will……..not…….cum,” she tried to recite as the orgasm came ever closer. 

“I……… will……..not…….cum.” Again she recited it, trying her best not to cum.

“Chant all you want slave. You will cum,” Graydens voice rang through her ears. 

The rhythmic chanting helped Jaina. It took her back to her Jedi training, which at first was all about finding her center. The chant brought her back to that time and she found center with each word said.

“I” Jaina’s voice came through clear while the balls around her buzzed.

“Will” Jaina again came through strong.

“Not” Her voice was clear and strong.

“Cum” Jaina’s voice was loud and clear, like she was doing nothing more then walking the hanger bay. 

She found herself in an ocean of calm. Her body began to cool even while it was constantly teased by the vibes.

“I will not cum” Jaina’s voice rang through the halls and impossibly to Hilm and Graydens displeasure she somehow stared out directly at one of the cameras that was observing her.

“I will not cum,” she chanted it and felt her body calm with each chant.

“Twenty minutes slave,” Hilm’s voice came through her concentration.

Jaina laughed inwardly. Saved by her training, she had to admit now that it was over and the vibrations had stopped, her pussy still ached and needed to cum. That release of vibes did nothing to sate her hunger for an orgasm and with her reciting of her mantra over she could feel the heat beginning to rise again.

“Now open up and give me the access codes,” Jaina replied

“A deal is a deal slave,” Hilm’s voice came through the speakers. Jaina could hear Grayden behind him cursing into the void.

The blast door in front of her opened and revealed the control center that overlooked the hangar bay. Inside stood Hilm with a smile on his face and Grayden whose face was red and looked like he wanted to destroy anything and everything in sight. 

“Jedi willpower. Impressive,” Hilm remarked with the smile on his face.

“Yes, quite,” Grayden echoed the statement with far less amusement in his voice.

“The access codes,” Jaina said to him.

Hilm threw over a data chip that Jaina assumed had the codes on it.

“I am not walking through that gauntlet again. Unlock the freight elevator that we both know is here and I will go down that way,” Jaina said to him.

“Of course. There is another option for you though” Hilm still had that smile on his face and Jaina was interested to know why since he had failed.

“Oh? What would that be?” Jaina asked.

“Even with all that power you exerted and all the will you could possibly use. I can see your pussy still aches for release. It glistens with need and I think I even see a bit of juice leaking from you. You could just as easily take that elevator to your freedom. You could drop to your knees and crawl to your Master over there….” He pointed towards Grayden whose face was no longer red and seemed to be intently listening to the conversation.

“….. crawl there, kiss your Master’s shoe and beg for release. Complete your transformation into slave and become nothing but an owned piece of property,” Hilm finished with that smile clearly letting her know what option he assumed she would take.

“You’re insane. I didn’t just go through your fun house of arousal just to submit at the end,” Jaina dismissed him and walked towards the now open elevator.

“No, you didn’t, but now that you are here and proven to yourself you could do it, get through the tests. You still want more. That pussy is absolutely dying for release and I think you know it. I think you know that you belong in chains now. Serving your Master in any way he pleases. Now slave, I am going to say it one more time. Kneel and crawl to you Master,” Hilm stated in a commanding tone. 

Jaina stared at him and then turned her stare towards Grayden who watched her intently. There was a look on his face as though he didn’t know what she was going to do but the smile on Hilm’s face made it all too clear what he thought was going to happen. The slaver was experienced after all in breaking women and making them nothing but slaves. Was she broken? Jaina wondered in her mind. He was standing so confident she had to admit it caused her to doubt her own. Inwardly, she could still feel her pussy aching. It was not a lie that she probably was glistening with need but was it something she wanted to give into. Her mind seemed frozen on the thought and then Hilm walked towards her.

“I said on your knees, slave!” Hilm said, his tone suggesting he would not like an answer other than her dropping to her knees.

Jaina was a trained fighter and a Jedi she could easily dispatch him but the training and all the work they had done on her caught up with her.

She dropped to her knees. Her pussy flared with need.

“Now crawl to your Master!” Him ordered.

Jaina hesitated. She was free, she thought. She could go right now and never see these two again. Or she could bring them to justice but her pussy ruled her mind as they had been teaching her. She needed the orgasm and it would not come unless she crawled to Grayden and kissed his boot. Somehow, she knew that. They controlled her orgasms now and worst of all she liked it. That realization drove her to her knees even more so than just doing it automatically at the command of Hilm. 

“Crawl, slave,” Hilm demanded.

There was a slight hesitation before she moved. Crawling first towards Hilm whose smile broadened and then as she went by him he gave her a slap to her bare ass. Jaina jumped at the contact but said and did nothing more than crawl. She didn’t know what she was doing but it seemed right to her. Crawling towards her would be owner she felt her pussy inflame even more as she approached. 

“What am I doing?” She asked herself in hushed tones as she crawled towards Grayden.

Stop! she yelled in her mind but her pussy guided her now. It overrode everything inside of her. Soon yelling stop in her mind transformed to bliss as she finally found herself at Grayden’s feet.

“Now kiss those boots slave,” Grayden’s voice came from above her. 

Jaina wanted to tell him off but again her pussy controlled her. The more she waited the more control of her mind it had over her. She looked up at him. He was smiling now. Wide in a grin that Jaina wanted to slap off of him but again her pussy told her no. She was a slave to it and it was a slave to him. She bent down after staring at him and moved her lips to his black boot. Reaching out with her tongue, she looked at the boot and winced as her tongue made contact with it. It was a leather boot that was shined to an impossible degree already but as she ran her tongue along it, it glistened more. Once her tongue was done, she brought her lips to his boot and kissed it.

“What are you slave?” Hilm’s voice came from behind her. He was right behind her.

“I am a piece of property,” Jaina answered. Her head staring ahead into Grayden’s stomach. 

“Whose property are you?” Hilm asked. He moved to stand next to Grayden.

“I am the property of Grayden,” she answered. Her pussy flared and she had to bite down an orgasm. 

“As if it was ever in doubt.” Grayden’s voice was to say the least pleased. Jaina again wanted to wipe the smile from his face but she didn’t dare. Her pussy owned her, as she knew now. 

“I told you I can train anyone,” Hilm’s voice came in while he slapped the back of Grayden. Their smiles were condescending and victorious.

Her pussy commanded her and she did as bade. Her lips stayed on the boot and then finally she released herself from them and looked upwards. Grayden looked down on her and she knew that this was right,

“Good slave. Stand and make your body ready for my inspection,” Grayden commanded.

Jain rose to her feet and looked Grayden in the eyes. She had resistance in her own eyes but she was commanded and her pussy told her to obey.

“Do you want to cum?” Grayden asked.

He looked towards Hilm who nodded his approval of his handling of the new slave standing before him. 

“Yes I want to cum,” Jaina answered. 

“I think you can do better than that slave.” Grayden’s voice was now full of victory.

Jaina looked up at the man and that smile and fumed at her weakness. Her pussy ached and she needed to cum. Maybe after that she could run for it. She still carried the access codes in her hand after all.

“Please, can this slave cum?” Jaina said, trying to sate the hunger. 

“A little better, but try again slave,” Grayden demanded of her.

She thought about it for a moment. He wanted to humiliate her and he wanted control over her. It hit her what he wanted.

“Please, can this slave cum….. Master.” Jaina felt she had betrayed everything she stood for in one sentence but the man seemed to relish it.

“Much better slave but no, you may not cum,” Grayden laughed.

“Please Master,” Jaina pleaded. Her pussy aching still.

“No, now follow me,” Grayden demanded again.

Crawling behind him, she was guided to a chair at one of the command consoles that looked out over the hangar bay. He motioned for her to get up and sit in the chair. Jaina did so and felt immediate shame at her nudity for once as Hilm came to stand next to Grayden. The smiles on both of their faces still made Jaina feel like she wanted to wipe them from their faces but she didn’t dare because her pussy told her to obey. 

“Pleasure your self slave,” Grayden ordered.

“What?” Jaina asked, flabbergasted at the command. 

“You heard me slave. Pleasure yourself for my amusement. I might even let you cum,” Grayden laughed.

Jaina wanted to tear his eyes out but a larger growing part of her wanted to follow his orders. Sitting there in the chair, she raised her feet from the ground and placed them on the seat cushion. Spreading her knees out over the chair’s arms. Her most private of areas were now fully on display for her new owner and the slaver that had brought her to him. 

“Very good slave, now start,” Grayden once more commanded. 

Her pussy ached once more for release and instinctively Jaina knew she was beholden to it now. Grayden owned it and so he owned her. Again it rippled through her mind and again it made her more and more his slave. Jaina moved a hand to her pussy and started to play. Already suppressing a moan as she did so. Still not willing to show just how completely gone she was now. 

Fingers started to play with her clit. Jaina again suppressed a moan. She knew they could see, though. Watching her as she went further and further into submission. Her fingers teased while she brought her other hand up to her breasts and started to fondle herself. Tweaking her nipples a little, she forced herself not to moan again but her efforts were wasted when she opened her mouth to breathe, her moan escaped her lips.

Hilm and Grayden looked on her with those smiling faces but Jaina didn’t care anymore. All she wanted to do was pleasure herself and as much as she hated to admit it. She wanted to please her new Master and even Hilm who had trained her so well. Her fingers moved with speed on her clit. While her other hand played with her nipple. It wasn’t hard to get to the point where she could see herself with an orgasm but she held off. Knowing that they would enjoy her teasing herself. So she slowed a little with her fingers. Her moans increased as she denied herself. 

“The slut knows what we like,” Grayden commented. 

It reached Jaina through lust filled bliss. Concentrating on the tease and denial, she found herself slipping into a rhythm of pleasure. The comment spurring her on. Blocking out any other comments, she worked herself as she had been taught. Fingers moving with a rhythm of increasing and decreasing speed. Working her clit and sometimes placing a finger inside of herself, she could feel how wet she was and knew it was glistening to all in the room. She didn’t care she just wanted to put on a good show for the two men who had broken her and made her nothing more than a slave. She knew it all but she loved every second of it now. She was theirs and her duty at the moment was to amuse them. Still in that rhythm, she tried not to cum. Thankfully she had experience very recently about holding back an orgasm. 

“OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH” Jaina couldn’t stop the moan. But she held firm. There was no orgasm yet.

“She really does know what we want. Maybe we should tell her she can cum,” Hilm laughed. 

“Please,” Jaina pleaded, breaking through the rhythm. 

“I am not sure slut. You haven’t exactly made this easy. You could have submitted a while ago,” Grayden taunted her.

“I couldn’t, but now I am yours” Jaina’s rhythm was really being interrupted now bur she gambled they would let her cum and she wouldn’t need to concentrate too hard on not cumming. 

Her gambit paid off. She opened her eyes that she wasn’t even sure she had closed in the first place. To see the both of them nodding their approval for an orgasm. 

“Thank you,” Jaina managed to say before she let the walls fall down on her defenses. 

The orgasm was quick, powerful and so needed. Her body convulsed on the chair. Spasms took her entire body as she shook uncontrollably in the seat. Jaina loved every moment of it as it swept through her body like a current in a wire. She couldn’t help but moan aloud and even scream a little as it took over her body. Exhausted, she slumped in her seat and looked with half-closed eyes out at the two smiling faces.

Grayden had a large grin on his face and oddly Jaina felt good for making him happy. Settling into her new role as slave was the only reason she could give to that reaction. She basked in the afterglow of the orgasm while she waited for the next command. Peeking her eyes open again not realizing when she had closed them again, she saw the two of them coming closer to her. 

“That was quite a show slave,” Grayden told her.

“Thank you Sir,” Jaina said through gasping breaths. 

Hilm moved away from them. Going towards the other side of the room where there were storage lockers. Jaina felt like she should watch him even as Grayden came closer and closer to her. She kept an eye on him but her attention was on Hilm. He opened the locker and inside Jaina could see something glimmering in the light.

Reaching in, he took a hold of a set of chains that looked to have a steel collar with chains running down from the center of it. Running right down to a chain that was horizontal. Each end, ending in a set of restraints. The center chain continued downwards until it met another set of chains that ran horizontally on each side where there were shackles. Bigger than the top cuffs that seemed to be designed for her wrists.

Hilm carried it all to her while her eye that was watching caught a glimpse of the man leaning in towards her to grab a hold of her right breast. The contact was somewhat unanticipated. She jumped at the contact but soon she leaned into him much to his delight. His fingers worked on her nipples while another hand came down to grab a hold of her other breast. Still, she kept an eye on Hilm who was approaching her with the whole apparatus. Hilm threw it down to her just behind Grayden who was enjoying himself with her tits. Jaina noted in her own mind using that term about her chest for the first time in her life. It was not quite vulgar but it was close enough that it made her realize she was already adjusted to the debauchery. 

“Put them on slave,” Hilm told her.

“Does she need to? She is quite submissive now and I am enjoying myself,” Grayden replied for her.

“She maybe submissive right now but I can still see a hint of defiance in her eyes,” Hilm stated.

“I like that. I don’t want her docile,” Hilm answered.

“I can promise you will never fully break my spirit but I can also promise that I am now yours. I want this more than anything I have ever wanted to before. The torture and the orgasms are too much. I will not run from them,” Jaina stated into the void.

“HAHAHA!! there is your answer Hilm,” Grayden laughing replied. 

“It seems she knows her place,” Hilm stated.

“Still though, I like the idea of seeing her in those shackles,” Grayden said. 

He removed his hands from her breasts. And turned around and took a hold of the chains.

“Put them on slave,” He ordered her.

“Yes Sir” Jaina replied much to the delight of her new Master.

Grayden stepped out of the way and allowed Jaina to get off of the seat and move towards them. She picked them up in her hands and knew just how heavy they were. With them on, she knew her movements would be restricted but also the weight of them would bear her down. Something Hilm knew and wanted to make sure she knew her new place in life. The life of a slave. 

Playing with the chains, she couldn’t help but think how they would look on her. She loved the look of them as much as she wanted to hate them. Placing them in her hands, she looked to the collar first. It was open and waiting for her neck. The chains were there to make sure she knew what she was. The collar beckoned her. Picking it up, she looked at the chains and restraints and then looked at Grayden and Hilm.

“Put them on slave,” Grayden commanded.

Jaina nodded and brought the collar to her throat. Everything then dangled across her body. Feeling the coolness of the chains against her skin, she was oddly aroused at it. The collar was open and inviting to her. Placing against her neck, she found the coolness about it just as arousing at the chains. Putting it around her neck, she felt it again and then, with a click from behind the collar was closed around her neck. 

“I hope you have the key to all of this,” Jaina exclaimed to Hilm.

“Rest assured we can chain you at will,” Hilm replied with a smile.

Jaina took a hold of the restraints that were destined for her wrists. They were heavy and iron like everything else but they were lined with a surface that she could only describe as fluffy. It was comfortable to the skin. Running them over her wrist, she placed the first one on her left wrist. Clicking it shut, she relished in the feeling and weight of it. The chains crackled as she moved with the new restraint on. There was enough slack in the chains for her to move her hands around almost quite freely. So it was nothing to reach with her left hand to grab a hold of her right wrist and place the other around it. Clicking it shut, she looked down at them and once more relished their appearance and feel.

Now the shackles for her feet were just barely touching the ground. Again, the chain that connected them to the central chain seemed to be more than adequate for her to walk. The chain would drag along the floor but she suspected the sound was going to be something she liked and something her new Master would like to hear as well. Taking the left on in her cuffed hands, she bent over, giving the two of them a full shot of her breasts swaying in the recycled air of the command center. She suppressed her own smile at the teasing display.

The left shackle in her hand she placed it around her ankle and closed it shut. She felt a wave of pleasure go through as she got hot at cuffing herself. With that done, she moved to take a hold of the right shackle. Again, she did not stand up and left them with the view of her swaying breasts. The shackle was easily placed against her right ankle and locked.

Now she stood and felt the weight of the chains on her. The chains between her ankles pooled in the center while she played with her hands, wondering just what her range of motion was. It was large but not large enough to raise them over her head or even to the side of her head. It was enough to grab things and move about. She found the situation oddly arousing. 

“Not exactly what your regular outfit would look like but I think I would like to see you like that more often than I thought I would. You look absolutely amazing in chains slave,” Grayden commented. 

The two of them were moving towards her. Hilm had that large smile on his face. He took a hold of the chain that connected her wrists and pulled. She found herself clumsily coming towards him when he stopped pulling and pushed a little, forcing her back.

“So easy to control in chains. I always like seeing my completed work in chains,” Hilm stated with that smile on his face.

“I agree,” Grayden replied. He stood behind Hilm but she could see him. 

He wore that smile of knowing, but Jaina couldn’t help but be aroused by the chains and also by how easily she was controlled in them. She shifted with them and loved the sound they made on the floor. 

“What do you think slave?” Grayden asked her. 

“I don’t mind it. I actually like the way they feel and the weight of them. It makes me feel…… I don’t know it makes me feel less than if that makes sense”

Hilm laughed and nodded at her.

“It makes perfect sense slave, that’s why I like seeing my slaves in chains,” Hilm responded.

Grayden looked her over and nodded as well.

“Not going to be an everyday thing I don’t think but I do like seeing her in them,” Grayden remarked again.

Hilm came to her and pulled on the d ring in the collar. Causing her to almost jump forward as he started to move.

“Now we have some training to do before I can truly call you completed,” Hilm stated as he half dragged her out of the control room.

End Chapter 5

Jaina found herself in a large room that was almost completely empty. Her chains had been taken off and placed on the floor by Hilm. The empty room was bare and white. There was nothing except in the middle of the room there was a pad that was a circle and about ten feet wide and ten feet deep. Hilm had led her in there while Grayden had departed for his ship, saying there were some things he had to gather. He had looked at Jaina with hungry eyes but Jaina didn’t mind it anymore.

Hilm motioned for her to stand on the circle pad that was only about a foot off of the floor. She did as ordered and stepped foot on the pad. Hilm left on there for a moment as he went to the side of the room. He pressed a concealed button and a control panel popped out of the wall. He spent some time on it inputting commands. Once he was done, he turned to her with a smile.

“Now do as your are told,” Hilm stated.

Suddenly, the pad began to hum. A holographic figure of a woman came to life directly in front of her.

“Congratulations on becoming a slave. You will now undergo instruction on basic slave positions,” the hologram told her.

“Slave positions?” Jaina turned and asked Hilm.

“Do as you are told and you will learn,” Hilm replied. 

The hologram seemed to turn and somehow it seemed to look through Jaina into her very soul.

“There will be no talking during the lesson,” it told her. 

Jain was about to say something back but the pad turned blue for a moment and she yelped in pain as an electric shock went through her entire body from the floor of the pad.

“Understood slave?” The hologram stated.

“Yes,” Jaina told her while she hopped on one foot while she look at her other. There was no visible damage but the shock had been enough that she had thought perhaps she was burnt.

“You will call me Mistress while you are under my tutelage,” the hologram once more stated.

“Yes, Mistress, Jaina answered immediately. There was a slight chuckle from the side of her where Hilm stood.

“I will leave you be for now slave. I suggest you take the lessons as efficiently and knowingly as possible. That shock can really hurt after a while,” Hilm laughed as he headed out of the room.

“Let us begin,” the hologram said. 

The hologram shifted. It turned to completely take Jaina in and once more stared a hole through Jaina. It positioned itself with its legs shoulder length apart while its hands grabbed the top of its head and positioned its elbows out from the body.

“This is called Display. Assume the position now slave,” it ordered her.

Jaina took a step back and did just as ordered. Placing her hands on the back of her head while moving her feet to stand shoulder length apart and then pushing her elbows out.

“Excellent slave. Stand taller and look ahead,” the holographic trainer ordered.

She did as ordered and was happy to say she did not get a shock. 

“What is this position called slave?” the trainer asked her.

“Display, Mistress” Jaina almost forget but she knew institutionally that if she didn’t put Mistress at the end of the sentence, she was going to be shocked. 

“Very good slave,” the trainer kept herself in the position while Jaina looked ahead into the eyes of the hologram.

“What is this position called slave,” it asked her again.

“Display, Mistress” Jaina replied again.

“And again slave what is this position called,” it asked her.

“Display, Mistress” Jaina answered again.

The trainer kept in that position for five minutes while it asked her what position it was called. It was seared into Jaina’s brain, which she supposed was the point. Finally, the trainer relaxed and Jaina tentatively did as well and was rewarded with no shock. It seemed to stop for a moment and then it began to move again.

It moved its feet into the same position as before and then it placed its hands behind its back while placed its shoulder straight again. It maintained that position for a moment before it flipped itself so that Jaina could see behind. Its hands were gripping its opposite forehands, keeping them tight across the back of her body. Flipping back to face her again.

“This position is called Wait,” the hologram told her.

Jaina didn’t have to wait. She began to get into position and did so fairly quickly. The hologram smiled at her and then vanished but she could hear the electronic hum as it appeared behind her. Jaina gripped her forearms, but not quite as tight as the hologram had. 

“You must grip the wrists which will throw your elbows out,” the trainer told her.

Jaina adjusted, happy that she didn’t get a shock for not quite getting it.

“Better slave. Tell me what is this position called,” The trainer reappeared before her.

“This is called Wait, Mistress,” Jaina replied and the hologram smiled.

Again, this went on for five minutes before again the position and the name was seared into her mind. 

Jaina was a Jedi and memory retention was one of the things that was drilled into her at the academy on Yavin. She was sure she would never forget the positions. 

Again, it waited for a moment before it seemed to rest. The hologram smiled at her once more.

“You are doing great slave,” the hologram congratulated her. 

The hologram looked at her and began to move. This time, her feet stood next to each other while her hands and arms hung to her sides with her palms resting on her hips.

“This is called Attention slave,” the hologram told her.

Jaina looked at the hologram and figured it was easy enough. She adjusted herself and copied her holographic trainer. Placing her feet together and her hands lay by her sides and her palms touching her hips. 

“Palms fully down, slave,” her trainer said to her.

Jaina pushed her palms to fully touch her hips and was rewarded by a holographic smile. 

“What is this position called slave?” It asked her.

“This is called Attention, Mistress” Jaina replied and again was relieved there was no shock from the pad.

“Very good”

Once more, she was asked to identify the name of the position while she remained in it for five minutes before the trainer reset.

In total, Jaina learned twelve positions. Ranging from those that she stood for and those that she knelt for. Jaina was exhausted by the end of it but she did not receive one more shock. That she was happy about. Hilm stayed and watching everything. 

“I thought perhaps you would hesitate at some of the positions and try and make your way out of it but you were a good girl” Hilm reacted.

“I have given my word. I am a slave owned by Master Grayden. I will try my best to be a slave,” Jaina said to him. 

“I am happy to hear it,” Grayden said as he entered the room.

“Assume the Humble position,” he ordered her. 

Jaina got to her knees and then placed her head on the floor in front of him. Her hands crossed in front of her. She assumed the position for him.

“Very good,” Grayden said. 

“I think she has learned enough for today. Tomorrow we will outfit her with new restraints and officially make her your slave. After that, she will spend time in here to further cement her training.” Hilm replied. 

“Tonight you spend your first night with your Master,” Grayden said to the prone Jaina who was still in the humble position. 

“Yes Master,” she said though her voice was distorted and echoed as she said it against the floor. 

Hilm went to where he had put the chains and picked them up. He motioned for Jaina to come to him and soon she was back in the chains to make the walk to her Master's chamber. 

“I will see you tomorrow,” Hilm said and went on his way.

Grayden smiled down at Jaina who was walking behind him but he had attached a leash to her collar and he had the leash over his shoulder. 

“I will have you suck my dick and fuck your ass tonight slave,” Grayden informed her.

Jaina was mortified that he could even say those things but she had been trained and her training took over. She found it hot and wanted to satisfy her Master.

“Yes Master, I will suck your cock and I will be fucked in the ass. I just hope I will please you,” Jaina responded.

The worst part was she believed it, she wanted to satisfy him and she knew she was going to do her best to do just that.

It didn’t take long. Jaina was barely in his quarters when he sat down and pointed towards his crotch. Jaina, in her chains went to him and knelt before him. He was busy unbuttoning his pants while she readied herself for her to provide the service.

When his pants were unbuttoned, she took a hold of them and pulled them to his knees. His cock sprang out, revealing he had worn no underwear. Jaina looked at it before she licked her lips and moved in. Her mouth just touching his cock while she reached down and began to fondle his balls. The training took hold and Jaina slipped her mouth over the head of his cock. She wasn’t sucking not yet. She moved her tongue across the head while she gently played with his balls. Her lips moved down and Jaina took more of him inside of her mouth.

When she was almost at the bottom and nearly gagging, she began to suck. Combined with her tongue resting gently on his head she felt his spasm in her mouth as she took him in. He huffed above her and for once he suppressed a moan but Jaina would have none of that. She fondled his balls and then she moved her lips. Up and down while sucking the cock, she fucked her mouth. Gently yet firmly, she took everything he had inside of her mouth. Taking his cock right to the end and sucking. 

“You are very good, slave,” he managed to say through laboured breaths.

Jaina let her mouth respond. She sucked on his cock while her hands now moved from his balls now moved to his shaft while Jaina rest her mouth just over his cock. He was as hard as a rock and Jaina’s hands on his shaft made him even harder. She could feel his pulse through her hands. Beginning to move her hands up and down on the shaft, she felt once more the spasm in her mouth but he was doing an excellent job of not cumming so she stepped up her game. Her hands went from his cock to his balls again. This time, the gentle fondling became a squeeze. Her mouth went to the base of his cock again and stayed there while she sucked and her tongue played up and down and all around his cock.

“OHHHHH!” He managed to bite back the moan but Jaina smiled. She was close.

So close she could taste the precum that he could not prevent. Finally, as she moved her mouth up and down again he came. He came into her mouth while she sucked as much as it she could. Down her throat the cum went. When he spasmed again a little more came out but she took it all in her mouth while swallowing everything she could.

Grayden huffed and puffed but looked down at her. That smile on his face. 

“Excellent slave. I will need to recover from that before I fuck your ass,” Grayden laughed while he tried to find his breath.

Jaina swallowed the last of his cum and then nodded at her Master.

“Whatever you wish.” She replied.

“Assume Wait position until I am ready for you again. Face the room from the door. Take a couple of steps into the room and then assume the position,” Grayden ordered.

“As you command Master,” Jaina went to the door of the room. She turned and faced the rest of the room and took a few steps in. She supposed she was giving room to Hilm if he choose to come to the room for whatever reason. A few steps in, she placed her feet shoulder length apart and clasped her wrists behind her and stared ahead as she had been taught.

“Good slave,” Grayden commended her. 

Grayden went to the bed and just plopped himself down without removing any more of his clothes. His pants coiled around his ankles while he seemed to drift into slumber as soon as he hit the bed.

“Great, so I just stand here like this until he wakes up?” Jaina asked herself, but held the position. 

“It would be so easy for me to just go and sit in one of those chairs and when he is waking to just go assume the position again,” Jaina openly mused to herself. 

“I can stand here all night though. It would be nothing. Should I do it?” Jaina asked herself.

Jaina stood there for minutes while she thought it over.

“No, I made a commitment that I should honor. I have not been given another command. I should remain as instructed,” Jaina told herself. 

Her Jedi training aided her as she stood there. Her arms began to ache a little but she could bare it for hours. The snoring from the bed let her know that she was going to spend a long time in that position. It seemed somehow sacrilegious to use her abilities to use the Force to refresh herself but she imagined that one of the reasons Grayden had enslaved her was because she was a Jedi and could do things others would not be able to do. She reached inside of herself and found that point of her that connected with the Force. Without much effort, she felt the energy come into her. Making her whole and healthy again, she was ready to stand the night. 

Grayden woke with a start. Jaina looked over though. She knew she shouldn’t but she had to see him stir awake. She saw him stumble as he found his footing. His pants by his ankles hobbled a little as the chains did to Jaina but she couldn’t suppress a smile as she saw him. Before he could look at her, she stared forward. 

“I am afraid I was too tired to take your ass slave,” Grayden announced to her as he pulled up his pants and started to walk towards her.

“Did you maintain your position all night, slave?” He asked her.

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied with all the honesty she had in her very soul.

Grayden came close to her. Grabbing a hold of her breasts. Jaina stood and took his groping of her with a smile on her face. Somehow pleased that he liked to play with her breasts.

“A tad small for my liking but not small enough to change. Consider yourself a lucky slave. I won’t modify your breasts which means you will not be modified inside of you anyways. Me and Hilm have other ways to modify your body for my usage. Don’t worry you find all of that today,” Grayden teased both her and her body at the same time. 

“Modify?” Jaina asked while keeping her eyes straight ahead. 

“Oh yes, I could easily make your chest larger. Your ass more rounded but I don’t want to do anything of the sort. You are perfect the way you are but you do need some jewelry,” Grayden stated.

Jaina wasn’t entirely sure what that meant but she supposed she was going to find out soon enough.

“No time to take your ass though, unfortunately. I told Hilm we would be in the medical sweet early in the morning,” Grayden confirmed.

“You may relax for now slave,” Grayden commanded.

She immediately brought her hands out from behind her back and let her knees relax. The pressure on her hands faded and her legs though on fire were just fine as soon as she tapped into the Force again. She was pleased with herself that she had only dropped down that twice through the night. 

“Very good slave. I do so love your chest. I couldn’t imagine changing it,” Grayden commented.

“Thank you Master. I think my body is good as it can be,” Jaina admitted.

“Too true, slave. Though there are still some improvements that can be made. Have no worry though we will be doing that today,” Grayden said ominously. 

“For now let’s get you back in your chains that I love so much,” Grayden ordered.

“May I go and put them on Master?” Jaina asked

She was answered with a nod. As soon as she saw the nod, she moved towards the chains that had laid on the floor all night in clear view of Jaina. Placing the collar around her throat once more made her feel completely owned and with the click behind her she felt the submission even more. The restraints around her wrists and ankles felt natural. An outward appearance of the submission that she had embraced.

“On our way then slave,” Grayden commanded. Leading her out of the suite that Grayden commanded. 

He led her out of his suite and into the entire complex. Walking in the chains was tough enough but the leash he had attached made it a little more hard as he tugged harder and harder. Jaina had been in the facility for a while now but she still couldn’t get her bearings. Grayden met with Hilm in a cross section of corridors and the pair walked in tandem, dragging Jaina behind.

Soon, they reached their destination. A blast door opened up and inside was a sort of medical ward. There was a chair that she normally saw in doctors’ offices and a lot of cabinets along the sides of the walls. Hilm walked to one of the cabinets while Grayden led her further into the room. Straight to the medical chair that had stirrups for her legs and was reclined. Grayden unhooked the leash from her collar and told her to lie down on the chair. She did as instructed and watched as Hilm returned. He carried what looked like some kind of gun in one hand but as he grew closer, she recognized it as a piercing gun. Now Grayden’s comments about modifying her body became clear. 

“So piercings, I suppose I should have seen that coming,” Jaina said with a deadpan expression.

“HA, you are so right slave. Though I wager you couldn’t bet where they all will go,” Grayden replied with that knowing smile he had.

“No, I guess not,” Jaina stated while she looked at Hilm who was almost there.

Hilm approached them and placed the gun into the hand of Grayden while he seemed to reach under the table. He pressed a button and restraints came out from the sides. Two grabbed a hold of the cuffs that were around her wrists while two more took hold of her ankle shackle. Anchoring her to the chair.

“I wasn’t going to run away in the first place with these chains,” Jaina said. 

“Call it a precaution then,” Hilm replied. 

He took the gun back from Grayden and leaned over her. He was close. She could tell what he had for breakfast. It was uncomfortable and more so when he started to play with her nipples. One hand on each, rubbing them and making her aroused from his touch. She should have felt violated but instead she felt arousal and shame, which fed her arousal.

It wasn’t too soon until her nipples were pert and erect. He took the gun and placed it against a nipple. With a short hiss, the gun pierced her nipple and placed a hoop through it. It was not large, maybe half an inch in diameter that now hung from her left nipple. Jaina wasn’t a fool and when he moved to her right nipple, she braced for the hiss. Oddly, there was no pain. He did it again and Jaina’s nipples were pierced with two hoops. 

Hilm stepped back and allowed Grayden a better look at her new jewelry. His smile was a new one. It seemed to be a cross between happiness and arousal. Jaina hadn’t seen it before on his face but she was glad to see she made him at least somewhat pleased. As modifications go, Jaina thought this wasn’t so bad. She hadn’t kept track of Hilm who had gone back tot he same cabinet and was coming again with the gun. Worried that he was not done, Jaina ran through in her mind what else could be pierced. Her earlobes were already pierced. A lip? She thought or her nose. She wasn't sure until the shackles on her ankles began to tight and move her legs open. Providing everyone a sight of her exposed pussy. It dawned on her then what he was aiming for.

“You don’t have to do this,” Jaina pleaded.

“I don’t?” Hilm answered while he approached her. Grayden’s smile had been replaced by his more sinister one.

“No, you don’t have to,” Jaina stated, wondering if she use the Force to change their minds but it only worked on the weak minded and they were anything but. She thrashed a little in her bonds before a look from Grayden that made it clear he would not tolerate it made her stop. She started to breathe, in and out as she calmed herself.

“You see slave, it’s not that bad. We are going to pierce your lips and your clit. The pleasure you will get from your clit piercing will make you love us,” Hilm laughed. 

The gun was pointed first at her pussy. Jaina couldn’t see but she could feel the cool steel of the gun against her labia lips. It was not something she liked but the coolness did have a certain calming effect on her body. With a hiss again and this time with a shock of pain, her lips were pierced. She felt that cool rub down the same lip again. Jaina wondered how many at that point but she didn’t have time to comprehend it as the hiss started again and she felt that same pain. Another hoop she wondered? Or was he using a different sort of jewelry?

Again she felt the steel on the same lip and the hiss of the gun and another piercing. Three on one lip seemed excessive to her but she didn’t say anything. Both of their gazes were on her lower regions. She was glad because tears were forming in her eyes. The arousal and the shame she felt were bringing tears to her eyes because she loved it. She didn’t even notice that there was the feeling of coolness now on her other lips. She tried to wipe her eyes but she couldn’t get the restraints to move that much. Instead, she lay there on the chair with tears just barely going down her face while they pierced her lip again and then again. Three in total on her other lip were done. Now she knew what other thing they were going to pierce. She felt that coolness and she breathed in and out.

Steadying herself while the gun seemed to settle onto her clit. The coolness made it peek out just a tad and the arousal of the humiliation was making it quite visible to her trainers. The gun was placed against her aroused clit and the hiss did it’s job. She felt the pierce go through her clit. There was a shock of pain and then there was nothing but pleasure. Looking downwards she could see nothing but there was a glint, a glistening that she could see like the piercings were blazing suns in the medical room. Of course she realized it was the light reflected from the overhead lights that hung over the chair. Grayden looked towards her with a triumphant smile.

“Shall I grab a mirror for you to see, slave?” He asked.

Beside him, Hilm smiled and chuckled a little.

“Yes Sir I would like that,” Jaina replied.

Hilm moved away from them, going towards another cabinet. He touched a side button and the whole wall came away, revealing a standing mirror. Jaina looked at it while she saw out of the corner of her eye, Grayden placing his hand under the table. Her restraints from the table disappeared and Grayden motioned for her to get down.

“Go and see slave,” Grayden commanded her.

With a nod, she moved towards the mirror. Seeing herself for the first time in the chains was humiliating but she couldn’t deny that she was hot seeing them and hearing them as she dragged them across the floor. She got to within a foot of the mirror and looked.

The nipples were pierced with those rings. She didn’t mind how they looked. She held her left breast with her right hand and just allowed herself to see it better. She did the same with the other breast. Satisfied that there wasn’t something to wrong with them, she looked down towards her pussy. With her standing with her legs together, there was barely anything she could see. She moved her legs apart and moved her right hand down to spread her lips. She saw three hoops on each side and the hoop through her clit. It still stung a little but as it moved with her movements, she felt a bit of arousal spread through her. Everything was rings and she wasn’t to sad about that. The labia lips would be concealed mostly when she was standing normally but her mind raced to the positional training yesterday. Pretty much most of them would show her pussy and her piercings. 

“I am not sure what to say,” Jaina said as she took it all in.

“How do they feel?” Grayden asked with genuine sympathy in his voice which seemed weird to her.

“The clit keeps sending me little waves of pleasure and the labia rings feel weird but I am okay with them…. I think,” Jaina said truthfully. 

“And the nipples?” Hilm asked from behind her.

“I like them,” Jaina conceded.

“Ha very good slave,” Grayden said as he moved to stand next to her.

Hilm moved away and with a nod to Grayden he moved as well. He moved directly behind her and placed a hand on her collar. Gripping it from behind, he pulled her gently.

“Back to the chair. We have one more thing to do,” Grayden told her.

Jaina wasn’t sure what else they could do but she obeyed and followed her Master to the table. Jumping back on it, she felt the restraints grip her again. 

“Now that you are pierced you now have to be marked as my slave,” Grayden explained.

“Marked?” Jaina asked.

Hilm reappeared with a tattoo gun in his hand. Jaina had seen plenty of those as pilots during the war often got them. She didn’t feel the need but now as she saw it and the words of her Master took hold she wondered just how they were going to tattoo and where.

“The laser etching on this gun will not hurt you but it will make it permanent. I am going to program it and it will do its job. Remember to stay still. We don’t want to mark you up too much.” Hilm stated.

The gun was more like a brand in that the laser etching was on a large rectangular head that was about three feet long by two feet deep. No matter where they put it, it was going to be a big stamp. Jaina watched as they switched places around her. Hilm now stood with the gun at her midsection. Then he aimed for her pubic area and Jaina couldn’t help but flinch.

“Please no,” Jaina pleaded towards Grayden.

“You will be marked slave,” Grayden said with a real tone of anger about him.

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied to afraid to make him mad. She readied and steadied herself for it. Hilm steadied himself and moved the gun tow within an inch of her pubic region. With no preamble, he pushed down and pressed a button. Jaina could feel something but it wasn’t pain. It was like a heat on her region. She could feel what was the last of her pubic hair being melted away and then she felt something like a prickle as Hilm brought it up. The two of them seemed to be happy with the outcome as Hilm took the tattoo gun back and Grayden moved to her midsection to look. He had a large grin on his face, which made Jaina a little uncomfortable but she accepted it. She knew it was permanent now so there was no reason to be mad or angry at it. It was there and she would see soon enough. Grayden looked at her face and smiled once more.

“You will love it slave,” Grayden said ominously. 

Hilm returned while he still held the tattoo gun in his hands. He called Grayden over and seemed to discuss something with him. The two spoke so low she couldn’t make out what it was they were saying but soon Grayden clasped Hilm’s hand with a smile and nod towards her. Her Master walked towards her with that knowing smile on his face.

“One more thing left to do slave. An excellent suggestion by our master trainer here,” Grayden said to her. He reached down under the table and unlocked the restraints once more.

He didn’t order her up instead she was told to roll over and place her back to him. Jaina didn’t like that idea but obeyed anyway. That was her place in life now to obey his commands and Sith she liked it as she thought to herself.

This time, they didn’t bother with the restraints. Out of the corner of her eye she could Hilm returning with that tattoo gun. Noting how he was playing with the controls of it. Jaina couldn’t see anything but she felt the tattoo gun on her left ass cheek. He seemed to be centering it on her cheek before she heard a small mechanical growl as the tattoo gun became live again. There was nothing to feel again. She knew the gun had been placed on her ass and there was a slight feeling of heat but that was all she could feel. When he was down, she could see the smiles on the pair of them while Hilm walked away.

“OK slave. You may stand up. Go to the mirror and see what we have done,” Grayden ordered.

Jaina walked towards the mirror the words on her pubic region becoming clearer and clearer as she approached. There where her pubic hair used to be were the words ‘Jaina Solo, slave of Master Grayden’. There was a circle around the words that seemed to draw the eyeline to the words.

Jaina would have broken down crying but she refused to do so. Instead, she smiled back towards Grayden and Hilm.

“I suppose it’s official then,” she remarked to them both, which seemed to cause them to chuckle.

“Check out your backside slave,” Hilm told her.

Jaina craned her head and moved her backside to the mirror. There on her left butt cheek was a pattern unlike anything could think of at the moment but then it occurred to her.

“You put a bar code on my backside?” Jaina exclaimed.

“Yes, you are just property now. It is standard practice in the outer rim for slaves to be marked. That way, if they are ever lost or escape they can be found and returned to their Masters. I took your Master into getting one on you so that if you ever have a change of heart, you could be found and returned simply enough,” Hilm explained.

Jaina would have cried but somehow she was out of tears. 

“Now that all of that is down we can get to the training,” Grayden remarked.

Jaina wasn’t sure what he meant. She felt she had been trained enough to satisfy them but she was going to be trained and she was more than likely going to enjoy it.

Fresh tattoos and piercings later, she found herself back in Grayden’s chambers. Her chains had been removed and she stood in attention position while Grayden had gone towards some open shelves on the far end of the room that Jaina hadn’t bothered to look at before. Now as he was there, she spied a plethora of bondage gear and toys. Her body shivered at he thought but she knew that she was about to undergo more training. He had in his hand a dildo on a stick and also a vibe in his other hand as he returned to her.

“Humble position, slave,” He ordered her.

“Yes Master,” she replied

She dropped to the floor and placed her head on the floor with her hands stretched out and clasped. Ass in the air and her knees on the floor just a little more than shoulder width. This left her entire lower parts open for anyone that was behind her. Grayden moved to do just that. Standing behind her, he seemed to place something down on the floor. Jaina then felt something rubbery and hard push up against her pussy. The dildo on the stick was just teasing her at the moment but she could certainly feel how large it was. 

“Your pussy is already wet slave. Did the morning activities make you horny?” Grayden asked from behind.

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied truthfully. 

“Good,” he replied

The stick was against her thigh with the dildo just about pressing in. He seemed to strap it to her thigh then and when she didn't know what was going on that was when she started to fear for a moment. Then she felt something on her clit. Just against her newly pierced clit she felt a bulbous head. The vibe she knew it and that was strapped to her other thigh. 

“This is how you are going to do this slave. The vibe and the dildos are strapped to your thigh. When you move, you can move either leg inwards or outwards. Doing so will make one or the other go in or out of you. Or in the case of the vibe against your clit or not against it. You choose,” He said to her.

Jaina test it out. She moved her right thigh a little inwards and felt the vibe come into her clit. Almost pushing it upwards and the head laying directly on her clit, which would give extreme pleasure. If she did the same with the dildo on the stick, she could feel it just about to enter but if she moved her leg quick, she could fuck herself quite easily.

“The only catch is, slave, you can not cum,” Grayden told her the rules.

“But you must continue to alternate until I say you can either cum or not,” Grayden continued. 

Jaina shifted her balance and wondered if she was going to get through this predicament without losing more of her dignity. It only took a moment of the dildo inside of that told her it wasn’t likely.

“Oh man this is going to be hard,” Jaina exclaimed to herself but loud enough that Grayden heard her.

“That’s right slave,” Grayden told her. 

There was nothing to stop her movements besides herself but she couldn’t not move. 

Each movement brought either the dildo into her or the vibe closer to her. It was not something she had ever considered but she knew she had to make a choice. The dildo on a stick seemed the best bet to her. She could control just how much she was doing it. Moving her leg back and forth, the dildo went in and out of her. A moan escaped her lips. Moving her leg, she fucked herself.

“Good slave but don’t think you can get away with just that. You will use the vibe,” Grayden warned her.

He reached down and finally turned the vibe on. The little bit that it was touching her clit caused her to jump. The pleasure immediately rushing through her. 

“OHHHHH” Jaina moaned aloud.

“Ha that’s right slave. Now I will give you permission to cum but you are going to have to keep yourself teased and ready by alternating between the two,” Grayden announced to her. 

“OOOOOO……. Yes Master,” Jaina replied while trying to find a rhythm that would allow her to do as he wished. 

The vibe was moved towards her clit and Jaina loved every moment of it. Taking it all in she shoved both her legs forward. Placing the vibe on her clit while the dildo was pushed into her. It took her some time but she found her center and could take all the teasing. It seemed to please Grayden as she fucked herself and vibed herself for his pleasure. Even with her being centered in herself she could feel the heat and she knew she was going to have to cum sooner or later.

By her count she had been going for twenty minutes. The smile on Grayden’s face was large now and her pussy was aching for a cum. Finally she decided that was it.

“Master, may I please cum?” Jaina asked.

Grayden was enraptured with her. He didn’t answer immediately as he just stared at her. He seemed to shake himself awake and looked at her in the eyes. His own were hungry. Hers were pleading.

“Please Master!” Jaina said again.

She pushed the dildo further into her. Jaina loved the feeling and loved it even more when she pushed the vibe closer to her clit. 

“You may cum slave,” Grayden replied finally.

“OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Jaina had been holding it and it exploded out of her. The orgasm rippled through her aroused and horny body.

The vibe continued on her clit while she came. Making her really sensitive, causing another orgasm to leak out of her before she was wise enough to move her leg as fay as she could while maintaining her position.

“Thank you Master,” Jaina managed to say. 

Grayden couldn’t do much more than stare at her while she enjoyed the post orgasmic bliss.

End Chapter 6

Graydens room was full of surprises. He went towards one of the long cabinets after Jaina had been told she could relax. The dildo and the vibe had been removed and now she lay on the floor still trying to catch her breath. Jaina watched with one eye closed and another on Grayden. She could see him putting the vibe and dildo back but now he shifted through more toys until he found something he liked. Jaina couldn’t make it out but knew she was going to be used again and very soon. 

“Stand up slave,” Grayden ordered.

Still exhausted Jaina found herself on unsteady feet for a moment before she was able to steady herself.

“Now we train your mouth slave,” Grayden explained.

“I thought I was trained with everything Master,” Jaina asked.

“You are but now as my slave officially we are going to make you into something truly special. Not only will you be Jaina Solo Jedi Knight enslaved by me but you will be the best slave in all ways,” Grayden told her.

“I see. I suppose that makes sense,” Jaina reasoned.

“Yes,” Grayden agreed.

He took the object which he had been hiding behind his back and gave it to her. It was a small dildo with a large head. It was a large bulbous head. It did not resemble a humans cock but she knew it was something for her to just practice on.

“Lick it slave,” Grayden commanded. 

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied.

The thing was in her hand so it was nothing to bring it to her lips. She licked them first before she placed her mouth on the head. She kissed it before she raised her lips and started to lick the head. 

“This one will make sure you get your licking right slave. Then you will really get me going when your mouth is wrapped around my cock,” Grayden stated.

Jaina thought the comment didn’t deserve a response as the look on his face made it clear he wasn’t expecting one. Standing in his suite she found it funny she was just licking on the dildo but she decided to concentrate and make him pleased as soon as possible. 

“That's good slave keep it up” Grayden commented as she wrapped her tongue around the base of the dildo and proceeded to lick her way up.

“Very good.” Grayden seemed pleased already.

“You know where that goes after you have made it nice and slick?” Grayden asked her.

Jaina concentrated on licking the big bulbous head of the dildo but she heard the question. Unsure of what to say back but she knew where it was going. Or at least she had a good idea of where it would be going. 

“I think you know where it is going……. Tell me slave,” Grayden demanded. 

Jaina finished one long lick around the base of the head and looked to him.

“Either my pussy or my ass. Judging by the size of it I would hope my pussy but I think you are going to have me put it in my ass,” Jaina reasoned. 

“Well thought out slave. It is destined for your ass but not right now,” Grayden told her. 

Jaina went back to sucking the dildo but she didn’t want to continue anymore. It was completely covered in her saliva.

“I am anxious to get you home slave. Shall we see Hilm one last time before we depart?” Grayden asked rhetorically. 

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied while Grayden reached out and took the dildo from her hands. 

Hilm was in the command center that overlooked the hanger bay. He seemed to be enjoying himself as she watched the security cameras. He appeared to be watching saved footage. Grayden had put her back in the chains so there was no way for them to sneak up on the slaver but his attention was focused on the security feeds. Jaina came closer as Grayden led her by the leash to stand next to Hilm. On the security cameras she saw herself. Going through the gauntlet of horrors that had broken her will and made her into the slave she was now. She saw herself mounted on the dildos. She saw the smile on Hilm’s face and wondered if she could persuade him to delete the recordings. Watching herself on the screens was oddly arousing and she didn’t want to admit that but she started to drip with need. 

“HAHAHA getting off on seeing your debauchery?” Grayden said to her.

He took his hand and reached down to her, cupping her pussy with his hand. Removing it she saw on his hand her own juices.

“Such a dirty slave,” Grayden laughed. 

“I can’t help it,” Jaina admitted much to the delight of the two in there.

“I want copies of all of that,” Grayden told Hilm who simply nodded and continued to watch.

“I will relish these recordings for the rest of my life,” Hilm admitted. 

“As will I but I have you to make more don’t I slave?” Grayden tugged on the leash bringing Jaina closer to him. She wanted to refute him but she was wet and knew her place now.

“That’s right Master,” Jaina admitted to the delight of the pair of them. 

Grayden pulled a data disk from his jacket and gave it to Hilm.

“As agreed, here is your payment. I think it’s time I took my prize home,” Grayden said to the slaver.

Hilm took it in his hands and looked at it with a smile.

“My retirement money. Thank you very much,” Hilm replied.

“I wished we could spend more time together slave but your Master wishes to go. I hope you are pleased with your new life,” Hilm taunted her.

Oddly though, Jaina didn’t feel taunted. Instead she felt somehow to be seen. Where she was now in her chains in front of them both, she felt the need to say something.

“I can’t say thank you because what you have done to me is reprehensible. I do love being in chains and serving now and I will never attempt to escape so I have to say your training is very good,” Jaina tried to walk the line between obedient and insolent. 

“HAHAHA! Verry well put slave. I look forward to visiting you and seeing your plight,” Hilm remarked. That old knowing smile appearing on his face. 

He touched a button and the security cameras stopped their replay and Jaina was glad to see it gone. It was making her hot.

“I will send a droid to pick up your stuff and have it delivered to your ship,” Hilm turned towards Grayden and extended a hand.

“It was a pleasure doing business with you,” Hilm said as the pair took each other’s hand and shook. 

“Come slave, let us get to eh ship. We will have to wait a bit for everything to be loaded. Including that wonderful dildo I told you is destined for your ass. Perhaps we should go and retrieve that one first so that you can enjoy it on the trip home?” The question was rhetorical and she knew not to answer. 

She also knew what was going to happen. That dildo was more plug than anything. Knowing it was going to go in her ass made her a little hesitant but she accepted it for her new life. Her new life she thought, was it something she was going to enjoy? Her wet pussy made it known that she was going to be so joyful. 

“Come slave,” Grayden pulled on her leash as she started to walk back towards the quarters. 

“I fancy you wearing that for the trip,” Grayden remarked.

Jaina wasn’t sure if he meant the dildo or her chains or even both. She was getting used to the chains. The clanking of them behind her as she moved was something she absolutely loved. It was an audible expression of her submission and the weight of them was a sensory display of her submission. She hoped she would wear them often but it sounded as though Grayden had other ideas. Grayden led her back to his suite. Where he found that dildo/plug and moved towards her.

“Would you like to lick it again and make it nice and lubricated for yourself?” He offered her the choice.

Looking at him, she nodded and he gave her the dildo. Her mouth went to work immediately. Starting at the base and working her way up and around, she licked it all over before the thing was taken from her hands.

“Turn around and bend over slave,” Grayden ordered her.

Jaina did as ordered and found her rear presented to her Master.

“I think you got this nice and ready slave, it's dripping,” Grayden continued. 

Jaina winced a little as she felt the dildo along her ass cheek. 

“If you are going to do it. Please just do it Master,” Jaina pleaded with her. 

“HAHA so needy slave,” Grayden laughed but he didn’t stop.

Just as Jaina had asked, he didn’t take his time. The dildo slash plug was nestled against her ass for only a moment before she felt it breach. Grayden wasn’t being gentle but he wasn’t being too forceful. Jaina moaned at the intrusion but training took over and she relaxed. Her butt allowed her to take it in. It slid in much to the delight of Grayden but also she had to admit there was a thrill of pleasure that went through her. He pushed not gently but not to hard. She could feel the head making its way further into her until she heard a pop from behind her and she knew she had taken the whole thing inside of her.

“Well done, slave,” Grayden announced from behind her. 

“I can’t believe I took the whole thing in, to be honest,” Jaina said truthfully.

“Your ass has been trained. I knew it wouldn’t be too much of a struggle,” Grayden commented.

“Still, I thought it was too big,” Jaina admitted.

“You may stand up straight,” Grayden ordered 

Jaina did as told. Standing up, she felt the dildo inside of her shift, which sent a ripple of pain through her. The pain was not offset with pleasure this time but yet somehow Jaina found it enjoyable. 

“How does it feel?” Grayden asked with a smile on his face once more.

“Weird, a little painful but not something I mind,” Jaina answered truthfully.

“Good,” Grayden replied. He motioned for her to walk towards the door.

As they were exiting the room, a couple of droids came into the room and began to pack everything. The way to the hangar bay was something that Jaina knew intimately now. She could count the steps even in her chains. 

“Are you afraid of leaving your training facility slave?” Grayden asked as they walked.

“No Master, I am more afraid of what is coming,” Jaina once more answered truthfully. 

“I can understand that but you will be well cared for. You will be humiliated and shamed but you will love it,” Grayden stated.

Jaina had to admit she probably would love it. Knowing intimately just how accustomed to it she was now and how it made her feel. Grayden’s ship was powering up and waiting for them as they arrived at the hangar bay.

“Maybe I might let you fly. I understand it’s not just a passion for you but you love it,” Grayden offered to it.

“Certainly never done it in chains,” Jaina answered.

The ship was of Corelian design. Something Jaina was certainly familiar with, the Falcon was of the same shipyards but this was not the Falcon. This was a luxury yacht like something Lando would buy. Like Lando, she could see the modifications that had been made to the yacht. It had an enhanced sensor array and something had been done to the sub light engines. Jaina gave some respect to the man. Obviously he could fly it herself but these things pretty much flew themselves, Jaina thought. 

“What did you do to the engines?” Jaina asked as if she was just talking with a fellow pilot.

“Had them outfitted with boasters, something very much like the millennium Falcon. I am sure you Dad would be proud HAHAHA,” Grayden answered.

“I could see it,” Jaina said.

Inside the ship, she saw it was appointed like a hotel suite. Ominously though, in the center of the main hold was a cage that was about four feet tall by about ten feet long. It was big enough to be somewhat comfortable. The worst part was the food and water bowls inside. Grayden saw her looking at it and laughed.

“Yes, that will be your traveling crate but right now I feel I want you in Doll position,” Grayden told her.

Jaina had not been forced to assume this position since her training but it was seared into her mind. She got down on the floor on her back she arched her knees and spread them just beyond her shoulders. Her hands were splayed out from her body with palms down in line with her hips. 

“Excellent” Grayden commended her.

With the plug in her ass and her on her back, she could feel it more intimately, which started to make her aroused.

“Good, now I want you to take this.” Grayden had gone to the side of the ship when she had gotten down and picked something up.

Now, as he held it in his hands, she saw it was another dildo. This one was not shaped like a cock. It had a long tip that was about three inches long that ended in a bulbous head and then it went back to the same length and size of the tip. Jaina had never seen anything like it but she was handed it and knew what he wanted to her to do. Taking it in her hand, she brought both of her hands to her hips and started to rub the dildo along her pussy.

“Good slave,” Grayden watched with hungry eyes.

Rubbing it against her lips, she felt it through her piercings and found she loved it. The tip was small enough that she could slip it into her pussy with no effort. It slid in, making her even more aroused. Playing with hit barely in her pussy, she knew he wanted a show. The bulbous part of the dildo was in the center. It was large but Jaina knew she could take it though it would feel like she would be plugged much like her ass. Jaina pushed it further into her.

She locked eyes with Grayden who smiled at her. Around her, the droids began entering the ship with all of his things in tow. Jaina barely noticed them as she pushed the dildo into her more. The bulbous part of it was nearing her pussy. Taking a breath, she pushed it against herself. Not liking the feeling as she noted how full she was with the dildo still in her ass. She imagined the two of them rubbing against each other while inside of her. There was nothing she could do about it.

The bulbous part of the dildo was just right up against her pussy. Trying not to breathe too hard, she looked over towards Grayden. Pushing it went a little in at first and then she pushed harder and it went in. She gasped with the motion and feeling of it. She could feel the two dildos rubbing themselves inside of her.

“OOOOO” Jaina moaned a little. 

Her chains rattled as she moved about while lay on the ground. Vividly, she was aware that the chains had managed to stretch into the Doll position without much straining. She didn’t think she would have been able to do it but now as she moved her hands with the dildo inside of her, she could feel her ankles straining against the chains. She looked down and saw that her movement had caused her to come out of position. She should have been punished but Grayden was too distracted by watching her play with herself. Quietly, she re-position herself and still fucked herself with the dildo. Smiling inwardly that she could keep him so enraptured with her.

In and out, she went with the dildo. Being careful not to pull out that bulbous center section, she felt it against her clit from the inside and then pushed back. The large dildo in her ass was beginning to move outwards and out of her ass but Jaina clenched and it came back in. It was a lot to think about but she got into the rhythm. In and out she fucked herself until she could feel that orgasm coming. It was building and building until she felt she could last no more.

“May I please cum Master?” Jaina asked in between labored breaths. 

So involved in watching her play with herself, Grayden didn’t answer at first. Then, like a switch going off in his brain, his eyes came back to himself and he looked her over.

“Yes slave, you may cum,” Grayden commanded her.

“OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!” Jaina came. 

Her body jumped on its own accord. Hips up in the air while the dildo in her ass seemed to pop right out without much warning. There was no clenching left in her body. She became almost like jelly as she came. The dildo in her pussy stayed in thanks to the large part in the center but even that came partially out of her. Grayden seemed to be mesmerized again. 

Jaina’s body came back down to the floor in a perfect Doll position. She breathed hard and could barely catch her breath. She had had orgasms before and in the company of Grayden but she had to admit that was easily in the top three of orgasms she had felt. 

“Thank you Master,” Jaina managed to say.

Still hypnotized by her orgasm Grayden simply stared at her until again he blinked his eyes and he was back to her.

“You are welcome slave,” Grayden answered. 

Finally, he turned from her and looked at the droids who had just finished bringing everything on board. They were making their way down the gangplank while he got to his feet and looked over his shoulder at her.

“You may rest slave. Take a seat if you can” He motioned towards a set of seats that were arrayed around a table. Two chairs and a coach on either side of the table. All well appointed and looked to be very expensive. Jaina wasn’t sure if she should sit on one of them while she was still calming down from her orgasm and while she wore her chains. Instead, she went to the side of a chair. Propped her back up against the side of one and began to calm herself. Grayden watched with a smile on his face.

“Do you not like chairs slave?” He teased her.

“They look really expensive and I am a shambles at the moment. I wouldn’t want to….. well I wouldn’t want to leak on them,” Jaina admitted.

“HAHAHA such consideration. Fine, you may stay there but know this. You are not a pet you are a slave. You can sit on things if I deem you worthy at the time and after that you are worthy right now. Do not worry about the seat. It can easily be cleaned,” Grayden told her.

Tentatively, Jaina got up and moved to the chair. Sitting down, she didn’t feel herself leaking on to the seat and was happy for the cushion.

“Thank you Master,” Jaina replied as she settled into it. 

He watched her for half a second and then flashed a smile while he headed to the cockpit. Jaina couldn’t see what he was doing but she imagined he was doing the pre-flight checklist. He came back after some time that Jaina could confirm her suspicions were probably right. 

“We are ready to go slave. Are you anxious to see your new home?” Grayden asked her while he went to the little kitchen area that was back before the cargo hold. He pulled a door and Jaina saw it was a fridge. He grabbed two bottles of water and came back to her.

“Honestly Master, no I want to go home really but I know where you are taking me is now my home. I am saying goodbye to the only life I have ever known and I am doing it willingly, which is confusing but hot at the same time and that is why I am coming with you because I am controlled now by my pussy,” Jaina answered. 

“A great answer, slave. I am sure you will grow to love it. You will be well cared for and well used,” Grayden said.

He gave her a bottle of water which she realized she was parched and in need of it. She opened it and began to drink. Grayden did the same and then walked to the cockpit. Jaina felt a shift a few moments later in the ship and knew that he had just started the sub light engines. They were moving quickly after that. There was a small window on the wall next to her and Jaina watched as the hanger bay slipped away and then they were in open space. She watched the stars go by as she settled into the chair with her bottle of water. Taking a sip, she watched as they streaked by and they entered hyperspace. 

Jaina had no idea where they were going but she did know travel times and hyperspace. So she would have a general idea but for now they stayed in hyperspace. Grayden was spending more time in the cockpit than she thought he would especially in hyperspace but Jaina didn’t mind it. It gave her time to relax and settle herself. The dildo in her ass had been placed fully back in and the dildo she had used in her pussy had been cleaned and placed away. Sat there in her chains that crinkled every time she moved, she wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself.

For the first time since she had submitted to him, she was not ordered to do anything. It left her feeling exposed and a little bored. Her pussy was still needy like it always was now. She thought perhaps she should do something but what she didn’t know. Not comfortable doing nothing, she got up from the chair and went to seek out her Master. Going to the cockpit she found it was a four seat configuration with two at the front for pilot and copilot while there were two behind. Grayden sat in the pilot’s chair. He must have heard the chains rattling on the surface as she approached, because he turned to greet her.

“Welcome slave,” Grayden stated.

“Thank you Master. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked earnestly.

“So obedient,” Grayden commented while he reached down.

His pants were down in moments. Showing his already half erect cock. 

“I think you can figure out what I would like right now slave,” Grayden laughed.

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied 

Reaching to the copilot’s chair and then leaned over. His cock was at eye level while she grabbed a hold of it with one hands and began to stroke it. It didn’t take long until he was fully erect. It seemed a little more degrading to do what she was doing in a cockpit but she knew what he wanted. Her hand brought him to full attention. She used her other hand to prop herself in between the seats but she moved it to his hip while she used the hand that had brought him to erection to tease his balls.

While she did that, she brought her mouth down and began to give his head a lick. Wrapping her tongue around the head of his cock, she licked and then she brought her lips to his cock. Not taking him all the way in at first. She kept her licks locked just at the tip while she began to suck. She could feel him in her mouth even now beginning to spasm at her touch. Jaina smiled and went to work even more. He was puddy in her mouth.

Wrapping her lips around his cock, she moved down, taking the full might of his head into her mouth. Sucking on it with such speed and force that she could feel the pre-cum beginning to leak out. Moving her mouth even further down his shaft, she felt it more and more. Taking him in, she could feel his pulse through his cock. Feel it getting faster and faster as she went right down to the base of his cock. Well-schooled now she could take the full length and girth of his cock into her. Her tongue rummaged about, slurping from the base of his cock to the very tip of it. Teasing him endlessly while she sucked like a vacuum. There was nothing that she couldn’t do with his cock in her mouth.

She knew though like before he would want a show but he would want to cum at the end of it. So she took her mouth from the base of his cock and moved back upwards. Removing herself from his cock but keeping her tongue on the tip. She could still feel him convulsing under her control. This was something she knew. Even in her slavery she had control over her own Master’s pleasure. It was empowering to her and made her submission bearable. Her mouth came back down. Taking his head and then his shaft and then back down to the base. Her hand still played with his balls. Her other hand now freed from making him erect was propping herself between the seats. She wanted nothing more than to make him cum. There was nothing more than satisfying to him in this moment for him to cum and she made it happen.

Her sucking became even more intense as she decided it was time for him to cum. His cock began to spasm even more and she knew she could no longer tease him. He was going to cum so she took her tongue and lapped it along his shaft up to his head while she moved her lips back to just engulfing his head. He came into her mouth while she tongued his head. It was not unexpected but still she was caught off guard. His cum spilled into her mouth. Without much thought, she began to swallow. His cum tasted sweet as she took it all in her mouth.

He breathed heavily but he took the time to place his hand on her head while she continued to swallow.

“Well done slave,” Grayden commented in between breaths.

Finally she was able to remove her mouth from his dick. A trail of cum streamed from her mouth to her breasts but as she removed herself from him she got another pat on the head as she returned to a sitting position in the copilot’s seat. Her chains lay all around her and even inter tangled with some of the instruments in the cockpit. 

“I am exhausted, slave,” Grayden commented. 

“That was kind of the idea,” Jaina said.

He moved upward and stood from the pilot’s chair. He motioned for her to follow him. Moving towards the back of the ship, Jaina watched through the windows as the ship sped through hyper space. She went by the chairs and couch while he led her towards what Jaina would know to be the cargo hold. With a wave of his hand, the cargo bay doors opened. Inside was not a cargo bay. It was a bedroom. Appointed in all the luxuries. Jaina followed him in. There was a large bed that dominated the area but there were cabinets along the back wall that Jaina knew most likely contained more toys to use on her. The dildo was still in her ass and it shifted with each step.

Grayden led her around the bed where she found a cage. It was about three feet high and about four feet wide while it stretched out about ten feet. It would be a tight fit to crawl into but once she was in she had enough room to stretch out. Inside were two water bowls, one of which was already filled with water. There was a protocol droid that seemed to be deactivated at the moment but in its hand was a jug of water.

“Pay no attention to the droid slave. It only operates on the sip. I gave it instructions to fill your water bowl but it won’t reactivate until we are home, to clean the ship once we have arrived at our destination.” Grayden explained. 

“Good to know,” Jaina said deadpan. She looked at the cage and knew this was going to be her home for the next little while.

Grayden motion for her to get down on her knees.

“So am I to be caged for the entirety of the flight?” Jaina asked.

“Not at all,” Grayden replied.

“I figured you would want some rest after that performance,” Grayden continued.

“You are not wrong. I wouldn’t mind that bottle of water at the moment as well,” Jaina answered.

Grayden laughed and opened the cage door. 

“There is water inside remember?” Grayden explained.

“Oh yeah, that,” Jaina said without amusement.  

“Ha get in there slave. You can have your fill of water and get some rest. You should be healthy and well rested when we arrive home,” Grayden ordered.

On her knees already, she dropped now to all fours and went inside the cage. All the way to the back where the bowls were. Turning around in the cage was difficult, but not impossible. By the time she looked back out towards the front of the cage, Grayden had already closed the cage and locked it. Jaina looked up towards him. He held that same smile he seemed to have whenever he knew he was humiliating her. 

“Don’t suppose I can get some food as well?” Jaina asked.

“I’ll give you something when we arrive. Now drink your water and rest,” Grayden ordered.

He didn’t leave her there. He watched as Jaina turned around in her cage and stared at the bowl of water. Knowing he would not leave until he had seen her drink from the bowl like a common house pet. She wasn’t going to say no to the water and she was certain she would be punished if she didn’t do it.

She took a breath and looked down at it again before she plunged her face down. Mere inches from the bowl, she stuck her tongue out and began to lap at it like the common pet he wanted to see her. Though she could not see him, she knew he wore that same smile again as she licked. She couldn’t get much into her lapping like that but she knew again that if she were to use her hands, she would be punished. It was all about the humiliation and it would be one she was going to have to learn to be okay with. She knew her humiliations were only just getting started. 

“Very good slave,” Grayden’s voice came from behind her.

Jaina didn’t bother to respond. There was no need. Instead, she felt his presence fade from the room until she heard the large cargo bay doors sliding closed behind him. Alone, she looked at the bowl and thought about picking it up and sipping from it like a normal human but instead she continued to lap at it. Knowing that somehow he would know.

Lapping at it took some time but soon her belly was full enough of the water that she turned from the bowls and began to settle in the cage. There were a couple of blankets in there that she spread out one on the floor and rolled the other into a kind of pillow. Nothing over herself but the ship was climate controlled and it was quite warm on the ship. Her chains rattled as she moved about in the cage until she found a comfortable position. Her eyes became heavy and soon she was asleep.

Startled awake, Jain knew they had come out of hyperspace. It was years of travel and piloting experience. There was no window in the bay but she knew it by the hum of the sub light engines. There was nothing she could do while locked in the cage. She waited for Grayden to come, which turned out to be about an hour later. When he returned he came with a bowl of food that seemed to be more kibble than anything.

“I wanted to get you fed before we jump back into hyperspace. Just had to do a course correction. Make sure no one is tracking us,” Grayden explained.

The bowl was laid down at the front of the cage while Grayden unlocked it. Soon it was shoved into the unlocked door and closed behind it. Jaina looked at it and it was certainly something that someone would feed to their pet. Jaina looked at him and wondered if she should just accept the humiliation.

“I don’t suppose I can get some real food,” Jaina stated.

“Pets in cages don’t get real food. They get kibble,” Grayden told her. 

“You will get real found enough but when you are caged, you will be fed kibble. Understand slave?” Grayden’s voice wasn’t threatening but it was certainly in a tone that made it clear he would not tolerate a debate on the matter.

“Yes Master,” Jaina replied, which elicited that smile on her Master’s face. 

Jaina looked down and saw the kibble. If she wanted to, she could shrug her shoulders. Instead, she reached down and spread her tongue out and looked down. Eating from a bowl was going to be among the worst humiliations she had suffered under Grayden, which was saying something when she still had the dildo in her ass and she didn’t even rank that as number one. The kibble was small little balls that seemed to be some sort of meat but a sniff told her nothing. Her tongue reached out and sampled the taste. It was pleasant, to say the least. 

“Are you really going to make me eat this?” Jaina asked.

“Do you want to eat?” Grayden answered. 

“Yes I do,” Jaina replied while she looked at the kibble again.

Again if she could shrug in her chains, she would. She could but she didn’t want to be punished. Even as he watched she knew he would watch forever if she would just eat from the bowl. Silently she fumed but Jaina reached down again. Her tongue reaching out and licking at first but then grabbed a hold of a piece of kibble. Bringing it in to her mouth. It tasted like nothing but bland. Thankful for that, she swallowed the little piece and reached out again with her tongue.

Grayden laughed from above her but she concentrated on taking another piece into her mouth. Her cheeks burned in humiliation but she brought the second piece to her mouth and swallowed. Delighted by her submission, Grayden leaned down. Putting a hand on the top of the cage, he watched as Jaina brought a third piece to her mouth and swallowed. 

“The great and powerful Jaina Solo is now nothing more than my slave eating kibble from a bowl,” Grayden laughed. 

Jaina took a fourth piece of kibble into her mouth. Getting used to the feeling of doing it for him she sped up her process and endeavored to get through her food as fast as she could. Filth and six went down and soon Grayden was done with relishing her humiliation and turned from the cage. He went towards a cabinet in the room and opened it. Jaina watched out of the corner of her eye as she eat her food. He seemed to rummage through things until he seemed to find what he wanted. Jaina couldn’t see but he put it down on the bed. It looked like some sort of clothing which if it was for Jaina would be the first time she had been clothed in a while. Her chains rattled as she ate. Soon through she was down while Grayden still searched through the cabinet. Jaina lay in her cage and waited. 

She was so low to the ground she could only watch the top half of Grayden as he seemed to be laying something out on the bed. After three trips, he seemed pleased with himself and came over to the cage. He unlocked it and took the finished bowl of kibble out and waved her forward. Jaina exited the cage but remained on all fours while Grayden took a step back and motioned for her to raise to her feet.

On her feet, she looked over towards the bed and her thoughts were confirmed. There was an outfit on the bed that Jaina had seen before. In some hotels and resorts throughout the galaxy that catered to a specific clientele. A maid costume that had been fetishized throughout the universe. Black and white, this one seemed to be on the much more skimpy side. It consisted of a black miniskirt that looked like it would reveal the bottom of her pussy to which she saw there was a pair of black silk panties just below the skirt.

Next, there was a black bra that seemed to be a push-up bra. It was outlined in a white frill that seemed a little out of place but it would work with the white frilled apron that looked like it would come over her shoulders and hang at her waist. The costume seemed to be on the skimpy side but Jaina loved the idea of wearing clothes again, though she had been accustomed to being nude. Standing over the bed, she looked at it one more time before she looked at the smiling face of Grayden.

“This will be our outfit mostly when we are out and in about in my headquarters, so get used to it,” Grayden informed her.

He went away for a second and came back with a pair of black heeled shoes. They had about a five-inch heel.

“Just one more thing for you. I hope you like it all” Grayden laughed but Jaina had to admit when it came to clothes that she could wear for him this was far more conservative than she would have imagined. 

Running her hand through the skirt, she noted it was a light material with a slightly transparent look to it. Her black panties would be somewhat visible through the skirt. What was more humiliating though was the skirt was so small that she would be showing her panties really anytime she moved. Taking her hands away from the skirt, she moved to the push-up bra. Again, the material was light and somewhat transparent again. She was sure that even with it being a push-up bra she was sure her nipple rings would be visible through it. The white lace apron would be wrapped around her waist. It wasn’t heavy and it to was semi transparent but thankfully the only thing that it would be clear to was the skirt underneath. 

“So a maid’s uniform. I don’t think you went through all the trouble of enslaving me if you just needed someone to clean up after you,” Jaina stated.

“That is right slave, you are not going to clean one thing. The costume is more to humiliate you than anything. Tell me, do you think you will be humiliated being seen in it?” Grayden asked. 

Jaina thought for a moment about it. She wasn’t sure if she would be as humiliated as he thought but she knew it would be humiliating to a degree.

“To be honest, I am not sure,” Jaina replied.

“Honesty is always the best way to go, slave. We shall see how you are when we arrive at my home. It is my headquarters after all, filled with all sorts of unsavory people. I am sure you will be humiliated but we shall see,” Grayden responded. 

“Pu tit on. We should be coming out of hyperspace soon. I will go to the cockpit. You put it on and meet me there,” Grayden ordered.

Grsayden moved towards her and produced a key. He took her hands in his and used the key to unlock her chains. Jaina had been so engulfed in seeing the uniform that she had forgotten she was wearing the chins. Fort the first time in a while she was truly free. She looked at Grayden who must have thought the same thing. A look of concern washed over him but Jaina smiled at him. Not a mirthless smile but a smile of reassurance. She fingered the bra and began to put it on.

“I made a commitment, I am yours,” Jaina confirmed for him.

Grayden smiled and moved to go away. He exited the room with a smile on his face. The clothes on the bed seemed to jump out at her as she studied them one more time. The heels had been added to the bottom of the outfit. Jaina grabbed a hold first of the bra and moved to put it on. It was tight as she pulled it on. But as it settled into place, she noted that it did push up her breasts. Her nipple rings were certainly highlighted by the bra as she expected. Settling it in, she found the material was nice and cool and lightweight.

Next, she picked up the panties. These too were transparent but not overly so and again she noted they were going to be so tight that her labia and clit rings would be visible. Fighting back the wave of humiliation that brought on, she stepped into them. One foot first and then the second. She pulled them up to her waist and settled them in. They were stringed at the back. The string bisected her ass cheeks enough that Jaina knew there was no cover there. She could still feel the air on her ass cheeks but the front was tight to her. Showing the rings, she felt that wave of shame flood through her again.

“A little tight but I guess that’s the purpose,” Jaina mused to herself. Feeling the dildo in her ass rubbing against it, she felt nothing but shame.

The next item was the skirt. Picking it up she opened it from the back. Placing it around her waist, she fitted it in and connected it at the back. She couldn’t help herself she did a little twirl in and looked down. Sure enough, there was nothing but her panties showing as she did so.

“Great,” Jaina said to herself.

Next was the white frilled apron that she tied around her waist and then centered it on herself. It was shorter than the skirt so it did not help her with her showing panties. 

“Great” Jaina said again. 

Dressed up, she patted herself down and tried to get a good look at herself. She could only look down. Looking around, she saw the lavish bathroom. In it she found a full-length mirror. Jaina looked at herself and found she was in a version of the outfit that could only be described as a fetish version. 

“Great,” Jaina said one more time.

End Chapter 7

Jaina walked towards the cockpit. Feeling the somewhat cool air on her skin through her new outfit. She wasn’t entirely sure if she liked being freed of the chains but she walked towards the cockpit sure of herself.

“Hello Master,” Jaina announced from the back as she walked in.

Grayden was sitting at the pilot’s station once more. He looked over his should and then spun his chair around to take her in.

“You look very good, slave,” Grayden commented. 

“Thank you, I feel like I am just dressed up like for a convention or a porn shoot,” Jaina admitted.

“HAHAHA or a porn shoot. What would you know about that slave?” Grayden answered.

If humiliation wasn’t new to her, she might have become flushed but as she had spent days in chains and been doing what she had done. It was a porn shoot her entire life now. So she didn’t become flushed. Simply she looked at Grayden and smiled.

“Oh I have seen one or two,” Jaina stated. 

“I shall very much like to hear about that but it must wait. We are about to come out of hyperspace,” Grayden informed her. 

Grayden reached to the throttle and waited. The counter came down to zero and he pulled back on the throttle. The streaking stars that were in front of them streaked into a stillness and they came out of hyperspace. Jaina looked out and saw a planet that was covered in storms. Blue/Green clouds seemed to whip around the planet at a furious pace. Grayden set a course and that planet began to get bigger and bigger as they approached. 

“Where are we?” Jaina asked.

“This is my planet. I have my headquarters here. From here I run my operations,” Grayden explained.

“Operations?” Jaina asked.

“A little of everything,” Grayden answered.

“Yeah that sounds like real fun,” Jaina said while looking at him.

“I am mainly in arms sales but I have my hand in many things,” Grayden admitted.

Grayden opened a comm channel and leaned in.

“Mar4 clear me for landing” Grayden ordered.

“I trust your trip was productive?” A droid’s voice came through the comm.

Grayden looked at Jaina in her new maid’s uniform and smiled. Jaina couldn’t help but smile as well.

“I would say it was very productive,” Jaina’s voice rang out before Grayden. Though the look in his eyes made it clear he was amused and was about to say the same thing. 

“Very Good” The droid’s answer betrayed nothing as if he had heard the voice of anyone his Master.

Grayden was a decent pilot. As he swooped down in the atmosphere, there was barely a bump as he did so. Jaina knew in this rig she could make it like a feather but she had to admit he was quite good and his reflexes were that of a smuggler. She knew that from experience as well. He angled towards what looked like a large oval shape. Jaina had seen these kinds of floating cities before. When she had been taken by her uncle Lando to Bespin once, she had seen one of these. She knew from experience that they could hold thousands of people but this one seemed smaller. Maybe a few hundred people but it was still large. There was one hanger bay which Grayden guided them towards. Jaina took a seat behind him and waited for the ship to touch down. The ship hissed as it came to a complete halt. Grayden looked at her with that smile on his face.

“You are thinking that you could have done it better aren’t you slave?” Grayden read her thoughts.

Jaina smiled and nodded her head.

“I bet you could but I think you’ll even admit that I am no slouch when it comes to flying,” Grayden teased her.

Again Jaina nodded and looked out through the viewport. There was a form approaching the ship. It was a protocol droid that was walking a little more human like towards them. Certainly faster than what C-3P0 could do on his best day.

“Mar4?” Jaina asked.

“Yes. My personal attendant and number two in my organization,” Grayden informed her.

“That’s a lot to ask of a protocol droid,” Jaina admitted.

“Yes but he is quite good,” Grayden replied as he motioned for her to get up and move into the ship.

The entire of the ship was there for them as they emerged from the cockpit. Jaina had Grayden walk past her and went to the bedroom. He returned with her chains. Jaina looked at him and then looked down at herself. 

“Really? It’s not like I am going anywhere anyways,” Jaina said.

“I told you I like seeing you in them and I want to see how they would be while you are in your uniform,” Grayden reasoned. 

He threw them at her feet and Jaina shrugged.

“Ok,” Jaina stated while she reached down and took a hold of them.

Putting the chains on was something she was quite used to now. Practiced hands had her ankles chains first and then her collar on and finally the wrists. All chained up she looked at herself and wondered what Grayden was thinking. He stood looking at her with nothing on his face until he finally smiled widely and clapped.

“I love it,” Grayden declared.

“Great” Jaina said, deadpan. 

He produced the lead from a pocket in his pants and went towards her. Connecting the leash, he gave a slight tug to just let her know she was now on leash. 

“Now let us make our way to our quarters,” Grayden said almost sinister like. 

There was nothing he could do in the privacy of his chambers that Jaina hadn’t already experienced so she wasn’t worried about that but as Mar4 arrived, she wondered just how many people were about to see her like this. 

“Welcome back Sir. I see you have certainly been successful. Is she fully trained?” Mar4 completely ignored Jaina for a moment.

“Yes she is. Aren’t you slave?” Grayden asked.

“Yes, I have been trained in slave practices and protocol as well as position training. My ass, pussy and mouth have also been trained to service my Master” Jaina had never thought she could speak in such a way but she had been trained to answer that question just as she had done and now she felt the shame rise to her cheeks for something as innocent as saying the words. 

“Wonderful” The droid’s eyes trained on her and Jaina felt as though it was somehow looking into her soul.

“I do so like the chains and the outfit is just as we wanted,” the droid said as it stared at Jaina. 

“Yes, I couldn’t agree more,” Grayden tugged on her leash and soon the three of them were moving towards the exit of the hangar. 

Emerging into a long corridor, Jaina looked around. The corridor was white walled with a blue line on each side that bisected the wall. The top of the corridor was a light blue that was just a shade lighter than the lines on the walls. Thankfully for Jaina there were no other people in the corridor. She fell into step behind the pair of Grayden and Mar4. The leash that Grayden had hung over his shoulder as he walked, the leash connected to her collar. Jaina just followed obediently.

They reached a junction with another corridor and Jaina looked to her right and saw there was no one there but when she looked to her left, she saw a pair of people that were walking towards her. By their garb, Jaina knew they were pilots. The looks on their faces were not something she knew from experience but as they got closer, Grayden slowed so that they could see her more clearly. They got closer and Jaina was intimately aware of the maid costume she was in and as revealing as it was. She tried to hide herself but a tug on her leash let her know that Grayden knew what she was trying to do. The pair walked by her and took her into their sights. Jaina felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks again. The pilots walked past her but Jaina knew they had taken her into their minds. Her clit throbbed for some reason. Aroused at the thought of being objectified. 

“Wait a sec” One of the pilots said aloud. 

Jaina looked at the pair and felt a surge of shame rise to her cheeks and her very soul when the pair of them turned back to take her in their sights again.

“I knew it!” Cried the same one who had just spoken.

“Jaina Solo,” the pilot rightly identified. Jaina couldn’t see Grayden’s face but she could certainly feel his smile.

“It is you!” The pilot took a step back towards her.

Jaina felt the shame in her very core then but she tried to let it wash over her. Grayden turned and walked towards the pilot. Putting himself between her and the pilot.

“How would you know my slave, sir?” Grayden asked the pilot.

Jaina felt her earth move from under her. She had chosen to be his but now like this the choice was humiliating and despite herself she found it oh so humiliating but oh so arousing as well. She had to bite back the red in her cheeks not just from the shame but from the flush in her pussy. 

The pilot tried to look around Grayden’s shoulder while the other pilot tried to get a look at her as well. To Jaina’s surprise Grayden was somewhat shielding her from their gaze but she could see the smile from the side of his face as he did so. 

“I flew in the war. Crossed paths on ships a couple of times. Never said hello to each other but you don’t forget seeing the great Jaina Solo onboard the ship” The pilot said with enthusiasm. 

“And you certainly don’t forget seeing her in chains and collared like some cheap Hutt slave girl!” The pilot didn’t seem to care now who he was taking to. He reached to Grayden’s shoulder and pulled him aside. The other pilot got a good look at Jaina in that moment before MAr4 stepped to blocked the view.

“Good Sirs you have stumbled upon something quite hush hush. Perhaps it would be for the best to simply walk away” The droid suggested while Grayden angrily stepped back in the way of the pilots’ view.

“An excellent suggestion Mar4. Certainly our friends here can take a hint.” Grayden, Jaina sensed actually bared his teeth at that remark though Jaina didn’t know for sure as she was now being shielded by both Grayden and Mar4.

“Of course. I let my zeal and surprise get in my way. Sorry Mr. Grayden Sir. It should come as no surprise that someone of your stature would acquire such a piece of……. property.” The pilot raised his hands and bowed to the pair. Jaina turned to fully take them in and moved to stand directly behind Grayden. Her leash the only thing separating her from Grayden’s back

“I appreciate your discretion as well,” Jaina said from behind.

“Such a good slave. Since they have found their manners. Come in front of me slave. Let your former colleague see your new station in life fully” Grayden’s smile was easy to see as Jaina did as she was ordered. 

Stepping in front of Grayden and his droid, Jaina locked eyes with the pilot and his friend. Jaina didn’t recognize him but that meant nothing. There were hundreds of thousands of pilots during the war; it was only fitting that she would come into contact with one who just happened to serve on some of the same ships. 

“I am not sure what my Master has in store for me but if he is asking for your discretion then so am I,” Jaina stated firmly.

The two pilots looked her up and down. Clearly taking her appearance into their memories but they both nodded.

“I would, like I said, not wish to step on your toes Sir….” The pilot nodded towards Grayden who nodded back.

“….. so I think I will just drink this in and go from there. What about you?” The pilot motioned to his friend.

The other pilot simply nodded. Jaina could almost pinpoint the exact moment he had his mind take a picture of her in his memory. 

“If you are going to remember something about this…… remember the chains, Master Grayden loves the way they look at me. Or maybe my piercings that you can see through my clothes. I know he likes those as well,” Jaina stated with a smile on her face that was surprisingly genuine. 

Again she could feel the smile on Grayden’s face from behind her. 

The two pilots nodded to them and then to each other before they finally departed on their way down the corridor. Jaina let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. The leash connected to her collar tightened and she felt Grayden coming next to her.

“Well done slave” Grayden announced from her side.

“A most pleasant resolution to a tricky situation” Mar4 said from her other side.

“I don’t know if you plan to….. take me public but I imagined that was not the way you would want to do it” Jaina reasoned aloud.

“That is quite right. I have just the idea to take you public,” Grayden replied. He pulled on her leash forcing her to turn slightly to look into his smiling face. 

“Well handled and you gave them such a treat” Grayden continued. 

“I am glad you approve, Master,” Jaina retorted while he took a hold of a closer portion of her leash and pulled her closer to him. Her face was just an inch from his own.

“Such a beautiful slave” Grayden remarked before he thrust his face out. His lips contacted her own and opened her mouth. His tongue reached inside. Her own matching his as she kissed her Master. 

Jaina melted in his grip as his hands explored her already very well explored body. His hands lingered on her clit ring and then on her nipples. She would have taken herself away from his grip but she was intoxicated by his handling of her. She loved his ownership over her and couldn’t help but just slide into his embrace. The kiss ended, she was left feeling so aroused she didn’t notice that the two pilots were now far away from them. Grayden let her go and moved around her. Taking stock that the pilots were no longer there he took a hold of her leash and shortened his grip on it. His smile was wide as he turned to face her again. 

“Come, let's get you settled,” Grayden remarked as he tugged on her leash.

Looking out over the assembled mass below her Jaina could only feel anxiety and apprehension. Standing in a view box over the ball room below she looked at all the people and turned to her Master Grayden who stood next to her.

“That’s a lot of people,” Jaina said to him.

Grayden chuckled a little and turned his face towards her. 

“Yes it is and these are but a fraction of my associates that you will meet under my control but don’t worry you will meet them all in time” Grayden’s smile was deep and sinister and yet Jaina found it warming to her. 

Jaina looked at herself in the reflection of the glass and couldn’t help but shudder a little. She wore a purple dress that was strapless but went around her neck and down to her breasts. Hugging them and keeping them secure and covered. Or at least as covered as the dress would permit. It was translucent in certain light and angles to the point that her nipple, labia and clit rings would be visible and her nipple and pussy in certain angles and light.

The dress hugged her down to just below her knees. It was tight but not too uncomfortable to walk in. Though she had to admit there was no way she would be able to do much more than walk and bend in it. Even bending seemed like it might be too much to show, she wasn’t allowed underwear anymore. 

Today was to be her debut to his friends. She found the whole idea humiliating which just made her hot and bothered now. So conditioned to it she simply shrugged her shoulders now and went with the feeling. Grayden was going to make sure she had a grand entrance. He looked her over and smiled. Jaina couldn’t help but return the smile. 

“You look absolutely marvelous but there is something missing” Grayden commented to her as his eyes roamed her body.

Grayden stepped away and gave Jaina a full view of the assembled masses below through the window. She shuddered a little as she looked at her own reflection again. It didn’t take long, Grayden was only gone a moment before he came to her with a briefcase. Jaina eyed it suspiciously. Knowing that whatever was in there was going to make him happy and probably humiliate or torment her. Maybe even both. He placed the briefcase on the palm of his left hand. He moved with precision on his right hand and opened the briefcase.

Shown to her was something Jaina should have expected. Five rings all silver but beautifully etched with carving in all of them. The biggest one was a silver ring only about an inch wide. It had a d ring at the front and at the back there appeared to be a latch with a small hole. A collar with a lock, Jaina thought to herself. The other four rings were easy to see. Two for her wrists and two for her ankles. They were beautiful enough that they could be taken for jewelry. Though those who knew her new station in life would get a good laugh at them being so prominently displayed. 

“They are gorgeous,” Jaina exclaimed and though she shuddered from the humiliation inside she had to admit the etchings and the silver were truly beautiful. 

“I thought you might like them. Are they not perfect for the public?” Grayden said.

“Though I think the collar may become permanent. I do like it and the idea of a permanent collar around you is certainly something that I like” Grayden continued. 

Jaina reached out and took the collar in her hands and ran a finger along it. The silver was smooth and a little cool to the touch. The etchings were beautiful and seemed to be writing in a language that she didn’t quite know.

“What does it mean?” Jaina asked Grayden.

“Ah yes, carved in a language only I and some associates would know. Something we came up with to avoid certain legal offices” Grayden commented.

“What does it mean?” Jaina asked as she ran a finger over the words.

“I am sure you can guess close enough, slave,” Grayden told her. 

“Slave or maybe something more like property” Jaina guessed with a smile on her face and somehow arousing herself.

“Actually pretty close,” Grayden said to her.

He took the collar from her hands and opened it with a small tool that Jaina hadn’t seen before. The collar opened at the back. Her master took the collar and moved back towards her. Jaina, knowing what was coming, took a hold of her hair and lifted it up so that he had a clean neck to place it around. He moved towards her, getting closer. The collar in hand he wrapped it around her throat and closed it. With a click she heard the collar locked around her. 

“It says Property of Grayden,” Grayden informed as he took a hold of a breast through her dress. Jaina couldn’t help but moan at the touch. His fingers playing with her nipple ring.

His hands roamed her body. Melting into his touch she knew that he was simply playing with his property and she was perfectly fine with it. He cupped her pussy and rubbed a finger along it. Playing with the rings through the dress. Jaina moaned and couldn’t help but look at her own reflection in the window. She saw her face flushed and her body almost enclosed within Grayden’s melted into him like some sort of extra body part. 

“MMMMMM” Jaina moaned in his embrace.

“Careful slave, we don't want you too worked up. Don’t want those thighs and legs showing just what a slut you are” Grayden teased while rubbing his finger against her pussy again. 

His smile in the window amused Jaina and also gave her more arousal. 

“I understand Master” Jaina relented and forced herself to calm down, which was hard with his hands still roaming her body.

Thankfully he took himself away from her and looked her over. The briefcase which he had to have set down at some point to grope her was now back in his hands. He took out the first of the smaller rings and Jaina held out a hand. It was locked around her wrist within moments and then the other one was wrapped around and locked. She dangled them in her arms and found they would not move down her arms. They stayed perfectly center on her wrists though there was some room for movement. They looked more like bracelets then restraints, which was the point she noted in her head. 

Jaina moved her hands up to her face and looked at them. These were etched but not in what looked like a language it seemed more artistic than anything. She loved the way they looked and with her purple dress they looked radiant in the light of the room. Somehow reflecting the limited light of the observational lounge they found themselves in.

Grayden placed the briefcase down next to her and removed one of the larger rings. Jaina lifted her right leg up. Grayden took it in his hand and wrapped the ring around her ankle. Locking it, he then moved to the other one. Her ankles were soon adorned with the rings. To her and to many it would appear she was just wearing pieces of jewelry but to others who know her new role they would see them for what they were. Restraints which showed her worth as a slave. 

“Are you ready, slave?” He asked her.

“Yes Master” Jaina said though her body trembled in humiliation and fear. 

Grayden turned from her and moved towards the door.

“I will have Mar4 announce your arrival. I will meet you at the bottom” Grayden informed her.

With a nod from her, Jaina was left alone for a brief moment. Through the window she saw Grayden descending the stairs and bringing Mar4 to him. The droid nodded its head and Jaina saw it looking towards her. Not that he could see through the window but Jaina knew that was the sign to begin. 

With a big breath Jaina exited the room and looked down towards the ballroom where all the people were. At the moment know one was looking up the staircase towards her but she saw at the bottom the droid was waiting for her to begin her descent. With a nod she started to go down.

Mar4 looked at her and waited until she was about half way down. The droid turned to the assemblage and made a noise. Almost like clearing his throat but it was mechanical and spread throughout the hall. Grayden looked up at her and smiled. Jaina continued on her way down until she reached about a quarter from the bottom. 

“May I present Jaina Solo, personal servant of our host tonight…. Grayden Creed,” Mar4 announced.

There was a hush in the room as they all turned to look at her. Just then as they did Jaina walked beneath a light that shone down on her. As she looked down at herself she saw that the dress had gone completely translucent. She should have been shamed but instead her nipples became rock hard and a flush entered her face as her arousal took control. Already a little hot from Grayden’s earlier groping she had to will herself to calm down.

As Mar4 finished his proclamation Jaina hit the last of the steps and was greeted by Grayden. All the eyes in the room were focused on her. Her dress was completely see-thru at the moment which she knew everyone was looking at. Her piercings shined through. Her arousal was still too hard to tame. Grayden took her in his arms and kissed her. Long and drawn out he made sure everyone in that room saw him literally possess her like a piece of property. 

“Welcome slave,” Grayden said to her in a whisper as he took himself from her.

Jaina nodded and turned towards the rest of the people.

“I am now Grayden’s personal servant. Many may know me and others just by name. I assure you I am nothing but his servant from here until he has no other need for me” Jaina proclaimed much to the grinning smile of Grayden besides her.

“Yes my friends so please drink and be merry for this is a wonderful day. Jaina Solo is now nothing but mine” Grayden didn’t label it as property but he came close and Jaina was even more aroused by his own proclamation. 

He slapped her on the butt, causing her to stand closer to him.

“I am yours,” Jaina said with lust in her voice.

“I know,” Grayden replied with a smile. 

The End. 

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